Exemple #1
 // Token: 0x06000C66 RID: 3174 RVA: 0x0002E490 File Offset: 0x0002C690
 private static bool InvalidateTreeDependentProperty(TreeChangeInfo info, DependencyObject d, ref FrameworkObject fo, DependencyProperty dp, FrameworkPropertyMetadata fMetadata, Style selfStyle, Style selfThemeStyle, ref ChildRecord childRecord, bool isChildRecordValid, bool hasStyleChanged, bool isSelfInheritanceParent, bool wasSelfInheritanceParent)
     if (!TreeWalkHelper.SkipNext(fo.InheritanceBehavior) || fMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior)
         InheritablePropertyChangeInfo rootInheritableValue = info.GetRootInheritableValue(dp);
         EffectiveValueEntry           oldEntry             = rootInheritableValue.OldEntry;
         EffectiveValueEntry           effectiveValueEntry  = info.IsAddOperation ? rootInheritableValue.NewEntry : new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited);
         bool flag = TreeWalkHelper.IsForceInheritedProperty(dp);
         if (d != info.Root)
             if (wasSelfInheritanceParent)
                 oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry(d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex), dp, fMetadata, RequestFlags.DeferredReferences);
             else if (isSelfInheritanceParent)
                 EffectiveValueEntry valueEntry = d.GetValueEntry(d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex), dp, fMetadata, RequestFlags.DeferredReferences);
                 if (valueEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal <= BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited)
                     oldEntry = oldEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved);
                     oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;
                     oldEntry = valueEntry;
                 oldEntry = oldEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved);
                 oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;
         else if (info.IsAddOperation && (flag || oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal <= BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited))
             EffectiveValueEntry valueEntry2 = d.GetValueEntry(d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex), dp, fMetadata, RequestFlags.DeferredReferences);
             if (valueEntry2.BaseValueSourceInternal > BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited)
                 oldEntry = valueEntry2;
         OperationType operationType = info.IsAddOperation ? OperationType.AddChild : OperationType.RemoveChild;
         if (BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited >= oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal)
             return((d.UpdateEffectiveValue(d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex), dp, fMetadata, oldEntry, ref effectiveValueEntry, false, false, operationType) & (UpdateResult)5) == UpdateResult.ValueChanged);
         if (flag)
             effectiveValueEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, FullValueSource.IsCoerced);
             return((d.UpdateEffectiveValue(d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex), dp, fMetadata, oldEntry, ref effectiveValueEntry, false, false, operationType) & (UpdateResult)5) == UpdateResult.ValueChanged);
        //  This method
        //  1. Is called from AncestorChange InvalidateTree.
        //  2. It is used to create the InheritableProperties on the given node.
        //  3. It also accumulates oldValues for the inheritable properties that are about to be invalidated
        internal FrugalObjectList<DependencyProperty> CreateParentInheritableProperties(
            DependencyObject                         d,
            DependencyObject                         parent,
            bool                                     isAddOperation)
            Debug.Assert(d != null, "Must have non-null current node");
            if (parent == null)
                return new FrugalObjectList<DependencyProperty>(0);

            DependencyObjectType treeObjDOT = d.DependencyObjectType;

            // See if we have a cached value.
            EffectiveValueEntry[] parentEffectiveValues = null;
            uint parentEffectiveValuesCount = 0;
            uint inheritablePropertiesCount = 0;

            // If inheritable properties aren't cached on you then use the effective
            // values cache on the parent to discover those inherited properties that
            // may need to be invalidated on the children nodes.
            if (!parent.IsSelfInheritanceParent)
                DependencyObject inheritanceParent = parent.InheritanceParent;
                if (inheritanceParent != null)
                    parentEffectiveValues = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValues;
                    parentEffectiveValuesCount = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValuesCount;
                    inheritablePropertiesCount = inheritanceParent.InheritableEffectiveValuesCount;
                parentEffectiveValues = parent.EffectiveValues;
                parentEffectiveValuesCount = parent.EffectiveValuesCount;
                inheritablePropertiesCount = parent.InheritableEffectiveValuesCount;

            FrugalObjectList<DependencyProperty> inheritableProperties = new FrugalObjectList<DependencyProperty>((int) inheritablePropertiesCount);

            if (inheritablePropertiesCount == 0)
                return inheritableProperties;

            _rootInheritableValues = new InheritablePropertyChangeInfo[(int) inheritablePropertiesCount];
            int inheritableIndex = 0;

            FrameworkObject foParent = new FrameworkObject(parent);
            for (uint i=0; i<parentEffectiveValuesCount; i++)
                // Add all the inheritable properties from the effectiveValues
                // cache to the TreeStateCache on the parent
                EffectiveValueEntry entry = parentEffectiveValues[i];
                DependencyProperty dp = DependencyProperty.RegisteredPropertyList.List[entry.PropertyIndex];

                // There are UncommonFields also stored in the EffectiveValues cache. We need to exclude those.
                if ((dp != null) && dp.IsPotentiallyInherited)
                    PropertyMetadata metadata = dp.GetMetadata(parent.DependencyObjectType);
                    if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited)
                        Debug.Assert(!inheritableProperties.Contains(dp), "EffectiveValues cache must not contains duplicate entries for the same DP");

                        FrameworkPropertyMetadata fMetadata = (FrameworkPropertyMetadata)metadata;

                        // Children do not need to inherit properties across a tree boundary 
                        // unless the property is set to override this behavior.

                        if (!TreeWalkHelper.SkipNow(foParent.InheritanceBehavior) || fMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior)

                            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry;
                            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry;

                            oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry(

                            if (isAddOperation)
                                // set up the new value
                                newEntry = entry;

                                if ((newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Default) || newEntry.HasModifiers)
                                    newEntry = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved);
                                    newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;
                                newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry();

                            _rootInheritableValues[inheritableIndex++] = 
                                        new InheritablePropertyChangeInfo(d, dp, oldEntry, newEntry);

                            if (inheritablePropertiesCount == inheritableIndex)
                                // no more inheritable properties, bail early

            return inheritableProperties;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Callback on visiting each node in the descendency 
        ///     during an inheritable property change
        /// </summary>
        private static bool OnInheritablePropertyChanged(
            DependencyObject              d, 
            InheritablePropertyChangeInfo info)
            Debug.Assert(d != null, "Must have non-null current node"); 

            DependencyProperty dp = info.Property; 
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry = info.OldEntry;
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = info.NewEntry;

            InheritanceBehavior inheritanceBehavior; 
            bool inheritanceNode = IsInheritanceNode(d, dp, out inheritanceBehavior);
            bool isForceInheritedProperty = IsForceInheritedProperty(dp); 
            // Note that if a node is marked SkipNext means it hasn't acquired any values from its parent and
            // hence we do not need to invalidate this node or any of its descendents. However if a node is 
            // marked SkipNow then this node might have acquired values from its parent but none of its
            // descendents would. Hence in this case we process the current node but omit all of its descendents.
            if (inheritanceNode && (!SkipNext(inheritanceBehavior) || isForceInheritedProperty))
                PropertyMetadata metadata = dp.GetMetadata(d);
                EntryIndex entryIndex = d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
                // Found an inheritance node
                if (!d.IsSelfInheritanceParent) 
                    DependencyObject parent = FrameworkElement.GetFrameworkParent(d);
                    InheritanceBehavior parentInheritanceBehavior = InheritanceBehavior.Default;
                    if (parent != null)
                        FrameworkObject parentFO = new FrameworkObject(parent, true); 
                        parentInheritanceBehavior = parentFO.InheritanceBehavior;

                    if (!SkipNext(inheritanceBehavior) && !SkipNow(parentInheritanceBehavior))
                        // Synchronize InheritanceParent 
                    // What should the oldValueSource on the child be?
                    // When the oldValue on the parent was default it 
                    // means that the child also used its own default
                    // and did not inherit from the parent. However
                    // when the value on the parent was non-default
                    // it means that the child inherited it. 
                    // Note that the oldValueSource on inheritablePropertyChangedData
                    // is actually the parent's oldValueSource 
                    if (oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown)
                        // we use an empty EffectiveValueEntry as a signal that the old entry was the default value
                        oldEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(d, dp));
                    oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry( 
                // If the oldValueSource is of lower precedence than Inheritance
                // only then do we need to Invalidate the property 
                if (BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited >= oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal) 
                    // Since we do not hold a cache of the oldValue we need to supply one 
                    // in order to correctly fire the change notification
                    return (d.UpdateEffectiveValue(
                            ref newEntry, 
                            false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,
                            false /* coerceWithCurrentValue */, 
                        & (UpdateResult.ValueChanged | UpdateResult.InheritedValueOverridden))
                        == UpdateResult.ValueChanged;
                    // return false if either the value didn't change or 
                    // it changed because the inherited value was overridden by coercion or animation.
                else if (isForceInheritedProperty) 
                    // IsCoerced == true && value == UnsetValue indicates that we need to re-coerce this value 
                    newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, FullValueSource.IsCoerced);

                    // Re-coerce a force inherited property because it's coersion depends on treeness
                    return (d.UpdateEffectiveValue( 
                            ref newEntry, 
                            false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,
                            false /* coerceWithCurrentValue */,
                        & (UpdateResult.ValueChanged | UpdateResult.InheritedValueOverridden)) 
                        == UpdateResult.ValueChanged;
                    // return false if either the value didn't change or 
                    // it changed because the inherited value was overridden by coercion or animation. 
                    return false;

            // Do not continue walk down subtree if the walk was forced to stop 
            // (due to separated trees) 
            return (inheritanceBehavior == InheritanceBehavior.Default || isForceInheritedProperty);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary> 
        ///     Invalidate this property if 
        ///     - It is not locally set and
        ///     - It is not acquired from a style/template 
        /// </summary>
        private static bool InvalidateTreeDependentProperty(
            TreeChangeInfo              info,
            DependencyObject            d, 
        ref FrameworkObject             fo,
            DependencyProperty          dp, 
            FrameworkPropertyMetadata   fMetadata, 
            Style                       selfStyle,
            Style                       selfThemeStyle, 
            ref ChildRecord             childRecord,
            bool                        isChildRecordValid,
            bool                        hasStyleChanged,
            bool                        isSelfInheritanceParent) 
            Debug.Assert(d != null, "Must have non-null current node"); 
            // This must be an inherited dependency property
            Debug.Assert(fMetadata.IsInherited == true, "This must be an inherited dependency property"); 

            // Children do not need to inherit properties across a tree boundary
            // unless the property is set to override this behavior.
            if (!SkipNext(fo.InheritanceBehavior) || fMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior)
                InheritablePropertyChangeInfo rootInfo = info.GetRootInheritableValue(dp); 

                EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry = rootInfo.OldEntry; 
                EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = info.IsAddOperation ? rootInfo.NewEntry : new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited);

                bool isForceInheritedProperty = IsForceInheritedProperty(dp);
                if (d != info.Root)
                    if (isSelfInheritanceParent) 
                        oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry( 
                        oldEntry = oldEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved);
                        oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited; 

                OperationType operationType = info.IsAddOperation ? OperationType.AddChild : OperationType.RemoveChild; 
                if (BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited >= oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal)
                    // If the oldValueSource is of lower precedence than Inheritance 
                    // only then do we need to Invalidate the property. Examples of
                    // values with higher precedence are those that are locally set 
                    // or set via a style/template.
                    return (d.UpdateEffectiveValue(
                                ref newEntry, 
                                false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,
                                false /* coerceWithCurrentValue */, 
                            & (UpdateResult.ValueChanged | UpdateResult.InheritedValueOverridden))
                            == UpdateResult.ValueChanged;
                        // return false if either the value didn't change or 
                        // it changed because the inherited value was overridden by coercion or animation.
                else if (isForceInheritedProperty) 
                    // IsCoerced == true && value == UnsetValue indicates that we need to re-coerce this value 
                    newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, FullValueSource.IsCoerced);

                    // Re-coerce a force inherited property because it's coersion depends on treeness
                    return (d.UpdateEffectiveValue( 
                                ref newEntry, 
                                false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,
                                false /* coerceWithCurrentValue */,
                            & (UpdateResult.ValueChanged | UpdateResult.InheritedValueOverridden)) 
                            == UpdateResult.ValueChanged;
                        // return false if either the value didn't change or 
                        // it changed because the inherited value was overridden by coercion or animation. 

            return false;
        //  This method
        //  1. Merges the inheritable properties from the parent into the EffectiveValues store on self
        private void MergeInheritableProperties(DependencyObject inheritanceParent) 
            Debug.Assert(inheritanceParent != null, "Must have inheritanceParent"); 
            Debug.Assert(inheritanceParent.IsSelfInheritanceParent, "An inheritanceParent should always be one that has all the inheritable properties cached on self"); 

            EffectiveValueEntry[] parentEffectiveValues = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValues; 
            uint parentEffectiveValuesCount = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValuesCount;

            for (uint i=0; i<parentEffectiveValuesCount; i++)
                EffectiveValueEntry entry = parentEffectiveValues[i];
                DependencyProperty dp = DependencyProperty.RegisteredPropertyList.List[entry.PropertyIndex]; 
                // There are UncommonFields also stored in the EffectiveValues cache. We need to exclude those.
                if (dp != null) 
                    PropertyMetadata metadata = dp.GetMetadata(DependencyObjectType);
                    if (metadata.IsInherited)
                        object value = inheritanceParent.GetValueEntry(
                                            new EntryIndex(i), 
                                            RequestFlags.SkipDefault | RequestFlags.DeferredReferences).Value; 
                        if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                            EntryIndex entryIndex = LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
                            SetEffectiveValue(entryIndex, dp, dp.GlobalIndex, metadata, value, BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited);
Exemple #6
        // Token: 0x06000C6D RID: 3181 RVA: 0x0002EB78 File Offset: 0x0002CD78
        private static bool OnInheritablePropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, InheritablePropertyChangeInfo info, bool visitedViaVisualTree)
            DependencyProperty  property = info.Property;
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry = info.OldEntry;
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = info.NewEntry;
            InheritanceBehavior inheritanceBehavior;
            bool flag  = TreeWalkHelper.IsInheritanceNode(d, property, out inheritanceBehavior);
            bool flag2 = TreeWalkHelper.IsForceInheritedProperty(property);

            if (!flag || (TreeWalkHelper.SkipNext(inheritanceBehavior) && !flag2))
                return(inheritanceBehavior == InheritanceBehavior.Default || flag2);
            PropertyMetadata metadata   = property.GetMetadata(d);
            EntryIndex       entryIndex = d.LookupEntry(property.GlobalIndex);

            if (!d.IsSelfInheritanceParent)
                DependencyObject    frameworkParent      = FrameworkElement.GetFrameworkParent(d);
                InheritanceBehavior inheritanceBehavior2 = InheritanceBehavior.Default;
                if (frameworkParent != null)
                    FrameworkObject frameworkObject = new FrameworkObject(frameworkParent, true);
                    inheritanceBehavior2 = frameworkObject.InheritanceBehavior;
                if (!TreeWalkHelper.SkipNext(inheritanceBehavior) && !TreeWalkHelper.SkipNow(inheritanceBehavior2))
                if (oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown)
                    oldEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(property, metadata.GetDefaultValue(d, property));
                oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry(entryIndex, property, metadata, RequestFlags.RawEntry);
            if (BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited >= oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal)
                if (visitedViaVisualTree && FrameworkElement.DType.IsInstanceOfType(d))
                    DependencyObject parent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(d);
                    if (parent != null)
                        DependencyObject parent2 = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(d);
                        if (parent2 != null && parent2 != parent)
                return((d.UpdateEffectiveValue(entryIndex, property, metadata, oldEntry, ref newEntry, false, false, OperationType.Inherit) & (UpdateResult)5) == UpdateResult.ValueChanged);
            if (flag2)
                newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(property, FullValueSource.IsCoerced);
                return((d.UpdateEffectiveValue(d.LookupEntry(property.GlobalIndex), property, metadata, oldEntry, ref newEntry, false, false, OperationType.Inherit) & (UpdateResult)5) == UpdateResult.ValueChanged);
        private static bool DefaultFreezeValueCallback( 
            DependencyObject d,
            DependencyProperty dp, 
            EntryIndex entryIndex, 
            PropertyMetadata metadata,
            bool isChecking) 
            // The expression check only needs to be done when isChecking is true
            // because if we return false here the Freeze() call will fail.
            if (isChecking) 
                if (d.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp)) 
                    if (TraceFreezable.IsEnabled)

                    return false; 

            if (!dp.IsValueType) 
                object value = 

                if (value != null) 
                    Freezable valueAsFreezable = value as Freezable; 
                    if (valueAsFreezable != null)
                        if (!valueAsFreezable.Freeze(isChecking))
                            if (TraceFreezable.IsEnabled)

                            return false; 
                    else  // not a Freezable 
                        DispatcherObject valueAsDispatcherObject = value as DispatcherObject; 

                        if (valueAsDispatcherObject != null)
                            if (valueAsDispatcherObject.Dispatcher == null) 
                                // The property is a free-threaded DispatcherObject; since it's 
                                // already free-threaded it doesn't prevent this Freezable from 
                                // becoming free-threaded too.
                                // It is up to the creator of this type to ensure that the 
                                // DispatcherObject is actually immutable
                                // The value of this property derives from DispatcherObject and
                                // has thread affinity; return false. 
                                if (TraceFreezable.IsEnabled)
                                        valueAsDispatcherObject ); 
                                return false;
                        // The property isn't a DispatcherObject.  It may be immutable (such as a string)
                        // or the user may have made it thread-safe.  It's up to the creator of the type to 
                        // do the right thing; we return true as an extensibility point. 

            return true;
        //  This method
        //  1. Is called from AncestorChange InvalidateTree.
        //  2. It is used to create the InheritableProperties on the given node.
        //  3. It also accumulates oldValues for the inheritable properties that are about to be invalidated
        internal FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty> CreateParentInheritableProperties(
            DependencyObject d,
            DependencyObject parent,
            bool isAddOperation)
            Debug.Assert(d != null, "Must have non-null current node");

            if (parent == null)
                return(new FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty>(0));

            DependencyObjectType treeObjDOT = d.DependencyObjectType;

            // See if we have a cached value.
            EffectiveValueEntry[] parentEffectiveValues = null;
            uint parentEffectiveValuesCount             = 0;
            uint inheritablePropertiesCount             = 0;

            // If inheritable properties aren't cached on you then use the effective
            // values cache on the parent to discover those inherited properties that
            // may need to be invalidated on the children nodes.
            if (!parent.IsSelfInheritanceParent)
                DependencyObject inheritanceParent = parent.InheritanceParent;
                if (inheritanceParent != null)
                    parentEffectiveValues      = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValues;
                    parentEffectiveValuesCount = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValuesCount;
                    inheritablePropertiesCount = inheritanceParent.InheritableEffectiveValuesCount;
                parentEffectiveValues      = parent.EffectiveValues;
                parentEffectiveValuesCount = parent.EffectiveValuesCount;
                inheritablePropertiesCount = parent.InheritableEffectiveValuesCount;

            FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty> inheritableProperties = new FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty>((int)inheritablePropertiesCount);

            if (inheritablePropertiesCount == 0)

            _rootInheritableValues = new InheritablePropertyChangeInfo[(int)inheritablePropertiesCount];
            int inheritableIndex = 0;

            FrameworkObject foParent = new FrameworkObject(parent);

            for (uint i = 0; i < parentEffectiveValuesCount; i++)
                // Add all the inheritable properties from the effectiveValues
                // cache to the TreeStateCache on the parent
                EffectiveValueEntry entry = parentEffectiveValues[i];
                DependencyProperty  dp    = DependencyProperty.RegisteredPropertyList.List[entry.PropertyIndex];

                // There are UncommonFields also stored in the EffectiveValues cache. We need to exclude those.
                if ((dp != null) && dp.IsPotentiallyInherited)
                    PropertyMetadata metadata = dp.GetMetadata(parent.DependencyObjectType);
                    if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited)
                        Debug.Assert(!inheritableProperties.Contains(dp), "EffectiveValues cache must not contains duplicate entries for the same DP");

                        FrameworkPropertyMetadata fMetadata = (FrameworkPropertyMetadata)metadata;

                        // Children do not need to inherit properties across a tree boundary
                        // unless the property is set to override this behavior.

                        if (!TreeWalkHelper.SkipNow(foParent.InheritanceBehavior) || fMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior)

                            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry;
                            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry;

                            oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry(

                            if (isAddOperation)
                                // set up the new value
                                newEntry = entry;

                                if ((newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Default) || newEntry.HasModifiers)
                                    newEntry = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved);
                                    newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;
                                newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry();

                            _rootInheritableValues[inheritableIndex++] =
                                new InheritablePropertyChangeInfo(d, dp, oldEntry, newEntry);

                            if (inheritablePropertiesCount == inheritableIndex)
                                // no more inheritable properties, bail early

Exemple #9
        // Token: 0x06000C59 RID: 3161 RVA: 0x0002DFDC File Offset: 0x0002C1DC
        internal FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty> CreateParentInheritableProperties(DependencyObject d, DependencyObject parent, bool isAddOperation)
            if (parent == null)
                return(new FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty>(0));
            DependencyObjectType dependencyObjectType = d.DependencyObjectType;

            EffectiveValueEntry[] array = null;
            uint num  = 0U;
            uint num2 = 0U;

            if (!parent.IsSelfInheritanceParent)
                DependencyObject inheritanceParent = parent.InheritanceParent;
                if (inheritanceParent != null)
                    array = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValues;
                    num   = inheritanceParent.EffectiveValuesCount;
                    num2  = inheritanceParent.InheritableEffectiveValuesCount;
                array = parent.EffectiveValues;
                num   = parent.EffectiveValuesCount;
                num2  = parent.InheritableEffectiveValuesCount;
            FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty> frugalObjectList = new FrugalObjectList <DependencyProperty>((int)num2);

            if (num2 == 0U)
            this._rootInheritableValues = new InheritablePropertyChangeInfo[num2];
            int             num3            = 0;
            FrameworkObject frameworkObject = new FrameworkObject(parent);

            for (uint num4 = 0U; num4 < num; num4 += 1U)
                EffectiveValueEntry effectiveValueEntry = array[(int)num4];
                DependencyProperty  dependencyProperty  = DependencyProperty.RegisteredPropertyList.List[effectiveValueEntry.PropertyIndex];
                if (dependencyProperty != null && dependencyProperty.IsPotentiallyInherited)
                    PropertyMetadata metadata = dependencyProperty.GetMetadata(parent.DependencyObjectType);
                    if (metadata != null && metadata.IsInherited)
                        FrameworkPropertyMetadata frameworkPropertyMetadata = (FrameworkPropertyMetadata)metadata;
                        if (!TreeWalkHelper.SkipNow(frameworkObject.InheritanceBehavior) || frameworkPropertyMetadata.OverridesInheritanceBehavior)
                            EffectiveValueEntry valueEntry = d.GetValueEntry(d.LookupEntry(dependencyProperty.GlobalIndex), dependencyProperty, dependencyProperty.GetMetadata(dependencyObjectType), RequestFlags.DeferredReferences);
                            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry;
                            if (isAddOperation)
                                newEntry = effectiveValueEntry;
                                if (newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal != BaseValueSourceInternal.Default || newEntry.HasModifiers)
                                    newEntry = newEntry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved);
                                    newEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal = BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited;
                                newEntry = default(EffectiveValueEntry);
                            this._rootInheritableValues[num3++] = new InheritablePropertyChangeInfo(d, dependencyProperty, valueEntry, newEntry);
                            if ((ulong)num2 == (ulong)((long)num3))
        // Consider the markup <Element A="x" B="{Binding...}"/>, and suppose
        // that setting A (to x) causes the element to assign a new value y for B. 
        // (Lots of examples of this:  e.g. setting Selector.SelectedIndex causes
        // Selector to assign a new value to Selector.SelectedItem.)  The end
        // result depends on what order the assignments are done.  If A=x happens
        // first, it assigns y to B but that is later overwritten by the 
        // data-bound value z;  if B happens first, the binding is installed and
        // produces the value z, then the assignment A=x sends the value y through 
        // the binding (if it's two-way) to the data source.  In other words, you 
        // end up with z in the first case, but y in the second, and only the
        // second case changes the data source. 
        // The order of assignment (during initialization) is out of the user's
        // control, especially when the element is part of a template instance.
        // It can depend on the order in which static constructors are called, 
        // which can vary depending on which elements appear first in the markup.
        // To mitigate this mysterious behavior, the following code attempts to 
        // detect the situation and make it appear as if the binding always 
        // happened first.
        internal bool ShouldUpdateWithCurrentValue(DependencyObject target, out object currentValue) 
            if (IsReflective)
                // the bad situation only arises during initialization. After that, 
                // the order of property assignments is determined by the app's
                // normal control flow.  Unfortunately, we can only detect 
                // initialization for framework elements;  fortunately, this covers 
                // all the known cases of the bad situation
                FrameworkObject fo = new FrameworkObject(target); 
                if (!fo.IsInitialized)
                    // if the target property (B) already has a changed value (y),
                    // we're in the bad situation and should propagate y back to 
                    // the data source
                    DependencyProperty dp = TargetProperty; 
                    EntryIndex entryIndex = target.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
                    if (entryIndex.Found)
                        EffectiveValueEntry entry = target.GetValueEntry(entryIndex, dp, null, RequestFlags.RawEntry);
                        if (entry.IsCoercedWithCurrentValue)
                            currentValue = entry.GetFlattenedEntry(RequestFlags.FullyResolved).Value; 
                            if (entry.IsDeferredReference)
                                DeferredReference deferredReference = (DeferredReference)currentValue; 
                                currentValue = deferredReference.GetValue(entry.BaseValueSourceInternal);
                            return true;
            currentValue = null; 
            return false;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Callback on visiting each node in the descendency
        ///     during an inheritable property change
        /// </summary>
        private static bool OnInheritablePropertyChanged(
            DependencyObject              d,
            InheritablePropertyChangeInfo info,
            bool                          visitedViaVisualTree)
            Debug.Assert(d != null, "Must have non-null current node");

            DependencyProperty dp = info.Property;
            EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry = info.OldEntry;
            EffectiveValueEntry newEntry = info.NewEntry;

            InheritanceBehavior inheritanceBehavior;
            bool inheritanceNode = IsInheritanceNode(d, dp, out inheritanceBehavior);
            bool isForceInheritedProperty = IsForceInheritedProperty(dp);

            // Note that if a node is marked SkipNext means it hasn't acquired any values from its parent and
            // hence we do not need to invalidate this node or any of its descendents. However if a node is
            // marked SkipNow then this node might have acquired values from its parent but none of its
            // descendents would. Hence in this case we process the current node but omit all of its descendents.
            if (inheritanceNode && (!SkipNext(inheritanceBehavior) || isForceInheritedProperty))
                PropertyMetadata metadata = dp.GetMetadata(d);
                EntryIndex entryIndex = d.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);

                // Found an inheritance node
                if (!d.IsSelfInheritanceParent)
                    DependencyObject parent = FrameworkElement.GetFrameworkParent(d);
                    InheritanceBehavior parentInheritanceBehavior = InheritanceBehavior.Default;

                    if (parent != null)
                        FrameworkObject parentFO = new FrameworkObject(parent, true);
                        parentInheritanceBehavior = parentFO.InheritanceBehavior;

                    if (!SkipNext(inheritanceBehavior) && !SkipNow(parentInheritanceBehavior))
                        // Synchronize InheritanceParent

                    // What should the oldValueSource on the child be?
                    // When the oldValue on the parent was default it
                    // means that the child also used its own default
                    // and did not inherit from the parent. However
                    // when the value on the parent was non-default
                    // it means that the child inherited it.
                    // Note that the oldValueSource on inheritablePropertyChangedData
                    // is actually the parent's oldValueSource

                    if (oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal == BaseValueSourceInternal.Unknown)
                        // we use an empty EffectiveValueEntry as a signal that the old entry was the default value
                        oldEntry = EffectiveValueEntry.CreateDefaultValueEntry(dp, metadata.GetDefaultValue(d, dp));
                    oldEntry = d.GetValueEntry(

                // If the oldValueSource is of lower precedence than Inheritance
                // only then do we need to Invalidate the property
                if (BaseValueSourceInternal.Inherited >= oldEntry.BaseValueSourceInternal)
                    if (visitedViaVisualTree && FrameworkElement.DType.IsInstanceOfType(d))
                        DependencyObject logicalParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(d);
                        if (logicalParent != null)
                            DependencyObject visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(d);
                            if (visualParent != null && visualParent != logicalParent)
                                // Consider the following logical tree configuration. In this case we want 
                                // to RibbonToggleButton to pick up the new DataContext flowing in from 
                                // the Window.
                                // Window (info.RootElement)
                                //   ...
                                //   RibbonGroup (IsCollapsed)
                                //      RibbonControl (only in visual tree)
                                //          RibbonToggleButton
                                // Consider the following logical tree configuration. In this case we do not 
                                // want to RibbonToggleButton to change its DataContext because the changes 
                                // are only within the visual tree.
                                // Window 
                                //   ...
                                //   RibbonGroup (IsCollapsed)
                                //      RibbonControl (only in visual tree) (info.RootElement)
                                //          RibbonToggleButton
                                // Saying it another way, the RibbonToggleButton in the above case belongs in a 
                                // different logical tree than the one that the current invalidation storm begun.
                                // Any change in an inheritable property begins an invalidation storm using the 
                                // DescendentsWalker and configures it to first traverse the logical children 
                                // and then visual children. Also nodes that have previously been visited via the 
                                // logical tree do not get visited again through the visual tree. I use this very 
                                // behavior as the basis for detecting nodes such as RibbonToggleButton. If the 
                                // RibbonToggleButton is being visisted for the first time via the visual tree then 
                                // the invalidation storm did not include its logical parent. And therefore the 
                                // RibbonToggleButton can early out of this storm.
                                return false;
                    // Since we do not hold a cache of the oldValue we need to supply one
                    // in order to correctly fire the change notification
                    return (d.UpdateEffectiveValue(
                            ref newEntry,
                            false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,
                            false /* coerceWithCurrentValue */,
                        & (UpdateResult.ValueChanged | UpdateResult.InheritedValueOverridden))
                        == UpdateResult.ValueChanged;
                    // return false if either the value didn't change or
                    // it changed because the inherited value was overridden by coercion or animation.
                else if (isForceInheritedProperty)
                    // IsCoerced == true && value == UnsetValue indicates that we need to re-coerce this value
                    newEntry = new EffectiveValueEntry(dp, FullValueSource.IsCoerced);

                    // Re-coerce a force inherited property because it's coersion depends on treeness
                    return (d.UpdateEffectiveValue(
                            ref newEntry,
                            false /* coerceWithDeferredReference */,
                            false /* coerceWithCurrentValue */,
                        & (UpdateResult.ValueChanged | UpdateResult.InheritedValueOverridden))
                        == UpdateResult.ValueChanged;
                    // return false if either the value didn't change or
                    // it changed because the inherited value was overridden by coercion or animation.
                    return false;

            // Do not continue walk down subtree if the walk was forced to stop
            // (due to separated trees)
            return (inheritanceBehavior == InheritanceBehavior.Default || isForceInheritedProperty);
        private static bool DefaultFreezeValueCallback(
            DependencyObject d,
            DependencyProperty dp,
            EntryIndex entryIndex,
            PropertyMetadata metadata,
            bool isChecking)
            // The expression check only needs to be done when isChecking is true
            // because if we return false here the Freeze() call will fail.
            if (isChecking)
                if (d.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp))
                    if (TraceFreezable.IsEnabled)


            if (!dp.IsValueType)
                object value =

                if (value != null)
                    Freezable valueAsFreezable = value as Freezable;

                    if (valueAsFreezable != null)
                        if (!valueAsFreezable.Freeze(isChecking))
                            if (TraceFreezable.IsEnabled)

                    else  // not a Freezable
                        DispatcherObject valueAsDispatcherObject = value as DispatcherObject;

                        if (valueAsDispatcherObject != null)
                            if (valueAsDispatcherObject.Dispatcher == null)
                                // The property is a free-threaded DispatcherObject; since it's
                                // already free-threaded it doesn't prevent this Freezable from
                                // becoming free-threaded too.
                                // It is up to the creator of this type to ensure that the
                                // DispatcherObject is actually immutable
                                // The value of this property derives from DispatcherObject and
                                // has thread affinity; return false.

                                if (TraceFreezable.IsEnabled)


                        // The property isn't a DispatcherObject.  It may be immutable (such as a string)
                        // or the user may have made it thread-safe.  It's up to the creator of the type to
                        // do the right thing; we return true as an extensibility point.
