Exemple #1
		internal static IntPtr XCreateGC(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr valuemask, ref XGCValues values)
			DebugHelper.TraceWriteLine ("XCreateGC");
			return _XCreateGC(display, window, valuemask, ref values);
Exemple #2
		internal extern static IntPtr XCreateGC(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr valuemask, ref XGCValues values);
Exemple #3
		internal override void ScrollWindow(IntPtr handle, Rectangle area, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool with_children)
			Hwnd		hwnd;
			IntPtr		gc;
			XGCValues	gc_values;

			hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

			Rectangle r = Rectangle.Intersect (hwnd.Invalid, area);
			if (!r.IsEmpty) {
				/* We have an invalid area in the window we're scrolling. 
				   Adjust our stored invalid rectangle to to match the scrolled amount */

				r.X += XAmount;
				r.Y += YAmount;

				if (r.X < 0) {
					r.Width += r.X;
					r.X =0;

				if (r.Y < 0) {
					r.Height += r.Y;
					r.Y =0;

				if (area.Contains (hwnd.Invalid))
					hwnd.ClearInvalidArea ();

			gc_values = new XGCValues();

			if (with_children) {
				gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;

			gc = XCreateGC(DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, IntPtr.Zero, ref gc_values);

			Rectangle visible_rect = GetTotalVisibleArea (hwnd.client_window);
			visible_rect.Intersect (area);

			Rectangle dest_rect = visible_rect;
			dest_rect.Y += YAmount;
			dest_rect.X += XAmount;
			dest_rect.Intersect (area);

			Point src = new Point (dest_rect.X - XAmount, dest_rect.Y - YAmount);
			XCopyArea (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, hwnd.client_window, gc, src.X, src.Y, 
					dest_rect.Width, dest_rect.Height, dest_rect.X, dest_rect.Y);

			Rectangle dirty_area = GetDirtyArea (area, dest_rect, XAmount, YAmount);
			AddExpose (hwnd, true, dirty_area.X, dirty_area.Y, dirty_area.Width, dirty_area.Height);

			ProcessGraphicsExpose (hwnd);

			XFreeGC(DisplayHandle, gc);
Exemple #4
		internal override void BlitFromOffscreen (IntPtr dest_handle,
							  Graphics dest_dc,
							  object offscreen_drawable,
							  Graphics offscreen_dc,
							  Rectangle r)
			XGCValues gc_values;
			IntPtr gc;

			gc_values = new XGCValues();

			gc = XCreateGC (DisplayHandle, dest_handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref gc_values);

			XCopyArea (DisplayHandle, (IntPtr)offscreen_drawable, dest_handle,
				   gc, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, r.X, r.Y);

			XFreeGC (DisplayHandle, gc);
Exemple #5
		IntPtr GetReversibleScreenGC (Color backColor)
			XGCValues	gc_values;
			IntPtr		gc;
			uint pixel;

			XColor xcolor = new XColor();
			xcolor.red = (ushort)(backColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(backColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(backColor.B * 257);
			XAllocColor(DisplayHandle, DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			pixel = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32();

			gc_values = new XGCValues();

			gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
			gc_values.foreground = (IntPtr)pixel;

			gc = XCreateGC(DisplayHandle, RootWindow, new IntPtr ((int) (GCFunction.GCSubwindowMode | GCFunction.GCForeground)), ref gc_values);
			XSetForeground(DisplayHandle, gc, (UIntPtr)pixel);
			XSetFunction(DisplayHandle,   gc, GXFunction.GXxor);

			return gc;
Exemple #6
		IntPtr GetReversibleControlGC (Control control, int line_width)
			XGCValues	gc_values;
			IntPtr		gc;

			gc_values = new XGCValues();

			gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
			gc_values.line_width = line_width;
			gc_values.foreground = XBlackPixel(DisplayHandle, ScreenNo);

			// This logic will give us true rubber bands: (libsx, SANE_XOR)
			//mask = foreground ^ background; 
			//XSetForeground(DisplayHandle, gc, 0xffffffff);
			//XSetBackground(DisplayHandle, gc, background);
			//XSetFunction(DisplayHandle,   gc, GXxor);
			//XSetPlaneMask(DisplayHandle,  gc, mask);

			gc = XCreateGC(DisplayHandle, control.Handle, new IntPtr ((int) (GCFunction.GCSubwindowMode | GCFunction.GCLineWidth | GCFunction.GCForeground)), ref gc_values);
			uint foreground;
			uint background;

			XColor xcolor = new XColor();

			xcolor.red = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.B * 257);
			XAllocColor(DisplayHandle, DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			foreground = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32();

			xcolor.red = (ushort)(control.BackColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(control.BackColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(control.BackColor.B * 257);
			XAllocColor(DisplayHandle, DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			background = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32();

			uint mask = foreground ^ background; 

			XSetForeground(DisplayHandle, gc, (UIntPtr)0xffffffff);
			XSetBackground(DisplayHandle, gc, (UIntPtr)background);
			XSetFunction(DisplayHandle,   gc, GXFunction.GXxor);
			XSetPlaneMask(DisplayHandle,  gc, (IntPtr)mask);

			return gc;
Exemple #7
		public void BlitFromOffscreen (IntPtr dest_handle,
					       Graphics dest_dc,
					       object offscreen_drawable,
					       Graphics offscreen_dc,
					       Rectangle r)
			XGCValues gc_values;
			IntPtr gc;

			gc_values = new XGCValues();

			gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display, dest_handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref gc_values);

			Xlib.XCopyArea (display, (IntPtr)offscreen_drawable, dest_handle,
					gc, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, r.X, r.Y);

			Xlib.XFreeGC (display, gc);
Exemple #8
		internal override void CreateCaret (IntPtr handle, int width, int height)
			XGCValues	gc_values;
			Hwnd		hwnd;

			hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

			if (Caret.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero) {

			Caret.Hwnd = handle;
			Caret.Window = hwnd.client_window;
			Caret.Width = width;
			Caret.Height = height;
			Caret.Visible = false;
			Caret.On = false;

			gc_values = new XGCValues();
			gc_values.line_width = width;

			Caret.gc = XCreateGC(DisplayHandle, Caret.Window, new IntPtr ((int)GCFunction.GCLineWidth), ref gc_values);
			if (Caret.gc == IntPtr.Zero) {
				Caret.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;

			XSetFunction(DisplayHandle, Caret.gc, GXFunction.GXinvert);
Exemple #9
		// XXX this should take an X11Hwnd.
		public void CreateCaret (IntPtr handle, int width, int height)
			XGCValues gc_values;
			X11Hwnd hwnd;

			hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

			if (Caret.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)

			Caret.Hwnd = handle;
			Caret.Window = hwnd.ClientWindow;
			Caret.Width = width;
			Caret.Height = height;
			Caret.Visible = false;
			Caret.On = false;

			gc_values = new XGCValues();
			gc_values.line_width = width;

			Caret.gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display, Caret.Window, new IntPtr ((int)GCFunction.GCLineWidth), ref gc_values);
			if (Caret.gc == IntPtr.Zero) {
				Caret.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;

			Xlib.XSetFunction (display, Caret.gc, GXFunction.GXinvert);
Exemple #10
		internal override void ScrollWindow (IntPtr handle, Rectangle area, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool with_children)
			Hwnd		hwnd;
			IntPtr		gc;
			XGCValues	gc_values;
			hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
			if (hwnd.invalid != Rectangle.Empty) {
				// BIG FAT WARNING. This only works with how we use this function right now
				// where we basically still scroll the whole window, but work around areas
				// that are covered by our children
				hwnd.invalid.X += XAmount;
				hwnd.invalid.Y += YAmount;
				if (hwnd.invalid.X < 0) {
					hwnd.invalid.Width += hwnd.invalid.X;
					hwnd.invalid.X = 0;
				if (hwnd.invalid.Y < 0) {
					hwnd.invalid.Height += hwnd.invalid.Y;
					hwnd.invalid.Y = 0;
			gc_values = new XGCValues ();
			if (with_children) {
				gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
			gc = XCreateGC (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, 0, ref gc_values);
			XCopyArea (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, hwnd.client_window, gc, area.X - XAmount, area.Y - YAmount, area.Width, area.Height, area.X, area.Y);
			// Generate an expose for the area exposed by the horizontal scroll
			if (XAmount > 0) {
				hwnd.AddInvalidArea (area.X, area.Y, XAmount, area.Height);
			} else if (XAmount < 0) {
				hwnd.AddInvalidArea (XAmount + area.X + area.Width, area.Y, -XAmount, area.Height);
			// Generate an expose for the area exposed by the vertical scroll
			if (YAmount > 0) {
				hwnd.AddInvalidArea (area.X, area.Y, area.Width, YAmount);
			} else if (YAmount < 0) {
				hwnd.AddInvalidArea (area.X, YAmount + area.Y + area.Height, area.Width, -YAmount);
			XFreeGC (DisplayHandle, gc);
			UpdateWindow (handle);
Exemple #11
		internal override void DrawReversibleRectangle (IntPtr handle, Rectangle rect, int line_width)
			Hwnd		hwnd;
			XGCValues	gc_values;
			IntPtr		gc;
			hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
			gc_values = new XGCValues ();
			gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
			gc_values.line_width = line_width;
			gc_values.foreground = XBlackPixel (DisplayHandle, ScreenNo);
			// This logic will give us true rubber bands: (libsx, SANE_XOR)
			//mask = foreground ^ background; 
			//XSetForeground(DisplayHandle, gc, 0xffffffff);
			//XSetBackground(DisplayHandle, gc, background);
			//XSetFunction(DisplayHandle,   gc, GXxor);
			//XSetPlaneMask(DisplayHandle,  gc, mask);
			gc = XCreateGC (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, GCFunction.GCSubwindowMode | GCFunction.GCLineWidth | GCFunction.GCForeground, ref gc_values);
			uint foreground;
			uint background;
			Control control;
			control = Control.FromHandle (handle);
			XColor xcolor = new XColor ();
			xcolor.red = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.B * 257);
			XAllocColor (DisplayHandle, DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			foreground = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32 ();
			xcolor.red = (ushort)(control.BackColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(control.BackColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(control.BackColor.B * 257);
			XAllocColor (DisplayHandle, DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			background = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32 ();
			uint mask = foreground ^ background; 
			XSetForeground (DisplayHandle, gc, 0xffffffff);
			XSetBackground (DisplayHandle, gc, background);
			XSetFunction (DisplayHandle,   gc, GXFunction.GXxor);
			XSetPlaneMask (DisplayHandle,  gc, mask);
			if ((rect.Width > 0) && (rect.Height > 0)) {
				XDrawRectangle (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, gc, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height);
			} else {
				if (rect.Width > 0) {
					XDrawLine (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, gc, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Right, rect.Y);
				} else {
					XDrawLine (DisplayHandle, hwnd.client_window, gc, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom);
			XFreeGC (DisplayHandle, gc);
Exemple #12
		public void DrawReversibleRectangle (Rectangle rect, int line_width)
			XGCValues	gc_values;
			IntPtr		gc;

			gc_values = new XGCValues ();

			gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
			gc_values.line_width = line_width;

			// XXX multiscreen support
			gc_values.foreground = Xlib.XBlackPixel (display.Handle, display.DefaultScreen);

			// This logic will give us true rubber bands: (libsx, SANE_XOR)
			//mask = foreground ^ background; 
			//XSetForeground(DisplayHandle, gc, 0xffffffff);
			//XSetBackground(DisplayHandle, gc, background);
			//XSetFunction(DisplayHandle,   gc, GXxor);
			//XSetPlaneMask(DisplayHandle,  gc, mask);

			gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display.Handle, ClientWindow,
					     new IntPtr ((int) (GCFunction.GCSubwindowMode | GCFunction.GCLineWidth | GCFunction.GCForeground)), ref gc_values);
			uint foreground;
			uint background;

			Control control;
			control = Control.FromHandle(Handle);

			XColor xcolor = new XColor();

			xcolor.red = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(control.ForeColor.B * 257);
			Xlib.XAllocColor (display.Handle, display.DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			foreground = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32();

			xcolor.red = (ushort)(control.BackColor.R * 257);
			xcolor.green = (ushort)(control.BackColor.G * 257);
			xcolor.blue = (ushort)(control.BackColor.B * 257);
			Xlib.XAllocColor (display.Handle, display.DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
			background = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32();

			uint mask = foreground ^ background; 

			Xlib.XSetForeground (display.Handle, gc, (UIntPtr)0xffffffff);
			Xlib.XSetBackground (display.Handle, gc, (UIntPtr)background);
			Xlib.XSetFunction (display.Handle,   gc, GXFunction.GXxor);
			Xlib.XSetPlaneMask (display.Handle,  gc, (IntPtr)mask);

			if ((rect.Width > 0) && (rect.Height > 0))
				Xlib.XDrawRectangle (display.Handle, ClientWindow, gc, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height);
			else if (rect.Width > 0)
				Xlib.XDrawLine (display.Handle, ClientWindow, gc, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Right, rect.Y);
				Xlib.XDrawLine (display.Handle, ClientWindow, gc, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom);

			Xlib.XFreeGC (display.Handle, gc);
Exemple #13
		public void ScrollWindow (Rectangle area, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool with_children)
			IntPtr		gc;
			XGCValues	gc_values;

			Rectangle r = Rectangle.Intersect (Invalid, area);
			if (!r.IsEmpty) {
				/* We have an invalid area in the window we're scrolling. 
				   Adjust our stored invalid rectangle to to match the scrolled amount */

				r.X += XAmount;
				r.Y += YAmount;

				if (r.X < 0) {
					r.Width += r.X;
					r.X =0;

				if (r.Y < 0) {
					r.Height += r.Y;
					r.Y =0;

				if (area.Contains (Invalid))

			gc_values = new XGCValues();

			gc_values.graphics_exposures = false;
			if (with_children)
				gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;

			gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display.Handle, ClientWindow, IntPtr.Zero, ref gc_values);

			int src_x, src_y;
			int dest_x, dest_y;
			int width, height;

			if (YAmount > 0) {
				src_y = area.Y;
				height = area.Height - YAmount;
				dest_y = area.Y + YAmount;
			else {
				src_y = area.Y - YAmount;
				height = area.Height + YAmount;
				dest_y = area.Y;

			if (XAmount > 0) {
				src_x = area.X;
				width = area.Width - XAmount;
				dest_x = area.X + XAmount;
			else {
				src_x = area.X - XAmount;
				width = area.Width + XAmount;
				dest_x = area.X;

			Xlib.XCopyArea (display.Handle, ClientWindow, ClientWindow, gc, src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_x, dest_y);

			// Generate an expose for the area exposed by the horizontal scroll
			// We don't use AddExpose since we're 
			if (XAmount > 0) {
				AddExpose (true, area.X, area.Y, XAmount, area.Height);
			} else if (XAmount < 0) {
				AddExpose (true, XAmount + area.X + area.Width, area.Y, -XAmount, area.Height);

			// Generate an expose for the area exposed by the vertical scroll
			if (YAmount > 0) {
				AddExpose (true, area.X, area.Y, area.Width, YAmount);
			} else if (YAmount < 0) {
				AddExpose (true, area.X, YAmount + area.Y + area.Height, area.Width, -YAmount);

			Xlib.XFreeGC (display.Handle, gc);