ToDecimal() public static méthode

public static ToDecimal ( String value, IFormatProvider provider ) : Decimal
value String
provider IFormatProvider
Résultat Decimal
Exemple #1
        public ActionResult AddToBasket(AddToBasketButtonAddToBasketViewModel viewModel)
            var cartServiceProvider = new CartServiceProvider();

            var    contactFactory = new ContactFactory();
            string userId         = contactFactory.GetContact();

            var createCartRequest = new CreateOrResumeCartRequest(Context.GetSiteName(), userId);

            var cart = cartServiceProvider.CreateOrResumeCart(createCartRequest).Cart;

            var cartProduct = new CartProduct
                ProductId = viewModel.ProductSku,
                Price     = new Price(Convert.ToDecimal(viewModel.Price), cart.CurrencyCode)

            cartProduct.Properties.Add("VariantSku", viewModel.VariantSku);

            var cartLines = new ReadOnlyCollection <CartLine>(
                new Collection <CartLine> {
                new CartLine
                    Product  = cartProduct,
                    Quantity = (uint)viewModel.Quantity

            var request = new AddCartLinesRequest(cart, cartLines);


            return(Json(_miniBasketService.Refresh(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private IEnumerable <InternalBulkMeasurements> Decompress(string data)
            var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data);

            using var to   = new MemoryStream();
            using var from = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            using var gzip = new GZipStream(@from, CompressionMode.Decompress);

            var final             = to.ToArray();
            var protoMeasurements = MeasurementData.Parser.ParseFrom(final);
            var measurements      =
                from measurement in protoMeasurements.Measurements
                group measurement by measurement.SensorID into g
                select new InternalBulkMeasurements {
                SensorID     = ObjectId.Parse(g.Key),
                Measurements = g.Select(m => new SingleMeasurement {
                    Data = m.Datapoints.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => new DataPoint {
                        Accuracy  = p.Accuracy,
                        Precision = p.Precision,
                        Unit      = p.Unit,
                        Value     = Convert.ToDecimal(p.Value),
                    Location     = new GeoJsonPoint <GeoJson2DGeographicCoordinates>(new GeoJson2DGeographicCoordinates(m.Longitude, m.Latitude)),
                    PlatformTime = m.PlatformTime.ToDateTime(),
                    Timestamp    = m.Timestamp.ToDateTime()

            this.logger.LogInformation("Received {count} measurements.", protoMeasurements.Measurements.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the initial value of the editor based on the contents of
        /// the Cell being edited
        /// </summary>
        protected override void SetEditValue()
            // make sure we start with a valid value
            this.Value = this.Minimum;

            // attempt to get the cells data
            this.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(this.EditingCell.Data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value to a <see cref="decimal"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The object to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
        public decimal ToDecimal(object value)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

            return(SConvert.ToDecimal(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
 public static decimal?ToDecimalN(this object obj)
     if (obj == null)
     if (obj is bool)
     return(decimal.TryParse(obj.ToString().Replace(".", ","), NumberStyles.Any, Culture, out decimal tmpvalue) ? tmpvalue : (decimal?)null);
 private static void RegisterDoubleConversions(
     ITypeConverterRegistry registry)
     registry.Register <double, short>(from => SysConv.ToInt16(from));
     registry.Register <double, int>(from => SysConv.ToInt32(from));
     registry.Register <double, long>(from => SysConv.ToInt64(from));
     registry.Register <double, ushort>(from => SysConv.ToUInt16(from));
     registry.Register <double, uint>(from => SysConv.ToUInt32(from));
     registry.Register <double, ulong>(from => SysConv.ToUInt64(from));
     registry.Register <double, decimal>(from => SysConv.ToDecimal(from));
     registry.Register <double, float>(from => SysConv.ToSingle(from));
     registry.Register <double, string>(from =>
Exemple #7
 private static void RegisterSingleConversions(
     DefaultTypeConverter registry)
     registry.Register <float, byte>(from => SysConv.ToByte(from));
     registry.Register <float, short>(from => SysConv.ToInt16(from));
     registry.Register <float, int>(from => SysConv.ToInt32(from));
     registry.Register <float, long>(from => SysConv.ToInt64(from));
     registry.Register <float, ushort>(from => SysConv.ToUInt16(from));
     registry.Register <float, uint>(from => SysConv.ToUInt32(from));
     registry.Register <float, ulong>(from => SysConv.ToUInt64(from));
     registry.Register <float, decimal>(from => SysConv.ToDecimal(from));
     registry.Register <float, double>(from => SysConv.ToDouble(from));
     registry.Register <float, string>(from =>
Exemple #8
 /// <internalonly/>
 Decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider)
Exemple #9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var parser  = new MathParser();
            var resultA = "";

            #region LoadFuncs
            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("isprime", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Check.IsPrime((long)x[0]) ? 1 : 0);

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("isodd", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Check.IsOdd((long)x[0]) ? 1 : 0);

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("iseven", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Check.IsEven((long)x[0]) ? 1 : 0);

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("iscoprime", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Check.IsCoprime((long)x[0], (long)x[1]) ? 1 : 0);

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("gdc", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Get.Gdc((long)x[0], (long)x[1]));

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("lcm", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Get.Lcm((long)x[0], (long)x[1]));

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("mod", x =>
                if (x[0] % 1 == 0) // check if it's an integer
                    return(Get.Mod((long)x[0], (long)x[1]));

                throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("mean", x => x.Sum() / x.Length);

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("bindec", x =>
                var returnvalue = Converter.From(Base.Base2, x[0].ToString(parser.CultureInfo)).To(Base.Base10);

                resultA += @"<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:left;'><tr><th>Binary</th><th>Decimal</th></tr>
                                <tr><td>" + x[0].ToString(parser.CultureInfo) + @"</td><td>" + returnvalue +
                           @"</td></tr></table><div style='clear:both;'></div>";


            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("decbin", x =>
                var returnvalue = Converter.From(Base.Base10, x[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).To(Base.Base2);

                resultA += @"<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:left;'><tr><th>Decimal</th><th>Binary</th></tr>
                                 <tr><td>" + x[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"</td><td>" + returnvalue + @"</td></tr></table><div style='clear:both;'></div>";


            var isStart = false;
            var list    = new List <decimal>();

            //const bool isDone = false;

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("table", x =>
                // remake this method, so that the the parser.LocalVariables["x"] < parser.LocalVariables["table_max"]
                // is in front of everything. then, we can reuse  the newWindow check code

                if (x.Length < 3)
                    resultA += "Error: the function requires 3 parameters.";


                if (x.Length == 4)
                    if (x[3] <= 0)
                        resultA += "Error: the step cannot be zero.";


                if (isStart == false)
                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] = x[1];

                    isStart  = true;
                    resultA += "<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:left;'><tr><th>x</th><th>f(x)</th></tr>";

                if (parser.LocalVariables["x"] <= x[2])

                    resultA += "<tr><td>" + parser.LocalVariables["x"] + "</td><td>" + x[0] + "</td></tr>";


                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] += x.Length == 3 ? 1 : x[3];

                    //parser.LocalVariables["x"] += x.Length == 3 ? 1 : x[3];
                    //IsDone = true;

                    resultA += @"</table>
<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:right;'><tr><th>Sum</th><th>Mean</th><th>Median</th></tr>
<tr><td>" + (double)list.SumOfListElements() + @"</td><td>" + (double)list.Mean() + @"</td><td>" + (double)list.Median() + @"</td></tr>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href='?expression=" + Request["expression"].Replace("table", "sum") + @"' style='margin:3px;float:right;'>(sum)</a><br />
<br />
<a href='?expression=seq()' style='margin:3px;float:right;'>(more)</a>
<div style='clear:both;'></div>";

                    isStart = false;



            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("sum", x =>
                // remake this method, so that the the parser.LocalVariables["x"] < parser.LocalVariables["table_max"]
                // is in front of everything. then, we can reuse  the newWindow check code

                if (x.Length < 3)
                    resultA += "Error: the function requires 3 parameters.";

                if (x.Length == 4)
                    if (x[3] <= 0)
                        resultA += "Error: the step cannot be zero.";

                if (isStart == false)
                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] = x[1];

                    isStart  = true;
                    resultA += "<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:left;'><tr><th>x</th><th>f(x)</th></tr>";

                if (parser.LocalVariables["x"] <= x[2])

                    resultA += "<tr><td>" + parser.LocalVariables["x"] + "</td><td>" + list.SumOfListElements() + "</td></tr>";

                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] += x.Length == 3 ? 1 : x[3];

                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] += x.Length == 3 ? 1 : x[3];
                    //IsDone = true;

                    resultA += @"</table>
<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:right;'><tr><th>Sum</th><th>Mean</th><th>Median</th></tr>
<tr><td>" + (double)list.SumOfListElements() + @"</td><td>" + (double)list.Mean() + @"</td><td>" + (double)list.Median() + @"</td></tr>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href='?expression=" + Request["expression"].Replace("sum", "table") + @"' style='margin:3px;float:right;'>(table)</a><br />
<br />
<a href='?expression=seq()' style='margin:3px;float:right;'>(more)</a>
<div style='clear:both;'></div>";

                    isStart = false;


            decimal upper = 0;
            decimal lower = 0;

            var isUpper       = false;
            var isLower       = false;
            var isParserDone  = false;
            var isParserDone2 = false;

            const decimal h = 0.00000001M; // 0.00000000001M;

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("d", x =>
                // remake this method, so that the the parser.LocalVariables["x"] < parser.LocalVariables["table_max"]
                // is in front of everything. then, we can reuse  the newWindow check code

                if (x[0] == 0 && x.Length < 2)
                    resultA += "Error: Please enter a function. The derivative is calculated with respect to x, i.e. d/dx(f(x)).";

                if (x.Length < 2)
                    resultA += "Error: Please provide me with an x coordinate.";

                if (!isUpper)
                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] = x[1] + h;

                    if (!isParserDone)
                        isParserDone = true;
                        isParserDone = false;

                    if (isParserDone)
                        isUpper = true;
                        upper   = x[0];

                    //IsParserDone = false;

                if (!isLower && isUpper && isParserDone == false)
                    //lower = x[0];
                    parser.LocalVariables["x"] = x[1];

                    if (!isParserDone2)
                        isParserDone2 = true;

                        isParserDone2 = false;
                        //IsUpper = true;

                    if (isParserDone2)
                        isLower = true;
                        lower   = x[0];

                //check the no. of times this is executed.
                if (isLower && isUpper && !isParserDone2)
                    return(Math.Round((upper - lower) / h));


            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("seq", x =>
                resultA += "This function is currently under development.";

                //under development.



            #region LoadVariables
            var ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

            var monthNo = ci.Calendar.GetMonth(DateTime.Today);
            var weekNo  = ci.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(DateTime.Today,

            var dayNo = ci.Calendar.GetDayOfYear(DateTime.Today);

            parser.LocalVariables.Add("month", monthNo);
            parser.LocalVariables.Add("week", weekNo);
            parser.LocalVariables.Add("day", dayNo);


            #region LoadOperators


            parser.OperatorAction.Add("isnot", (x, y) => (x != y) ? 1 : 0);
            parser.OperatorAction.Add("and", (x, y) => (x == 1 && y == 1) ? 1 : 0);
            parser.OperatorAction.Add("or", (x, y) => (x == 1 || y == 1) ? 1 : 0);
            parser.OperatorAction.Add("$", (x, y) =>
                if (x % 1 != 0 || y % 1 != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The input is not an integer");

                var returnValue = (long)x ^ (long)y;

                resultA += @"<table style='border:1px solid green;margin:3px;float:left;'><tr><th>Decimal</th><th>Binary</th></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"</td><td style='text-align:right'>" + Converter.From(Base.Base10, x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).To(Base.Base2) + @"</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"</td><td style='text-align:right'>" + Converter.From(Base.Base10, y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).To(Base.Base2) + @"</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:center'>" + returnValue.ToString() + @"</td><td style='text-align:right'>" + Converter.From(Base.Base10, returnValue.ToString()).To(Base.Base2) + @"</td></tr>
</table><div style='clear:both;'></div>";


            //parser.OperatorAction["^"] = delegate(decimal x, decimal y)
            //    decimal returnValue = 1;
            //    if (y == 0)
            //    {
            //        returnValue = 1;
            //    }
            //    else if (y == 1)
            //    {
            //        returnValue = x;
            //    }
            //    else if (y > 1)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < y; i++)
            //        {
            //            returnValue *= x;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else if (y < 0)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i > y; i--)
            //        {
            //            returnValue *= 1/x;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return returnValue;

            parser.LocalFunctions.Add("if", x =>
                if (x[0] == 1)

                return(x.Length == 3 ? x[2] : 0);


            if (Request["expression"] == null)

            text.Value = Request["expression"];
            parser.LocalVariables.Add("x", 0);

                result.Style.Add("border", "1px solid blue");
                result.InnerHtml += "Result: " + parser.Parse(Request["expression"]).ToString(parser.CultureInfo);
                result.InnerHtml += "<br />" + resultA;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.InnerHtml = ex.Message;
Exemple #10
        public ExecuteResult Update()
            var moneyType = Ioc.Resolve <IAutoConfigService>()
                            .GetList <MoneyTypeConfig>()
                            .FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == Parameter.MoneyTypeId);
            var repositoryContext = Ioc.Resolve <IUserRepository>().RepositoryContext;
            var transaction       = repositoryContext.BeginNativeDbTransaction();

                var sql =
                    $"update Asset_Account set Amount=Amount-{Amount}, ModifiedTime=GetDate() where MoneyTypeId='{SourceMoneyTypeId}' and UserId={UserId} and Amount>={Amount}";
                if (repositoryContext.ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, sql) > 0)
                    foreach (var item in RuleItems)
                        var addAmount = item.Ratio * Amount;
                        sql =
                            $"declare @amount decimal(18, 2);update Asset_Account set Amount=Amount+{addAmount}, @amount=Amount+{addAmount}, HistoryAmount=HistoryAmount+{addAmount}, ModifiedTime=GetDate() where MoneyTypeId='{item.MoneyTypeId}' and UserId={UserId};select @amount";
                        var result = repositoryContext.ExecuteScalar(transaction, sql);
                        if (result == null || result == DBNull.Value)
                            return(ExecuteResult.Fail($"sql script:\"{sql}\" execute with 0 line update."));

                        var afterAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(result);
                        sql =
                            @"insert into Share_Reward(AfterAcount, ConfirmTime, CreateTime, ExtraDate, Fee, FenRunDate, Intro, IsAccount, [Level], ModifiedTime, ModuleId, ModuleName, MoneyTypeId, MoneyTypeName, OrderId,OrderPrice, OrderSerial, OrderUserId, OrderUserNick, Price, Remark, Serial, SortOrder, State, Status, UserId, UserNikeName, TriggerType, ModuleConfigId, BonusId)
                            values(@afteracount, GETDATE(), GETDATE(), '', 0, GETDATE(), @intro, 1, 0, GETDATE(), @moduleid, @modulename, @moneytypeid, @moneytypename, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 0, NULL, '', 1000, 3, 0, @userid, @usernickname, @triggertype, @moduleconfigid, @bonusid)";
                        IList <DbParameter> parameterList = new List <DbParameter>
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@afteracount", afterAmount),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@intro", Parameter.Summary),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@moduleid", Parameter.ModuleId),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@modulename", Parameter.ModuleName),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@moneytypeid", Parameter.MoneyTypeId),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@moneytypename", moneyType.Name),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@userid", Parameter.ReceiveUserId),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@triggertype", Parameter.TriggerType),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@moduleconfigid", Parameter.ModuleConfigId),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@bonusid", Parameter.BonusId)
                        repositoryContext.ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, sql, parameterList.ToArray());
                        sql =
                            @"insert into Asset_Bill(ActionType, AfterAmount,Amount, BillStatus, BillTypeId, BillTypeName, CheckAmount, CreateTime, Currency, ExtraDate, FailuredReason, Flow, Intro, ModifiedTime, MoneyTypeId, MoneyTypeName, OrderSerial, OtherUserId, OtherUserName, PayTime, ReceiveTime, Remark, Serial, ServiceAmount, ServiceMoneyTypeId, SortOrder, [Status], UserId, UserName, UserRemark)
                                values(@actiontype, @afteramount, @amount, @billstatus, @billtypeid, @billtypename, @checkamount, GETDATE(), @currency, NULL, NULL, 0, @intro, GETDATE(), @moneytypeid, @moneytypename, NULL, 0, NULL,GETDATE(), GETDATE(), NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1000, 0, @userid, @UserName, NULL)";
                        parameterList = new List <DbParameter>
                            /*epositoryContext.CreateParameter("@actiontype", fenRunBillTypeConfig.ActionType),*/
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@afteramount", afterAmount),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@amount", addAmount),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@billstatus", Parameter.BillStatus),
                            //repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@billtypeid", fenRunBillTypeConfig.Id),
                            //repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@billtypename", fenRunBillTypeConfig.Name),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@checkamount", addAmount),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@currency", moneyType.Currency),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@intro", Parameter.Summary),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@moneytypeid", moneyType.Id),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@moneytypename", moneyType.Name),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@userid", Parameter.ReceiveUserId),
                            repositoryContext.CreateParameter("@UserName", Parameter.ReceiveUserName)
                        repositoryContext.ExecuteNonQuery(transaction, sql, parameterList.ToArray());

            catch (Exception e)
        protected static internal object ConvertValue(Type type, NSJSValue value)
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
            object o = FetchValue(type, value);

            if (type == typeof(int))
                o = (o == null ? 0 : Converter.ToInt32(o));
            else if (type == typeof(uint))
                o = (o == null ? 0u : Converter.ToUInt32(o));
            else if (type == typeof(short))
                o = (o == null ? (short)0 : Converter.ToInt16(o));
            else if (type == typeof(ushort))
                o = (o == null ? (ushort)0 : Converter.ToUInt16(o));
            else if (type == typeof(sbyte))
                o = (o == null ? (sbyte)0 : Converter.ToSByte(o));
            else if (type == typeof(byte))
                o = (o == null ? (byte)0 : Converter.ToByte(o));
            else if (type == typeof(long))
                o = (o == null ? 0L : Converter.ToInt64(o));
            else if (type == typeof(ulong))
                o = (o == null ? 0ul : Converter.ToUInt64(o));
            else if (type == typeof(float))
                o = (o == null ? 0f : Converter.ToSingle(o));
            else if (type == typeof(double))
                o = (o == null ? 0d : Converter.ToDouble(o));
            else if (type == typeof(decimal))
                o = (o == null ? 0m : Converter.ToDecimal(o));
            else if (type == typeof(char))
                o = (o == null ? '\0' : Converter.ToChar(o));
            else if (type == typeof(DateTime))
                long ticks = 0;
                if (o is long)
                    ticks = (long)o;
                else if (o != null)
                    ticks = Converter.ToInt64(o);
                o = NSJSDateTime.LocalDateToDateTime(ticks);
            else if (type == typeof(string))
                if (o == null)
                    o = null;
                else if (!(o is string))
                    o = o.ToString();
            else if (typeof(NSJSValue).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                return(type.IsInstanceOfType(value) ? value : null);
Exemple #12
 public decimal ToDecimal(object value)
     => SystemConvert.ToDecimal(value);
Exemple #13
        protected void RadGridExpenseDetail_OnBatchEditCommand(object sender, GridBatchEditingEventArgs e)
            foreach (var command in e.Commands)
                if (command.Type.ToString() != "Cancel")
                    command.NewValues["ExpenseId"]     = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["NewIndex"]);
                    command.NewValues["Date"]          = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Date"]))) ? new DateTime(9999, 12, 31) : command.NewValues["Date"];
                    command.NewValues["Office"]        = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Office"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Office"]);
                    command.NewValues["Lodging"]       = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Lodging"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Lodging"]);
                    command.NewValues["Ground"]        = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Ground"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Ground"]);
                    command.NewValues["Meals"]         = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Meals"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Meals"]);
                    command.NewValues["Advertising"]   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Advertising"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Advertising"]);
                    command.NewValues["Mail"]          = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Mail"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Mail"]);
                    command.NewValues["Telephone"]     = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Telephone"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Telephone"]);
                    command.NewValues["Km"]            = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Km"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Km"]);
                    command.NewValues["Kilometrage"]   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Kilometrage"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Kilometrage"]);
                    command.NewValues["Miscellaneous"] = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(command.NewValues["Miscellaneous"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(command.NewValues["Miscellaneous"]);

                    command.NewValues["CreatedId"]   = CurrentUserId;
                    command.NewValues["CreatedDate"] = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #14
		decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal (IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToDecimal (Value, provider);