Exemple #1
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnUpdate);
     proxy.ClientConnected += (client) => _fame.Add(client, -1);
     proxy.ClientDisconnected += (client) => _fame.Remove(client);
Exemple #2
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
Exemple #3
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.MAPINFO, GetMapInfo);
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.CREATESUCCESS, OnEnterMap);
     initialized = false;
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     _proxy = proxy;
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.RECONNECT, OnReconnect);
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.CREATESUCCESS, OnCreateSuccess);
     proxy.HookCommand("connect", OnConnectCommand);
     proxy.HookCommand("recon", OnReconnectCommand);
     proxy.HookCommand("drecon", OnDReconnectCommand);
Exemple #5
        public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
            proxy.ClientConnected += (c) => _states.Add(c, new LootState());
            proxy.ClientDisconnected += (c) => _states.Remove(c);

            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.MOVE, OnMove);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnNewTick);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.QUESTOBJID, OnQuestObjId);
            proxy.HookCommand("loothelper", OnLootHelperCommand);
Exemple #6
        public void Attach(Proxy proxy)
            _proxy = proxy;

            proxy.HookCommand("con", OnConnectCommand);
            proxy.HookCommand("connect", OnConnectCommand);
            proxy.HookCommand("server", OnConnectCommand);
            proxy.HookCommand("recon", OnReconCommand);
            proxy.HookCommand("drecon", OnDreconCommand);
Exemple #7
        public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
            _classes = (short[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Classes));

            proxy.ClientConnected += (c) => _states.Add(c, new TeleportState());
            proxy.ClientDisconnected += (c) => _states.Remove(c);

            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnNewTick);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.QUESTOBJID, OnQuestObjId);
            proxy.HookCommand("tq", OnTQCommand);
            proxy.HookCommand("tp", OnTPCommand);
Exemple #8
 public void Attach(Proxy proxy)
     _proxy = proxy;
Exemple #9
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.ClientConnected += (client) => _incHolders.Clear();
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
     proxy.HookCommand("wc", OnWCCommand);
Exemple #10
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
     proxy.HookCommand("amispecial", OnSpecialCommand);
Exemple #11
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.USEITEM, OnUseItem);
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATEACK, OnUpdateAck);
     proxy.HookCommand("worldedit", OnWorldEditCommand);
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.CLIENTSTAT, OnClientStat);
Exemple #13
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate);
     proxy.HookCommand("mapfilter", OnMapFilterCommand);
Exemple #14
        public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
                .ForEach(enemy => {
                    // armor piercing
                    if (enemy.Value.Projectiles.Any(p => p.ArmorPiercing)) {
                        Bullet.piercing[enemy.Value.ID] = new List<int>();
                        enemy.Value.Projectiles.ForEach(proj => {
                            if (proj.ArmorPiercing)

                    // armor break
                    if (enemy.Value.Projectiles.Any(p => p.StatusEffects.ContainsKey(ConditionEffectIndex.ArmorBroken))) {
                        Bullet.breaking[enemy.Value.ID] = new List<int>();
                        enemy.Value.Projectiles.ForEach(proj => {
                            if (proj.StatusEffects.ContainsKey(ConditionEffectIndex.ArmorBroken))
            PluginUtils.Log("Auto Nexus", "Found {0} armor-piercing projectiles from {1} enemies.", Bullet.piercing.Sum(e => e.Value.Count), Bullet.piercing.Count);
            PluginUtils.Log("Auto Nexus", "Found {0} armor-breaking projectiles from {1} enemies.", Bullet.breaking.Sum(e => e.Value.Count), Bullet.breaking.Count);

            clients = new Dictionary<Client, ClientState>();

            proxy.HookCommand("autonexus", OnCommand);

            proxy.ClientConnected += OnConnect;
            proxy.ClientDisconnected += OnDisconnect;

            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnPacket);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnPacket);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.ENEMYSHOOT, OnPacket);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.PLAYERHIT, OnPacket);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.AOE, OnPacket);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.MAPINFO, OnPacket);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.GROUNDDAMAGE, OnPacket);
Exemple #15
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
     proxy.HookCommand("chatassist", OnChatAssistCommand);
     proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.TEXT, OnText);
Exemple #16
 public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
Exemple #17
        public void Initialize(Proxy proxy)
            proxy.HookCommand("/dn", OnC);
            proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.TEXT, T);

            #region Code Generated With PixelZerg's WebScraper
            #region Pirate Cave
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Pirate Cave",
                Difficulty = 1,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/mpQLemW.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
"pirate cave",
            #region Forest Maze
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Forest Maze",
                Difficulty = 1,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/sb8e4YJ.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Spider Den
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Spider Den",
                Difficulty = 1,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/H88LAt4.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Snake Pit
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Snake Pit",
                Difficulty = 1,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/z7KMqgq.gif",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
"snack pot",
            #region Beachzone
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Beachzone",
                Difficulty = 1,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "http://static.drips.pw/rotmg/wiki/Environment/Portals/Beachzone%20Portal.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Forbidden Jungle
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Forbidden Jungle",
                Difficulty = 2,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/5NmNR0l.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Sprite World
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Sprite World",
                Difficulty = 2,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/tvILM8B.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
"dex world",
            #region Candyland Hunting Grounds
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Candyland Hunting Grounds",
                Difficulty = 3,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "http://static.drips.pw/rotmg/wiki/Environment/Portals/Candyland%20Portal.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
"candy land",
            #region Haunted Cemetery
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Haunted Cemetery",
                Difficulty = 3,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/8NcxYGb.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Undead Lair
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Undead Lair",
                Difficulty = 3,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/qim0En4.gif",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Abyss of Demons
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Abyss of Demons",
                Difficulty = 4,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/EuIPzaA.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Davy Jones's Locker
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Davy Jones's Locker",
                Difficulty = 4,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "http://static.drips.pw/rotmg/wiki/Environment/Portals/Davy%20Jones's%20Locker%20Portal.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Lair of Draconis
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Lair of Draconis",
                Difficulty = 4,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://www.realmeye.com/s/a/img/wiki/Lair%20of%20Draconis%20Portal.gif",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Manor of the Immortals
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Manor of the Immortals",
                Difficulty = 4,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/EopMddF.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region The Puppet Master's Theatre
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "The Puppet Master's Theatre",
                Difficulty = 4,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/HYyyJo7.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region The Crawling Depths
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "The Crawling Depths",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/WCgHcTj.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Deadwater Docks
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Deadwater Docks",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/FXZ8JKo.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Ice Cave
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Ice Cave",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "http://static.drips.pw/rotmg/wiki/Environment/Portals/Ice%20Cave%20Portal.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
"ice cave",
            #region Mad Lab
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Mad Lab",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/KgEpI5j.gif",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Ocean Trench
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Ocean Trench",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/81QgQXX.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
" ot",
            #region The Shatters
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "The Shatters",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/xsoxbc8.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Tomb of the Ancients
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Tomb of the Ancients",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/9ovOSx3.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Woodland Labyrinth
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Woodland Labyrinth",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/Quf5AqP.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Oryx's Castle
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Oryx's Castle",
                Difficulty = 4,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "http://s17.postimg.org/u6ujfpxu3/mp_QLem_W.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Wine Cellar
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Wine Cellar",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "http://static.drips.pw/rotmg/wiki/Environment/Portals/Locked%20Wine%20Cellar%20Portal.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
            #region Lair of Shaitan
            Data.Entries.Add(new Data.Entry
                Name = "Lair of Shaitan",
                Difficulty = 5,
                Enabled = true, //Default
                ImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/pUgvoRm.png",
                KeyWords = new string[] {
