/// <summary>
        /// Adds a line that connects the arc midpoint to the label and positions the label appropriately.
        /// Ideally, I would add the Polyline in the template and I would only change its points here. Unfortunately,
        /// because of a WPF bug, the Polyline doesn't render in certain corner-case scenarios. As a workaround,
        /// I create a new Polyline everytime the label is positioned, as can be seen in this method.
        /// </summary>
        private void PositionConnected()

                if (this.contentPart != null)
                    PointCollection newPoints = new PointCollection();

                    // First point

                    // Second point
                    Vector radialDirection = this.arcMidpoint - this.center;
                    Point secondPoint = this.arcMidpoint + (radialDirection*10);

                    // Third point
                    int sign = Math.Sign(radialDirection.X); // 1 if label is on the right side, -1 if it's on the left.
                    Point thirdPoint = secondPoint + new Vector(sign*20, 0);

                    double contentX = (sign == 1) ? thirdPoint.X : thirdPoint.X - this.contentPart.DesiredSize.Width;
                    double contentY = thirdPoint.Y - 0.5*this.contentPart.DesiredSize.Height;
                    Canvas.SetTop(this.contentPart, contentY);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(this.contentPart, contentX);

                    Polyline polyline = new Polyline();
                    polyline.Points = newPoints;
                    polyline.SetBinding(Polyline.StrokeThicknessProperty, new Binding("LineStrokeThickness") {Source = this});
                    polyline.SetBinding(Polyline.StrokeProperty, new Binding("LineStroke") {Source = this});
                    polyline.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round;

            { }
		private void SetPolylineBindings(Polyline polyline)
			polyline.SetBinding(Polyline.StrokeProperty, new Binding { Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath("Stroke") });
			polyline.SetBinding(Polyline.StrokeThicknessProperty, new Binding { Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath("StrokeThickness") });