Scans the content of an constructor and tries to minimize the number of well-formed checks that will have to be made at runtime when constructing content.
 public XmlILOptimizerVisitor(QilExpression qil, bool optimize) : base(optimize ? s_patternsOpt : s_patternsNoOpt, qil.Factory)
     _qil = qil;
     _elemAnalyzer = new XmlILElementAnalyzer(qil.Factory);
     _contentAnalyzer = new XmlILStateAnalyzer(qil.Factory);
     _nmspAnalyzer = new XmlILNamespaceAnalyzer();
 public XmlILOptimizerVisitor(QilExpression qil, bool optimize) : base(optimize ? PatternsOpt : PatternsNoOpt, qil.Factory) {
     this.qil = qil;
     this.elemAnalyzer = new XmlILElementAnalyzer(qil.Factory);
     this.contentAnalyzer = new XmlILStateAnalyzer(qil.Factory);
     this.nmspAnalyzer = new XmlILNamespaceAnalyzer();