Exemple #1
 internal void SetTemplateBinding(DependencyProperty dp, TemplateBindingExpression tb)
     try {
         SetValue(dp, tb);
     } catch {
         // Do nothing here - The DP should still have its default value
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts to a MarkupExtension
 /// </summary>
 public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
     if (destinationType == typeof(MarkupExtension))
         TemplateBindingExpression templateBindingExpression = value as TemplateBindingExpression;
         if (templateBindingExpression == null)
             throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.MustBeOfType, "value", "TemplateBindingExpression"));
     return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
Exemple #3
		public void SetTemplateBinding (TemplateBindingExpression tb, object obj)
			DependencyObject dob = obj as DependencyObject;
			FrameworkElement fwe = obj as FrameworkElement;

			if (dob == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expressions must be bound to DependendyObjects.");

			// Applying a {TemplateBinding} to a DO which is not a FrameworkElement should silently discard the binding.
			if (fwe == null)

			if (Parser.Context == null || Parser.Context.Template == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expressions can not be used outside of FrameworkTemplate.");

			FrameworkElement source = Parser.Context.TemplateBindingSource;
			if (source == null) 
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expression can not be used outside of a FrameworkTemplate.");

			// we don't actually use the type of the source to do property lookups.  TargetType is used for that.
			// For ControlTemplates:
			//     1.  if there is a TargetType, we look up the property on TargetType.
			//     2.  if there isn't a TargetType, we look up the property on typeof (Control).
			// For FrameworkTemplates:
			//     there is no TargetType, so we only look up properties on typeof (FrameworkElement)
			Type property_lookup_type;
			ControlTemplate template = Parser.Context.Template as ControlTemplate;
			if (template == null)
				return; // You can't apply Templatebindings outside of ControlTemplates

			property_lookup_type = template.TargetType ?? typeof (Control);

			DependencyProperty source_prop = LookupDependencyProperty (Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind (property_lookup_type), tb.SourcePropertyName);
			if (source_prop == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, property {0} could not be found.", tb.SourcePropertyName);

			DependencyProperty prop = LookupDependencyProperty ();
			if (prop == null) {
				var propInfo = property_lookup_type.GetProperty (tb.SourcePropertyName, XamlParser.PROPERTY_BINDING_FLAGS);
				if (!propInfo.PropertyType.IsInstanceOfType (tb)) {
					// If there is a CLR property with the correct name and there's no DP registered with that name
					// we should silently ignore the invalid TemplateBinding
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, property {0} could not be found.", Name);

			tb.TargetProperty = prop;
			tb.SourceProperty = source_prop;

			// If we TemplateBind two incompatible properties we silently discard
			// the TemplateBinding object. Source properties of type object can
			// potentially be of the correct type, so we allow that too.
			if (source_prop.PropertyType == typeof (object) || prop.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom (source_prop.PropertyType))
				fwe.SetTemplateBinding (prop, tb);
Exemple #4
		private void SetTemplateBinding (TemplateBindingExpression tb)
			DependencyObject dob = target as DependencyObject;
			FrameworkElement fwe = target as FrameworkElement;

			if (dob == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expressions must be bound to DependendyObjects.");

			// Applying a {TemplateBinding} to a DO which is not a FrameworkElement should silently discard the binding.
			if (fwe == null)

			if (Parser.Context == null || Parser.Context.Template == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expressions can not be used outside of FrameworkTemplate.");

			FrameworkElement source = Parser.Context.TemplateBindingSource;
			if (source == null) 
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expression can not be used outside of a FrameworkTemplate.");

			DependencyProperty source_prop = DependencyProperty.Lookup (source.GetKind(), tb.SourcePropertyName);
			if (source_prop == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, property {0} could not be found.", tb.SourcePropertyName);

			DependencyProperty prop = LookupDependencyProperty ();
			if (prop == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, property {0} could not be found.", Name);

			tb.TargetProperty = prop;
			tb.SourceProperty = source_prop;

			fwe.SetTemplateBinding (prop, tb);
Exemple #5
		internal void SetTemplateBinding (DependencyProperty dp, TemplateBindingExpression tb)
			try {
				SetValue (dp, tb);
			} catch {
				// Do nothing here - The DP should still have its default value
Exemple #6
        //  SetTemplateParentValues
        //  This method takes the "template parent values" (those that look like local values in the template), which
        //  are ordinarily shared, and sets them as local values on the FE/FCE that was just created.  This is used
        //  during serialization.

        internal static void SetTemplateParentValues(
                                                          string name,
                                                          object element,
                                                          FrameworkTemplate frameworkTemplate,
                                                          ref ProvideValueServiceProvider provideValueServiceProvider)
            int childIndex;

            // Loop through the shared values, and set them onto the element.

            FrugalStructList<ChildRecord> childRecordFromChildIndex;
            HybridDictionary childIndexFromChildName;

            // Seal the template, and get the name->index and index->ChildRecord mappings

            if (!frameworkTemplate.IsSealed)

            childIndexFromChildName = frameworkTemplate.ChildIndexFromChildName;
            childRecordFromChildIndex = frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex;

            // Calculate the child index

            childIndex = StyleHelper.QueryChildIndexFromChildName(name, childIndexFromChildName);

            // Do we have a ChildRecord for this index (i.e., there's some property set on it)?

            if (childIndex < childRecordFromChildIndex.Count)
                // Yes, get the record.

                ChildRecord child = (ChildRecord)childRecordFromChildIndex[childIndex];

                // Loop through the properties which are in some way set on this child

                for (int i = 0; i < child.ValueLookupListFromProperty.Count; i++)
                    // And for each of those properties, loop through the potential values specified in the template
                    // for that property on that child.

                    for (int j = 0; j < child.ValueLookupListFromProperty.Entries[i].Value.Count; j++)
                        // Get this value (in valueLookup)

                        ChildValueLookup valueLookup;
                        valueLookup = (ChildValueLookup)child.ValueLookupListFromProperty.Entries[i].Value.List[j];

                        // See if this value is one that is considered to be locally set on the child element

                        if (valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.Simple
                            valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.Resource
                            valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.TemplateBinding)

                            // This shared value is for this element, so we'll set it.

                            object value = valueLookup.Value;

                            // If this is a TemplateBinding, put on an expression for it, so that it can
                            // be represented correctly (e.g. for serialization).  Otherwise, keep it as an ME.

                            if (valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.TemplateBinding)
                                value = new TemplateBindingExpression(value as TemplateBindingExtension);


                            // Dynamic resources need to be converted to an expression also.

                            else if (valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.Resource)
                                value = new ResourceReferenceExpression(value);

                            // Bindings are handled as just an ME

                            // Set the value directly onto the element.

                            MarkupExtension me = value as MarkupExtension;

                            if (me != null)
                                // This is provided for completeness, but really there's only a few
                                // MEs that survive TemplateBamlRecordReader.  E.g. NullExtension would
                                // have been converted to a null by now.  There's only a few MEs that
                                // are preserved, e.g. Binding and DynamicResource.  Other MEs, such as
                                // StaticResource, wouldn't be able to ProvideValue here, because we don't
                                // have a ParserContext.

                                if (provideValueServiceProvider == null)
                                    provideValueServiceProvider = new ProvideValueServiceProvider();

                                provideValueServiceProvider.SetData(element, valueLookup.Property);
                                value = me.ProvideValue(provideValueServiceProvider);

                            (element as DependencyObject).SetValue(valueLookup.Property, value); //sharedDp.Dp, value );

        public object ParseTemplateBinding(ref string expression)
            TemplateBindingExpression tb = new TemplateBindingExpression();

            char next;
            string prop = GetNextPiece(ref expression, out next);

            tb.SourcePropertyName = prop;
            // tb.Source will be filled in elsewhere between attaching the change handler.

            return tb;
        public static DataTemplate CustomerComboBoxView(TemplateBindingExpression customer)
            DataTemplate stuff = new DataTemplate();

            return stuff;
Exemple #9
		public void SetTemplateBinding (TemplateBindingExpression tb, object obj)
			DependencyObject dob = obj as DependencyObject;
			FrameworkElement fwe = obj as FrameworkElement;

			if (dob == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expressions must be bound to DependendyObjects.");

			// Applying a {TemplateBinding} to a DO which is not a FrameworkElement should silently discard the binding.
			if (fwe == null)

			if (Parser.Context == null || Parser.Context.Template == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expressions can not be used outside of FrameworkTemplate.");

			FrameworkElement source = Parser.Context.TemplateBindingSource;
			if (source == null) 
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, expression can not be used outside of a FrameworkTemplate.");

			// we don't actually use the type of the source to do property lookups.  TargetType is used for that.
			// For ControlTemplates:
			//     1.  if there is a TargetType, we look up the property on TargetType.
			//     2.  if there isn't a TargetType, we look up the property on typeof (Control).
			// For FrameworkTemplates:
			//     there is no TargetType, so we only look up properties on typeof (FrameworkElement)
			Type property_lookup_type;
			ControlTemplate template = Parser.Context.Template as ControlTemplate;
			if (template == null)
				property_lookup_type = typeof (FrameworkElement);
				property_lookup_type = template.TargetType ?? typeof (Control);

			DependencyProperty source_prop = LookupDependencyProperty (Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind (property_lookup_type), tb.SourcePropertyName);
			if (source_prop == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, property {0} could not be found.", tb.SourcePropertyName);

			DependencyProperty prop = LookupDependencyProperty ();
			if (prop == null)
				throw Parser.ParseException ("Invalid TemplateBinding, property {0} could not be found.", Name);

			tb.TargetProperty = prop;
			tb.SourceProperty = source_prop;

			fwe.SetTemplateBinding (prop, tb);
 internal DependencyPropertyChangedWeakListener(DependencyObject source, TemplateBindingExpression expression)
     this.source = source;
     this.expression = new WeakReference(expression);
     this.source.DPChanged += this.SourcePropertyChanged;