Exemple #1
 static void DisplayMulticastInfo(MulticastDelegate md)
     foreach(var d in md.GetInvocationList())
Exemple #2
		internal void FireEventToDelegates(MulticastDelegate md, ManagementEventArgs args)
				if (md != null)
					Delegate[] invocationList = md.GetInvocationList();
					for (int i = 0; i < (int)invocationList.Length; i++)
						Delegate @delegate = invocationList[i];
							object[] objArray = new object[2];
							objArray[0] = this.sender;
							objArray[1] = args;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the class with the given <paramref name="targetDelegate"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetDelegate">The delegate that will be used to instantiate the factory.</param>
        public DelegateFactory(MulticastDelegate targetDelegate)
            if (targetDelegate.Method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
                throw new ArgumentException("The factory delegate must have a return type.");

            _targetDelegate = targetDelegate;
Exemple #4
 public static void InvokeMulticast(object sender, MulticastDelegate md)
     if (md != null)
         InvokeMulticast(sender, md, null);
Exemple #5
        public static void InvokeDelegates(MulticastDelegate mDelegate, object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mDelegate == null)

            Delegate[] delegates = mDelegate.GetInvocationList();
            if (delegates == null)

            // Invoke delegates within their threads
            foreach (Delegate _delegate in delegates)
                if (_delegate.Target.GetType().ContainsGenericParameters)
                    Console.WriteLine("Cannot invoke event handler on a generic type.");

                object[] contextAndArgs = { sender, e };
                ISynchronizeInvoke syncInvoke = _delegate.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
                    if (syncInvoke != null)
                        // This case applies to the situation when Delegate.Target is a 
                        // Control with an open window handle.
                        syncInvoke.Invoke(_delegate, contextAndArgs);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the given delegate from my invocation list.
        /// </summary>
        protected override sealed Delegate Remove(Delegate other)
            if (this.Equals(other))
                // Front of the list
                var result = next;
                next = null;
                return result;

            MulticastDelegate parent = this;
            while ((parent != null) && (!other.Equals(parent.next)))
                parent = parent.next;

            if (parent != null)
                MulticastDelegate otherx = parent.next;
                parent.next = otherx.next;
                otherx.next = null;

            return this;
Exemple #7
        static public void CallEvent(string objMgPath, string eventName, MulticastDelegate delgt, params object[] eventParams)
                if (!PurviewMgr.IsMainHost)
                    object[] newparams = new object[eventParams.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < eventParams.Length; i++)
                        if (eventParams[i] is IGameObj)
                            newparams[i] = new GameObjSyncInfo(((IGameObj)eventParams[i]).MgPath);
                            newparams[i] = eventParams[i];


                    // 通过网络协议传递给主机
                    SyncCasheWriter.SubmitNewEvent(objMgPath, eventName, newparams);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void EventUnhooked(MulticastDelegate eventHandler)
            // The rest of the method must be inline or the stack trace won't be correct.
            StackTrace currentStackTrace = new StackTrace();

            // Make sure we were called from a "remove" method of an event.
            string callingEventMethodName = currentStackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
            Debug.Assert(callingEventMethodName.StartsWith("remove_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "EventUnhooked called from an invalid method");
            string eventName = callingEventMethodName.Substring("remove_".Length);

            if (eventHandler == null)
                // If the MulticastDelegate is null, then the event is completely unhooked.
                // Save the current stack trace for debugging.
                if (!_eventsUnhooked.ContainsKey(eventName))
                    _eventsUnhooked[eventName] = new List<StackTrace>();

 private void InvokeHandler( MulticastDelegate handlerList, EventArgs e )
     object[] args = new object[] { this, e };
     foreach( Delegate handler in handlerList.GetInvocationList() )
         object target = handler.Target;
         System.Windows.Forms.Control control
             = target as System.Windows.Forms.Control;
             if ( control != null && control.InvokeRequired )
                 //control.Invoke( handler, args );
                 control.BeginInvoke(handler, args);
                 handler.Method.Invoke( target, args );
         catch( Exception ex )
             // TODO: Stop rethrowing this since it goes back to the
             // Test domain which may not know how to handle it!!!
             Console.WriteLine( "Exception:" );
             Console.WriteLine( ex );
             //throw new TestEventInvocationException( ex );
 public static string BuildFor(MulticastDelegate action, string prefixToExclude)
     var name = action.Method.Name;
     if (name.StartsWith(prefixToExclude, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
         name = name.Substring(prefixToExclude.Length).TrimStart('_');
     return BuildFor(name);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>Find integral using Lobatto Rule</summary>
        /// <param name="f">Function to integrate. Must be of the
        /// form y = f(x) where x and y are of type "double".</param>
        /// <param name="a">Lower bound of integral</param>
        /// <param name="b">Upper bound of integral</param>
        /// <returns>Area under funciton curve with an error of +- 1e-6</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Derived from "W. Gander and W. Gautschi: Adaptive Quadrature - 
        /// Revisited, BIT Vol. 40, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 84--101. CS technical 
        /// report: Report (gzipped, 82K). Programs: adaptsim.m, adaptlob.m", which
        /// can be found at: http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gander/.
        /// The defualt error of 1e-6 was chosen in order to give results
        /// comparible in speed and precision to Matlab R2009a.
        /// </remarks>
        public static double quadl(MulticastDelegate f, double a, double b)
            double tol = 1e-6; // to have the same level of precision as Matlab
            // in the future, this could be an input?
            double m = (a + b) / 2.0;
            double h = (b - a) / 2.0;
            double alpha = Math.Sqrt(2.0 / 3.0);
            double beta = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(5.0);

            double c1 = 0.942882415695480;
            double c2 = 0.641853342345781;
            double c3 = 0.236383199662150;

            double y1 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(a),
                   y2 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m - c1 * h),
                   y3 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m - alpha * h),
                   y4 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m - c2 * h),
                   y5 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m - beta * h),
                   y6 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m - c3 * h),
                   y7 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m),
                   y8 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m + c3 * h),
                   y9 = (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m + beta * h),
                   y10= (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m + c2 * h),
                   y11= (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m + alpha * h),
                   y12= (double)f.DynamicInvoke(m + c1 * h),
                   y13= (double)f.DynamicInvoke(b);

            double fa = y1;
            double fb = y13;

            double i2 = (h / 6.0) * (y1 + y13 + 5 * (y5 + y9));
            double i1 = (h / 1470.0) * (77 * (y1 + y13) + 432 * (y3 + y11) + 625 * (y5 + y9) + 672 * y7);

            double i0 = h * (
                0.0158271919734802 * (y1 + y13) +
                0.0942738402188500 * (y2 + y12) +
                0.155071987336585 * (y3 + y11) +
                0.188821573960182 * (y4 + y10) +
                0.199773405226859 * (y5 + y9) +
                0.224926465333340 * (y6 + y8) +
                0.242611071901408 * y7);

            double s = (i0 >= 0) ? 1 : -1;

            double erri1 = Math.Abs(i1 - i0);
            double erri2 = Math.Abs(i2 - i0);

            double R = (erri2 == 0) ? 1 : erri1 / erri2;

            i0 = s * Math.Abs(i0) * tol / double.Epsilon;
            if (i0 == 0) i0 = b - a;

            return quadlStep(f, a, b, fa, fb, i0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Raise an event with routines-delegates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="evnt">Event to raise</param>
 /// <param name="action">Routines to start</param>
 /// <returns>Routine</returns>
 public static IEnumerator YieldForEach(this System.MulticastDelegate evnt, System.Func <System.Delegate, Coroutine> action)
     if (evnt != null)
         System.Delegate[] delegates = evnt.GetInvocationList();
         foreach (System.Delegate d in delegates)
             yield return(action(d));
 public override object Execute(MulticastDelegate dele, ParameterCollection parameters)
         return dele.DynamicInvoke(parameters.AllParameterValues);
     catch (Exception ex)
         return this.ExecuteOnException(ex, parameters);
 public static bool TrySetSlot(MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate, object[] a, int index, object o)
     if (a[index] == null)
     a[index] = o;
       if (a[index] != null)
     return false;
       return false;
Exemple #15
		public static object[] SafeMultiInvoke(MulticastDelegate delegateToFire, params object[] parameters )
			Delegate[] invocationList = delegateToFire.GetInvocationList();		
			object[] retvals = new object[invocationList.Length];
			int i=0;			
			foreach (Delegate dlg in invocationList)
				retvals[i++] = SafeInvoke(dlg, parameters);		
			return retvals;
        public static void UnbindFromEvent(string eventName, object source, MulticastDelegate target)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            Type sourceType = source.GetType();
            EventInfo targetEvent = sourceType.GetEvent(eventName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            if (targetEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                string.Format("Event '{0}' was not found on source type '{1}'", eventName, sourceType.FullName));

            Type delegateType = targetEvent.EventHandlerType;
            targetEvent.RemoveEventHandler(source, target);
Exemple #17
 public MulticastDelegate Clone()
     MulticastDelegate headClone = new MulticastDelegate(Target, Function);
     MulticastDelegate prevClone = headClone;
     MulticastDelegate current = headClone._next;
     MulticastDelegate clone;
     while (current != null)
         clone = new MulticastDelegate(current.Target, current.Function);
         clone._prev = prevClone;
         prevClone = clone;
         current = current._next;
     return headClone;
Exemple #18
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
            if (d.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData != m_extraFunctionPointerOrData)
                return false;

            int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
            for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                Delegate dd = invocationList[i];
                Delegate[] dInvocationList = d.m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (!dd.Equals(dInvocationList[i]))
                    return false;
            return true;
        public string TestGetName()
            // return this.OnGetName();

            System.MulticastDelegate m     = (System.MulticastDelegate) this.OnGetName;
            System.Delegate[]        dlist = m.GetInvocationList();
            string[] results = new string[dlist.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < dlist.Length; ++i)
                object[] p = { /*put your parameters here*/ };
                results[i] = System.Convert.ToString(dlist[i].DynamicInvoke(p));

            // return string.Join(",", results);
        public override object Execute(MulticastDelegate dele, ParameterCollection parameters)
                return dele.DynamicInvoke(parameters.AllParameterValues);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;



Exemple #21
 public static void TryInvoke(this System.MulticastDelegate theDelegate, params object[] args)
     if (theDelegate == null)
     foreach (Delegate handler in theDelegate.GetInvocationList())
         catch (Exception ex)
             Logger.LogError("Error in MulticastDelegate " + handler.GetType().Name + ": " + ex.ToString());
        public override object Execute(MulticastDelegate dele, ParameterCollection parameters)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            Console.WriteLine("Prefix: {0}", _prefix);
            Console.WriteLine("Suffix: {0}", _suffix);
            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", this.Name);

            if (_allTypes != null)
                Console.WriteLine("All types: {0}", _allTypes);

            Console.WriteLine("Intercepted {0}::{1}", dele.Target.GetType().FullName, dele.Method.Name);

            if (parameters.Dictionary.Count > 0)

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in parameters.Dictionary)
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0} -> {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);


            // invoke the intercepted method
            object result = dele.DynamicInvoke(parameters.AllParameterValues);

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            if (dele.Method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}", result);


            return result;
        public string TestGetName_real(System.Type t, string name)
            System.MulticastDelegate m     = (System.MulticastDelegate) this.OnGetName;
            System.Delegate[]        dlist = m.GetInvocationList();

            for (int i = 0; i < dlist.Length; ++i)
                // object[] p = { t, name };
                object[] p   = { /*put your parameters here*/ };
                string   ret = System.Convert.ToString(dlist[i].DynamicInvoke(p));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret) && ret.Trim() != string.Empty)

            // return string.Join(",", results);
            // return Coalesce(results);
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot find dependency with this arguments.");
 internal void FireEventToDelegates(MulticastDelegate md, ManagementEventArgs args)
         if (md != null)
             foreach (Delegate delegate2 in md.GetInvocationList())
                     delegate2.DynamicInvoke(new object[] { this.sender, args });
Exemple #25
        // Recursive function which will check for equality of the invocation list.
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            Debug.Assert(d != null && (_invocationList as Object[]) != null, "bogus delegate in multicast list comparison");
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
            if (d._invocationCount != _invocationCount)

            int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                Delegate dd = (Delegate)invocationList[i];
                Object[] dInvocationList = d._invocationList as Object[];
                if (!dd.Equals(dInvocationList[i]))
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the given delegate from my invocation list.
 /// </summary>
 protected override sealed Delegate Remove(Delegate other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(other, this))
         // Front of the list
         var result = next;
         next = null;
         return result;
     var parent = this;
     while ((parent != null) && (!ReferenceEquals(parent.next, other)))
         parent = parent.next;
     if (parent != null)
         var otherx = parent.next;
         parent.next = otherx.next;
         otherx.next = null;
     return this;
Exemple #27
        public static void InvokeMulticast(object sender, MulticastDelegate md, EventArgs e)
            if (md == null)

            foreach (StdMulticastDelegation Caster in md.GetInvocationList())
                ISynchronizeInvoke SyncInvoke = Caster.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
                    if (SyncInvoke != null && SyncInvoke.InvokeRequired)
                        SyncInvoke.Invoke(Caster, new object[] { sender, e });
                        Caster(sender, e);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Event handling failed. \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}:\n", ex.ToString());
Exemple #28
 protected override void InternalCombine(Delegate d)
     MulticastDelegate current = this;
     while (current._next != null) // get to the end of the chain
         //Console.WriteLine(" -> ");
         current = current._next;
     MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = d as MulticastDelegate;
     if (multicastDelegate == null)
         //Console.WriteLine("Creating new secondary multicast delegate for InternalCombine");
         multicastDelegate = new MulticastDelegate(d.Target, d.Function);
         //Console.WriteLine("Cloning secondary delegate for InternalCombine");
         multicastDelegate = multicastDelegate.Clone();
     current._next = multicastDelegate;
     multicastDelegate._prev = current;
        // This method will combine this delegate with the passed delegate
        //  to form a new delegate.
        //| <include path='docs/doc[@for="MulticastDelegate.CombineImpl"]/*' />
        protected override sealed Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate follow)
            // Verify that the types are the same...
            if (this.GetType() != follow.GetType())
                throw new ArgumentException("Arg_DlgtTypeMis");

            // We always clone the delegate because this delegate is
            //  not changed by combine and remove.  We can safely tack
            //  the follow delegate onto the end of the copy.
            MulticastDelegate d    = (MulticastDelegate)((MulticastDelegate)follow).MemberwiseClone();
            MulticastDelegate root = d;

            while (d._prev != null)
                d._prev = (MulticastDelegate)d._prev.MemberwiseClone();
                d       = d._prev;
            d._prev = (MulticastDelegate)this;
        private bool TrySetSlot(Object[] a, int index, Object o)
            if (a[index] == null && System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange <Object>(ref a[index], o, null) == null)

            // The slot may be already set because we have added and removed the same method before.
            // Optimize this case, because it's cheaper than copying the array.
            if (a[index] != null)
                MulticastDelegate d  = (MulticastDelegate)o;
                MulticastDelegate dd = (MulticastDelegate)a[index];

                if (dd._methodPtr == d._methodPtr &&
                    dd._target == d._target &&
                    dd._methodPtrAux == d._methodPtrAux)
Exemple #31
        private bool TrySetSlot(object?[] a, int index, object o)
            if (a[index] == null && System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange <object?>(ref a[index], o, null) == null)

            // The slot may be already set because we have added and removed the same method before.
            // Optimize this case, because it's cheaper than copying the array.
            if (a[index] != null)
                MulticastDelegate d  = (MulticastDelegate)o;
                MulticastDelegate dd = (MulticastDelegate)a[index] !; // TODO-NULLABLE: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/34644

                if (dd._methodPtr == d._methodPtr &&
                    dd._target == d._target &&
                    dd._methodPtrAux == d._methodPtrAux)
        private MulticastDelegate NewMulticastDelegate(Object[] invocationList, int invocationCount, bool thisIsMultiCastAlready)
            // First, allocate a new multicast delegate just like this one, i.e. same type as the this object
            MulticastDelegate result = (MulticastDelegate)InternalAllocLike(this);

            // Performance optimization - if this already points to a true multicast delegate,
            // copy _methodPtr and _methodPtrAux fields rather than calling into the EE to get them
            if (thisIsMultiCastAlready)
                result._methodPtr    = this._methodPtr;
                result._methodPtrAux = this._methodPtrAux;
                result._methodPtr    = GetMulticastInvoke();
                result._methodPtrAux = GetInvokeMethod();
            result._target          = result;
            result._invocationList  = invocationList;
            result._invocationCount = (IntPtr)invocationCount;

Exemple #33
        private MulticastDelegate[] DeleteFromInvocationList(MulticastDelegate[] invocationList, int invocationCount, int deleteIndex, int deleteCount)
            MulticastDelegate[] thisInvocationList = _invocationList;
            int allocCount = thisInvocationList.Length;

            while (allocCount / 2 >= invocationCount - deleteCount)
                allocCount /= 2;

            MulticastDelegate[] newInvocationList = new MulticastDelegate[allocCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < deleteIndex; i++)
                newInvocationList[i] = invocationList[i];

            for (int i = deleteIndex + deleteCount; i < invocationCount; i++)
                newInvocationList[i - deleteCount] = invocationList[i];

        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
            if (invocationList == null)
                if (Method == null)
                    throw new SerializationException(SR.DelegateSer_InsufficientMetadata);

                DelegateSerializationHolder.GetDelegateSerializationInfo(info, this.GetType(), Target, Method, 0);
                int targetIndex = 0;
                DelegateSerializationHolder.DelegateEntry previousEntry = null;
                int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                    MulticastDelegate d = (MulticastDelegate)invocationList[i];

                    if (d.Method == null)
                        throw new SerializationException(SR.DelegateSer_InsufficientMetadata);

                    DelegateSerializationHolder.DelegateEntry de = DelegateSerializationHolder.GetDelegateSerializationInfo(info, d.GetType(), d.Target, d.Method, targetIndex++);
                    if (previousEntry != null)
                        previousEntry.NextEntry = de;

                    previousEntry = de;
Exemple #35
        private bool TrySetSlot(Delegate[] a, int index, Delegate o)
            if (a[index] == null && System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange <Delegate>(ref a[index], o, null) == null)

            // The slot may be already set because we have added and removed the same method before.
            // Optimize this case, because it's cheaper than copying the array.
            if (a[index] != null)
                MulticastDelegate d  = (MulticastDelegate)o;
                MulticastDelegate dd = (MulticastDelegate)a[index];

                if (object.ReferenceEquals(dd.m_firstParameter, d.m_firstParameter) &&
                    object.ReferenceEquals(dd.m_helperObject, d.m_helperObject) &&
                    dd.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData == d.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData &&
                    dd.m_functionPointer == d.m_functionPointer)
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MulticastDelegate" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="target">The type of object on which <paramref name="method" /> is defined. </param>
 /// <param name="method">The name of the static method for which a delegate is created. </param>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
 protected MulticastDelegate(Type target, string method) : base(target, method)
     this.prev = null;
        private static MulticastDelegate KPM(MulticastDelegate needle, MulticastDelegate haystack, out MulticastDelegate tail)
            MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate  = needle;
            MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate2 = needle.kpm_next = null;

            for (;;)
                while (multicastDelegate2 != null && !multicastDelegate2.BaseEquals(multicastDelegate))
                    multicastDelegate2 = multicastDelegate2.kpm_next;
                multicastDelegate = multicastDelegate.prev;
                if (multicastDelegate == null)
                multicastDelegate2 = ((multicastDelegate2 != null) ? multicastDelegate2.prev : needle);
                if (multicastDelegate.BaseEquals(multicastDelegate2))
                    multicastDelegate.kpm_next = multicastDelegate2.kpm_next;
                    multicastDelegate.kpm_next = multicastDelegate2;
            MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate3 = haystack;

            multicastDelegate2 = needle;
            multicastDelegate  = haystack;
            for (;;)
                while (multicastDelegate2 != null && !multicastDelegate2.BaseEquals(multicastDelegate))
                    multicastDelegate2 = multicastDelegate2.kpm_next;
                    multicastDelegate3 = multicastDelegate3.prev;
                multicastDelegate2 = ((multicastDelegate2 != null) ? multicastDelegate2.prev : needle);
                if (multicastDelegate2 == null)
                multicastDelegate = multicastDelegate.prev;
                if (multicastDelegate == null)
                    goto Block_8;
            tail = multicastDelegate.prev;

            tail = null;
 private bool BaseEquals(MulticastDelegate value)
 /// <summary>
 /// Raise an event with routines-delegates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="evnt">Event to raise</param>
 /// <param name="runner">Routine runner</param>
 /// <param name="action">Routines to start</param>
 /// <returns>Coroutine</returns>
 public static Coroutine YieldForEach(this System.MulticastDelegate evnt, MonoBehaviour runner, System.Func <System.Delegate, IEnumerator> action)
     return(runner.StartCoroutine(evnt.YieldForEach((d) => runner.StartCoroutine(action(d)))));
		private bool BaseEquals (MulticastDelegate value)
			return base.Equals (value);
Exemple #41
 private static extern void Enumerate(IntPtr ptr, MulticastDelegate predicate);
Exemple #42
        protected override Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate follow)
            if (follow == null)

            // Verify that the types are the same...
            if (this.GetType() != follow.GetType())
                throw new ArgumentException("DlgtTypeMis");

            MulticastDelegate dFollow = (MulticastDelegate)follow;

            MulticastDelegate[] resultList;
            int followCount = 1;

            MulticastDelegate[] followList = dFollow._invocationList;
            if (followList != null)
                followCount = (int)dFollow._invocationCount;

            int resultCount;

            MulticastDelegate[] invocationList = _invocationList;
            if (invocationList == null)
                resultCount   = 1 + followCount;
                resultList    = new MulticastDelegate[resultCount];
                resultList[0] = this;
                if (followList == null)
                    resultList[1] = dFollow;
                    for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                        resultList[1 + i] = followList[i];
                return(NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount));
                int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                resultCount = invocationCount + followCount;
                resultList  = null;
                if (resultCount <= invocationList.Length)
                    resultList = invocationList;
                    if (followList == null)
                        if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount, dFollow))
                            resultList = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount + i, followList[i]))
                                resultList = null;

                if (resultList == null)
                    int allocCount = invocationList.Length;
                    while (allocCount < resultCount)
                        allocCount *= 2;

                    resultList = new MulticastDelegate[allocCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                        resultList[i] = invocationList[i];

                    if (followList == null)
                        resultList[invocationCount] = dFollow;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            resultList[invocationCount + i] = followList[i];
                return(NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount));
Exemple #43
        public static void ConfigureStaticEventHandler(object obj, string objEventName, string handlerMethodName,
                                                       bool attach)
            // use reflection to assign delegate method to event
            // get type for the handler class (this class) from the handler assembly
            Type handlerClassType = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType;

            if (handlerClassType == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot get handler class type"));

            // determine if required delegate exists
            bool delegateExists = false;

            // get the delegate fields for the given event
            // note that this will only work for field-like events.
            // notably this approach works for the Dubrovnik unit tests but fails with EntityFramework objects!
            FieldInfo eventFieldInfo = obj.GetType().GetField(objEventName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            if (eventFieldInfo != null)
                System.MulticastDelegate eventHandler = eventFieldInfo.GetValue(obj) as System.MulticastDelegate;
                if (eventHandler != null)
                    foreach (Delegate dg in eventHandler.GetInvocationList())
                        MethodInfo delegateMethodInfo = dg.Method;

                        // does the existing delegate method target the incoming method
                        if (delegateMethodInfo.Name == handlerMethodName &&
                            delegateMethodInfo.DeclaringType == handlerClassType && dg.Target == null)
                            delegateExists = true;

            // we only want to register events once against this object.
            // we similarly only want to delete existing delegates
            if (attach && delegateExists || !attach && !delegateExists)
            // get info for the event from the type.
            // note that if we are attaching to a static event handler then the obj parameter will be a System.Type instance.
            Type t;
            if (obj is System.Type)
                t = (Type)obj;
                t = obj.GetType();
            EventInfo evInfo = t.GetEvent(objEventName);

            if (evInfo == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot locate event: {0} on object of type : {1}", objEventName, obj.GetType().ToString()));

            // get method info for the managed handler method
            MethodInfo handlerMethod = handlerClassType.GetMethod(handlerMethodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Static);
            if (handlerMethod == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot get method info for handler : {0}", handlerMethodName));

            // create delegate
            Type     delegateType = evInfo.EventHandlerType;
            Delegate theDelegate  = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, null, handlerMethod);
            if (theDelegate == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot create delegate for handler : {0}", handlerMethodName));

            // invoke the add | remove method on the event
            MethodInfo evMethod = attach ? evInfo.GetAddMethod() : evInfo.GetRemoveMethod();
            Object[]   args     = { theDelegate };
            evMethod.Invoke(obj, args);
        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public override sealed bool Equals(Object obj)
            if (obj == null || !InternalEqualTypes(this, obj))
            MulticastDelegate d = obj as MulticastDelegate;

            if (d == null)

            if (_invocationCount != (IntPtr)0)
                // there are 4 kind of delegate kinds that fall into this bucket
                // 1- Multicast (_invocationList is Object[])
                // 2- Secure/Wrapper (_invocationList is Delegate)
                // 3- Unmanaged FntPtr (_invocationList == null)
                // 4- Open virtual (_invocationCount == MethodDesc of target, _invocationList == null, LoaderAllocator, or DynamicResolver)

                if (InvocationListLogicallyNull())
                    if (IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())
                        if (!d.IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())

                        return(CompareUnmanagedFunctionPtrs(this, d));

                    // now we know 'this' is not a special one, so we can work out what the other is
                    if ((d._invocationList as Delegate) != null)
                        // this is a secure/wrapper delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one

                    if ((_invocationList as Delegate) != null)
                        // this is a secure/wrapper delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one
                        Contract.Assert((_invocationList as Object[]) != null, "empty invocation list on multicast delegate");
                // among the several kind of delegates falling into this bucket one has got a non
                // empty _invocationList (open static with special sig)
                // to be equals we need to check that _invocationList matches (both null is fine)
                // and call the base.Equals()
                if (!InvocationListLogicallyNull())
                    if (!_invocationList.Equals(d._invocationList))

                // now we know 'this' is not a special one, so we can work out what the other is
                if ((d._invocationList as Delegate) != null)
                    // this is a secure/wrapper delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one

                // now we can call on the base
Exemple #45
        // equals returns true IIF the delegate is not null and has the
        //    same target, method and invocation list as this object
        public sealed override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object?obj)
            if (obj == null)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
            if (!InternalEqualTypes(this, obj))

            // Since this is a MulticastDelegate and we know
            // the types are the same, obj should also be a
            // MulticastDelegate
                obj is MulticastDelegate,
                "Shouldn't have failed here since we already checked the types are the same!"
            MulticastDelegate d = Unsafe.As <MulticastDelegate>(obj);

            if (_invocationCount != (IntPtr)0)
                // there are 4 kind of delegate kinds that fall into this bucket
                // 1- Multicast (_invocationList is Object[])
                // 2- Wrapper (_invocationList is Delegate)
                // 3- Unmanaged FntPtr (_invocationList == null)
                // 4- Open virtual (_invocationCount == MethodDesc of target, _invocationList == null, LoaderAllocator, or DynamicResolver)

                if (InvocationListLogicallyNull())
                    if (IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())
                        if (!d.IsUnmanagedFunctionPtr())

                        return(CompareUnmanagedFunctionPtrs(this, d));

                    // now we know 'this' is not a special one, so we can work out what the other is
                    if (d._invocationList is Delegate)
                        // this is a wrapper delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one

                    if (_invocationList is Delegate invocationListDelegate)
                        // this is a wrapper delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one
                            _invocationList is object[],
                            "empty invocation list on multicast delegate"
                // among the several kind of delegates falling into this bucket one has got a non
                // empty _invocationList (open static with special sig)
                // to be equals we need to check that _invocationList matches (both null is fine)
                // and call the base.Equals()
                if (!InvocationListLogicallyNull())
                    if (!_invocationList !.Equals(d._invocationList))

                // now we know 'this' is not a special one, so we can work out what the other is
                if (d._invocationList is Delegate)
                    // this is a wrapper delegate so we need to unwrap and check the inner one

                // now we can call on the base
Exemple #46
        public static void ConfigureStaticEventHandler(object obj, string objEventName, string handlerMethodName, bool attach)
            // use reflection to assign delegate method to event
            // get type for the handler class (this class) from the handler assembly
            Type handlerClassType = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType;

            if (handlerClassType == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot get handler class type"));

            // determine if required delegate exists
            bool delegateExists = false;

            // get the delegate fields for the given event.
            // NOTE: this is unreliable and ONLY works for field-like events
            FieldInfo eventFieldInfo = obj.GetType().GetField(objEventName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (eventFieldInfo != null)
                System.MulticastDelegate eventHandler = eventFieldInfo.GetValue(obj) as System.MulticastDelegate;
                if (eventHandler != null)
                    foreach (Delegate dg in eventHandler.GetInvocationList())
                        MethodInfo delegateMethodInfo = dg.Method;

                        Console.WriteLine("Method name = {0} ", delegateMethodInfo.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("Method declaring type = {0} ", delegateMethodInfo.DeclaringType);
                        Console.WriteLine("Delegate target = {0} ", dg.Target);

                        // does the existing delegate method target the incoming method
                        if (delegateMethodInfo.Name == handlerMethodName && delegateMethodInfo.DeclaringType == handlerClassType && dg.Target == null)
                            delegateExists = true;

            // we only want to register events once against this object.
            // we similarly only want to delete existing delegates
            if (attach && delegateExists || !attach && !delegateExists)
                Console.WriteLine("DELEGATE EXISTS");
            Console.WriteLine("DELEGATE WILL BE ADDED");

            // get info for the event
            EventInfo evInfo = obj.GetType().GetEvent(objEventName);

            if (evInfo == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot locate event: {0} on object of type : {1}", objEventName, obj.GetType().ToString()));

            // get method info for the managed handler method
            MethodInfo handlerMethod = handlerClassType.GetMethod(handlerMethodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Static);

            if (handlerMethod == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot get method info for handler : {0}", handlerMethodName));

            // create delegate
            Type     delegateType = evInfo.EventHandlerType;
            Delegate theDelegate  = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, null, handlerMethod);

            if (theDelegate == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot create delegate for handler : {0}", handlerMethodName));

            // invoke the add | remove method on the event
            MethodInfo evMethod = attach ? evInfo.GetAddMethod() : evInfo.GetRemoveMethod();

            Object[] args = { theDelegate };
            evMethod.Invoke(obj, args);
 private static extern int OSP_Unity_AssignRayCastCallback(System.MulticastDelegate callback, System.IntPtr data);
Exemple #48
 protected MulticastDelegate(object target, string method)
     : base(target, method)
     prev = null;
Exemple #49
        // This method will combine this delegate with the passed delegate
        //  to form a new delegate.
        protected virtual Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate d)
            if ((object)d == null) // cast to object for a more efficient test

            // Verify that the types are the same...
            if (!InternalEqualTypes(this, d))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            if (IsDynamicDelegate() && d.IsDynamicDelegate())
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            MulticastDelegate dFollow = (MulticastDelegate)d;

            Delegate[] resultList;
            int        followCount = 1;

            Delegate[] followList = dFollow.m_helperObject as Delegate[];
            if (followList != null)
                followCount = (int)dFollow.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;

            int resultCount;

            Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
            if (invocationList == null)
                resultCount   = 1 + followCount;
                resultList    = new Delegate[resultCount];
                resultList[0] = this;
                if (followList == null)
                    resultList[1] = dFollow;
                    for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                        resultList[1 + i] = followList[i];
                return(NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount));
                int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                resultCount = invocationCount + followCount;
                resultList  = null;
                if (resultCount <= invocationList.Length)
                    resultList = invocationList;
                    if (followList == null)
                        if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount, dFollow))
                            resultList = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount + i, followList[i]))
                                resultList = null;

                if (resultList == null)
                    int allocCount = invocationList.Length;
                    while (allocCount < resultCount)
                        allocCount *= 2;

                    resultList = new Delegate[allocCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                        resultList[i] = invocationList[i];

                    if (followList == null)
                        resultList[invocationCount] = dFollow;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            resultList[invocationCount + i] = followList[i];
                return(NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount, true));
        // This method currently looks backward on the invocation list
        //    for an element that has Delegate based equality with value.  (Doesn't
        //    look at the invocation list.)  If this is found we remove it from
        //    this list and return a new delegate.  If its not found a copy of the
        //    current list is returned.
        protected override sealed Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            // There is a special case were we are removing using a delegate as
            //    the value we need to check for this case
            MulticastDelegate v = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
            if (v._invocationList as Object[] == null)
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                if (invocationList == null)
                    // they are both not real Multicast
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                    int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[1 - i]);
                                Object[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1, true));
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount  = (int)_invocationCount;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v._invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v._invocationList as Object[], i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                                // Special case - no values left
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                                Object[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount, true));

        // This method will combine this delegate with the passed delegate
        //    to form a new delegate.
        protected override sealed Delegate CombineImpl(Delegate follow)
            if ((Object)follow == null) // cast to object for a more efficient test

            // Verify that the types are the same...
            if (!InternalEqualTypes(this, follow))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_DlgtTypeMis);

            MulticastDelegate dFollow = (MulticastDelegate)follow;

            Object[] resultList;
            int      followCount = 1;

            Object[] followList = dFollow._invocationList as Object[];
            if (followList != null)
                followCount = (int)dFollow._invocationCount;

            int resultCount;

            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
            if (invocationList == null)
                resultCount   = 1 + followCount;
                resultList    = new Object[resultCount];
                resultList[0] = this;
                if (followList == null)
                    resultList[1] = dFollow;
                    for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                        resultList[1 + i] = followList[i];
                return(NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount));
                int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                resultCount = invocationCount + followCount;
                resultList  = null;
                if (resultCount <= invocationList.Length)
                    resultList = invocationList;
                    if (followList == null)
                        if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount, dFollow))
                            resultList = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            if (!TrySetSlot(resultList, invocationCount + i, followList[i]))
                                resultList = null;

                if (resultList == null)
                    int allocCount = invocationList.Length;
                    while (allocCount < resultCount)
                        allocCount *= 2;

                    resultList = new Object[allocCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                        resultList[i] = invocationList[i];

                    if (followList == null)
                        resultList[invocationCount] = dFollow;
                        for (int i = 0; i < followCount; i++)
                            resultList[invocationCount + i] = followList[i];
                return(NewMulticastDelegate(resultList, resultCount, true));
Exemple #52
        // This method currently looks backward on the invocation list
        //  for an element that has Delegate based equality with value.  (Doesn't
        //  look at the invocation list.)  If this is found we remove it from
        //  this list and return a new delegate.  If its not found a copy of the
        //  current list is returned.
        protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
            // There is a special case were we are removing using a delegate as
            //    the value we need to check for this case
            MulticastDelegate v = d as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
            if (v.m_helperObject as Delegate[] == null)
                Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (invocationList == null)
                    // they are both not real Multicast
                    if (this.Equals(d))
                    int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (d.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return(invocationList[1 - i]);
                                Delegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1, true));
                Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount  = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v.m_helperObject as Delegate[], i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                                // Special case - no values left
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return(invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                                Delegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount, true));

Exemple #53
 private static extern void CountConst(IntPtr ptr, MulticastDelegate predicate);
 private static extern MulticastDelegate CreateDelegateLike(MulticastDelegate @delegate, Delegate[] invocationList);
Exemple #55
 private static extern void Graph(IntPtr ptr, MulticastDelegate predicate);
		protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl (Delegate value)
			if (value == null)
				return this;

			// match this with value
			MulticastDelegate head, tail;
			head = KPM ((MulticastDelegate)value, this, out tail);
			if (head == null)
				return this;

			// duplicate chain without head..tail
			MulticastDelegate prev = null, retval = null, orig;
			for (orig = this; (object)orig != (object)head; orig = orig.prev) {
				MulticastDelegate clone = (MulticastDelegate)orig.Clone ();
				if (prev != null)
					prev.prev = clone;
					retval = clone;
				prev = clone;
			for (orig = tail; (object)orig != null; orig = orig.prev) {
				MulticastDelegate clone = (MulticastDelegate)orig.Clone ();
				if (prev != null)
					prev.prev = clone;
					retval = clone;
				prev = clone;
			if (prev != null)
				prev.prev = null;

			return retval;
		 * Perform a slightly crippled version of
		 * Knuth-Pratt-Morris over MulticastDelegate chains.
		 * Border values are set as pointers in kpm_next;
		 * Generally, KPM border arrays are length n+1 for
		 * strings of n. This one works with length n at the
		 * expense of a few additional comparisions.
		private static MulticastDelegate KPM (MulticastDelegate needle, MulticastDelegate haystack,
		                                      out MulticastDelegate tail)
			MulticastDelegate nx, hx;

			// preprocess
			hx = needle;
			nx = needle.kpm_next = null;
			do {
				while ((nx != null) && (!nx.BaseEquals (hx)))
					nx = nx.kpm_next;

				hx = hx.prev;
				if (hx == null)
				nx = nx == null ? needle : nx.prev;
				if (hx.BaseEquals (nx))
					hx.kpm_next = nx.kpm_next;
					hx.kpm_next = nx;

			} while (true);

			// match
			MulticastDelegate match = haystack;
			nx = needle;
			hx = haystack;
			do {
				while (nx != null && !nx.BaseEquals (hx)) {
					nx = nx.kpm_next;
					match = match.prev;

				nx = nx == null ? needle : nx.prev;
				if (nx == null) {
					// bingo
					tail = hx.prev;
					return match;

				hx = hx.prev;
			} while (hx != null);

			tail = null;
			return null;
Exemple #58
        protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            if (value == null)

            MulticastDelegate other = (MulticastDelegate)value;

            if (delegates == null && other.delegates == null)
                /* if they are not equal and the current one is not
                 * a multicastdelegate then we cannot delete it */
                return(this.Equals(other) ? null : this);
            else if (delegates == null)
                foreach (Delegate?d in other.delegates)
                    if (this.Equals(d))
            else if (other.delegates == null)
                int idx = Array.LastIndexOf(delegates, other);
                if (idx == -1)

                if (delegates.Length <= 1)
                    /* delegates.Length should never be equal or
                    * lower than 1, it should be 2 or greater */
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                if (delegates.Length == 2)
                    return(delegates[idx == 0 ? 1 : 0]);

                MulticastDelegate ret = AllocDelegateLike_internal(this);
                ret.delegates = new Delegate[delegates.Length - 1];

                Array.Copy(delegates, ret.delegates, idx);
                Array.Copy(delegates, idx + 1, ret.delegates, idx, delegates.Length - idx - 1);

                /* wild case : remove MulticastDelegate from MulticastDelegate
                 * complexity is O(m + n), with n the number of elements in
                 * this.delegates and m the number of elements in other.delegates */

                if (delegates.Equals(other.delegates))

                /* we need to remove elements from the end to the beginning, as
                * the addition and removal of delegates behaves like a stack */
                int idx = LastIndexOf(delegates, other.delegates);
                if (idx == -1)

                MulticastDelegate ret = AllocDelegateLike_internal(this);
                ret.delegates = new Delegate[delegates.Length - other.delegates.Length];

                Array.Copy(delegates, ret.delegates, idx);
                Array.Copy(delegates, idx + other.delegates.Length, ret.delegates, idx, delegates.Length - idx - other.delegates.Length);

		protected MulticastDelegate (Type target, string method)
			: base (target, method)
			prev = null;
Exemple #60
        protected override sealed Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            MulticastDelegate v = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
            if (v._invocationList == null)
                MulticastDelegate[] invocationList = _invocationList;
                if (invocationList == null)
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                    int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[1 - i]);
                                MulticastDelegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1));
                MulticastDelegate[] invocationList = _invocationList;
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount  = (int)_invocationCount;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v._invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v._invocationList, i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                                MulticastDelegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount));
