Equals() public méthode

public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object
Résultat bool
Exemple #1
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            Debug.Assert(d != null);
            Debug.Assert(_invocationList is object[]);
            object[] invocationList = (object[])_invocationList;

            if (d._invocationCount != _invocationCount)

            int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                Debug.Assert(invocationList[i] is Delegate);
                Delegate dd = (Delegate)invocationList[i]; // If invocationList is an object[], it always contains Delegate (or MulticastDelegate) objects

                object[] dInvocationList = (d._invocationList as object[]) !;
                if (!dd.Equals(dInvocationList[i]))
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the given delegate from my invocation list.
        /// </summary>
        protected override sealed Delegate Remove(Delegate other)
            if (this.Equals(other))
                // Front of the list
                var result = next;
                next = null;

            MulticastDelegate parent = this;

            while ((parent != null) && (!other.Equals(parent.next)))
                parent = parent.next;

            if (parent != null)
                MulticastDelegate otherx = parent.next;
                parent.next = otherx.next;
                otherx.next = null;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the given delegate from my invocation list.
        /// </summary>
        protected override sealed Delegate Remove(Delegate other)
            if (this.Equals(other))
                // Front of the list
                var result = next;
                next = null;
                return result;

            MulticastDelegate parent = this;
            while ((parent != null) && (!other.Equals(parent.next)))
                parent = parent.next;

            if (parent != null)
                MulticastDelegate otherx = parent.next;
                parent.next = otherx.next;
                otherx.next = null;

            return this;
 public void RemoveListener(Delegate listener)
     this.listeners.RemoveAll(reference => {
         //Remove the listener, and prune collected listeners
         Delegate target = reference.Target;
         return listener.Equals(target) || target == null;
Exemple #5
 protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
     if (!d.Equals(this))
Exemple #6
 public void RemoveListener(Delegate listener)
     _listeners.RemoveAll(reference =>
         var local0 = reference.Target;
         if (!listener.Equals(local0))
             return local0 == null;
         return true;
        public void RemoveListener(Delegate listener)
            if (listener == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("listener");

            this.listeners.RemoveAll(reference =>
                //Remove the listener, and prune collected listeners
                Delegate target = reference.Target;
                return listener.Equals(target) || target == null;
Exemple #8
 static new public int Equals(IntPtr l)
     try {
         System.Delegate self = (System.Delegate)checkSelf(l);
         System.Object   a1;
         checkType(l, 2, out a1);
         var ret = self.Equals(a1);
         pushValue(l, true);
         pushValue(l, ret);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
    static int Equals(IntPtr L)
            ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
            System.Delegate obj  = (System.Delegate)ToLua.CheckObject <System.Delegate>(L, 1);
            object          arg0 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 2);
            bool            o    = obj != null?obj.Equals(arg0) : arg0 == null;

            LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o);
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
    static int Equals(IntPtr L)
        ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
        System.Delegate obj  = (System.Delegate)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(System.Delegate));
        object          arg0 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 2);
        bool            o;

            o = obj != null?obj.Equals(arg0) : arg0 == null;
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, e.Message));

        LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o);
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            object[] objArray = this._invocationList as object[];
            if (d._invocationCount != this._invocationCount)
            int num = (int)this._invocationCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Delegate delegate2 = (Delegate)objArray[i];
                object[] objArray2 = d._invocationList as object[];
                if (!delegate2.Equals(objArray2[i]))
Exemple #12
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
            if (d.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData != m_extraFunctionPointerOrData)

            int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;

            for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                Delegate   dd = invocationList[i];
                Delegate[] dInvocationList = d.m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (!dd.Equals(dInvocationList[i]))
        // Recursive function which will check for equality of the invocation list.
        private bool InvocationListEquals(MulticastDelegate d)
            Debug.Assert(d != null && (_invocationList as Object[]) != null, "bogus delegate in multicast list comparison");
            Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
            if (d._invocationCount != _invocationCount)

            int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                Delegate dd = (Delegate)invocationList[i];
                Object[] dInvocationList = d._invocationList as Object[];
                if (!dd.Equals(dInvocationList[i]))
Exemple #14
 protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
     return((d.Equals(this)) ? null : this);
 protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
     MulticastDelegate delegate2 = value as MulticastDelegate;
     if (delegate2 != null)
         if (delegate2._invocationList is object[])
             object[] a = this._invocationList as object[];
             if (a != null)
                 int invocationCount = (int) this._invocationCount;
                 int count = (int) delegate2._invocationCount;
                 for (int i = invocationCount - count; i >= 0; i--)
                     if (this.EqualInvocationLists(a, delegate2._invocationList as object[], i, count))
                         if ((invocationCount - count) == 0)
                             return null;
                         if ((invocationCount - count) == 1)
                             return (Delegate) a[(i != 0) ? 0 : (invocationCount - 1)];
                         object[] invocationList = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(a, invocationCount, i, count);
                         return this.NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, invocationCount - count, true);
             object[] objArray = this._invocationList as object[];
             if (objArray == null)
                 if (this.Equals(value))
                     return null;
                 int num = (int) this._invocationCount;
                 int index = num;
                 while (--index >= 0)
                     if (value.Equals(objArray[index]))
                         if (num == 2)
                             return (Delegate) objArray[1 - index];
                         object[] objArray2 = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(objArray, num, index, 1);
                         return this.NewMulticastDelegate(objArray2, num - 1, true);
     return this;
		protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl (Delegate removed)
			if (removed == null)
				return this;

		    var removedMulticast = removed as MulticastDelegate;
		    if (removedMulticast == null || removedMulticast.invocationList == null)
		        if (invocationList == null)
                    // Both non multicast Delegate, so nothing left
		            if (base.Equals(removed))
		                return null;
                    // Remove from list
		            int invocationCount = invocationList.Length;
		            for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
		                if (removed.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            // Only two delegates?
                            // Returns the other one
		                    if (invocationCount == 2)
		                        return invocationList[1 - i];

		                    var newInvocationList = new Delegate[invocationCount - 1];
                            int j;
                            for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                                newInvocationList[j] = invocationList[j];
                            for (j++; j < invocationCount; j++)
                                newInvocationList[j - 1] = invocationList[j];

                            return NewMulticast(newInvocationList);
		        var removedInvocationList = removedMulticast.invocationList;
                var removedInvocationCount = removedInvocationList.Length;

                // Removing a multicast delegate from a delegate wouldn't make sense, only consider the case
                // where we remove a multicast from a multicast
		        if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount = invocationList.Length;

                    // Iterate over every possible range
                    // TODO: KPM?
		            for (int startIndex = invocationCount - removedInvocationCount; startIndex >= 0; --startIndex)
                        // Compare ranges
		                var equal = true;
		                for (int i = 0; i < removedInvocationCount; i++)
		                    if (!(invocationList[startIndex + i].Equals(removedInvocationList[i])))
		                        equal = false;

		                if (!equal)
                            continue; // Try startIndex - 1

                        // We have a match
		                var leftInvocationCount = invocationCount - removedInvocationCount;

                        // Nothing left?
                        if (leftInvocationCount == 0)
                            return null;

                        // Only one value left? (last or first)
                        if (leftInvocationCount == 1)
                            return invocationList[startIndex == 0 ? invocationCount - 1 : 0];

                        // General case
                        var newInvocationList = new Delegate[leftInvocationCount];

                        int j;
                        for (j = 0; j < startIndex; j++)
                            newInvocationList[j] = invocationList[j];
                        for (j += removedInvocationCount; j < invocationCount; j++)
                            newInvocationList[j - removedInvocationCount] = invocationList[j];

                        return NewMulticast(newInvocationList);

            // No changes
		    return this;
Exemple #17
        // This method currently looks backward on the invocation list
        //  for an element that has Delegate based equality with value.  (Doesn't
        //  look at the invocation list.)  If this is found we remove it from
        //  this list and return a new delegate.  If its not found a copy of the
        //  current list is returned.
        protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
            // There is a special case were we are removing using a delegate as
            //    the value we need to check for this case
            MulticastDelegate v = d as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
            if (v.m_helperObject as Delegate[] == null)
                Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (invocationList == null)
                    // they are both not real Multicast
                    if (this.Equals(d))
                    int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (d.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return(invocationList[1 - i]);
                                Delegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1, true));
                Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount  = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v.m_helperObject as Delegate[], i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                                // Special case - no values left
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return(invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                                Delegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount, true));

Exemple #18
        // This method currently looks backward on the invocation list
        //  for an element that has Delegate based equality with value.  (Doesn't
        //  look at the invocation list.)  If this is found we remove it from
        //  this list and return a new delegate.  If its not found a copy of the
        //  current list is returned.
        internal Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            // There is a special case were we are removing using a delegate as
            //    the value we need to check for this case
            MulticastDelegate v = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
                return this;
            if (v.m_helperObject as Delegate[] == null)
                Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (invocationList == null)
                    // they are both not real Multicast
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                        return null;
                    int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return invocationList[1 - i];
                                Delegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1, true);
                Delegate[] invocationList = m_helperObject as Delegate[];
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount = (int)m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v.m_helperObject as Delegate[], i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                                // Special case - no values left
                                return null;
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1];
                                Delegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount, true);

            return this;
		protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
			if (!d.Equals(this))
				return this;
			return null;
        protected override sealed Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (multicastDelegate == null)
            if (!(multicastDelegate._invocationList is object[]))
                object[] invocationList = this._invocationList as object[];
                if (invocationList == null)
                    if (this.Equals((object)value))
                    int invocationCount = (int)this._invocationCount;
                    int deleteIndex     = invocationCount;
                    while (--deleteIndex >= 0)
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[deleteIndex]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[1 - deleteIndex]);
                            return((Delegate)this.NewMulticastDelegate(this.DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, deleteIndex, 1), invocationCount - 1, true));
                object[] objArray = this._invocationList as object[];
                if (objArray != null)
                    int invocationCount = (int)this._invocationCount;
                    int num             = (int)multicastDelegate._invocationCount;
                    for (int index = invocationCount - num; index >= 0; --index)
                        if (this.EqualInvocationLists(objArray, multicastDelegate._invocationList as object[], index, num))
                            if (invocationCount - num == 0)
                            if (invocationCount - num == 1)
                                return((Delegate)objArray[index != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                            return((Delegate)this.NewMulticastDelegate(this.DeleteFromInvocationList(objArray, invocationCount, index, num), invocationCount - num, true));
Exemple #21
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            ListenerSorter listenerSorter = (ListenerSorter)obj;

        protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate removed)
            if (removed == null)

            var removedMulticast = removed as MulticastDelegate;

            if (removedMulticast == null || removedMulticast.invocationList == null)
                if (invocationList == null)
                    // Both non multicast Delegate, so nothing left
                    if (base.Equals(removed))
                    // Remove from list
                    int invocationCount = invocationList.Length;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (removed.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            // Only two delegates?
                            // Returns the other one
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                return(invocationList[1 - i]);

                            var newInvocationList = new Delegate[invocationCount - 1];

                            int j;
                            for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                                newInvocationList[j] = invocationList[j];
                            for (j++; j < invocationCount; j++)
                                newInvocationList[j - 1] = invocationList[j];

                var removedInvocationList  = removedMulticast.invocationList;
                var removedInvocationCount = removedInvocationList.Length;

                // Removing a multicast delegate from a delegate wouldn't make sense, only consider the case
                // where we remove a multicast from a multicast
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount = invocationList.Length;

                    // Iterate over every possible range
                    // TODO: KPM?
                    for (int startIndex = invocationCount - removedInvocationCount; startIndex >= 0; --startIndex)
                        // Compare ranges
                        var equal = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < removedInvocationCount; i++)
                            if (!(invocationList[startIndex + i].Equals(removedInvocationList[i])))
                                equal = false;

                        if (!equal)
                            continue; // Try startIndex - 1
                        // We have a match
                        var leftInvocationCount = invocationCount - removedInvocationCount;

                        // Nothing left?
                        if (leftInvocationCount == 0)

                        // Only one value left? (last or first)
                        if (leftInvocationCount == 1)
                            return(invocationList[startIndex == 0 ? invocationCount - 1 : 0]);

                        // General case
                        var newInvocationList = new Delegate[leftInvocationCount];

                        int j;
                        for (j = 0; j < startIndex; j++)
                            newInvocationList[j] = invocationList[j];
                        for (j += removedInvocationCount; j < invocationCount; j++)
                            newInvocationList[j - removedInvocationCount] = invocationList[j];


            // No changes
Exemple #23
 protected virtual Delegate?RemoveImpl(Delegate d) => d.Equals(this) ? null : this;
        protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (multicastDelegate == null)
            if (!(multicastDelegate._invocationList is object[]))
                object[] array = this._invocationList as object[];
                if (array == null)
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                    int num  = (int)this._invocationCount;
                    int num2 = num;
                    while (--num2 >= 0)
                        if (value.Equals(array[num2]))
                            if (num == 2)
                                return((Delegate)array[1 - num2]);
                            object[] invocationList = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(array, num, num2, 1);
                            return(this.NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, num - 1, true));
                object[] array2 = this._invocationList as object[];
                if (array2 != null)
                    int num3 = (int)this._invocationCount;
                    int num4 = (int)multicastDelegate._invocationCount;
                    int i    = num3 - num4;
                    while (i >= 0)
                        if (this.EqualInvocationLists(array2, multicastDelegate._invocationList as object[], i, num4))
                            if (num3 - num4 == 0)
                            if (num3 - num4 == 1)
                                return((Delegate)array2[(i != 0) ? 0 : (num3 - 1)]);
                            object[] invocationList2 = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(array2, num3, i, num4);
                            return(this.NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList2, num3 - num4, true));
        // This method currently looks backward on the invocation list
        //    for an element that has Delegate based equality with value.  (Doesn't
        //    look at the invocation list.)  If this is found we remove it from
        //    this list and return a new delegate.  If its not found a copy of the
        //    current list is returned.
        protected override sealed Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            // There is a special case were we are removing using a delegate as
            //    the value we need to check for this case
            MulticastDelegate v = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
            if (v._invocationList as Object[] == null)
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                if (invocationList == null)
                    // they are both not real Multicast
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                    int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[1 - i]);
                                Object[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1, true));
                Object[] invocationList = _invocationList as Object[];
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount  = (int)_invocationCount;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v._invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v._invocationList as Object[], i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                                // Special case - no values left
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                                Object[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount, true));

        protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            MulticastDelegate delegate2 = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (delegate2 != null)
                if (delegate2._invocationList is object[])
                    object[] a = this._invocationList as object[];
                    if (a != null)
                        int invocationCount = (int)this._invocationCount;
                        int count           = (int)delegate2._invocationCount;
                        for (int i = invocationCount - count; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (this.EqualInvocationLists(a, delegate2._invocationList as object[], i, count))
                                if ((invocationCount - count) == 0)
                                if ((invocationCount - count) == 1)
                                    return((Delegate)a[(i != 0) ? 0 : (invocationCount - 1)]);
                                object[] invocationList = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(a, invocationCount, i, count);
                                return(this.NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, invocationCount - count, true));
                    object[] objArray = this._invocationList as object[];
                    if (objArray == null)
                        if (this.Equals(value))
                        int num   = (int)this._invocationCount;
                        int index = num;
                        while (--index >= 0)
                            if (value.Equals(objArray[index]))
                                if (num == 2)
                                    return((Delegate)objArray[1 - index]);
                                object[] objArray2 = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(objArray, num, index, 1);
                                return(this.NewMulticastDelegate(objArray2, num - 1, true));
Exemple #27
        protected override sealed Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
            MulticastDelegate v = value as MulticastDelegate;

            if (v == null)
            if (v._invocationList == null)
                MulticastDelegate[] invocationList = _invocationList;
                if (invocationList == null)
                    if (this.Equals(value))
                    int invocationCount = (int)_invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount; --i >= 0;)
                        if (value.Equals(invocationList[i]))
                            if (invocationCount == 2)
                                // Special case - only one value left, either at the beginning or the end
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[1 - i]);
                                MulticastDelegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, 1);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - 1));
                MulticastDelegate[] invocationList = _invocationList;
                if (invocationList != null)
                    int invocationCount  = (int)_invocationCount;
                    int vInvocationCount = (int)v._invocationCount;
                    for (int i = invocationCount - vInvocationCount; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (EqualInvocationLists(invocationList, v._invocationList, i, vInvocationCount))
                            if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 0)
                            else if (invocationCount - vInvocationCount == 1)
                                return((Delegate)invocationList[i != 0 ? 0 : invocationCount - 1]);
                                MulticastDelegate[] list = DeleteFromInvocationList(invocationList, invocationCount, i, vInvocationCount);
                                return(NewMulticastDelegate(list, invocationCount - vInvocationCount));

 protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
     return (d.Equals(this)) ? null : this;
		protected sealed override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate value)
			MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = value as MulticastDelegate;
			if (multicastDelegate == null)
				return this;
			if (!(multicastDelegate._invocationList is object[]))
				object[] array = this._invocationList as object[];
				if (array == null)
					if (this.Equals(value))
						return null;
					int num = (int)this._invocationCount;
					int num2 = num;
					while (--num2 >= 0)
						if (value.Equals(array[num2]))
							if (num == 2)
								return (Delegate)array[1 - num2];
							object[] invocationList = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(array, num, num2, 1);
							return this.NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, num - 1, true);
				object[] array2 = this._invocationList as object[];
				if (array2 != null)
					int num3 = (int)this._invocationCount;
					int num4 = (int)multicastDelegate._invocationCount;
					int i = num3 - num4;
					while (i >= 0)
						if (this.EqualInvocationLists(array2, multicastDelegate._invocationList as object[], i, num4))
							if (num3 - num4 == 0)
								return null;
							if (num3 - num4 == 1)
								return (Delegate)array2[(i != 0) ? 0 : (num3 - 1)];
							object[] invocationList2 = this.DeleteFromInvocationList(array2, num3, i, num4);
							return this.NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList2, num3 - num4, true);
			return this;