// ******************************************************************
        private static void ExpandItemWithInitialExpandedAttribute(PropertyGrid propertyGrid, GridItem gridItem)
            if (gridItem != null)
                if (gridItem.GridItemType == GridItemType.Property && gridItem.Expandable)
                    object[] objs = gridItem.Value.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PropertyGridInitialExpandedAttribute), false);
                    if (objs.Length > 0)
                        if (((PropertyGridInitialExpandedAttribute)objs[0]).InitialExpanded)
                            gridItem.Expanded = true;

                foreach (GridItem childItem in gridItem.GridItems)
                    ExpandItemWithInitialExpandedAttribute(propertyGrid, childItem);
		internal void Add (GridItem grid_item)
			string key = grid_item.Label;
			while (list.ContainsKey (key))
				key += "_";
			list.Add (key, grid_item);
		internal GridItemCollection(GridItem[] entries)
			if (entries == null)
				this.entries = new GridItem[0];
				this.entries = entries;
        private void propertyGrid_SelectedGridItemChanged(object sender, SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs e)
            _selectedGridItem = e.NewSelection;

            if (SelectedGridItemChanged != null)
                PropertyGrid propertyGrid = sender as PropertyGrid;
                SelectedGridItemChanged(sender, e);
Exemple #5
 void AutoExpand(GridItem item)
     foreach (GridItem property in item.GridItems)
         var descriptor = property.PropertyDescriptor;
         if (descriptor != null &&
             descriptor.Attributes.Contains(new AutoExpandAttribute()))
                 property.Expanded = true;
Exemple #6
        private CatForm cForm = new CatForm(); // 分类选择窗体

        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">sql连接</param>
        /// <param name="fieldID">字段主键字符串</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeys">树结点主键数组</param>
        /// <param name="searchLevel">搜索级别</param>
        public EditLog(SqlConnection conn, string fieldID, TreeNode node, GridItem item)
            this.conn = conn;
            this.fieldID = fieldID;
            this.node = node;
            this.primaryKeys = node.Tag as object[];
            this.item = item;
		protected GridEntry (PropertyGrid propertyGrid, GridEntry parent)
			if (propertyGrid == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("propertyGrid");
			property_grid = propertyGrid;
			plus_minus_bounds = new Rectangle (0,0,0,0);
			top = -1;
			grid_items = new GridItemCollection ();
			expanded = false;
			this.parent = parent;
			child_griditems_cache = null;
 private void FindItems(GridItem item, List<GridItem> gridItems) {
     switch (item.GridItemType) {
         case GridItemType.Root:
         case GridItemType.Category:
             foreach (GridItem i in item.GridItems) {
                 this.FindItems(i, gridItems);
         case GridItemType.Property:
             if (item.Expanded) {
                 foreach (GridItem i in item.GridItems) {
                     this.FindItems(i, gridItems);
         case GridItemType.ArrayValue:
Exemple #9
            public FreeQuery()
                Rows = new List<GridRow>();
                Rows.Add(new GridRow());
                Rows.Add(new GridRow());

                GridItem gi = new GridItem();
                gi.QOperator = null;
                gi.QExpression = new QueryExpression();

                gi = new GridItem();
                gi.QOperator = new QueryOperator();
                gi.QOperator.SelectedOperator = QueryOperator.Operator.End;
                gi.QExpression = null;

                gi = new GridItem();
                gi.QOperator = new QueryOperator();
                gi.QOperator.SelectedOperator = QueryOperator.Operator.End;
                gi.QExpression = null;
 public SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs(GridItem oldSel, GridItem newSel)
     this.oldSelection = oldSel;
     this.newSelection = newSel;
Exemple #11
 private GridItem FindGridItem(GridItem root, String label, String address)
     if (root.Label == label ? root.Value != null ? address != null ? ((Unit)root.Value).ToString() == address : true : address == null : false)
         return root;
     else {
         foreach(GridItem gi in root.GridItems) {
             GridItem result = FindGridItem(gi, label, address);
             if (result != null) return result;
         return null;
Exemple #12
 /// <include file='doc\SelectedGridItemChangedEvent.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs.SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 /// Constructs a SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs object.
 /// </devdoc>
 public SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs(GridItem oldSel, GridItem newSel)
     this.oldSelection = oldSel;
     this.newSelection = newSel;
 internal void OnPropertyValueSet(GridItem changedItem, object oldValue) {
     OnPropertyValueChanged(new PropertyValueChangedEventArgs(changedItem, oldValue));
 //Find the GridItem with the given label.
 GridItem FindGridItem(GridItem node, string label)
     if (string.Compare(node.Label, label, true) == 0)
         return node;
     foreach (GridItem it in node.GridItems)
         if ((node = FindGridItem(it, label)) != null)
             return node;
     return null;
Exemple #15
 /// <include file='doc\PropertyValueChangedEvent.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyValueChangedEventArgs.PropertyValueChangedEventArgs"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 /// Constructor
 /// </devdoc>
 public PropertyValueChangedEventArgs(GridItem changedItem, object oldValue)
     this.changedItem = changedItem;
     this.oldValue    = oldValue;
Exemple #16
            public FreeQuery(QueryBuilderForm frm, XmlNode node)
                Rows = new List<GridRow>();

                Name = node.Attributes["name"].Value;
                XmlNodeList nl = node.SelectNodes("row");
                foreach (XmlNode xmlr in nl)
                    Rows.Add(new GridRow());
                    XmlNodeList cl = xmlr.SelectNodes("col");
                    foreach (XmlNode xmlc in cl)
                        GridItem gi = new GridItem();
                        gi.QOperator = null;
                        gi.QExpression = null;

                        if (xmlc.Attributes["nextoperator"] != null)
                            gi.QOperator = new QueryOperator();
                            gi.QOperator.SelectedOperator = (QueryOperator.Operator)Enum.Parse(typeof(QueryOperator.Operator), xmlc.Attributes["nextoperator"].Value);
                            gi.QOperator.PreviousSelectedOperator = gi.QOperator.SelectedOperator;
                            gi.QOperator.SelectedValueChanged +=  new EventHandler(frm.QOperator_SelectedValueChanged);
                        if (xmlc.Attributes["field"] != null)
                            gi.QExpression = new QueryExpression();
                            gi.QExpression.ExpressionValue = xmlc.Attributes["condition"].Value;

         /// <include file='doc\PropertyValueChangedEvent.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PropertyValueChangedEventArgs.PropertyValueChangedEventArgs"]/*' />
         /// <devdoc>
 /// Constructor
 /// </devdoc>
 public PropertyValueChangedEventArgs(GridItem changedItem, object oldValue) {
     this.changedItem = changedItem;
     this.oldValue = oldValue;
		public SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs ( GridItem oldSel , GridItem newSel )
			old_selection = oldSel;
			new_selection = newSel;
		public void SetParent (GridItem parent)
			this.parent = parent;
			private void CollapseChildren(GridItem gridItem)
				if (!gridItem.Expanded) return;
				foreach(GridItem childGridItem in gridItem.GridItems)
 public PropertyValueChangedEventArgs(GridItem changedItem, object oldValue)
     changed_item = changedItem;
     old_value    = oldValue;
Exemple #22
        private GridItem RecursiveFindGridItem(GridItem startFromHere, string fullTypeName)
            foreach (GridItem item in startFromHere.GridItems)
                if (item.Label == fullTypeName)
                    return item;

                if (item.GridItems.Count > 0)
                    GridItem returned = RecursiveFindGridItem(item, fullTypeName);
                    if (returned != null)
                        return returned;

            return null;
		private PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(PropertyGrid propertyGrid, GridItem item) {
			if (propertyGrid == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyGrid");
			if (item == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
			PropertyInfo result = null;
			int cnt = propertyGrid.SelectedObjects.Length;
			Type selectedObjectsType = propertyGrid.SelectedObject.GetType();
			// handle the case that the edited property is an expendable property, e.g. of type 'Font'. 
			// In this case, the property that has to be changed is not the edited item itself but it's parent item.
			if (item.Parent.PropertyDescriptor != null) {
				// the current selectedItem is a ChildItem of the edited object's property
				result = selectedObjectsType.GetProperty(item.Parent.PropertyDescriptor.Name);
			} else if (item.PropertyDescriptor != null)
				result = selectedObjectsType.GetProperty(item.PropertyDescriptor.Name);
			return result;
Exemple #24
 internal int IndexOf(GridItem grid_item)
            private GridItem LocateGridItem(GridItem currentItem, string propertyName)
                if (currentItem.GridItemType == GridItemType.Property &&
                    currentItem.Label.Equals(propertyName, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
                    return currentItem;

                GridItem foundItem = null;
                foreach (GridItem childItem in currentItem.GridItems)
                    foundItem = LocateGridItem(childItem, propertyName);
                    if (foundItem != null)

                return foundItem;
        private void LoadData()
            _lblLabel.Text = _batchRequest.DeploymentLabel;
            _lblDirectory.Text = _workingDirectory;

            var dataProvider = _diFactory.CreateInjectedObject<IOfflineDataProvider>();
            _deployHistoryList = dataProvider.GetDeployHistoryList(_workingDirectory);
            _gridItemList = new List<GridItem>();
            foreach (var historyItem in _deployHistoryList)
                var gridItem = new GridItem(historyItem);
            _grdHistory.DataSource = _gridItemList;
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// プロパティ変更用のコマンドオブジェクトを取得する。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="changedItem">変更したアイテム。</param>
 /// <param name="oldValue">変更前の値。</param>
 /// <returns>コマンド実行用のパラメータ。</returns>
 public override KeyValueMap GetPropertyChangeCommand(
     GridItem changedItem,
     object oldValue)
     return new KeyValueMap()
         {"CommandName", "ChangeProjectProperty"},
         {"Name", changedItem.PropertyDescriptor.Name},
         {"Value", changedItem.Value},
         {"OldValue", oldValue}
        string getNameOfChangedItem( GridItem changedItem )
            if (changedItem.PropertyDescriptor == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException( @"A property in the grid changed but didn't have a PropertyDescriptor." ) ;

            return changedItem.PropertyDescriptor.Name ;
Exemple #29
        void QOperator_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            QueryOperator qo = sender as QueryOperator;
            if (_activeQuery != null && qo!=null)
                int arow = -1;
                int acol = -1;
                for (int r = 0; r < _activeQuery.Rows.Count && arow < 0; r++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < _activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns.Count && arow<0; c++)
                        if (_activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns[c].QOperator ==  qo)
                            arow = r;
                            acol = c;
                if (arow >= 0 && acol >= 0)
                    //add column or row?
                    if (arow > 0)
                        //operator added to column with expressions
                        //add expression or cut off
                        if (qo.SelectedOperator == QueryOperator.Operator.End && qo.PreviousSelectedOperator!= QueryOperator.Operator.End)
                            //cut off: all after this: null
                            for (int i = arow + 1; i < _activeQuery.Rows.Count; i++)
                                //if column exists
                                if (acol < _activeQuery.Rows[i].Columns.Count)
                                    if (_activeQuery.Rows[i].Columns[acol].QExpression != null)
                                        _activeQuery.Rows[i].Columns[acol].QExpression = null;
                                    if (_activeQuery.Rows[i].Columns[acol].QOperator != null)
                                        _activeQuery.Rows[i].Columns[acol].QOperator = null;
                        else if (qo.SelectedOperator != QueryOperator.Operator.End && qo.PreviousSelectedOperator == QueryOperator.Operator.End)
                            //add expression in next row
                            if (arow <= _activeQuery.Rows.Count)
                                _activeQuery.Rows.Add(new GridRow());
                            for (int i = _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns.Count; i <= acol; i++)
                                GridItem gi = new GridItem();
                                gi.QOperator = null;
                                gi.QExpression = null;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QExpression = new QueryExpression();
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QExpression.Location = new Point(212 + (212 + 80) * acol - _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QExpression.Width / 2 - panel2.HorizontalScroll.Value, 40 * arow - panel2.VerticalScroll.Value);

                            //add end operator in next
                            if (arow <= _activeQuery.Rows.Count)
                                _activeQuery.Rows.Add(new GridRow());
                            for (int i = _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns.Count; i <= acol; i++)
                                GridItem gi = new GridItem();
                                gi.QOperator = null;
                                gi.QExpression = null;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator = new QueryOperator();
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.SelectedOperator = QueryOperator.Operator.End;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.Location = new Point(212 + (212 + 80) * acol - _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.Width / 2 - panel2.HorizontalScroll.Value, 40 * arow - panel2.VerticalScroll.Value);
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(QOperator_SelectedValueChanged);
                        //add column or cutt off
                        //only first row
                        if (qo.SelectedOperator == QueryOperator.Operator.End && qo.PreviousSelectedOperator != QueryOperator.Operator.End)
                            //cut off
                            for (int r = 0; r < _activeQuery.Rows.Count; r++)
                                for (int c = acol+1; c < _activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns.Count; c++)
                                    if (_activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns[c].QExpression != null)
                                        _activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns[c].QExpression = null;
                                    if (_activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns[c].QOperator != null)
                                        _activeQuery.Rows[r].Columns[c].QOperator = null;
                        else if (qo.SelectedOperator != QueryOperator.Operator.End && qo.PreviousSelectedOperator == QueryOperator.Operator.End)
                            for (int i = _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns.Count; i <= acol+2; i++)
                                GridItem gi = new GridItem();
                                gi.QOperator = null;
                                gi.QExpression = null;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QExpression = new QueryExpression();
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QExpression.Location = new Point(212 + (212 + 80) * acol - _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QExpression.Width / 2 - panel2.HorizontalScroll.Value, 40 * arow - panel2.VerticalScroll.Value);

                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator = new QueryOperator();
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.SelectedOperator = QueryOperator.Operator.End;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.Location = new Point(212 + (212 + 80) * acol - _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.Width / 2 - panel2.HorizontalScroll.Value, 40 * arow - panel2.VerticalScroll.Value);
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(QOperator_SelectedValueChanged);

                            if (arow <= _activeQuery.Rows.Count)
                                _activeQuery.Rows.Add(new GridRow());
                            for (int i = _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns.Count; i <= acol; i++)
                                GridItem gi = new GridItem();
                                gi.QOperator = null;
                                gi.QExpression = null;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator = new QueryOperator();
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.SelectedOperator = QueryOperator.Operator.End;
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.Location = new Point(212 + (212 + 80) * acol - _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.Width / 2 - panel2.HorizontalScroll.Value, 40 * arow - panel2.VerticalScroll.Value);
                            _activeQuery.Rows[arow].Columns[acol].QOperator.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(QOperator_SelectedValueChanged);

            if (qo != null)
                qo.PreviousSelectedOperator = qo.SelectedOperator;
Exemple #30
 private GridItem findPropertyItem(string label, GridItem root)
     if (root == null)
         return null;
     if (root.Label == label)
         return root;
     // search the property grid's item tree for the indicated item
     foreach (GridItem gi in root.GridItems)
         GridItem result = findPropertyItem(label, gi);
         if (result != null)
             return result;
     return null;
                private GridItem FindPreviousGridItemProperty(List<GridItem> gridItems, GridItem startItem)
                    if (gridItems.Count == 0)
                        return null;
                    if (startItem == null)
                        return null;

                    int startIndex = gridItems.IndexOf(startItem);

                    if (startItem.GridItemType == GridItemType.Property)
                        startIndex = startIndex - 1;
                        if (startIndex < 0)
                            startIndex = gridItems.Count - 1;

                    int previousIndex = 0;
                    bool previousIndexValid = false;
                    for (int index = startIndex; index >= 0; index += -1)
                        if (gridItems[index].GridItemType == GridItemType.Property)
                            previousIndex = index;
                            previousIndexValid = true;
                            break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For

                    if (previousIndexValid)
                        return gridItems[previousIndex];

                    for (int index = gridItems.Count - 1; index >= startIndex + 1; index += -1)
                        if (gridItems[index].GridItemType == GridItemType.Property)
                            previousIndex = index;
                            previousIndexValid = true;
                            break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For

                    if (!previousIndexValid)
                        return null;

                    return gridItems[previousIndex];
Exemple #32
        private void PropertyGridItemSelected(GridItem item)
            List<string> tokens = new List<string>(4);

            while (item != null)
                item = item.Parent;

            if (tokens.Count < 3)

            int nodePos = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]);

            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(64);
            for (int i = 3; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                str.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", (i > 3) ? "|" : "", tokens[i]);
            TransactionNode node = curNodeList[nodePos];
            List<PacketSlice> slices = node.GetSlicesForFieldPath(str.ToString());

            if (autoHighlightMenuItem.Checked)

            if (slices.Count >= 1)
                private GridItem FindNextGridItemProperty(List<GridItem> gridItems, GridItem startItem)
                    if (gridItems.Count == 0)
                        return null;
                    if (startItem == null)
                        return null;

                    int startIndex = gridItems.IndexOf(startItem);

                    if (startItem.GridItemType == GridItemType.Property)
                        startIndex = startIndex + 1;
                        if (startIndex >= gridItems.Count)
                            startIndex = 0;

                    int nextIndex = 0;
                    bool nextIndexValid = false;
                    for (int index = startIndex; index <= gridItems.Count - 1; index++)
                        if (gridItems[index].GridItemType == GridItemType.Property)
                            nextIndex = index;
                            nextIndexValid = true;
                            break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For

                    if (nextIndexValid)
                        return gridItems[nextIndex];

                    for (int index = 0; index <= startIndex - 1; index++)
                        if (gridItems[index].GridItemType == GridItemType.Property)
                            nextIndex = index;
                            nextIndexValid = true;
                            break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For

                    if (!nextIndexValid)
                        return null;

                    return gridItems[nextIndex];
 public SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs(GridItem oldSel, GridItem newSel)
     old_selection = oldSel;
     new_selection = newSel;
                private void FindChildGridItems(GridItem item, ref List<GridItem> gridItems)

                    if (!item.Expandable | item.Expanded)
                        foreach (GridItem child in item.GridItems)
                            FindChildGridItems(child, ref gridItems);