Exemple #1
        private void RestoreVideo()
            // Get the UI set up correctly in the event there are no selected cameras

            foreach (FilterInfo fi in VideoCapability.SelectedCameras())
                int idx = clbCameras.Items.IndexOf(fi);
                clbCameras.SetItemChecked(idx, true);
                clbCameras.SetSelected(idx, true);
Exemple #2
        public void SetData(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IWindowsFormsEditorService editorService, string value)
            m_editorService = editorService;

            chklstEnumValue.Visible = true;


            List <string> strList = new List <string>();


            m_bNoFire = true;

            foreach (string strItem in strList)
                string sName = strItem;


            if (value == null)
                value = "All";

            string sDelimitedValues = value;

            string[] arrValue = sDelimitedValues.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string sValue in arrValue)
                string sTrimmedValue = sValue.Trim();

                for (int i = 0; i < chklstEnumValue.Items.Count; i++)
                    string Name = (string)chklstEnumValue.Items[i]; //objItem;
                    if (String.Compare(Name, sTrimmedValue, true) == 0)
                        CheckedListBox chk = (CheckedListBox)chklstEnumValue;
                        chk.SetItemChecked(i, true);
                        chklstEnumValue.SetSelected(i, true);
            m_bNoFire = false;
Exemple #3
        public void m_mthSetSelectedGroup(int p_intGroupID)
            for (int i = 0; i < chklstGroup.Items.Count; i++)
                if (((clsVitalGroup)chklstGroup.Items[i]).m_intGroupID == p_intGroupID)
                    chklstGroup.SetItemChecked(i, true);
                    chklstGroup.SetSelected(i, true);

                    chklstGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);


Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Event Handler from MoveUp and MoveDown Button Click.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnMove_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Declare the current and destination indices of the
            // real time stylus plugin being moved.
            int currentIndex     = chklbPlugins.SelectedIndex;
            int destinationIndex = -1;

            if ((0 <= currentIndex) && (currentIndex <= chklbPlugins.Items.Count))
                // Calculate the destination based on whether move up
                // or down was pressed.
                if (sender == btnMoveUp)
                    destinationIndex = currentIndex - 1;
                    destinationIndex = currentIndex + 1;

                // The destination index of the plugin being moved must fall
                // within the bounds of the plugin list.
                if ((0 <= destinationIndex) && (destinationIndex < chklbPlugins.Items.Count))
                    CheckState checkState = chklbPlugins.GetItemCheckState(currentIndex);

                    // If the plugin being moved is currently enabled,
                    // remove it from the plugin collection.
                    if (CheckState.Checked == checkState)

                    // Update the checked list box to reflect the move.
                    object item = chklbPlugins.Items[currentIndex];
                    chklbPlugins.Items.Insert(destinationIndex, item);

                    // Restore the selected and checked state of the list item.
                    chklbPlugins.SetSelected(destinationIndex, true);
                    chklbPlugins.SetItemCheckState(destinationIndex, checkState);
Exemple #5
        private void replaceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = lstTextures.SelectedIndex;

            if ((_selectedTexture != null) && (_selectedTexture.Source is TEX0Node))
                TEX0Node node = _selectedTexture.Source as TEX0Node;
                using (TextureConverterDialog dlg = new TextureConverterDialog())
                    if (dlg.ShowDialog(this, node) == DialogResult.OK)
                        _updating = true;
                        lstTextures.SetItemCheckState(index, CheckState.Checked);
                        lstTextures.SetSelected(index, false);
                        _updating = false;

                        if (RenderStateChanged != null)
                            RenderStateChanged(this, null);
        protected override void FillControls()
        {        //para levantar
            if (_data != null)
                System.Data.DataTable tableUsuarios         = _data.Tables["sy_Usuarios"];
                System.Data.DataTable tableUsuariosPerfiles = _data.Tables["sy_PerfilesUsuariosEmpresas"];
                System.Data.DataRow   rowUsuarios           = tableUsuarios.Rows[0];

                _idUsuario            = (string)rowUsuarios["IdUsuario"];
                _nombre               = (string)rowUsuarios["Nombre"];
                txtNombreUsuario.Text = _idUsuario;
                string clave = Convert.ToString(rowUsuarios["Clave"]);
                if (clave != null && !clave.Equals(string.Empty))
                    clave = new mz.erp.security.dll.Encryption.Symmetric().DecryptStringBase64(clave);
                uteConfirmaPassword.Text = clave;
                ultraTextEditor1.Text    = clave;
                chkActivo.Checked        = Convert.ToBoolean(rowUsuarios["Activo"]);

                /*foreach(System.Data.DataRow row in tableUsuariosPerfiles.Rows)//por cadausuario
                 * {
                 *      for(int i=0; i < perfiles.Count; i++) //por cada item
                 *      {
                 *              Perfil p = (Perfil)perfiles[i];
                 *              p.EstadoInicial= (Convert.ToInt64(p.IdPerfil) == (long)row["IdPerfil"]); //lo tilda segun si esta o no entre los perfiles
                 *              p.Tildado = p.EstadoInicial;
                 *      }
                 * }*/

                if (this.State.Equals("EDIT"))
                    this.equipo.Value = rowUsuarios["Equipo"];
                    foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in tableUsuariosPerfiles.Rows)                   //por cadausuario
                        string IdUsuario = Convert.ToString(row["IdUsuario"]);
                        if (_idUsuario == IdUsuario)
                            for (int i = 0; i < perfiles.Count; i++)                          //por cada item
                                Perfil p         = (Perfil)perfiles[i];
                                long   IdPerfil1 = (long)row["IdPerfil"];
                                long   IdPerfil2 = Convert.ToInt64(p.IdPerfil);
                                if (IdPerfil1 == IdPerfil2)
                                    p.EstadoInicial = true;
                                    p.Tildado       = p.EstadoInicial;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ListaPerfiles.Items.Count; i++)
                        Perfil p = (Perfil)perfiles[i];
                        ListaPerfiles.SetSelected(i, true);
                        ListaPerfiles.SetItemChecked(i, p.Tildado);

                    //Cargo las secciones de las q son responsables
                    _processItem = false;
                    sy_UsuariosExDataset.tlg_ResponsablesDepositosSeccionesDataTable tableResponsablesSecciones = (sy_UsuariosExDataset.tlg_ResponsablesDepositosSeccionesDataTable)_data.Tables["tlg_ResponsablesDepositosSecciones"];
                    foreach (sy_UsuariosExDataset.tlg_ResponsablesDepositosSeccionesRow rowRS in tableResponsablesSecciones.Rows)
                        string   IdSeccion = rowRS.IdSeccion;
                        TreeNode nodeS     = (TreeNode)nodesTree[IdSeccion];
                        foreach (TreeNode node in treeViewSecciones.Nodes)
                            int index = node.Nodes.IndexOf(nodeS);
                            if (index != -1)
                                node.Nodes[index].Checked = true;
                    //si todas las secciones de un deposito estan seleccionadas selecciono el deposito
                    _processItem = true;
                mzCmbPersona.DataValue = (string)rowUsuarios["IdPersona"];

                this.ListaPerfiles.ItemCheck += new System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventHandler(this.ListaPerfiles_ItemCheck);
                treeViewSecciones.AfterCheck += new TreeViewEventHandler(treeViewSecciones_AfterCheck);

                if (this.State.Equals("EDIT"))                //Si es modificacion solo el propio usuario puede editar su contraseña.
                    ultraTextEditor1.Enabled    = Security.IdUsuario.Equals(_idUsuario);
                    uteConfirmaPassword.Enabled = Security.IdUsuario.Equals(_idUsuario);
                else                 //Si es alta se puede ingresar una contraseña para el usuario q se esta creando solo si la variable asi lo indica.
                    ultraTextEditor1.Enabled    = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.Password");
                    uteConfirmaPassword.Enabled = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.Password");

                mzCmbPersona.Enabled      = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.Persona");
                txtNombreUsuario.Enabled  = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.NombreDeUsuario");
                chkActivo.Enabled         = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.Activo");
                equipo.Enabled            = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.Equipo");
                ListaPerfiles.Enabled     = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.Perfiles");
                treeViewSecciones.Enabled = Variables.GetValueBool("Usuarios.Editar.DepositosSecciones");

                //Visibiliza y habilita las solapas de acuerdo a lo configurado en las variabes
                ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Key = "DatosGenerales";
                foreach (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar.UltraExplorerBarGroup grupo in  this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups)
                    grupo.Visible           = false;
                    grupo.Container.Enabled = false;

                string contenedoresVisibles = Variables.GetValueString("Usuarios.ContenedoresVisibles");
                if (!contenedoresVisibles.Equals(string.Empty))
                    ArrayList cont = mz.erp.systemframework.Util.Parse(contenedoresVisibles, ",");
                    foreach (string grupo in cont)
                        if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Exists(grupo))
                            this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[grupo].Visible = true;

                string contenedoresHabilitados = Variables.GetValueString("Usuarios.ContenedoresHabilitados");
                if (!contenedoresHabilitados.Equals(string.Empty))
                    ArrayList cont = mz.erp.systemframework.Util.Parse(contenedoresHabilitados, ",");
                    foreach (string grupo in cont)
                        if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Exists(grupo))
                            if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[grupo].Container != null)
                                this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[grupo].Container.Enabled = true;
                            this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[grupo].Enabled = true;
Exemple #7
 private void make_all(int num_of_drives)
     comparision1st = false;
     int n = num_of_drives;
     int offx, offy, modd;
     int d = drives.Count;
     offx = 0; offy = 0;
     // make them on the run
     if (n > 12) { modd = 12; } else { modd = 4; }
     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         CheckedListBox ata = new CheckedListBox();
         Label lata = new Label();
         ContextMenu mtt = new ContextMenu();
         ContextMenuStrip mt = new ContextMenuStrip();
         ata.Name = "ata" + i.ToString();
         lata.Name = "lata" + i.ToString();
         ata.Size = new Size(pref_w, pref_h);
         ata.Font = new Font(ata.Font.FontFamily, 7);
         ata.Location = new Point(pata_lx + offx, pata_ly + offy);
         lata.Height = pref_h;
         lata.Width = pref_w;
         lata.Location = new Point(plab_lx + offx, plab_ly + offy + 4);
         lata.Text = "Drive" + i.ToString();
         for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)
             ata.Items.Add(drives[j] + " GB", false);
         ata.CheckOnClick = true;
         ata.SetSelected(0, false);
         ata.TabIndex = i + 4;
         ata.ContextMenuStrip = cms;
         ata.ItemCheck += new System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventHandler(ata_ItemCheck);
         ata.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(ata_MouseUp);
         offx += pref_w + 10;
         if (((i % modd) == 0) & (i != 1))
         {  // first drive is 1 then 6th drive is 0
             offx = 0;
             offy += 110; // that equals 133
     int sw, sh, sw1, sh1;
     // get sizes after all controls besides the listbox are there to help size the listbox
     sw = this.PreferredSize.Width;
     sh = this.PreferredSize.Height;
     sw1 = 0;
     sh1 = 0;
     //ListBox lbr = new ListBox();
     RichTextBox lbr = new RichTextBox();
     lbr.Name = "lbr";
     //  lbr.HorizontalScrollbar = true;
     lbr.Size = new Size(sw - 25, 280); //used to be 390 then 350 then 280
     lbr.Location = new Point(10, sh - 20);
     // lbr.ZoomFactor = 0.5;// convert.float(zoomfactor);
     lbr.Font = new Font(lbr.Font.FontFamily, fsizereg, lbr.Font.Style);
     // resize the window
     sw1 = this.PreferredSize.Width;
     sh1 = this.PreferredSize.Height;
     this.Width = sw1 + 10;
     this.Height = sh1 + 5;
     numberofdrives = n;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Check all items in a checked list box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listBox">The checked list box to modify</param>
        private void CheckAllListboxItems(CheckedListBox listBox)
            if (listBox.Items.Count <= 0)

            for (int listBoxIndex = 0; listBoxIndex < listBox.Items.Count; listBoxIndex++)
                listBox.SetSelected(listBoxIndex, true);
 public static void topSelection(CheckedListBox tab)
     if (tab.SelectedIndex.ToString() != "-1")
         bool etatItem = tab.GetItemChecked(tab.SelectedIndex);
         int index;
         string valeur;
         while (tab.SelectedIndex > 0)
             valeur = tab.SelectedItem.ToString();
             index = tab.SelectedIndex;
             tab.Items.Insert(index - 1, valeur);
             tab.SetSelected(index - 1, true);
         tab.SetItemChecked(tab.SelectedIndex, etatItem);
 public static void diminueSelection(CheckedListBox tab)
     if (tab.SelectedIndex.ToString() != "-1")
         if (tab.SelectedIndex < tab.Items.Count - 1)
             bool etatItem = tab.GetItemChecked(tab.SelectedIndex);
             string valeur = tab.SelectedItem.ToString();
             int index = tab.SelectedIndex;
             tab.Items.Insert(index + 1, valeur);
             tab.SetItemChecked(index + 1, etatItem);
             tab.SetSelected(index + 1, true);
Exemple #11
 private void FilterListItem(CheckedListBox clb, string filter)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
     ListItem li;
     for (int i = 0; i < clb.Items.Count; i++)
         li = clb.Items[i] as ListItem;
         if (li.Value.StartsWith(filter, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
             clb.SetSelected(i, true);
Exemple #12
 public static void limpiarCheckboxList(CheckedListBox cbl)
     foreach (int i in cbl.CheckedIndices)
         cbl.SetItemCheckState(i, CheckState.Unchecked);