protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            if (item != null)
                var itemRect = new Rect(item.RenderSize);
                Point startPoint;
                Point endPoint;
                if (!showMarkerAfterItem)
                    startPoint = itemRect.TopLeft;
                    endPoint = itemRect.TopRight;
                    startPoint = itemRect.BottomLeft;
                    endPoint = itemRect.BottomRight;

                startPoint = item.TranslatePoint(startPoint, control);
                endPoint = item.TranslatePoint(endPoint, control);

                drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(adornerViewRect));
                drawingContext.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Green, 2), startPoint, endPoint);
Exemple #2
        public void Draw(LayerModel layer, DrawingContext c)
            // If an animation is present, let it handle the drawing
            if (layer.LayerAnimation != null && !(layer.LayerAnimation is NoneAnimation))
                layer.LayerAnimation.Draw(layer.Properties, layer.AppliedProperties, c);

            // Otherwise draw the rectangle with its layer.AppliedProperties dimensions and brush
            var rect = layer.Properties.Contain
                ? new Rect(layer.AppliedProperties.X*4,
                : new Rect(layer.Properties.X*4,

            var clip = new Rect(layer.AppliedProperties.X*4, layer.AppliedProperties.Y*4,
                layer.AppliedProperties.Width*4, layer.AppliedProperties.Height*4);

            c.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(clip));
            c.DrawRectangle(layer.AppliedProperties.Brush, null, rect);
Exemple #3
        private void DrawBorders(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext dc)
            dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)));

            int lineNumber = StartLine;

            if (lineNumber > 0)
            while (lineNumber > 0 && !REPLData.KindIsGap(LineKinds[lineNumber]))
            while (true)
                double topY = (lineNumber - StartLine) * LineHeight + 2;
                while (lineNumber < Lines.Count && !REPLData.KindIsGap(LineKinds[lineNumber]))
                double bottomY = (lineNumber - StartLine) * LineHeight + 2;
                dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(InsideBrush, BorderPen, new Rect(SpaceWidth / 2, topY + topOffset, Width - SpaceWidth, bottomY - topY - LineHeight / 3), SpaceWidth, SpaceWidth);
                if (lineNumber >= Lines.Count - 1 || lineNumber > StartLine + Height / LineHeight)
Exemple #4
        public void Draw(DrawingContext context, DrawingArgs args)
            context.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(args.RenderBounds));
            if (m_IsDirty || args.RequiresFullRedraw)
                System.Windows.Media.StreamGeometry geo = new StreamGeometry();
                using (var c = geo.Open())
                    Point? figureStart = null;
                    int pointCount = 0; //point in the figure

                    if (Values.Count() == 1 && Values.First().HasValue)
                        foreach (var p in Values)
                            if (p.HasValue)
                                if (!figureStart.HasValue)
                                    figureStart = p.Value;
                                    c.BeginFigure(figureStart.Value, false, false);
                                    pointCount = 1;
                                    c.LineTo(p.Value, true, true);
                                //detect lone points and draw a cross
                                if (pointCount == 1)
                                figureStart = null;

                m_Geo = geo;
                m_IsDirty = false;

            m_Geo.Transform = args.Transform;
            context.DrawGeometry(null, Pen, m_Geo);

            var radius = Pen.Thickness;
            foreach (var p in m_LonePoints)
                context.DrawEllipse(m_Pen.Brush, null, args.Transform.Transform(p), radius, radius);
Exemple #5
        public void Draw(LayerPropertiesModel props, LayerPropertiesModel applied, DrawingContext c)
            if (applied?.Brush == null)

            const int scale = 4;
            // Set up variables for this frame
            var rect = props.Contain
                ? new Rect(applied.X*scale, applied.Y*scale, applied.Width*scale, applied.Height*scale)
                : new Rect(props.X*scale, props.Y*scale, props.Width*scale, props.Height*scale);

            var clip = new Rect(applied.X*scale, applied.Y*scale, applied.Width*scale, applied.Height*scale);

            // Take an offset of 4 to allow layers to slightly leave their bounds
            var progress = (6.0 - props.AnimationProgress)*10.0;
            if (progress < 0)
                // Can't meddle with the original brush because it's frozen.
                var brush = applied.Brush.Clone();
                brush.Opacity = 1 + 0.025*progress;
                if (brush.Opacity < 0)
                    brush.Opacity = 0;
                if (brush.Opacity > 1)
                    brush.Opacity = 1;
                applied.Brush = brush;
            rect.Inflate(-rect.Width/100.0*progress, -rect.Height/100.0*progress);
            clip.Inflate(-clip.Width/100.0*progress, -clip.Height/100.0*progress);

            c.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(clip));
            c.DrawRectangle(applied.Brush, null, rect);
		public void Render(DrawingContext drawingContext)
			if (IsVisible)
				drawingContext.DrawGeometry(null, PainterCache.GridLinePen, _geometry);
Exemple #7
 protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
     if (_bitmap != null)
         drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(RenderSize)));
         drawingContext.DrawImage(_bitmap, new Rect(new Size(_bitmap.Width, _bitmap.Height)));
Exemple #8
        public void DrawCircle(Point center, DrawingContext drawingContext, Size windowSize, bool drawCircle)
            var rectangle = new Rect(center.X - Radius, center.Y - Radius, Radius * 2, Radius * 2);
            var path = new PathGeometry();
            path.AddGeometry(new EllipseGeometry(rectangle));
            var windowRect = new Rect(windowSize);
            drawingContext.DrawImage(Bitmap, windowRect);

            if (drawCircle)
                drawingContext.DrawEllipse(Brushes.Transparent, new Pen(Brushes.Red, 1.5), center, Radius, Radius);
 /// <summary>This method performs the actual render operation to show a text label</summary>
 /// <param name="dc">Drawing context</param>
 /// <param name="info">Render info</param>
 /// <param name="scale">The scale.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
 public virtual void RenderHeader(DrawingContext dc, AutoHeaderTextRenderInfo info, double scale, Point offset)
     dc.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(offset.X, offset.Y));
     dc.PushTransform(new ScaleTransform(scale, scale));
     dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(info.RenderRect));
     info.FormattedText.SetMaxTextWidths(new[] { info.RenderRect.Width });
     info.FormattedText.MaxLineCount = 1;
     info.FormattedText.Trimming = TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis;
     dc.DrawText(info.FormattedText, info.RenderRect.TopLeft);
        protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
            if (_bitmap != null)
                var bitmapSize         = new Vector(_bitmap.Width, _bitmap.Height);
                var dpiScaleToWpfScale = CurrentHwndSource.CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice;
                var adjustedBitmapSize = dpiScaleToWpfScale.Transform(bitmapSize);

                drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(RenderSize)));
                drawingContext.DrawImage(_bitmap, new Rect(new Size(adjustedBitmapSize.X, adjustedBitmapSize.Y)));
Exemple #11
		//private const int Margin = 3;
		protected override void InnerDraw(DrawingContext drawingContext)
			if (_scaleTransform != null)
			if (_clipGeometry != null)
			if (_clipGeometry != null)
			if (_scaleTransform != null)
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext ctx)
            ctx.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight)));//restrict drawing to textbox
            ctx.DrawRectangle(LineNumberBackground, null, new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight));//Draw Background

            int count = (int)(this.ActualHeight / CodeBox.GetLineHeight());

            string lineText = string.Join(
                Enumerable.Range(firstLine + 1, count).Select(l => l.ToString()).ToArray());
            var text = CodeBox.GetFormatText(lineText, LineNumberForeground);

            ctx.DrawText(text, new Point(0, 0));
Exemple #13
        private void DrawText(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext dc)
            dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(10, 0, Width - 20, Height)));

            for (int lineNumber = StartLine; lineNumber < Lines.Count && lineNumber <= StartLine + Height / LineHeight; lineNumber++)
                double Y = (lineNumber - StartLine) * LineHeight + 2;
                if (lineNumber == CursorLine)
                    dc.DrawRectangle(BackCursorBrush, null, new Rect(0, Y, Width, LineHeight));
                DrawTextUsingString(dc, lineNumber, Y);
Exemple #14
 public void Render(DrawingContext drawingContext)
     if (!_hidden)
         if (_renderClip != null)
         if (_renderClip != null)
        protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
            Double          width       = this.ActualWidth;
            Double          height      = this.ActualHeight;
            Double          a           = width / 2;
            Double          b           = height / 2;
            Point           centerPoint = new Point(a, b);
            Double          thickness   = this.BorderThickness.Left;
            EllipseGeometry ellipse     = new EllipseGeometry(centerPoint, a, b);

                new Pen(this.BorderBrush, thickness),
        protected override void ApplyFilter(FastBitmap source, DrawingContext dc, int width, int height)
            // Clip to rounded rectangle shape.
            dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(new Size(width, height)), Roundness, Roundness));

            // Draw image.
            dc.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(BorderWidth, BorderWidth));
            dc.DrawImage(source.InnerBitmap, new Rect(0, 0, source.Width, source.Height));


            // Draw border.
            dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(null, new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(BorderColor.ToWpfColor()), BorderWidth),
                new Rect(BorderWidth / 2.0, BorderWidth / 2.0, width - BorderWidth, height - BorderWidth),
                Roundness, Roundness);
Exemple #17
 protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
     if ( this.ClipToBounds )
         dc.PushClip( new RectangleGeometry( new Rect( 0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight ) ) );
     dc.DrawRectangle( Brushes.White, new Pen(), new Rect( 0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight ) );
     base.OnRender( dc );
     if ( this.Text == String.Empty && this.HintTextImage != null )
         dc.DrawText( this.HintTextImage, new Point( 4, ( this.ActualHeight - this.HintTextImage.Height ) / 2 ) );
     if ( this.ClipToBounds )
         // pop the clip that we added
    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
      if (_diffs != null)
        var viewLeft = _editLeft.TextArea.TextView;
        var viewRight = _editRight.TextArea.TextView;

        var leftFirst = viewLeft.VisualLines.First().FirstDocumentLine.LineNumber;
        var leftLast = viewLeft.VisualLines.Last().LastDocumentLine.LineNumber;
        var rightFirst = viewRight.VisualLines.First().FirstDocumentLine.LineNumber;
        var rightLast = viewRight.VisualLines.Last().LastDocumentLine.LineNumber;
        Func<ListCompare, bool> inRange = (c => Math.Abs(c.Base) >= leftFirst && Math.Abs(c.Base) <= leftLast
          || Math.Abs(c.Compare) >= rightFirst && Math.Abs(c.Compare) <= rightLast);

        var start = 0;
        while (start < _diffs.Count && !inRange(_diffs[start])) start++;
        if (start >= _diffs.Count) start--;
        var end = start;
        while (start >= 0 && GetDiffType(_diffs[start]) != DiffType.Normal) start--;
        while (end < _diffs.Count && inRange(_diffs[end])) end++;
        while (end < _diffs.Count && GetDiffType(_diffs[end]) != DiffType.Normal) end++;

        var lastType = GetDiffType(_diffs[start]);
        DiffType currType;
        Geometry geom;
        drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(new Point(0, 0), this.RenderSize)));
        for (var i = start + 1; i <= end; i++)
          currType = GetDiffType(_diffs[i]);
          if (currType != lastType)
            geom = GetPath(new Point(0, viewLeft.GetOrConstructVisualLine(viewLeft.Document.GetLineByNumber(Math.Abs(_diffs[i].Base))).VisualTop - viewLeft.VerticalOffset),
                           new Point(Width, viewRight.GetOrConstructVisualLine(viewRight.Document.GetLineByNumber(Math.Abs(_diffs[i].Compare))).VisualTop - viewRight.VerticalOffset));
            drawingContext.DrawGeometry(null, new Pen() { Thickness = 2, Brush = Brushes.Black }, geom);
          lastType = currType;
        public void Draw(LayerPropertiesModel props, LayerPropertiesModel applied, DrawingContext c)
            if (applied.Brush == null)

            const int scale = 4;
            // Set up variables for this frame
            var rect = props.Contain
                ? new Rect(applied.X*scale, applied.Y*scale, applied.Width*scale, applied.Height*scale)
                : new Rect(props.X*scale, props.Y*scale, props.Width*scale, props.Height*scale);

            var s1 = new Rect(new Point(rect.X, rect.Y + props.AnimationProgress), new Size(rect.Width, rect.Height));
            var s2 = new Rect(new Point(s1.X, s1.Y - rect.Height), new Size(rect.Width, rect.Height + .5));

            var clip = new Rect(applied.X*scale, applied.Y*scale, applied.Width*scale, applied.Height*scale);

            c.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(clip));
            c.DrawRectangle(applied.Brush, null, s1);
            c.DrawRectangle(applied.Brush, null, s2);
Exemple #20
        protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext dc)
            BackBrush       = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.AntiqueWhite);
            BackCursorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
            ForeBrush       = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Chocolate);
            BackHighBrush   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
            ForeHighBrush   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);

            dc.DrawRectangle(BackBrush, null, new Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
            dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)));

            for (int lineNumber = StartLine; lineNumber < LineStarts.Length && lineNumber <= StartLine + Height / LineHeight; lineNumber++)
                double Y = (lineNumber - StartLine) * LineHeight + 2;
                if (lineNumber == CursorLine)
                    dc.DrawRectangle(BackCursorBrush, null, new Rect(0, Y, Width, LineHeight));

                if (TheList != null)
                    double X           = LineIndentations[lineNumber] * SpaceWidth + 2;
                    int    startToken  = LineStarts[lineNumber];
                    int    finishToken = (lineNumber < LineStarts.Length - 1) ? (LineStarts[lineNumber + 1] - 1) : (LineStarts.Length - 1);

                    for (int i = startToken; i <= finishToken; i++)
                        if (i > 0 && TheList[i - 1].Kind != LexKind.Delimiter && TheList[i].Kind != LexKind.Delimiter)
                            X += SpaceWidth;
                        DrawTextUsingLexList(dc, i, ref X, Y);
                else if (Source != null)
                    DrawTextUsingString(dc, LineStarts[lineNumber], LineLengths[lineNumber], Y);
Exemple #21
        public void Draw(LayerPropertiesModel props, LayerPropertiesModel applied, DrawingContext c)
            if (applied.Brush == null)

            const int scale = 4;
            // Set up variables for this frame
            var rect = props.Contain
                ? new Rect(applied.X*scale, applied.Y*scale, applied.Width*scale, applied.Height*scale)
                : new Rect(props.X*scale, props.Y*scale, props.Width*scale, props.Height*scale);

            var clip = new Rect(applied.X*scale, applied.Y*scale, applied.Width*scale, applied.Height*scale);

            // Can't meddle with the original brush because it's frozen.
            var brush = applied.Brush.Clone();
            brush.Opacity = (Math.Sin(props.AnimationProgress*Math.PI) + 1)*(props.Opacity/2);
            applied.Brush = brush;

            c.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(clip));
            c.DrawRectangle(applied.Brush, null, rect);
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)

            // Introduce clipping
            drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(_adornedElement.RenderSize)));

            foreach (ChartMarkerSet set in MarkerSets)
//                ChartPrimitive parent = set.ParentPrimitive;
                var setBrush = new SolidColorBrush(set.Fill);
                var setPen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(set.Stroke), set.StrokeWidth);
                foreach (ChartPoint p in set.Points)
                    // Snap the marker's Y-position onto the parent primitive
                    var snappedToParentPos = p.Point;
//                    snappedToParentPos.Y = parent.GetValueY(p.Point.X);

                    // Then render it to the adorner layer (which is on top of the plot canvas)
                    Point pixelPos = _parentChart.ToPixel(snappedToParentPos);
                    drawingContext.DrawEllipse(setBrush, setPen, pixelPos, set.Size/2, set.Size/2);

                    const double labelOffsetY = 10;
                    Point labelPixelOffset = new Point(0, +5);
                    if (snappedToParentPos.Y >= 0)
                        labelPixelOffset.Offset(0, labelOffsetY);
                        labelPixelOffset.Offset(0, -labelOffsetY);

//                    ChartHelper.RenderTextToChartPosition(drawingContext, _parentChart.TextCanvasInfo, p.Label, set.Color, snappedToParentPos, labelPixelOffset, FlipYAxis, true);

            // End clipping
Exemple #23
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            Brush bgBrush = Background;
            dc.DrawRectangle(bgBrush, null, new Rect(RenderSize));

            if (Items == null)

                //long tickStart = DateTime.Now.Ticks; //パフォーマンス計測用
                double selfLeft = Canvas.GetLeft(this);

                // Items 設定時に CreateDrawTextList を行うと、番組表に複数のタブを設定していると
                // 全てのタブの GlyphRun を一度に生成しようとするので、最初の表示までに多くの時間がかかる。
                // 表示しようとするタブのみ GlyphRun を行うことで、最初の応答時間を削減することにする。
                //long tickGlyphRun = DateTime.Now.Ticks; //パフォーマンス計測用

                foreach (ProgramViewItem info in Items)
                    dc.DrawRectangle(bgBrush, null, new Rect(info.LeftPos - selfLeft, info.TopPos, info.Width, 1));
                    dc.DrawRectangle(bgBrush, null, new Rect(info.LeftPos - selfLeft, info.TopPos + info.Height, info.Width, 1));
                    if (info.Height > 1)
                        dc.DrawRectangle(info.ContentColor, null, new Rect(info.LeftPos - selfLeft, info.TopPos + 0.5, info.Width - 1, info.Height - 0.5));
                        if (textDrawDict.ContainsKey(info))
                            dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(info.LeftPos - selfLeft, info.TopPos + 0.5, info.Width - 1, info.Height - 0.5)));
                            foreach (TextDrawItem txtinfo in textDrawDict[info])
                                dc.DrawGlyphRun(txtinfo.FontColor, txtinfo.Text);

                // EpgViewPanel は複数に分けて Render するので、最後のパネルが Render し終わったら
                // 些細なメモリ節約のために cache をクリアする

                //long tickDraw = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                //Console.Write("GlyphRun = " + Math.Round((tickGlyphRun - tickStart)/10000D).ToString()
                //    + ", Draw = " + Math.Round((tickDraw - tickGlyphRun)/10000D).ToString()
                //    + ", Total = " + Math.Round((tickDraw-tickStart)/10000D).ToString() + "\n");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #24
      /// <summary>Draws the text glyph in the specified target area.</summary>
      /// <param name="dc">The drawing context to draw on.</param>
      /// <param name="foreground">The text foreground brush.</param>
      /// <param name="targetArea">The target area where the text is to be drawn (according to the specified alignment).</param>
      /// <param name="alignment">Indicates how to align the text with respect to the target area.</param>
      public void Draw(DrawingContext dc, Brush foreground, Rect targetArea, TextAlign alignment) {
         if (IsEmpty || targetArea.IsEmpty || foreground == null) return;

         // compute bounds 
         var bounds = _computeBounds(targetArea, alignment);
         dc.PushTranslate(bounds.X + SharpnessVector.X, bounds.Y + SharpnessVector.Y);

         if (TextOverflow == TextOverflow.Ignore || Width <= bounds.Width) {
            // ignore overflow - use original glyph run and draw it without clipping
            _drawGlyphRun(dc, _fullRun, foreground);

         } else if (TextOverflow == TextOverflow.Clip) {
            // clip overflow - use original glyph run but clip it to fit bounds
            var clipRect = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.Size));
            _drawGlyphRun(dc, _fullRun, foreground);

         } else {
            // trim overflow - create a trimmed glyph run that fits the bounds and cache it for next invocation 
            // (the caching of the trimmed glyph is effective only if the width does not change - e.g., when drawing the same glyph in a different color)
            if (_trimmedWidth.CertainlyDifferent(bounds.Width)) {
               var result = _buildGlyph(false, bounds.Width);
               _trimmedRun = (result != null ? result.GlyphRun : null);
               _trimmedWidth = bounds.Width;
            _drawGlyphRun(dc, _trimmedRun, foreground);

Exemple #25
      /// <summary>
      /// render map in WPF
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="g"></param>
      void DrawMap(DrawingContext g)
         if(MapProvider == EmptyProvider.Instance || MapProvider == null)

            foreach(var tilePoint in Core.tileDrawingList)
               Core.tileRect.Location = tilePoint.PosPixel;

               //if(region.IntersectsWith(Core.tileRect) || IsRotated)
                  bool found = false;

                  Tile t = Core.Matrix.GetTileWithNoLock(Core.Zoom, tilePoint.PosXY);
                     foreach(GMapImage img in t.Overlays)
                        if(img != null && img.Img != null)
                              found = true;

                           var imgRect = new Rect(Core.tileRect.X + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Y + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Width + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Height + 0.6);
                              g.DrawImage(img.Img, imgRect);
                              // TODO: move calculations to loader thread
                              var geometry = new RectangleGeometry(imgRect);
                              var parentImgRect = new Rect(Core.tileRect.X - Core.tileRect.Width * img.Xoff + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Y - Core.tileRect.Height * img.Yoff + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Width * img.Ix + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Height * img.Ix + 0.6);

                              g.DrawImage(img.Img, parentImgRect);
                              geometry = null;
                  else if(FillEmptyTiles && MapProvider.Projection is MercatorProjection)
                     #region -- fill empty tiles --
                     int zoomOffset = 1;
                     Tile parentTile = Tile.Empty;
                     long Ix = 0;

                     while(!parentTile.NotEmpty && zoomOffset < Core.Zoom && zoomOffset <= LevelsKeepInMemmory)
                        Ix = (long)Math.Pow(2, zoomOffset);
                        parentTile = Core.Matrix.GetTileWithNoLock(Core.Zoom - zoomOffset++, new GMap.NET.GPoint((int)(tilePoint.PosXY.X / Ix), (int)(tilePoint.PosXY.Y / Ix)));

                        long Xoff = Math.Abs(tilePoint.PosXY.X - (parentTile.Pos.X * Ix));
                        long Yoff = Math.Abs(tilePoint.PosXY.Y - (parentTile.Pos.Y * Ix));

                        var geometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(Core.tileRect.X + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Y + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Width + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Height + 0.6));
                        var parentImgRect = new Rect(Core.tileRect.X - Core.tileRect.Width * Xoff + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Y - Core.tileRect.Height * Yoff + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Width * Ix + 0.6, Core.tileRect.Height * Ix + 0.6);

                        // render tile 
                           foreach(GMapImage img in parentTile.Overlays)
                              if(img != null && img.Img != null && !img.IsParent)
                                    found = true;

                                 g.DrawImage(img.Img, parentImgRect);
                                 g.DrawRectangle(SelectedAreaFill, null, geometry.Bounds);

                        geometry = null;

                  // add text if tile is missing
                        var lt = new LoadTask(tilePoint.PosXY, Core.Zoom);

                           g.DrawRectangle(EmptytileBrush, EmptyTileBorders, new Rect(Core.tileRect.X, Core.tileRect.Y, Core.tileRect.Width, Core.tileRect.Height));

                           var ex = Core.FailedLoads[lt];
                           FormattedText TileText = new FormattedText("Exception: " + ex.Message, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, tileTypeface, 14, Brushes.Red);
                           TileText.MaxTextWidth = Core.tileRect.Width - 11;

                           g.DrawText(TileText, new System.Windows.Point(Core.tileRect.X + 11, Core.tileRect.Y + 11));

                           g.DrawText(EmptyTileText, new System.Windows.Point(Core.tileRect.X + Core.tileRect.Width / 2 - EmptyTileText.Width / 2, Core.tileRect.Y + Core.tileRect.Height / 2 - EmptyTileText.Height / 2));

                     g.DrawRectangle(null, EmptyTileBorders, new Rect(Core.tileRect.X, Core.tileRect.Y, Core.tileRect.Width, Core.tileRect.Height));

                     if(tilePoint.PosXY == Core.centerTileXYLocation)
                        FormattedText TileText = new FormattedText("CENTER:" + tilePoint.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, tileTypeface, 16, Brushes.Red);
                        TileText.MaxTextWidth = Core.tileRect.Width;
                        g.DrawText(TileText, new System.Windows.Point(Core.tileRect.X + Core.tileRect.Width / 2 - EmptyTileText.Width / 2, Core.tileRect.Y + Core.tileRect.Height / 2 - TileText.Height / 2));
                        FormattedText TileText = new FormattedText("TILE: " + tilePoint.ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, tileTypeface, 16, Brushes.Red);
                        TileText.MaxTextWidth = Core.tileRect.Width;
                        g.DrawText(TileText, new System.Windows.Point(Core.tileRect.X + Core.tileRect.Width / 2 - EmptyTileText.Width / 2, Core.tileRect.Y + Core.tileRect.Height / 2 - TileText.Height / 2));
Exemple #26
        private void Render(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, null, new Rect(new Point(), RenderSize));
            if (m_blame == null || m_emSize == 0)

            Typeface typeface = TextElementUtility.GetTypeface(this);
            BlameLayout layout = m_layout.WithRenderSize(RenderSize);

            foreach (Rect newLineRectangle in layout.NewLines)
                drawingContext.DrawRectangle(m_newLineBrush, null, newLineRectangle);

            foreach (DisplayBlock block in layout.Blocks)
                Rect blockRectangle = block.CommitPosition;

                drawingContext.DrawRectangle(m_personBrush[block.AuthorIndex], null, block.AuthorPosition);
                drawingContext.DrawRectangle(GetOrCreateCommitBrush(block), null, blockRectangle);

                drawingContext.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.LightGray, 1), new Point(0, blockRectangle.Bottom + 0.5), new Point(RenderSize.Width, blockRectangle.Bottom + 0.5));

                FormattedText authorText = CreateSmallFormattedText(block.AuthorName, typeface, block.AuthorWidth);
                drawingContext.DrawText(authorText, new Point(block.AuthorX, block.TextY));

                FormattedText dateText = CreateSmallFormattedText(block.Date, typeface, block.DateWidth);
                dateText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
                drawingContext.DrawText(dateText, new Point(block.DateX, block.TextY));

                if (block.ShowsSummary)
                    Rect summaryPosition = block.SummaryPosition;
                    FormattedText commitText = CreateSmallFormattedText(block.Summary, typeface, summaryPosition.Width);
                    commitText.MaxLineCount = Math.Max(1, (int) (summaryPosition.Height / commitText.Height));
                    commitText.Trimming = TextTrimming.WordEllipsis;
                    drawingContext.DrawText(commitText, summaryPosition.TopLeft);

            Column lineNumberColumn = layout.LineNumberColumn;
            double yOffset = 0;
            double lineNumberWidth = lineNumberColumn.Width;
            foreach (DisplayLine line in layout.Lines)
                FormattedText lineNumberText = CreateFormattedText(line.LineNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), typeface);
                lineNumberText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
                lineNumberWidth = Math.Max(lineNumberWidth, lineNumberText.Width);
                lineNumberText.MaxTextWidth = lineNumberWidth;
                drawingContext.DrawText(lineNumberText, new Point(lineNumberColumn.Left, yOffset));

                yOffset += layout.LineHeight;
            layout = layout.WithLineNumberWidth(lineNumberWidth);

            Column codeColumn = layout.CodeColumn;
            Geometry clipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(codeColumn.Left, 0, RenderSize.Width - codeColumn.Left, RenderSize.Height));

            yOffset = 0;
            foreach (DisplayLine line in layout.Lines)
                double xOffset = layout.CodeColumn.Left - HorizontalOffset;
                foreach (LinePart part in line.Parts)
                    FormattedText text = CreateFormattedText(string.Join("", part.Text.Replace("\t", "    ")), typeface);

                    if (!line.IsNew && part.Status == LinePartStatus.New)
                        drawingContext.DrawRectangle(m_changedTextBrush, null, new Rect(xOffset, yOffset, text.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, layout.LineHeight));

                    drawingContext.DrawText(text, new Point(xOffset, yOffset));
                    xOffset += text.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;

                layout = layout.WithCodeWidth(xOffset - codeColumn.Left + HorizontalOffset);

                yOffset += layout.LineHeight;


            double commitRightX = layout.CommitColumn.Right;
            drawingContext.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.DarkGray, 1), new Point(commitRightX, 0), new Point(commitRightX, Math.Min(yOffset, RenderSize.Height)));

            double lineNumberRightX = layout.CodeMarginColumn.Right;
            drawingContext.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.DarkGray, 1), new Point(lineNumberRightX, 0), new Point(lineNumberRightX, Math.Min(yOffset, RenderSize.Height)));

            SetHorizontalScrollInfo(layout.Width, RenderSize.Width, null);

            if (layout != m_layout)
                m_layout = layout;
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Background, null, new Rect(new Size(ActualWidth, ActualHeight)));
            drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(new Size(ActualWidth, ActualHeight))));

Exemple #28
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            dc.DrawRectangle(Background, null, new Rect(RenderSize));
            this.VisualTextRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.ClearType;
            this.VisualTextHintingMode = TextHintingMode.Fixed;
            this.UseLayoutRounding = true;

            if (Items == null)
                double sizeNormal = Settings.Instance.FontSize;
                double sizeTitle = Settings.Instance.FontSizeTitle;
                Brush bgBrush = Background;
                foreach (ProgramViewItem info in Items)
                    dc.DrawRectangle(bgBrush, null, new Rect(info.LeftPos, info.TopPos, info.Width, 1));
                    dc.DrawRectangle(bgBrush, null, new Rect(info.LeftPos, info.TopPos + info.Height, info.Width, 1));
                    if (info.Height > 1)
                        dc.DrawRectangle(info.ContentColor, null, new Rect(info.LeftPos + 0, info.TopPos + 0.5, info.Width - 1, info.Height - 0.5));
                        if (textDrawDict.ContainsKey(info))
                            dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(info.LeftPos + 0, info.TopPos + 0.5, info.Width - 1, info.Height - 0.5)));
                            foreach (TextDrawItem txtinfo in textDrawDict[info])
                                dc.DrawGlyphRun(txtinfo.FontColor, txtinfo.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #29
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext DC)
            DC.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight));
            Rect bounds = new Rect(
                ActualWidth - (BorderThickness.Right + BorderThickness.Left),
                ActualHeight - (BorderThickness.Top + BorderThickness.Bottom));
            DC.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(bounds));
            DC.DrawRectangle(Background, null, bounds);

            DrawTimeAxis(DC, bounds);

            if (Signals.Empty())

            Signal stats = SelectedSignal;
            Signal stabilize = stats;
            if (stabilize == null)
                stabilize = Signals.First();

            double sampleRate = Signals.SampleRate;

            double f0 = 0.0;

            // Remembe the clock for when we analyzed the signal to keep the signals in sync even if new data gets added in the background.
            long sync = stabilize.Clock;

            lock (stabilize.Lock)
                int Decimate = 1 << (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(sampleRate / 22000, 2));
                int BlockSize = 8192;
                if (stabilize.Count >= BlockSize)
                    double[] data = stabilize.Skip(stabilize.Count - BlockSize).ToArray();

                    // Estimate the fundamental frequency of the signal.
                    double phase;
                    double f = Frequency.Estimate(data, Decimate, out phase);

                    // Convert phase from (-pi, pi] to (0, 1]
                    phase = ((phase + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI));

                    // Shift all the signals by the phase in samples to align the signal between frames.
                    if (f > 1.0)
                        sync -= (int)Math.Round(phase * BlockSize / f);

                    // Compute fundamental frequency in Hz.
                    f0 = sampleRate * f / BlockSize;

            double mean = 0.0;
            double peak = 0.0;
            double rms = 0.0;
            if (stats != null)
                lock (stats.Lock)
                    // Compute statistics of the clock signal.
                    mean = stats.Sum() / stats.Count;
                    peak = stats.Max(i => Math.Abs(i - mean), 0.0);
                    rms = Math.Sqrt(stats.Sum(i => (i - mean) * (i - mean)) / stats.Count);
                foreach (Signal i in signals)
                    lock (i.Lock) peak = Math.Max(peak, i.Max(j => Math.Abs(j), 0.0));

            // Compute the target min/max
            double bound = peak;
            double gamma = 0.1;
            double window = Math.Max(Math.Pow(2.0, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(bound + 1e-9, 2.0))), 1e-2);
            Vmax = Math.Max(TimeFilter(Vmax, window, gamma), Math.Abs(bound + (Vmean - mean)));
            Vmean = TimeFilter(Vmean, mean, gamma);
            if (Math.Abs(mean) * 1e2 < Vmax)
                Vmean = 0.0;

            DrawSignalAxis(DC, bounds);

            foreach (Signal i in signals.Except(stabilize).Append(stabilize))
                lock (i.Lock) DrawSignal(DC, bounds, i, (int)(sync - i.Clock));

            if (stats != null)
                DrawStatistics(DC, bounds, stats.Pen.Brush, peak, mean, rms, f0);

            if (tracePoint.HasValue)
                DrawTrace(DC, bounds, tracePoint.Value);

Exemple #30
		protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)

			if (image != null)
				var container = new Rect
					this.ActualWidth - this.Padding.Right - this.Padding.Left,
					this.ActualHeight - this.Padding.Bottom - this.Padding.Top
				var horizontal = image.Width > image.Height;
				var sz = new Size
					horizontal ? container.Height / (image.Height / image.Width) : container.Width,
					horizontal ? container.Height : container.Width / (image.Width / image.Height)
				var rect = new Rect
					container.Left + container.Width / 2 - sz.Width / 2,
					container.Top + container.Height / 2 - sz.Height / 2,

				drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(container));
				drawingContext.DrawImage(image, rect);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw highlight
        /// </summary>
        override protected void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            DocumentsTrace.FixedTextOM.Highlight.Trace(string.Format("HightlightVisual Rendering"));
            if (_panel.Highlights.ContainsKey(_page))
                ArrayList highlights = _panel.Highlights[_page];

                Size pageSize = _panel.ComputePageSize(_page);
                Rect clipRect = new Rect(new Point(0, 0), pageSize);
                dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(clipRect));
                if (highlights != null)
                    _UpdateHighlightBackground(dc, highlights);
                    _UpdateHighlightForeground(dc, highlights);
                dc.Pop(); //clip

            if (_rubberbandSelector != null &&
                _rubberbandSelector.Page == _page)
                Rect r = _rubberbandSelector.SelectionRect;
                if (!r.IsEmpty)
                    dc.DrawRectangle(SelectionHighlightInfo.ObjectMaskBrush, null, r);
        private void _UpdateHighlightForeground(DrawingContext dc, ArrayList highlights)
            foreach (FixedHighlight fh in highlights)
                Brush fg = null;

                if (fh.HighlightType == FixedHighlightType.None)
                    // use this code if you want to see unrecognized highlights
                    bg = Brushes.Yellow;

                Glyphs g = fh.Glyphs;
                if (g == null)

                Rect clipRect = fh.ComputeDesignRect();

                if (clipRect == Rect.Empty)

                GeneralTransform transform = fh.Element.TransformToAncestor(_page);

                Transform t = transform.AffineTransform;
                if (t != null)

                dc.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(clipRect));

                if (fh.HighlightType == FixedHighlightType.TextSelection)
                    fg = SelectionHighlightInfo.ForegroundBrush;
                else if (fh.HighlightType == FixedHighlightType.AnnotationHighlight)
                    fg = fh.ForegroundBrush;
                // can add cases for new types of highlights

                GlyphRun gr = g.ToGlyphRun();

                if (fg == null)
                    fg = g.Fill;

                dc.DrawGlyphRun(fg, gr);
                dc.Pop(); // Glyphs clip
                dc.Pop(); // Guideline
                dc.Pop(); // clip
                dc.Pop(); // transform
 protected virtual void CreatePageVisual(Rect pageBounds, DrawingVisual source, bool isFooterPage, DrawingContext drawingContext)
     drawingContext.DrawRectangle(null, FramePen, new Rect { X = FrameRect.X, Y = FrameRect.Y, Width = FrameRect.Width, Height = FrameRect.Height });
     var offsetX = PageMargins.Left - pageBounds.X - 1;
     var offsetY = PageMargins.Top - pageBounds.Y;
     drawingContext.PushTransform(new TranslateTransform(offsetX, offsetY + HeaderHeight));
     var pg = new Rect(new Point(pageBounds.X, pageBounds.Y), new Size(pageBounds.Width, pageBounds.Height));
     drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(pg));
Exemple #34
        /// <summary> 
        /// Draw glyphrun
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawingContext">The drawing context to draw into </param>
        /// <param name="foregroundBrush"> 
        /// The foreground brush of the glyphrun. Pass in "null" to draw the
        /// glyph run with the foreground in TextRunProperties. 
        /// </param> 
        /// <param name="glyphRun">The GlyphRun to be drawn </param>
        /// <returns>bounding rectangle of drawn glyphrun</returns> 
        /// <Remarks>
        /// TextEffect drawing code may use a different foreground brush for the text.
        /// </Remarks>
        internal Rect DrawGlyphRun( 
            DrawingContext  drawingContext,
            Brush           foregroundBrush, 
            GlyphRun        glyphRun 
            Debug.Assert(_shapeable != null);

            Rect inkBoundingBox = glyphRun.ComputeInkBoundingBox();
            if (!inkBoundingBox.IsEmpty)
                // glyph run's ink bounding box is relative to its origin 
                inkBoundingBox.X += glyphRun.BaselineOrigin.X;
                inkBoundingBox.Y += glyphRun.BaselineOrigin.Y; 

            if (drawingContext != null)
                int pushCount = 0;              // the number of push we do
                    if (_textEffects != null)
                        // we need to push in the same order as they are set
                        for (int i = 0; i < _textEffects.Count; i++)
                            // get the text effect by its index 
                            TextEffect textEffect = _textEffects[i];
                            if (textEffect.Transform != null && textEffect.Transform != Transform.Identity) 

                            if (textEffect.Clip != null) 
                            if (textEffect.Foreground != null)
                                // remember the out-most non-null brush
                                // this brush will be used to draw the glyph run 
                                foregroundBrush = textEffect.Foreground;
                    _shapeable.Draw(drawingContext, foregroundBrush, glyphRun);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pushCount; i++)

            return inkBoundingBox;
Exemple #35
        protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
            if (group == null)

            Rect area = new Rect(0, 0, AdornedElement.RenderSize.Width, AdornedElement.RenderSize.Height);

            drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(area));

            drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, null, area);

            var threads = group.Threads;

            int rowIndex = 0;

            KeyValuePair <int, int> mainThreadInterval = new KeyValuePair <int, int>();

            for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threads.Count; ++threadIndex)
                List <EventFrame> frames   = threads[threadIndex].Events;
                RowRange          rowRange = rows[threadIndex];

                if (rowRange.MaxDepth > 0 && frames.Count > 0)
                    KeyValuePair <int, int> interval = CalculateEventRange(frames, Position, Position + Range);
                    if (threadIndex == group.Board.MainThreadIndex)
                        mainThreadInterval = interval;

                    Brush backgroundBrush = Brushes.White;

                    if (rowIndex++ % 2 == 0)
                        backgroundBrush = AlternativeBackgroundColor;
                        drawingContext.DrawRectangle(AlternativeBackgroundColor, null, new Rect(0, rowRange.Offset, AdornedElement.RenderSize.Width, rowRange.Height));

                    for (int i = interval.Key; i <= interval.Value; ++i)
                        OnRenderFrame(drawingContext, frames[i], rowRange.Offset, rowRange.MaxDepth, backgroundBrush);

            int mainThreadIndex = group.Board.MainThreadIndex;

            RenderFPSLines(drawingContext, group.Threads[mainThreadIndex].Events, mainThreadInterval);

            if (FocusedFrame != null)
                RowRange rowRange = rows[FocusedFrame.Header.ThreadIndex];

                Durable interval = FocusedNode != null ? FocusedNode.Entry as Durable : FocusedFrame.Header as Durable;

                Rect focusedRectangle = CalculateRect(interval, rowRange.Offset, rowRange.Height);
                drawingContext.DrawRectangle(null, selectedPen, focusedRectangle);



Exemple #36
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
              Rect rect = new Rect(new Point(0,0), m_clipSize);
              drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, null, rect);

              int index = ((int) (ScrollValue/m_itemHeight));
              Point position = new Point(5,5);
              while (position.Y < m_clipSize.Height && index < m_list.Count)
            if (SelectedIndex == index)
              SolidColorBrush mySolidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x80, 0xC0) };
              Rect myRect = new Rect(new Point(position.X - 3, position.Y) , new Size(Width - 4, m_itemHeight));
              drawingContext.DrawRectangle(mySolidColorBrush, null, myRect);
            ItemRender.Render(drawingContext, position, m_list[index]);
            position.Offset(0, m_itemHeight);
Exemple #37
        protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
            if (this.Text != "")
                FormattedText formattedText = null;
                double        leftMargin    = 4.0 + this.BorderThickness.Left;
                double        topMargin     = 2 + this.BorderThickness.Top;

                if (IsAllowFormatSqlContent)
                    #region MyRendering
                    formattedText = new FormattedText(
                        new Typeface(this.FontFamily.Source),
                        BaseForeground);                                                                                 //Text that matches the textbox's

                    formattedText.MaxTextWidth  = this.ViewportWidth;                                                    // space for scrollbar
                    formattedText.MaxTextHeight = Math.Max(this.ActualHeight + this.VerticalOffset, 0);                  //Adjust for scrolling
                    drawingContext.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight))); //restrict text to textbox

                    //Background hilight
                    foreach (Decoration dec in mDecorations)
                        if (dec.DecorationType == EDecorationType.Hilight)
                            List <Pair> ranges = dec.Ranges(this.Text);
                            foreach (Pair p in ranges)
                                Geometry geom = formattedText.BuildHighlightGeometry(new Point(leftMargin, topMargin - this.VerticalOffset), p.Start, p.Length);
                                if (geom != null)
                                    Debug.WriteLine("Draw geometry");
                                    drawingContext.DrawGeometry(dec.Brush, null, geom);

                    foreach (Decoration dec in mDecorations)
                        if (dec.DecorationType == EDecorationType.Underline)
                            List <Pair> ranges = dec.Ranges(this.Text);
                            foreach (Pair p in ranges)
                                Geometry geom = formattedText.BuildHighlightGeometry(new Point(leftMargin, topMargin - this.VerticalOffset), p.Start, p.Length);
                                if (geom != null)
                                    StackedRectangleGeometryHelper srgh = new StackedRectangleGeometryHelper(geom);

                                    foreach (Geometry g in srgh.BottomEdgeRectangleGeometries())
                                        Debug.WriteLine("Draw geometry2");
                                        drawingContext.DrawGeometry(dec.Brush, null, g);

                    foreach (Decoration dec in mDecorations)
                        if (dec.DecorationType == EDecorationType.Strikethrough)
                            List <Pair> ranges = dec.Ranges(this.Text);
                            foreach (Pair p in ranges)
                                Geometry geom = formattedText.BuildHighlightGeometry(new Point(leftMargin, topMargin - this.VerticalOffset), p.Start, p.Length);
                                if (geom != null)
                                    StackedRectangleGeometryHelper srgh = new StackedRectangleGeometryHelper(geom);

                                    foreach (Geometry g in srgh.CenterLineRectangleGeometries())
                                        Debug.WriteLine("Draw geometry3");
                                        drawingContext.DrawGeometry(dec.Brush, null, g);

                    #region TextColor
                    foreach (Decoration dec in mDecorations)
                        if (dec.DecorationType == EDecorationType.TextColor)
                            List <Pair> ranges = dec.Ranges(this.Text);
                            foreach (Pair p in ranges)
                                Debug.WriteLine("Set background brush" + p.Start.ToString());
                                //this method will paint the text ,it will cost many ,many times,
                                //if the sql script large enough (more than 100k)
                                //So I'd rather use simplest textbox with no formatted sql text replace this control.
                                formattedText.SetForegroundBrush(dec.Brush, p.Start, p.Length);

                    Debug.WriteLine("End drawing");


                if (formattedText == null)
                    this.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                drawingContext.DrawText(formattedText, new Point(leftMargin, topMargin - this.VerticalOffset));
Exemple #38
		protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
			double rowHeight;
			double curY;
			double curX;

			// Draw ColumnHeaders and CornerBox
			RectangleGeometry completeDrawGeo = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight));
			// If needed, draw SelectionButtons
			if (RowSelectionButtonWidth > 0)
				RectangleGeometry rowSelectionButtonGeo = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, ColumnHeaderHeight, ActualWidth, ActualHeight - ColumnHeaderHeight));

				curY = ColumnHeaderHeight + 1 - scrollYOffset;

				for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < RowList.Count; rowIdx++)
					rowHeight = OnGetRowHeight(rowIdx);

					DrawRowSelectionButton(drawingContext, rowIdx, new Rect(0, curY, RowSelectionButtonWidth, rowHeight));

					curY += rowHeight + 1;


			// Draw rows (with cells)
			RectangleGeometry completeDataGeo = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(RowSelectionButtonWidth+1, ColumnHeaderHeight+1, ActualWidth - RowSelectionButtonWidth, ActualHeight - ColumnHeaderHeight));

			curY = ColumnHeaderHeight + 1 - scrollYOffset;
			for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < RowList.Count; rowIdx++)
				curX = RowSelectionButtonWidth + 1 - scrollXOffset;

				rowHeight = OnGetRowHeight(rowIdx);

				// Draw Cells
				for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < ColumnList.Count; colIdx++)
					Column column = ColumnList[colIdx];
					Rect cellRect = new Rect(curX, curY, column.Width, rowHeight);
					DrawCell(drawingContext, null, colIdx, rowIdx, cellRect);
					curX += column.Width + 1;

				curY += rowHeight + 1;


Exemple #39
        protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext dcRendering)
            if (m_bSuspendRendering)

            while (m_bPauseOutput)

            if (this.Text.Length > 0)
                int    iStartVisibleLine = -1;
                int    iEndVisibleLine   = -1;
                int    iOffset           = -1;
                int    iOffsetNext       = -1;
                string strLine           = "";

                FormattedText ftDisplayedLines = new FormattedText(
                    new Typeface(this.FontFamily.Source),
                    BaseForeground);  // Text that matches the textbox's
                double dLeftMargin  = 4.0 + this.BorderThickness.Left;
                double dTopMargin   = 2.0 + this.BorderThickness.Top;
                double dRightMargin = this.ActualWidth - 5.0;                                                                    // Fix to long lines writing over right edge when horizontal scrollbar is preset

                ftDisplayedLines.MaxTextHeight = Math.Max(this.ActualHeight + this.VerticalOffset, 0);                           // Adjust for scrolling
                dcRendering.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(dLeftMargin, dTopMargin, dRightMargin, this.ActualHeight))); // Restrict text to textbox

                #region Text Coloring and Shading
                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brBlack);  // Default text color for any text not colored by offset / length

                if (m_eSyntaxColoringMode == SyntaxColoringMode.Dasm)
                #region DASM Output
                    #region Comments
                    // Label:                0       Orange
                    // Instruction Address: 14       Red
                    // Mnemonic:            20       Blue
                    // Data Address:        43       Purple
                    // Annotation:          51       Date green
                    // Data1                26 / 25
                    // Data2                52
                    // Data3                62 / 4
                    // Data4                75
                    //           1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0         1
                    // 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
                    // Loop_02_0A0F  0A0F: SIO   F3 10 28                 5475 Keyboard  Set Error Indicator  Restore Data Key
                    //               0A12: SNS   70 12 FF,1       0x0B0C  5475 Keyboard  2 sense bytes
                    //               0A20: data  F1 6B F1 F2  6B F1 F3 40  <.k.. k..@>  <1,12 ,13 >

                    // Background for breakpoints (R:253 G:207 B:207)                             #FDCFCF
                    // Background for disabled breakpoints (R:248 G:226 B:226)                    #F8E2E2
                    // Background for active bookmark (R:0 G:198 B:255)                           #00C6FF
                    // Background for disabled bookmark (R:0 G:239 B:255)                         #00EFFF
                    // Background for current active line (R:236 G:254 B:85)                      #ECFE55

                    // Mnemonics: blue (R:0 G:0 B:255)                                                            #0000FF
                    // Operand addresses & command codes: black (R:0 G:0 B:0)                                     #000000
                    // Instruction addresses & command codes: dark red (R:128 G:0 B:0)                            #800000
                    // Annotation: dark green (R:0 G:128 B:0) (same as comments in Visual Studio)                 #008000
                    // Register labels: purple (R:139 G:0 B:164)                                                  #8B00A4
                    // Register values: light purple (R:212 G:0 B:250)                                            #D400FA
                    // Changed register values: red (R:255 G:0 B:0)                                               #FF0000
                    // Operand labels: purple (R:139 G:0 B:164)                                                   #8B00A4
                    // Operand memory: magenta (R:255 G:0 B:255)                                                  #FF00FF
                    // Changed memory: red (R:255 G:0 B:0)                                                        #FF0000
                    // Reset condition register flags: gray (R:128 G:128 B:128)                                   #808080
                    iStartVisibleLine = GetFirstVisibleLineIndex();
                    iEndVisibleLine   = GetLastVisibleLineIndex();

                    for (int iIdx = iStartVisibleLine; iIdx <= iEndVisibleLine; ++iIdx)
                            // Text coloring
                                iOffset     = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex(iIdx);
                                iOffsetNext = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex(iIdx + 1);
                            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                // Fail silently

                            strLine = Text.Substring(iOffset, iOffsetNext - iOffset);

                            if (strLine.Length >= 101 &&
                                IsHexColon(strLine.Substring(0, 5)) &&
                                strLine[58] == '<')
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0         1         2
                                //0300: 7C 00 52 75  02 CE 71 F5  CE F3 F9 07  D1 F9 0C 6D  <|.Ru ..q. .... ...m>  <@... ...5 .39. J9._>
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset, 5);           // Data address
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 6, 50);     // Hex data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 58, 1);     // Lead Op1 angle bracket
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 59, 42);    // Op1 hex ascii data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 78, 4);     // Middle Op1 angle brackets
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 101, 1);    // Trail Op1 angle bracket
                            //else if (strLine.Length >= 75 &&
                            //         strLine.Substring (0, 4) == "XOXO")
                            //    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush (m_brPurple,    iOffset,      9);
                            //    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush (m_brFuchsia,   iOffset + 18, 9);
                            //    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush (m_brDkGreen,   iOffset + 45, 9);
                            //    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush (m_brCoral,     iOffset + 63, 5);
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 5 &&
                                     IsHexColon(strLine.Substring(14, 5)))
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brBlack, iOffset, strLine.Length); // Background text
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brRoyalBlue, iOffset, 12);         // Loop / Jump label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brCoral, iOffset + 14, 5);         // Hex address

                                string strTest1 = strLine.Substring(14, 5);                              // Hex/Colon test
                                string strTest2 = strLine.Substring(20, 4);                              // "data" label test
                                if (strTest2 == "data")
                                    //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0         1         2
                                    //              002E: data  7C 3C 40 40  40 40 40 40  <|<@@ @@@@>  <@.       >  <EF__ ____>  <H.'' ''''>
                                    //              001E: data  01 00 6F 03  76 57 1B 5D  <..o. vW.]>  <..?. ...)>  <..01 2345>  <.... ....>
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 26, 25);    // Hex data string
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 52, 1);     // Lead data angle bracket
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 53, 48);    // Hex, ascii, HPL & 5475 data values
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 62, 4);     // First pair angle brackets
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 75, 4);     // Second pair angle brackets
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 88, 4);     // Third pair angle brackets
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 101, 1);    // Trail data angle bracket
                                else// if (IsHexColon (strTest1))
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brMedSeaGrn, iOffset + 20, 5);                                  // Mnemonic
                                    if (strLine.Length >= 26)
                                        ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 26, Math.Min(strLine.Length, 15));    // Instruction code
                                    if (strLine.Length >= 49)
                                        ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 43, 6);                                // Data address
                                    if (strLine.Length >= 51)
                                        ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 51, strLine.Length - 51);             // Annotation
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 52 &&
                                     IsBlank(strLine.Substring(0, 51)))
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 51, strLine.Length - 51);       // Annotation

                            iOffset = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex(iIdx);

                            #region Test code for breakpoint and bookmark buttons
                            ////drawingContext.PushClip (new RectangleGeometry (new Rect (0, 0, leftMargin, topMargin))); // Restrict text to textbox
                            //double dLeft = leftMargin - this.HorizontalOffset - 13;
                            //double dTop  = topMargin + (iIdx * 13.55) + 7 - this.VerticalOffset;
                            ////Console.WriteLine ("Left: {0:###.#}  Top: {1:###.#}", dLeft, dTop);
                            //if (iIdx % 3 == 0)
                            //    drawingContext.DrawEllipse (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Red), null,
                            //                                new Point (dLeft, dTop), 5, 5);
                            //else if (iIdx % 3 == 1)
                            //    drawingContext.DrawEllipse (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Transparent), new Pen (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Red), 1.0),
                            //                                new Point (dLeft, dTop), 5, 5);

                            //if (iIdx % 4 == 0)
                            //    drawingContext.DrawRectangle (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Blue), null, new Rect (new Point (3, dTop),
                            //                                                                                     new Point (dLeft + 5, dTop + 7)));
                            //else if (iIdx % 4 == 1)
                            //    drawingContext.DrawRectangle (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Transparent), new Pen (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Blue), 1.0),
                            //                                                                           new Rect (new Point (3, dTop),
                            //                                                                                     new Point (dLeft + 5, dTop + 7)));
                            ////drawingContext.PushClip (new RectangleGeometry (new Rect (leftMargin, topMargin, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight))); // Restrict text to textbox

                            #region Highlighting
                            //0         1
                            //Entry_0000    0000:
                            if (m_bEnableHighlightLine)
                                if (iIdx == m_iCurrentLineIdx)
                                    Geometry geomCurrentLine = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry(new Point(dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset),
                                                                                                       iOffset + 14, strLine.Length - 14);
                                    if (geomCurrentLine != null)
                                        dcRendering.DrawGeometry(m_brYellow, null, geomCurrentLine);
                                else if (m_liGrayedCode.Contains(iIdx) &&
                                         strLine.Substring(20, 4) != "data" &&
                                         strLine.Substring(0, 5) != "Entry")
                                    Geometry geomCurrentLine = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry(new Point(dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset),
                                                                                                       iOffset + 14, 5);
                                    if (geomCurrentLine != null)
                                        dcRendering.DrawGeometry(m_brLtGray, null, geomCurrentLine);
                            #region Old highlighting for breakpoints and bookmarks
                            //if (iIdx == 0)
                            //    // TODO: Replace magic numbers with variable
                            //    Geometry geom = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry (new Point (dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset), iOffset + 12, 2);
                            //    if (geom != null)
                            //    {
                            //        dcRendering.DrawGeometry (m_brBrkPt, null, geom);
                            //    }
                            //else if (iIdx == 2)
                            //    // TODO: Replace magic numbers with variable
                            //    Geometry geom = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry (new Point (dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset), iOffset + 12, 2);
                            //    if (geom != null)
                            //    {
                            //        dcRendering.DrawGeometry (m_brDisBrkPt, null, geom);
                            //    }
                            ////else if (iIdx == 2)
                            //    // TODO: Replace magic numbers with variable
                            //    geom = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry (new Point (dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset), iOffset, 4);
                            //    if (geom != null)
                            //    {
                            //        dcRendering.DrawGeometry (m_brBkMrk, null, geom);
                            //    }
                            //    //geom = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry (new Point (dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset), iOffset + 4, 4);
                            //    //if (geom != null)
                            //    //{
                            //    //    dcRendering.DrawGeometry (m_brBkMrk, null, geom);
                            //    //}
                            //else if (iIdx == 3)
                            //    // TODO: Replace magic numbers with variable
                            //    Geometry geom = ftDisplayedLines.BuildHighlightGeometry (new Point (dLeftMargin, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset), iOffset + 26, 11);
                            //    if (geom != null)
                            //    {
                            //        dcRendering.DrawGeometry (m_brDisBkMrk, null, geom);
                            //    }
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                            if (strLine.Length > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("ArgumentOutOfRangeException: [" + iIdx.ToString() + "] " + strLine);
                            // Fail silently
                else if (m_eSyntaxColoringMode == SyntaxColoringMode.Trace)
                #region Trace Output
                    iStartVisibleLine = GetFirstVisibleLineIndex();
                    iEndVisibleLine   = GetLastVisibleLineIndex();

                    for (int iIdx = iStartVisibleLine; iIdx <= iEndVisibleLine - 1; ++iIdx)
                                iOffset     = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex(iIdx);
                                iOffsetNext = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex(iIdx + 1);
                            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                // Fail silently

                            strLine = Text.Substring(iOffset, iOffsetNext - iOffset);

                            if (strLine.Length >= 15 &&
                                strLine.Substring(0, 5) == "Step:")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //Step: 1,       Timing: 608  608.00µs (6 08)
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brTeal, iOffset, 14);                             // Step Count
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brRoyalBlue, iOffset + 15, strLine.Length - 15);  // Timing
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 22 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 3) == "IL:")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //IL: M LA    C2 01 0000       0x0000  XR1
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset, strLine.Length);    // Default for string
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brMedSeaGrn, iOffset + 6, 5);           // Mnemonic
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 12, 15);           // Instruction code
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 20 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 20) == "         1         2")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset, strLine.Length);
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 20 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 20) == "12345678901234567890")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset, strLine.Length);
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 126 &&
                                     IsHexColon(strLine.Substring(25, 5)) &&
                                     strLine[83] == '<')
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0         1         2
                                //                         0080: 40 40 40 40  40 40 40 40  40 40 40 40  40 40 40 40  <@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@>  <                   >
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset, 24);
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 25, 5);      // Data address
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 31, 50);    // Hex data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 83, 1);     // Lead Op1 angle bracket
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 84, 42);    // Op1 hex ascii data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 103, 4);    // Middle Op1 angle brackets
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 126, 1);    // Trail Op1 angle bracket
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 9 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 9) == "   >>>   ")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //   >>>   MFCU Read Buffer (0x0000):
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset, strLine.Length);
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 17 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 17) == "            MFCU ")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //            MFCU Read DAR after LIO: 0x0000
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset, strLine.Length);
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 106 &&
                                     IsHexColon(strLine.Substring(5, 5)) &&
                                     strLine[63] == '<')
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //Op2: 0020: 71 F5 FF F3  F1 40 F1 F1  00 D0 00 00               <q... .@.. ....     >  <.5.3 1 11 .}..     >
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset, 4);           // "Op1:" label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 5, 57);     // Hex data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 63, 1);     // Lead Op1 angle bracket
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 64, 42);    // Op1 hex ascii data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 83, 4);     // Middle Op1 angle brackets
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 106, 1);    // Trail Op1 angle bracket
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 102 &&
                                     IsHexColon(strLine.Substring(0, 5)) &&
                                     strLine[58] == '<')
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0
                                //0000: 5C 09 71 14  5C 14 86 34  D0 00 F4 5F  88 F2 04 03  <\\.q. \\..4 ..._ ....>  <*... *.f. }.4^ h2..>
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset, 5);           // Hex data address
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 6, 51);     // Hex data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 58, 1);     // Lead Op1 angle bracket
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 59, 42);    // Op1 hex ascii data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 78, 4);     // Middle Op1 angle brackets
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 101, 1);    // Trail Op1 angle bracket
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 61 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 4) == "Op1:")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0         1         2
                                //Op1: 0060: 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  <.... ....>  <.... ....>  Op2: 002C: F0 7C 6C D0  87 60 57 20  <.|l. .`W >  <0@%} g-..>
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset, 4);          // "Op1:" label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 5, 31);    // Hex data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 37, 1);    // Lead Op1 angle bracket
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 38, 22);   // Op1 hex ascii data values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 47, 4);    // Middle Op1 angle brackets
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 60, 1);    // Trail Op1 angle bracket
                                if (strLine.Contains("Op2:"))
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 63, 4);      // "Op2:" label
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 100, 1);    // Lead Op2 angle bracket
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 68, 31);    // Op2 hex data values
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 101, 22);   // Op2 ascii data values
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 110, 4);    // Middle Op2 angle brackets
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 123, 1);    // Trail Op2 angle bracket
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 118 &&
                                     IsHexColon(strLine.Substring(0, 5)) &&
                                     strLine.Substring(43, 4) == "IAR:")
                                //          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         0         1         2
                                //0000: LA    C2 01 0000       00 00         IAR: 0004  XR1: 0000  XR2: 0000  ARR: 0000  CR: EQ            Timing: 6.08µs
                                //00D5: A     76 02 FA,1       00 FA         IAR: 00D8  XR1: 0000  XR2: 0053  ARR: 00A6  CR: HI       BO XR2: 0x0057 --> 0x0053
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brCoral, iOffset, 5);             // Instruction address
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brMedSeaGrn, iOffset + 6, 5);     // Mnemonic
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 12, 15);     // Instruction code
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 29, 13);     // Annotation
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 43, 4);       // IAR label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 48, 55);     // Register values
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 54, 4);       // XR1 label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 65, 4);       // XR2 label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 76, 4);       // ARR label
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 87, 3);       // CR label
                                if (strLine.Substring(105, 8) == "Timing: ")
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 105, 15);  // Timing
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brPurple, iOffset + 103, 4);    // Register label
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 108, 6);   // Old register value
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brDkGreen, iOffset + 115, 3);   // "-->"
                                    ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFuchsia, iOffset + 119, 6);   // New register value
                            else if (strLine.Length >= 7 &&
                                     strLine.Substring(0, 7) == "- - - -")
                                ftDisplayedLines.SetForegroundBrush(m_brFirebrick, iOffset, strLine.Length);
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                            //Console.WriteLine ("ArgumentOutOfRangeException: [" + iIdx.ToString () + "] " + strLine);
                            // Fail silently
                #endregion // Trace Output

                dcRendering.DrawText(ftDisplayedLines, new Point(dLeftMargin - this.HorizontalOffset, dTopMargin - this.VerticalOffset));
                #endregion // Text Coloring and Shading