Exemple #1
        private LineMaterial CreateLineMaterial(bool isPolyLine, Color lineColor)
            var lineMaterial = new LineMaterial()
                LineColor     = lineColor.ToColor4(),
                LineThickness = 10,
                IsPolyLine    = isPolyLine

        private ScreenSpaceLineNode CreateLinesWithLineMesh(Vector3[] linePositions, bool isLineStrip, bool isLineClosed, Color lineColor, float xOffset, out ScreenSpaceLineMesh screenSpaceLineMesh)
            if (linePositions == null || linePositions.Length < 2)
                screenSpaceLineMesh = null;

            // If line is closed but the first position is not the same as the last position, then add the first position as the last one
            if (isLineClosed && linePositions[0] != linePositions[linePositions.Length - 1])
                Array.Resize(ref linePositions, linePositions.Length + 1);
                linePositions[linePositions.Length - 1] = linePositions[0];

            // If we can easily calculate the bounding box from line positions
            // it is recommended to specify it in the ScreenSpaceLineMesh constructor.
            // If boundingBox is not specified, it will be calculated in the ScreenSpaceLineMesh constructor with checking all the positions.
            // NOTE: If bounding box is not correct then camera's near and far planes can be invalid and this can cut some 3D objects at near or far plane (when DXScene.OptimizeNearAndFarCameraPlanes is true - by default)
            //var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(startX, 0, startZ), new Vector3(startX + linesCount * margin, 0, endZ));

            // Create ScreenSpaceLineMesh - it is used to create DirectX vertex buffer from positions
            screenSpaceLineMesh = new ScreenSpaceLineMesh(linePositions, isLineStrip);

            // When the line positions are changed many times, it is recommended to set CreateDynamicVertexBuffer to true.
            screenSpaceLineMesh.CreateDynamicVertexBuffer = true;

            var lineMaterial = new LineMaterial()
                LineColor     = lineColor.ToColor4(),
                LineThickness = 2

            var screenSpaceLineNode = new ScreenSpaceLineNode(screenSpaceLineMesh, lineMaterial);

            screenSpaceLineNode.Transform = new Transformation(SharpDX.Matrix.Translation(xOffset, 0, 0));

            // To show ScreenSpaceLineNode in DXViewportView we need to put it inside a SceneNodeVisual3D
            var sceneNodeVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(screenSpaceLineNode);



Exemple #3
        private void ResetBurshes(RenderContainer renderContainer)

            RenderTarget target2D = renderContainer.BackBuffer.Target2D;

            _selectedColorBrush  = new SolidColorBrush(target2D, SelectedColor.ToColor4(), null);
            _spacingColorBrush   = new SolidColorBrush(target2D, SpacingColor.ToColor4(), null);
            _notMappedColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(target2D, NotMappedColor.ToColor4(), null);
            _gridColorBrush      = new SolidColorBrush(target2D, GridColor.ToColor4(), null);
Exemple #4
        private void AddLines(Point3D startPosition, int positionsCount, Color lineColor, bool readZBuffer = true, bool writeZBuffer = true, RenderingQueue customRenderingQueue = null)
            Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[positionsCount * 2];
            Vector3   position  = startPosition.ToVector3();

            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < positionsCount; i++)
                positions[index]     = position;
                positions[index + 1] = position + new Vector3(40, 0, 0);

                index    += 2;
                position += new Vector3(0, 0, 10);

            // ThickLineEffect that renders the 3D lines can use the ReadZBuffer and WriteZBuffer values from LineMaterial.
            // When ReadZBuffer is false (true by default), then line is rendered without checking the depth buffer -
            // so it is always rendered even it is is behind some other 3D object and should not be visible from the camera).
            // When WriteZBuffer is false (true by default), then when rendering the 3D line, the depth of the line is not
            // written to the depth buffer. So No other object will be made hidden by the line even if that object is behind the line.
            var lineMaterial = new LineMaterial()
                LineColor     = lineColor.ToColor4(),
                LineThickness = 2,
                ReadZBuffer   = readZBuffer,
                WriteZBuffer  = writeZBuffer


            var screenSpaceLineNode = new ScreenSpaceLineNode(positions, isLineStrip: false, isLineClosed: false, lineMaterial: lineMaterial);

            // It is also needed that the 3D line is put to the Background or Overlay rendering queue so that it is rendered before or after other 3D objects.
            screenSpaceLineNode.CustomRenderingQueue = customRenderingQueue;

            var sceneNodeVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(screenSpaceLineNode);

        private ScreenSpaceLineNode CreateLinesWithPositions(Vector3[] linePositions, bool isLineStrip, bool isLineClosed, Color lineColor, float xOffset)
            var lineMaterial = new LineMaterial()
                LineColor     = lineColor.ToColor4(),
                LineThickness = 2

            var screenSpaceLineNode = new ScreenSpaceLineNode(linePositions, isLineStrip, isLineClosed, lineMaterial);

            screenSpaceLineNode.Transform = new Transformation(SharpDX.Matrix.Translation(xOffset, 0, 0));

            // To show ScreenSpaceLineNode in DXViewportView we need to put it inside a SceneNodeVisual3D
            var sceneNodeVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(screenSpaceLineNode);



        private void ChangeInstanceColor(int instanceIndex, System.Windows.Media.Color color)
            if (_selectedInstanceIndex == -1)

            _instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D.InstancesData[instanceIndex].DiffuseColor = color.ToColor4();
            _instancedMeshGeometryVisual3D.Update(instanceIndex, 1, updateBounds: false);