Exemple #1
        public static void DelegateTest16()
            System.Action       a   = () => { };
            System.Action <int> a_2 = (i) => { };
            int a3 = 2;

            Console.WriteLine(typeof(System.Action) == a.GetType()); //false, should be true
            Console.WriteLine(typeof(int) == a3.GetType());          //false, should be true
Exemple #2
        protected TimeSpan RunAction(Action action, int iterations, string actionName)
            actionName = actionName ?? action.GetType().Name;
            var ticksTaken = Measure(action, iterations);
            var timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ticksTaken * 1d / Stopwatch.Frequency);

            Log("{0} took {1}ms ({2} ticks), avg: {3} ticks", actionName, timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds, timeSpan.Ticks, (timeSpan.Ticks / iterations));

            return timeSpan;
        public static Delegate Create(EventInfo eventInfo, Action action)
            var handlerType = eventInfo.EventHandlerType;
            var eventParameters = handlerType.GetMethod("Invoke").GetParameters();

            var parameters = eventParameters.Select(p => Expression.Parameter(p.ParameterType, "x"));
            var body = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(action), action.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke"));
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(body, parameters.ToArray());
            return Delegate.CreateDelegate(handlerType, lambda.Compile(), "Invoke", false);
Exemple #4
        public EventPropegator(object instance, EventInfo evt, Action<object, EventArgs> handler)
            _instance = instance;
            _evt = evt;
            _disposed = false;

            var methodInfo = handler.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke");
            _delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(evt.EventHandlerType, handler, methodInfo);

            evt.AddEventHandler(instance, _delegate);
        public VariableSubscription(
            VariableSubscriptionToken token,
            Action<DebugEvaluationResult> executeAction,
            Action<VariableSubscription> unsubscribeAction) {

            Token = token;

            _weakReference = new WeakReference(executeAction.Target);
            _method = executeAction.Method;
            _delegateType = executeAction.GetType();

            _unsubscribe = unsubscribeAction;
Exemple #6
        public static void AddEventHandler(EventInfo eventInfo, object item, Action<object, EventArgs> action)
            var parameters = eventInfo.EventHandlerType
            .Select(parameter => Expression.Parameter(parameter.ParameterType))

              var invoke = action.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke");

              var handler = Expression.Lambda(
              Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(action), invoke, parameters[0], parameters[1]),

              eventInfo.AddEventHandler(item, handler);
Exemple #7
 public static void Add(DateTime executeTime, Action<string[]> action, string[] args)
     DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
     if (executeTime < DateTime.Now)
         executeTime = now.AddSeconds(1.0);
     Maticsoft.TimerTask.Model.TaskTimer timer2 = new Maticsoft.TimerTask.Model.TaskTimer {
         IsSingle = true,
         ExecuteType = action.GetType().FullName,
         ExecuteTime = executeTime
     TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan) (executeTime - now);
     timer2.Interval = (decimal) span.TotalMilliseconds;
     timer2.Params = args;
     Maticsoft.TimerTask.Model.TaskTimer model = timer2;
     model.ID = Maticsoft.TimerTask.BLL.TaskTimer.Add(model);
     Instance().CurrentTasks.Add(new Maticsoft.TimerTask.Timer(model, executeTime, action, new Action<Maticsoft.TimerTask.Model.TaskTimer>(Task.CallBack), args));
Exemple #8
        // Accepts a method that does not return a value
        // Creates a thread to run a function/method
        private void createThread(Action method)
            // Create the thread object, passing in a method
            Thread aThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(method));


                // Add a name for the thread
                aThread.Name = method.GetType().FullName.ToString();

                // Start the thread

                // Wait for thread to start
                while (!aThread.IsAlive)
                    // Do nothing, but wait

                // Wait for thread to finish

            catch (System.Net.Mail.SmtpException ex)
                // Wait for thread to finish

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Wait for thread to finish
                throw ex;