public void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { pPacket.ReadByte(); // ? Running = new Dictionary<ushort, string>(); Done = new Dictionary<ushort, long>(); for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Running.Add(pPacket.ReadUShort(), pPacket.ReadString()); } for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadString(); pPacket.ReadString(); } pPacket.ReadByte(); // ? for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Done.Add(pPacket.ReadUShort(), pPacket.ReadLong()); } }
public virtual void HandleLogin(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { int error = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadShort(); if (error != 0) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Got Status: {0}", error); if (error == 0x07) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Already logged in!"); } return; } int userid = pPacket.ReadInt(); byte gender = pPacket.ReadByte(); // Gender or GenderSelect/PinSelect pPacket.ReadByte(); short admin = pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadInt(); // ReadBytes(4) pPacket.ReadByte(); // 0x95 string username = pPacket.ReadString(); // Username pPacket.ReadByte(); // 0? byte qban = pPacket.ReadByte(); // Quiet Ban DateTime qban_time = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); // Quiet Ban Time DateTime creationtime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); // Creation Time pPacket.ReadInt(); // 78? pPacket.Skip(2); // 1 1 pPacket.ReadBytes(8); // CC key ParseLogin(pConnection, userid, username, creationtime); }
public void Decode(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { var v = pPacket.ReadByte(); // ? Running = new Dictionary<ushort, string>(); Done = new Dictionary<ushort, long>(); for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Running.Add(pPacket.ReadUShort(), pPacket.ReadString()); } if (v == 0) { for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadShort(); // UNK lol } } for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadString(); // 1NX1702337 pPacket.ReadString(); // '1' or '0 ' ?! } var hurr = pPacket.ReadByte(); // ? // ADDED IN v.128 !!!! for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { // New method of creating dates... var id = pPacket.ReadUShort(); var date = pPacket.ReadUInt(); long ft = DecodeTimeFromInt(pConnection, date); if (!Done.ContainsKey(id)) Done.Add(id, ft); else pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Duplicate Quest (Done): {0}", id); } if (hurr == 0) { for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Done.Add(pPacket.ReadUShort(), pPacket.ReadLong()); } } }
public static ItemBase DecodeItemData(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { byte type = pPacket.ReadByte(); ItemBase ret = null; switch (type) { case 1: ret = new ItemEquip(); ret.Amount = 1; break; case 2: ret = new ItemRechargable(); break; case 3: ret = new ItemPet(); ret.Amount = 1; break; default: { Logger.WriteLine("Unkown ItemType: {0}", type); return null; } } ret.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); return ret; }
public virtual void HandleVersion(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { byte locale = pPacket.ReadByte(); ushort version = pPacket.ReadUShort(); ushort subversion = pPacket.ReadUShort(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Detected MapleStory version of client: {1}.{2} (locale: {0})", locale, version, subversion); pConnection.MapleVersion = version; pConnection.CharData = null; // Back to the LoginServer!!! if (locale != ServerMapleInfo.LOCALE) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Incompatible MapleStory locale detected!!!!"); pConnection.SendInfoText("Unsupported MapleStory client detected. only supports MapleStory Global version {0} at the moment.", ServerMapleInfo.VERSION); // This should _never_ happen XD (different encryption and such) pConnection.Disconnect(); } else if (version > ServerMapleInfo.VERSION) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("MapleStory client of user is outdated/incorrect. Disconnect."); pConnection.SendInfoText("Your MapleStory client seems outdated. Update your client in order to use the service.\r\nVersion identified: {0}\r\nSupported version: {1}", version, ServerMapleInfo.VERSION); pConnection.Disconnect(); } else if (version < ServerMapleInfo.VERSION) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("MapleStory client of user is more up-to-date than service!!!"); pConnection.SendInfoText("As your client is more up-to-date than the service, you are unable to use the service at this time.\r\nCheck the website and/or Twitter (@maplerme) for updates!\r\n\r\nCurrently supported version: {0}\r\nYour version: {1}", ServerMapleInfo.VERSION, version); pConnection.Disconnect(); } }
public void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { InventorySlots = new byte[INVENTORIES]; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORIES; i++) InventorySlots[i] = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadLong(); // 94354848000000000 | 1-1-1900 EquipmentItems = new Dictionary<short, ItemEquip>[EQUIP_INVENTORIES]; for (byte i = 0; i < EQUIP_INVENTORIES; i++) { EquipmentItems[i] = new Dictionary<short, ItemEquip>(); while (true) { short slot = pPacket.ReadShort(); if (slot == 0) break; ItemEquip equip = (ItemEquip)ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pPacket); EquipmentItems[i].Add(slot, equip); } } InventoryItems = new Dictionary<byte, ItemBase>[NORMAL_INVENTORIES]; for (byte i = 0; i < NORMAL_INVENTORIES; i++) { InventoryItems[i] = new Dictionary<byte, ItemBase>(); while (true) { byte slot = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (slot == 0) break; ItemBase item = ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pPacket); InventoryItems[i].Add(slot, item); } } }
public void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { this.ID = pPacket.ReadInt(); this.Type = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadShort(); // X pPacket.ReadShort(); // Y pPacket.ReadByte(); // Stance pPacket.ReadShort(); // Foothold this.Skin = (byte)pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Hair = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Face = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Name = pPacket.ReadString(); this.Equips = new int[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) this.Equips[i] = pPacket.ReadInt(); }
public DumpPacket(MaplePacket pPacket) { pPacket.Reset(); MaplePacket.CommunicationType type = (MaplePacket.CommunicationType)pPacket.ReadByte(); Outboud = type == MaplePacket.CommunicationType.ClientPacket; Opcode = pPacket.ReadUShort(); Data = new byte[pPacket.Length - 3]; Buffer.BlockCopy(pPacket.ToArray(), 3, Data, 0, Data.Length); // byte + short (header) ArrivalTime = MasterThread.CurrentDate; pPacket.Reset(); }
public override void HandleLogin(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { byte error = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (error != 0) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Got Status: {0}", error); if (error == 0x07) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Already logged in?"); } return; } int userid = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); // Gender or GenderSelect/PinSelect pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadByte(); // Admin? Has bitflag 5 string username = pPacket.ReadString(); // Username pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadByte(); DateTime creationtime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); // Incorrect :/. Nowhere to be found if (pPacket.ReadBool() == false) pPacket.ReadString(); // Username, with astriks as protection: 'd**mondo2*' pPacket.ReadString(); // wat. if (pPacket.ReadBool()) pPacket.ReadBytes(15); // Every job that can be chosen pPacket.ReadInt(); // YYYYMMDDHH, as in character info -.-? ParseLogin(pConnection, userid, username, creationtime); }
public virtual void HandleLoginFromWeb(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { byte error = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (error != 0) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Got Status: {0}", error); if (error == 0x07) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Already logged in!"); } return; } int userid = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); // Gender or GenderSelect/PinSelect pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadShort(); // Admin info! pPacket.ReadInt(); // ReadBytes(4) pPacket.ReadByte(); // 0x95 string username = pPacket.ReadString(); // Username pPacket.ReadByte(); // 0? pPacket.ReadByte(); // Quiet Ban pPacket.ReadLong(); // Quiet Ban Time pPacket.ReadString(); // Username. Again. DateTime creationtime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); // creation datetime pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadBytes(8); // CC key pPacket.ReadString(); ParseLogin(pConnection, userid, username, creationtime); }
public void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { this.ID = pPacket.ReadInt(); this.Name = pPacket.ReadString(); this.Ranks = new string[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) this.Ranks[i] = pPacket.ReadString(); byte guilds = pPacket.ReadByte(); this.GuildIDs = new int[guilds]; for (int i = 0; i < guilds; i++) this.GuildIDs[i] = pPacket.ReadInt(); this.Capacity = pPacket.ReadInt(); this.Notice = pPacket.ReadString(); }
public void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { this.Gender = pPacket.ReadByte(); // Gender this.Skin = pPacket.ReadByte(); // Skin this.Face = pPacket.ReadInt(); // Face this.JobID = pPacket.ReadInt(); // Job ID pPacket.ReadByte(); // First slot; hair this.Hair = pPacket.ReadInt(); // Hair ID Equips = new Dictionary<byte, int>[3]; Equips[0] = new Dictionary<byte, int>(); Equips[1] = new Dictionary<byte, int>(); Equips[2] = new Dictionary<byte, int>(); while (true) { byte slot = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (slot == 0xFF) break; Equips[0].Add(slot, pPacket.ReadInt()); } while (true) { byte slot = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (slot == 0xFF) break; Equips[1].Add(slot, pPacket.ReadInt()); } while (true) { byte slot = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (slot == 0xFF) break; Equips[2].Add(slot, pPacket.ReadInt()); } pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); if (this.JobID / 100 == 31 || this.JobID / 100 == 36 || this.JobID == 3001 || this.JobID == 3002) { this.Wings = pPacket.ReadInt(); } }
public void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { ChosenCardID = pPacket.ReadInt(); if (pPacket.ReadBool() == false) { for (short cards = pPacket.ReadShort(); cards > 0; cards--) { pPacket.ReadShort(); // CardID pPacket.ReadByte(); // Level } } else { // Unknown stuff... pPacket.ReadShort(); short size = pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.Skip(size); // Card block size = pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.Skip(size); // Levels } }
public virtual void HandleKeymapUpdate(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { int mode = pPacket.ReadInt(); if (mode == 0) { Dictionary<byte, KeyValuePair<byte, int>> modifieds = new Dictionary<byte, KeyValuePair<byte, int>>(); int amount = pPacket.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int idx = pPacket.ReadInt(); byte type = pPacket.ReadByte(); int value = pPacket.ReadInt(); if (idx < 0 || idx > ServerMapleInfo.KEYMAP_SLOTS) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("ERROR: Keymap contained invalid index!"); return; } if (modifieds.ContainsKey((byte)idx)) continue; // -.-'' modifieds.Add((byte)idx, new KeyValuePair<byte, int>(type, value)); } if (modifieds.Count == 0) return; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("UPDATE character_keymaps SET "); foreach (var kvp in modifieds) sb.AppendFormat("map_{0}_type = {1}, map_{0}_value = {2},", kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Key, kvp.Value.Value); sb.Append(" WHERE character_id = " + pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(sb.ToString().Replace(", WHERE", " WHERE")); } }
public override void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { base.Decode(pPacket); this.Slots = pPacket.ReadByte(); this.Scrolls = pPacket.ReadByte(); this.Str = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Dex = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Int = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Luk = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.HP = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.MP = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Watk = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Matk = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Wdef = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Mdef = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Acc = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Avo = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Hands = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Speed = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Jump = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Name = pPacket.ReadString(); this.Flags = pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadByte(); // Increases Skill this.Level = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); // this.ViciousHammer = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadShort(); // PVP damage pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadByte(); this.Potential1 = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Potential2 = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Potential3 = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Potential4 = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Potential5 = pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadShort(); // New? this.SocketState = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Socket1 = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Socket2 = pPacket.ReadShort(); this.Socket3 = pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadInt(); }
private static byte FlaggedValue(ClientConnection pConnection, int pItemID, uint pValue, uint pFlag, MaplePacket pPacket, byte pTypeValue, bool pLogIfFound = false) { if (pValue.HasFlag(pFlag)) { var val = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (pLogIfFound) pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Found flag {3} {0:X8}: {1} | ItemID: {2}", pFlag, val, pItemID, pTypeValue.GetType().Name); return val; } else return 0; }
public override void Decode(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { base.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); Petname = pPacket.ReadString(13); Level = pPacket.ReadByte(); Closeness = pPacket.ReadShort(); Fullness = pPacket.ReadByte(); this.Expires = pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.Skip(2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 2); // Last 2: // - int: -1 // - short: 100 // V.132: + 2 }
public override void OnPacket(MaplePacket pPacket) { MasterThread.Instance.AddCallback((a) => { try { if (Disconnected) return; // Just to be sure... if (_exporter != null) _exporter.AddPacket(pPacket); MaplePacket.CommunicationType type = (MaplePacket.CommunicationType)pPacket.ReadByte(); ushort opcode = pPacket.ReadUShort(); if (IsFake) { Logger.WriteLine("Emulating {0:X4} (Len: {1})", opcode, pPacket.Length); } if ((byte)type < Program.ValidHeaders.Length) { // Check if packet is accepted var list = Program.ValidHeaders[(byte)type]; if (list.ContainsKey(opcode)) { var action = list[opcode]; if (action != null) { try { if (action.CanHandle == null || action.CanHandle(this)) action.Handle(this, pPacket); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger_ErrorLog("Failed parsing {0:X4} for {1}", opcode, type); Logger_WriteLine(ex.ToString()); if (!IsFake) { LogFilename += "ERROR"; SendInfoText("An error occurred on the server! Please report this :)"); // Save exception to packet using (MaplePacket mp = new MaplePacket(MaplePacket.CommunicationType.ServerPacket, 0x9999)) { mp.WriteString(ex.ToString()); if (ex.ToString().Contains("MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException")) { Logger_ErrorLog("MySQL exception!"); var queries = MySQL_Connection.Instance.GetRanQueries(); mp.WriteInt(queries.Count); foreach (var kvp in queries) { mp.WriteString(kvp.Key); mp.WriteString(kvp.Value); } } mp.SwitchOver(); // Make read packet _exporter.AddPacket(mp); } Save(false, false); } } } else { if (!IsFake) Logger_WriteLine("No action for {0:X4}", opcode); } } else { if (!IsFake) Logger_WriteLine("Client sent packet {0:X4} for {1} but this one is not handled!", opcode, type); } } else { Logger_ErrorLog("Packet Type not accepted!!! {0:X4} {1}", opcode, (byte)type); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorLog("Failed handling packet: {0}", ex.ToString()); SendInfoText("An error occurred on the server! Please report this :)"); } pPacket.Dispose(); pPacket = null; }); }
public virtual void HandleFamiliarList(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { using (InsertQueryBuilder familiars = new InsertQueryBuilder("familiars")) { familiars.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; familiars.AddColumn("character_id"); familiars.AddColumn("mobid"); familiars.AddColumns(true, "name", "fitality_cur", "fitality_max", "starttime", "endtime", "unktime" ); for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); // Weird id? int mobid = pPacket.ReadInt(); string name = pPacket.ReadString(13); byte currentfit = pPacket.ReadByte(); byte maxfit = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); DateTime starttime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); DateTime unktime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); DateTime endtime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pPacket.ReadLong()); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadByte(); familiars.AddRow( pConnection.CharacterInternalID, mobid, name, currentfit, maxfit, starttime, endtime, unktime ); } familiars.RunQuery(); } }
public virtual void HandleSkillUpdate(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { pPacket.ReadByte(); // Unstuck pPacket.ReadByte(); ushort amount = pPacket.ReadUShort(); using (InsertQueryBuilder skillTable = new InsertQueryBuilder("skills")) { skillTable.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; skillTable.AddColumn("character_id", false); skillTable.AddColumn("skillid", false); skillTable.AddColumn("level", true); skillTable.AddColumn("maxlevel", true); skillTable.AddColumn("expires", true); for (ushort i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int skillid = pPacket.ReadInt(); int level = pPacket.ReadInt(); int masterlevel = pPacket.ReadInt(); long expiration = pPacket.ReadLong(); Timeline.Instance.PushSkillUP(pConnection, skillid, level); skillTable.AddRow(pConnection.CharacterInternalID, skillid, level, masterlevel == 0 ? null : (object)masterlevel, expiration); } if (skillTable.RowCount > 0) { string q = skillTable.ToString(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("insert-update-skills-packet.sql", q); int result = (int)MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(q); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Result Skills: {0}", result); pConnection.SendTimeUpdate(); } } }
public virtual void HandleBuddyList(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { byte mode = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (mode != 0x07) return; MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(string.Format("DELETE FROM buddies WHERE character_id = {0}", pConnection.CharacterInternalID)); using (InsertQueryBuilder buddies = new InsertQueryBuilder("buddies")) { buddies.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; buddies.AddColumn("character_id"); buddies.AddColumn("friend_id"); buddies.AddColumns(true, "friend_name", "group_name"); byte amount = pPacket.ReadByte(); for (byte i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int bid = pPacket.ReadInt(); string bname = pPacket.ReadString(13); pPacket.Skip(1 + 4); string gname = pPacket.ReadString(13); pPacket.Skip(4); buddies.AddRow( pConnection.CharacterInternalID, bid, bname, gname ); } buddies.RunQuery(); } }
public override void Decode(MaplePacket pPacket) { base.Decode(pPacket); Petname = pPacket.ReadString(13); Level = pPacket.ReadByte(); Closeness = pPacket.ReadShort(); Fullness = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.Skip(8 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 4); }
public override void OnPacket(MaplePacket pPacket) { byte type = pPacket.ReadByte(); ushort header = pPacket.ReadUShort(); if (header >= 0xEE00) { if (header == 0xEEFF) { string version = pPacket.ReadString(); if (version != Logger.Version) { if (frmMain.Instance != null) { frmMain.Instance.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker)delegate { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(frmMain.Instance, "You are using an outdated version of! Check the site for the latest updates.", " server connection error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); }); } else { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You are using an outdated version of! Check the site for the latest updates.", " server connection error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); } Environment.Exit(3); return; } // Crypto byte[] sendkey = pPacket.ReadBytes(32), recvkey = pPacket.ReadBytes(32); SetKeys(sendkey, recvkey); _validHeaders = new List<ushort>[(byte)MaplePacket.CommunicationType.AMOUNT]; for (byte i = 0; i < (byte)MaplePacket.CommunicationType.AMOUNT; i++) { _validHeaders[i] = new List<ushort>(); for (ushort j = pPacket.ReadUShort(); j > 0; j--) { ushort tmp = pPacket.ReadUShort(); // Logger.WriteLine("{0} accepts 0x{1:X4}", (MaplePacket.CommunicationType)i, tmp); _validHeaders[i].Add(tmp); } } for (byte j = pPacket.ReadByte(); j > 0; j--) { string ip = pPacket.ReadString(); AcceptedIPs.Add(ip); } if (pPacket.ReadBool()) MapleStoryCryptoKey = pPacket.ReadBytes(32); AcceptedMapleStoryLocale = pPacket.ReadByte(); AcceptedMapleStoryVersion = pPacket.ReadUShort(); Logger.WriteLine("Initialized keys and valid headers"); SendToken(Program.Token); } else if (header == 0xEEFE) { // Create screenshot and send to server string url = pPacket.ReadString(); string data = pPacket.ReadString(); string filename = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); bool done = Screenshot.MakeScreenshotOfMaple(filename); if (done) { Screenshot.Upload(url, data, filename); } } else if (header == 0xEEFD) { string charname = pPacket.ReadString(); frmMain.Instance.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker)delegate { frmMain.Instance.lblLastUpdate.Text = string.Format("{0} (Character: {1})", DateTime.Now, charname); }); } else if (header == 0xEEFC) { frmMain.Instance.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker)delegate { frmMain.Instance.lblInfo.Text = pPacket.ReadString(); }); } else if (header == 0xEE01) { // Pingpong using (MaplePacket mp = new MaplePacket(MaplePacket.CommunicationType.ClientPacket, 0xEE01)) { SendPacket(mp); } } } pPacket.Dispose(); pPacket = null; }
public virtual void HandleAbilityInfoUpdate(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { pPacket.ReadByte(); // Unlock if (pPacket.ReadBool() == false) return; var stat = new Tuple<byte, int, byte>((byte)pPacket.ReadShort(), pPacket.ReadInt(), (byte)pPacket.ReadShort()); pPacket.ReadShort(); using (InsertQueryBuilder table = new InsertQueryBuilder("character_abilities")) { table.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; table.AddColumn("character_id"); table.AddColumn("id"); table.AddColumn("skill_id", true); table.AddColumn("level", true); table.AddRow( pConnection.CharacterInternalID, stat.Item1, stat.Item2, stat.Item3 ); table.RunQuery(); } }
public void Decode(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { InventorySlots = new byte[INVENTORIES]; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORIES; i++) InventorySlots[i] = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadLong(); // 94354848000000000 | 1-1-1900 EquipmentItems = new Dictionary<short, ItemEquip>[EQUIP_INVENTORIES]; #if LOCALE_EMS for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++) { EquipmentItems[i] = new Dictionary<short, ItemEquip>(); while (true) { short slot = pPacket.ReadShort(); if (slot == 0) break; slot = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(i, slot); ItemEquip equip = (ItemEquip)ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); EquipmentItems[i].Add(slot, equip); } } pPacket.ReadBool(); // EMS only -.- for (byte i = 3; i < EQUIP_INVENTORIES; i++) { EquipmentItems[i] = new Dictionary<short, ItemEquip>(); while (true) { short slot = pPacket.ReadShort(); if (slot == 0) break; slot = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(i, slot); ItemEquip equip = (ItemEquip)ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); EquipmentItems[i].Add(slot, equip); } } #else for (byte i = 0; i < EQUIP_INVENTORIES; i++) { EquipmentItems[i] = new Dictionary<short, ItemEquip>(); while (true) { short slot = pPacket.ReadShort(); if (slot == 0) break; slot = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(i, slot); ItemEquip equip = (ItemEquip)ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); EquipmentItems[i].Add(slot, equip); } } #endif InventoryItems = new Dictionary<byte, ItemBase>[NORMAL_INVENTORIES]; BagItems = new Dictionary<int, BagItem>(); for (byte i = 0; i < NORMAL_INVENTORIES; i++) { InventoryItems[i] = new Dictionary<byte, ItemBase>(); while (true) { byte slot = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (slot == 0) break; ItemBase item = ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); InventoryItems[i].Add(slot, item); if (item.BagID != -1) { // Update BagID... O.o item.BagID = GameHelper.GetBagID(item.BagID, i); BagItem bi = new BagItem(item); BagItems.Add(item.BagID, bi); } } } // Bagzzz for (int inv = 3; inv <= 4; inv++) { var bags = pPacket.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < bags; i++) { int bagid = pPacket.ReadInt(); int bagitemid = pPacket.ReadInt(); BagItem bi = BagItems[GameHelper.GetBagID(bagid, inv - 2)]; // No addition to inv...! while (true) { int slotid = pPacket.ReadInt(); if (slotid == -1) break; ItemBase item = ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); bi.Items.Add((byte)slotid, item); } } } }
public virtual void HandleInventorySlotsUpdate(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { CharacterInventory inventory = pConnection.CharData.Inventory; byte inv = pPacket.ReadByte(); byte newslots = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (inv < 1 || inv > 5) return; if (newslots < 24 || newslots > 96) return; // Just to be sure inventory.InventorySlots[inv - 1] = newslots; string slotname = ""; switch (inv) { case 1: slotname = "eqp"; break; case 2: slotname = "use"; break; case 3: slotname = "setup"; break; case 4: slotname = "etc"; break; case 5: slotname = "cash"; break; } MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(string.Format("UPDATE characters SET {0}_slots = {1} WHERE internal_id = {2}", slotname, newslots, pConnection.CharacterInternalID)); pConnection.SendTimeUpdate(); }
public virtual void HandleStatUpdate(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { pPacket.ReadByte(); long updateFlag = pPacket.ReadLong(); if (updateFlag == 0) return; // Fake Update -.- / Unstuck bool didsomething = false; if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 1)) // Skin { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Skin = pPacket.ReadByte(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 2)) // Eyes { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Face = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 4)) // Eyes { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Hair = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 8)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Pets[0] = pPacket.ReadLong(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x80000)) { var value = pPacket.ReadLong(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("0x80000 | {0}", value); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x100000)) { var value = pPacket.ReadLong(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("0x100000 | {0}", value); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x10)) { didsomething = true; var level = pPacket.ReadByte(); Timeline.Instance.PushLevelUP(pConnection, level); pConnection.CharData.Stats.Level = level; pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("{0} leveled up to level {1}!!!", pConnection.CharData.Stats.Name, level); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x20)) { didsomething = true; var jobid = pPacket.ReadShort(); Timeline.Instance.PushJobUP(pConnection, (ushort)jobid); pConnection.CharData.Stats.JobID = jobid; pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("{0} changed to job {1}!!!", pConnection.CharData.Stats.Name, jobid); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x40)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Str = pPacket.ReadShort(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x80)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Dex = pPacket.ReadShort(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x100)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Int = pPacket.ReadShort(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x200)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Luk = pPacket.ReadShort(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x400)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.HP = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x800)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.MaxHP = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x1000)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.MP = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x2000)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.MaxMP = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x4000)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.AP = pPacket.ReadShort(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x8000)) { didsomething = true; short a1 = pConnection.CharData.Stats.JobID; pConnection.CharData.Stats.SPData.Clear(); if (GameHelper.IsExtendedSPJob(pConnection.CharData.Stats.JobID)) { byte amnt = pPacket.ReadByte(); List<byte> haslist = new List<byte>(); for (int j = 0; j < amnt; j++) { byte v1 = pPacket.ReadByte(); // Job ID int v2 = pPacket.ReadInt(); // Amount pConnection.CharData.Stats.SPData.Add(new KeyValuePair<byte, int>(v1, v2)); haslist.Add(v1); } for (byte j = 1; j < 20; j++) { if (!haslist.Contains(j)) pConnection.CharData.Stats.SPData.Add(new KeyValuePair<byte, int>(j, 0)); } } else { pConnection.CharData.Stats.SPData.Add(new KeyValuePair<byte, int>(0, pPacket.ReadShort())); } } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x10000)) { didsomething = true; long newexp = pPacket.ReadLong(); byte point = (byte)EXPTable.GetLevelPercentage(pConnection.CharData.Stats.Level, newexp); if (pConnection.LastExpPoint != point) { // Ohhh Timeline.Instance.PushExpPoint(pConnection, point); } pConnection.CharData.Stats.EXP = newexp; pConnection.LastExpPoint = point; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x20000)) { didsomething = true; int fame = pPacket.ReadInt(); Timeline.Instance.PushGotFame(pConnection, fame - pConnection.CharData.Stats.Fame, fame); pConnection.CharData.Stats.Fame = fame; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x40000)) { didsomething = true; pConnection.CharData.Stats.Mesos = pPacket.ReadLong(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x200000)) { var value = pPacket.ReadInt(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("0x200000 | {0}", value); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x400000)) { var value = pPacket.ReadByte(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("0x400000 | {0}", value); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x800000)) { // Ambition/Charisma D: pConnection.CharData.Stats.Traits[(int)GW_CharacterStat.TraitVals.Charisma] = pPacket.ReadInt(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x1000000)) { pConnection.CharData.Stats.Traits[(int)GW_CharacterStat.TraitVals.Insight] = pPacket.ReadInt(); didsomething = true; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x2000000)) { pConnection.CharData.Stats.Traits[(int)GW_CharacterStat.TraitVals.Willpower] = pPacket.ReadInt(); didsomething = true; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x4000000)) { pConnection.CharData.Stats.Traits[(int)GW_CharacterStat.TraitVals.CraftDiligence] = pPacket.ReadInt(); didsomething = true; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x8000000)) { pConnection.CharData.Stats.Traits[(int)GW_CharacterStat.TraitVals.Empathy] = pPacket.ReadInt(); didsomething = true; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x10000000)) { pConnection.CharData.Stats.Traits[(int)GW_CharacterStat.TraitVals.Charm] = pPacket.ReadInt(); didsomething = true; } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x20000000)) { pPacket.ReadBytes(21); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x40000000)) { pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x80000000)) { for (byte i = 0; i < 9; i++) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x100000000)) { var value1 = pPacket.ReadByte(); var value2 = pPacket.ReadByte(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("0x100000000 | {0} | {1}", value1, value2); } if (CheckFlag(updateFlag, 0x200000000)) { var value = pPacket.ReadInt(); pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("0x200000000 | {0}", value); } if (didsomething) { pConnection.CharData.SaveCharacterInfo(pConnection); pConnection.SendTimeUpdate(); } }
public virtual void HandleSkillMacros(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { byte count = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (count == 0) return; string q = string.Format("DELETE FROM skillmacros WHERE character_id = {0};\r\n", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); q += "INSERT INTO skillmacros VALUES \r\n"; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string name = pPacket.ReadString(); bool shout = pPacket.ReadBool(); int skill1 = pPacket.ReadInt(); int skill2 = pPacket.ReadInt(); int skill3 = pPacket.ReadInt(); q += string.Format("({0}, {1}, '{2}', {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}),", pConnection.CharacterInternalID, i, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlHelper.EscapeString(name), shout, skill1, skill2, skill3); } q = q.TrimEnd(','); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(q); }
public void Decode(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { pPacket.Skip(8); // Flag #if LOCALE_GMS pPacket.Skip(1); #endif { // Added GMS V.132 pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } #if LOCALE_EMS pPacket.Skip(1); #endif int tmp = pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.Skip(tmp * 4); tmp = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.Skip(tmp * (4 + 8)); #if LOCALE_GMS pPacket.Skip(1); #endif if (pPacket.ReadBool()) { tmp = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.Skip(tmp * 8); tmp = pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.Skip(tmp * 8); } Stats = new GW_CharacterStat(); Stats.Decode(pPacket); this.BuddylistSize = pPacket.ReadByte(); #if LOCALE_EMS pPacket.ReadByte(); #endif if (pPacket.ReadBool()) BlessingOfTheFairy = pPacket.ReadString(); else BlessingOfTheFairy = null; if (pPacket.ReadBool()) BlessingOfEmpress = pPacket.ReadString(); else BlessingOfEmpress = null; if (pPacket.ReadBool()) UltimateExplorer = pPacket.ReadString(); else UltimateExplorer = null; Stats.DecodeMesos(pPacket); // .-. #if LOCALE_EMS pPacket.ReadByte(); // Bool check pPacket.ReadInt(); #endif // Unknown stuff here for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); } #if LOCALE_GMS // Magical potion pots!!! for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) // V.126 { pPacket.ReadInt(); // Potion pot ID pPacket.ReadInt(); // Max value pPacket.ReadInt(); // HP pPacket.ReadInt(); // ??? (Not max value of MP) pPacket.ReadInt(); // MP pPacket.ReadLong(); // Start date O.o? pPacket.ReadLong(); // End date O.o? } #endif #if LOCALE_GMS // V.142 - RED stuff? for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } { pPacket.ReadInt(); for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } } for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) pPacket.ReadInt(); if (pPacket.ReadBool()) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) // called 2 times under each other! { for (int i = pPacket.ReadByte(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadString(); } } #endif #if LOCALE_EMS // REMOVED GMS V.141?! for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) // V.137 { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } pPacket.ReadInt(); for (int i = 6; i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); } for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); } for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadString(); } for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadString(); } #endif Inventory = new CharacterInventory(); Inventory.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); //UnknownIntegerListNumber3 = new Dictionary<int, long>(); for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); //UnknownIntegerListNumber3.Add(pPacket.ReadInt(), pPacket.ReadLong()); } //UnknownIntegerListNumber4 = new Dictionary<long, long>(); for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); //UnknownIntegerListNumber4.Add(pPacket.ReadLong(), pPacket.ReadLong()); } while (true) { byte val = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (val == 0) break; { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); pPacket.ReadLong(); } } Skills = new CharacterSkills(); Skills.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); Quests = new CharacterQuests(); Quests.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); // Match for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } { Rings = new List<Ring>(); MarriedWith = null; // Couple for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Rings.Add(new Ring(Ring.Type.Couple, pPacket)); } // Friend for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Rings.Add(new Ring(Ring.Type.Friend, pPacket)); } // Marriage for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { Ring ring = new Ring(Ring.Type.Marriage, pPacket, Stats.Name); Rings.Add(ring); MarriedWith = ring.FriendName; } } Inventory.DecodeTeleportRocks(pPacket); #if LOCALE_GMS Monsterbook = new CharacterMonsterBook(); Monsterbook.Decode(pPacket); pPacket.ReadInt(); // -1? for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadShort(); } { // Newyear cards... meh // WHAT MEH, SOMEONE HAS THIS FFS D:!!! for (short i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); // Card ID? pPacket.ReadInt(); // Sender ID pPacket.ReadString(); // Sender name pPacket.ReadByte(); // GENDER..? pPacket.ReadLong(); // Sent at? pPacket.ReadInt(); // Receiver ID pPacket.ReadString(); // Receiver name pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadLong(); // Receive date? pPacket.ReadString(); // Message } } #else for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadString(); } #endif Quests.DecodePQ(pConnection, pPacket); if (GameHelper.IsWildHunter(Stats.JobID)) { pPacket.ReadByte(); // Level pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); // Caught mob } Quests.DecodePQDone(pConnection, pPacket); for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { short cnt = pPacket.ReadShort(); int unk = pPacket.ReadInt(); // 9010040 | Conor (NPC) if (cnt > 0 && unk > 0) { for (short j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { pPacket.ReadInt(); // 9010040 | Conor (NPC) pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadInt(); // 4330019 | Pink Coin Purse pPacket.ReadShort(); } } } for (int i = 13; i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); // Stolen Skills } for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); // Chosen Skills? } // Inner Stats Abilities = new List<Tuple<byte, int, byte>>(); for (int i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { byte id = pPacket.ReadByte(); // 'ID' int skillid = pPacket.ReadInt(); // Skill ID byte level = pPacket.ReadByte(); // Level pPacket.ReadByte(); // Rank Abilities.Add(new Tuple<byte, int, byte>(id, skillid, level)); } #if LOCALE_GMS { // V.134 for (int i = pPacket.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadString(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadString(); for (int j = pPacket.ReadInt(); j > 0; j--) { pPacket.ReadByte(); } } pPacket.ReadByte(); } #endif Stats.HonourLevel = pPacket.ReadInt(); Stats.HonourExp = pPacket.ReadInt(); { byte unk = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (unk == 1) { while (true) { tmp = pPacket.ReadUShort(); if (tmp <= 0) break; while (true) { ushort tmp2 = pPacket.ReadUShort(); if (tmp2 <= 0) break; pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } } } else { while (true) { tmp = pPacket.ReadUShort(); if (tmp <= 0) break; pPacket.ReadUShort(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } } } if (pPacket.ReadBool()) { // Wat. ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); pPacket.ReadInt(); } { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); } { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); } #if LOCALE_EMS pPacket.ReadBool(); pPacket.ReadBool(); #endif { EvolutionCards = new List<EvolutionCard>(); for (short i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { var card = new EvolutionCard(); card.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); card.Block = 1; EvolutionCards.Add(card); } for (short i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { var card = new EvolutionCard(); card.Decode(pConnection, pPacket); card.Block = 2; EvolutionCards.Add(card); } } #if LOCALE_EMS if (pPacket.ReadBool()) { // Wat. ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } #endif #if LOCALE_EMS // No farm info for (short i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.Skip(20); } #else { // V.134 for (byte i = pPacket.ReadByte(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); } } { // V.134 // FARM INFO. Creating... = not yet created farm. Else: farmname pPacket.ReadString(); // Creating... pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadByte(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } #if LOCALE_GMS if (pPacket.ReadBool()) { // Wat. ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); } #endif { // V.141 pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadLong(); // A bit off here, should be filetime value pPacket.ReadInt(); } pPacket.Skip(84); // I don't even pPacket.ReadByte(); { for (short i = pPacket.ReadShort(); i > 0; i--) { pPacket.ReadShort(); pPacket.ReadShort(); } } { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.Skip(32); } { if (pPacket.ReadInt() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pPacket.Skip(4 + 4 + 4); pPacket.ReadString(); pPacket.Skip(4 * 7); pPacket.Skip(8 * 4); pPacket.Skip(4 * 4); pPacket.Skip(1 * 5); pPacket.Skip(4 * 3); pPacket.ReadString(); pPacket.Skip(4 * 2); pPacket.ReadByte(); byte tmptmp = pPacket.ReadByte(); if ((tmptmp & 0x01) != 0) { pPacket.ReadInt(); pPacket.ReadString(); pPacket.Skip(24); } for (int j = pPacket.ReadInt(); j > 0; j++) { pPacket.Skip(4 * 9); } } } } // Removed in V.141 //pPacket.ReadInt(); // I DONT EVEN D: #endif }
public virtual void HandleInventoryUpdate(ClientConnection pConnection, MaplePacket pPacket) { CharacterInventory inventory = pConnection.CharData.Inventory; byte type1 = pPacket.ReadByte(); byte items = pPacket.ReadByte(); byte type3 = pPacket.ReadByte(); if (type3 == 0) // Add or update item { for (var amnt = 0; amnt < items; amnt++) { byte type4 = pPacket.ReadByte(); byte inv = pPacket.ReadByte(); short slot = pPacket.ReadShort(); inv -= 1; if (type4 == 0) // New Item { ItemBase item = ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); if (inv == 0) { // Equip byte internalInventory = CharacterInventory.GetEquipInventoryFromSlot(slot); slot = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(internalInventory, slot); if (!inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventory].ContainsKey(slot)) inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventory].Add(slot, item as ItemEquip); else inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventory][slot] = item as ItemEquip; } else { if (!inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].ContainsKey((byte)slot)) inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].Add((byte)slot, item); else inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1][(byte)slot] = item; } using (InsertQueryBuilder itemsTable = new InsertQueryBuilder("items")) { itemsTable.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; Queries.SaveItem(pConnection, inv, slot, item, itemsTable); itemsTable.RunQuery(); } if (item is ItemPet) { var pet = item as ItemPet; using (InsertQueryBuilder petTable = new InsertQueryBuilder("pets")) { petTable.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; Queries.SavePet(pConnection.CharacterInternalID, pet, petTable); petTable.RunQuery(); } } } else if (type4 == 1) // Update amount { short amount = pPacket.ReadShort(); if (inv == 0) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("WUTWUT"); // Should _never_ happen continue; } ItemBase item = inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1][(byte)slot]; item.Amount = amount; AccountDataCache.Instance.SetChecksumOfSlot(pConnection.CharacterID, pConnection.WorldID, inv, slot, item.GetChecksum()); using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("amount", amount); itemTable.SetColumn("checksum", item.GetChecksum()); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", inv); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slot); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } else if (type4 == 2) // Swap { short slotfrom = slot; short slotto = pPacket.ReadShort(); bool founditem = false; if (inv == 0) { // Equips! byte internalInventoryFrom = CharacterInventory.GetEquipInventoryFromSlot(slotfrom); byte internalInventoryTo = CharacterInventory.GetEquipInventoryFromSlot(slotto); slotfrom = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(internalInventoryFrom, slotfrom); slotto = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(internalInventoryTo, slotto); // Switch Equips ItemEquip item = inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryFrom][slotfrom]; if (inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryTo].ContainsKey(slotto)) { inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryFrom][slotfrom] = inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryTo][slotto]; inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryTo].Remove(slotto); // Remove item founditem = true; } else { inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryFrom].Remove(slotfrom); } inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventoryTo].Add(slotto, item); } else { // Switch Items ItemBase item = inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1][(byte)slotfrom]; if (inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].ContainsKey((byte)slotto)) { inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1][(byte)slotfrom] = inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1][(byte)slotto]; inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].Remove((byte)slotto); // Remove item founditem = true; } else { inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].Remove((byte)slotfrom); } inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].Add((byte)slotto, item); } if (founditem) // New slot contained item { using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotfrom + 3000); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", inv); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", inv); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } if (founditem) // Fix other slot { using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", inv); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom + 3000); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } } else if (type4 == 3) { // Drop/delete item. if (inv == 0) { // Equips! byte internalInventory = CharacterInventory.GetEquipInventoryFromSlot(slot); slot = CharacterInventory.CorrectEquipSlot(internalInventory, slot); if (inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventory].ContainsKey(slot)) { inventory.EquipmentItems[internalInventory].Remove(slot); AccountDataCache.Instance.DeleteItemChecksum(pConnection, 0, slot); } else pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("!!! Could not find item @ {0} {1}", inv, slot); } else { if (inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].ContainsKey((byte)slot)) { inventory.InventoryItems[inv - 1].Remove((byte)slot); AccountDataCache.Instance.DeleteItemChecksum(pConnection, (ushort)(inv - 1), slot); } else pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("!!! Could not find item @ {0} {1}", inv, slot); } using (DeleteQueryBuilder itemTable = new DeleteQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", inv); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slot); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); itemTable.RunQuery(); } } else if (type4 == 4) { pPacket.ReadLong(); // Unknown..? } else if (type4 == 5) { // 'Swap' items from and to bags inv -= 1; short from = slot; byte slotfrom = (byte)(from % 100); byte bagfrom = (byte)(from / 100); short to = pPacket.ReadShort(); byte slotto = (byte)(to % 100); byte bagto = (byte)(to / 100); slotfrom -= 1; slotto -= 1; if (bagto == 0) bagto = 255; else bagto -= 1; if (bagfrom == 0) bagfrom = 255; else bagfrom -= 1; ushort invto = bagto == 255 ? inv : GameHelper.GetBagID(bagto, inv); ushort invfrom = bagfrom == 255 ? inv : GameHelper.GetBagID(bagfrom, inv); if ( (bagfrom != 255 && bagto != 255) || (bagfrom == bagto) || // Check if the item is being moved to itself or something (bagfrom == 255 && !inventory.InventoryItems[inv].ContainsKey(slotfrom)) || (bagfrom != 255 && (!inventory.BagItems.ContainsKey(invfrom) || !inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items.ContainsKey(slotfrom))) || (bagto != 255 && !inventory.BagItems.ContainsKey(invto)) // Only check if bag exists ) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Invalid item movement in bag !!!"); continue; } bool founditem = false; if (bagfrom == 255) { // Move to bag ItemBase ib = inventory.InventoryItems[inv][slotfrom]; if (inventory.BagItems[invto].Items.ContainsKey(slotto)) { inventory.InventoryItems[inv][slotfrom] = inventory.BagItems[invto].Items[slotto]; inventory.BagItems[invto].Items.Remove(slotto); founditem = true; } inventory.BagItems[invto].Items.Add(slotto, ib); } else { // Move to normal slot ItemBase ib = inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items[slotfrom]; if (inventory.InventoryItems[inv].ContainsKey(slotto)) { inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items[slotfrom] = inventory.InventoryItems[inv][slotto]; inventory.InventoryItems[inv].Remove(slotto); } inventory.InventoryItems[inv].Add(slotto, ib); using (InsertQueryBuilder itemsTable = new InsertQueryBuilder("items")) { itemsTable.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; Queries.SaveItem(pConnection, inv, slot, ib, itemsTable); itemsTable.RunQuery(); } } /* * Item A: item being used to move/swap | inv 3, slot 21 (Etc) | slotfrom, invfrom * Item B: item that is being swapped with A | inv 11, slot 3 (Bag 2) | slotto, invto * * Move B to a temp slot, to the new inventory: inv 11 -> inv 3, slot 3 -> slot 3021 * Move A to B: inv 3 -> inv 11, slot 21 -> slot 3 * Move B to A: slot 3021 -> slot 21 * */ if (founditem) // New slot contained item { // Temporary moving item using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotfrom + 3000); itemTable.SetColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotto); itemTable.SetColumn("inventory", invto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } if (founditem) // Fix other slot { using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom + 3000); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } } else if (type4 == 6) { // Update bag item amount inv -= 1; short from = slot; byte slotfrom = (byte)(from % 100); byte bagfrom = (byte)(from / 100); short amount = pPacket.ReadShort(); slotfrom -= 1; if (bagfrom == 0) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Invalid item bag!"); continue; } else bagfrom -= 1; ushort invfrom = GameHelper.GetBagID(bagfrom, inv); if ( !inventory.BagItems.ContainsKey(invfrom) || !inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items.ContainsKey(slotfrom) ) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Invalid item movement in bag (item did not exist)!!!"); continue; } ItemBase item = inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items[slotfrom]; item.Amount = amount; AccountDataCache.Instance.SetChecksumOfSlot(pConnection.CharacterID, pConnection.WorldID, inv, slot, item.GetChecksum()); using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("amount", amount); itemTable.SetColumn("checksum", item.GetChecksum()); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slot); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } else if (type4 == 7) { // Delete/drop bag item D: inv -= 1; short from = slot; byte slotfrom = (byte)(from % 100); byte bagfrom = (byte)(from / 100); slotfrom -= 1; bagfrom -= 1; ushort invfrom = GameHelper.GetBagID(bagfrom, inv); using (DeleteQueryBuilder itemTable = new DeleteQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } else if (type4 == 8) { // Swap/move item in bags inv -= 1; short from = slot; byte slotfrom = (byte)(from % 100); byte bagfrom = (byte)(from / 100); short to = pPacket.ReadShort(); byte slotto = (byte)(to % 100); byte bagto = (byte)(to / 100); slotfrom -= 1; slotto -= 1; bagto -= 1; bagfrom -= 1; ushort invto = GameHelper.GetBagID(bagto, inv); ushort invfrom = GameHelper.GetBagID(bagfrom, inv); if (!inventory.BagItems.ContainsKey(invfrom) || !inventory.BagItems.ContainsKey(invto)) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Invalid item movement in bag"); continue; } if (!inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items.ContainsKey(slotfrom)) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Invalid item movement in bag (item not found)"); continue; } ItemBase item = inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items[slotfrom]; bool founditem = false; if (inventory.BagItems[invto].Items.ContainsKey(slotto)) { // Swap inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items[slotfrom] = inventory.BagItems[invto].Items[slotto]; inventory.BagItems[invto].Items.Remove(slotto); // Delete item founditem = true; } inventory.BagItems[invto].Items.Add(slotto, item); if (founditem) // New slot contained item { // Temporary moving item using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotfrom + 3000); itemTable.SetColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotto); itemTable.SetColumn("inventory", invto); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } if (founditem) // Fix other slot { using (UpdateQueryBuilder itemTable = new UpdateQueryBuilder("items")) { itemTable.SetColumn("slot", slotfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("inventory", invfrom); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("slot", slotfrom + 3000); itemTable.SetWhereColumn("character_id", pConnection.CharacterInternalID); MySQL_Connection.Instance.RunQuery(itemTable.ToString()); } } } else if (type4 == 9) { // Add item directly to bag inv -= 1; ItemBase item = ItemBase.DecodeItemData(pConnection, pPacket); short from = slot; byte slotfrom = (byte)(from % 100); byte bagfrom = (byte)(from / 100); slotfrom -= 1; bagfrom -= 1; ushort invfrom = GameHelper.GetBagID(bagfrom, inv); if (!inventory.BagItems.ContainsKey(invfrom)) continue; inventory.BagItems[invfrom].Items[slotfrom] = item; using (InsertQueryBuilder itemsTable = new InsertQueryBuilder("items")) { itemsTable.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; Queries.SaveItem(pConnection, invfrom, slotfrom, item, itemsTable); itemsTable.RunQuery(); } if (item is ItemPet) { var pet = item as ItemPet; using (InsertQueryBuilder petTable = new InsertQueryBuilder("pets")) { petTable.OnDuplicateUpdate = true; Queries.SavePet(pConnection.CharacterInternalID, pet, petTable); petTable.RunQuery(); } } } else if (type4 == 10) { pConnection.Logger_WriteLine("Player probably removed some bag item... O.o?"); } } } pConnection.SendTimeUpdate(); }