/// <include file='doc\XmlSerializationWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlSerializationWriter.WriteStartElement5"]/*' />
        protected void WriteStartElement(string name, string ns, object o, bool writePrefixed, XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlns)
            if (o != null && _objectsInUse != null)
                if (_objectsInUse.ContainsKey(o))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.XmlCircularReference, o.GetType().FullName));
                _objectsInUse.Add(o, o);

            string prefix = null;
            bool   needEmptyDefaultNamespace = false;

            if (_namespaces != null)
                foreach (string alias in _namespaces.Namespaces.Keys)
                    string aliasNs = (string)_namespaces.Namespaces[alias];

                    if (alias.Length > 0 && aliasNs == ns)
                        prefix = alias;
                    if (alias.Length == 0)
                        if (aliasNs == null || aliasNs.Length == 0)
                            needEmptyDefaultNamespace = true;
                        if (ns != aliasNs)
                            writePrefixed = true;
                _usedPrefixes = ListUsedPrefixes(_namespaces.Namespaces, _aliasBase);
            if (writePrefixed && prefix == null && ns != null && ns.Length > 0)
                prefix = _w.LookupPrefix(ns);
                if (prefix == null || prefix.Length == 0)
                    prefix = NextPrefix();
            if (prefix == null && xmlns != null)
                prefix = xmlns.LookupPrefix(ns);
            if (needEmptyDefaultNamespace && prefix == null && ns != null && ns.Length != 0)
                prefix = NextPrefix();
            _w.WriteStartElement(prefix, name, ns);
            if (_namespaces != null)
                foreach (string alias in _namespaces.Namespaces.Keys)
                    string aliasNs = (string)_namespaces.Namespaces[alias];
                    if (alias.Length == 0 && (aliasNs == null || aliasNs.Length == 0))
                    if (aliasNs == null || aliasNs.Length == 0)
                        if (alias.Length > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.XmlInvalidXmlns, alias));
                        WriteAttribute("xmlns", alias, null, aliasNs);
                        if (_w.LookupPrefix(aliasNs) == null)
                            // write the default namespace declaration only if we have not written it already, over wise we just ignore one provided by the user
                            if (prefix == null && alias.Length == 0)
                            WriteAttribute("xmlns", alias, null, aliasNs);
        /// <include file='doc\XmlSerializationWriter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlSerializationWriter.WriteStartElement5"]/*' />
        protected void WriteStartElement(string name, string ns, object o, bool writePrefixed, XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlns) {
            if (o != null && objectsInUse != null) {
                if (objectsInUse.ContainsKey(o)) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlCircularReference, o.GetType().FullName));
                objectsInUse.Add(o, o);

            string prefix = null;
            bool needEmptyDefaultNamespace = false;
            if (namespaces != null) {
                foreach(string alias in namespaces.Namespaces.Keys) {
                    string aliasNs = (string)namespaces.Namespaces[alias];

                    if (alias.Length > 0 && aliasNs == ns)
                        prefix = alias;
                    if (alias.Length == 0) {
                        if (aliasNs == null || aliasNs.Length == 0)
                            needEmptyDefaultNamespace = true;
                        if (ns != aliasNs)
                            writePrefixed = true;
                usedPrefixes = ListUsedPrefixes(namespaces.Namespaces, aliasBase);
            if (writePrefixed && prefix == null && ns != null && ns.Length > 0) {
                prefix = w.LookupPrefix(ns);
                if (prefix == null || prefix.Length == 0) {
                    prefix = NextPrefix();
            if (prefix == null && xmlns != null) {
                prefix = xmlns.LookupPrefix(ns);
            if (needEmptyDefaultNamespace && prefix == null && ns != null && ns.Length != 0)
                prefix = NextPrefix();
            w.WriteStartElement(prefix, name, ns);
            if (namespaces != null) {
                foreach(string alias in namespaces.Namespaces.Keys) {
                    string aliasNs = (string)namespaces.Namespaces[alias];
                    if (alias.Length == 0 && (aliasNs == null || aliasNs.Length == 0))
                    if (aliasNs == null || aliasNs.Length == 0) {
                        if (alias.Length > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidXmlns, alias));
                        WriteAttribute("xmlns", alias, null, aliasNs);
                    else {
                        if (w.LookupPrefix(aliasNs) == null) {
                            // write the default namespace declaration only if we have not written it already, over wise we just ignore one provided by the user
                            if (prefix == null && alias.Length == 0)
                            WriteAttribute("xmlns", alias, null, aliasNs);