internal void Paint(ChartGraphics chartGraph, bool drawAnnotationOnly)
            ChartPicture chartPicture = this.Chart.chartPicture;

            // Restore previous background using double buffered bitmap
            if (!chartPicture.isSelectionMode &&
                this.Count > 0 /*&&
                                * !this.Chart.chartPicture.isPrinting*/)
                chartPicture.backgroundRestored = true;
                Rectangle chartPosition = new Rectangle(0, 0, chartPicture.Width, chartPicture.Height);
                if (chartPicture.nonTopLevelChartBuffer == null || !drawAnnotationOnly)
                    // Dispose previous bitmap
                    if (chartPicture.nonTopLevelChartBuffer != null)
                        chartPicture.nonTopLevelChartBuffer = null;

                    // Copy chart area plotting rectangle from the chart's dubble buffer image into area dubble buffer image
                    if (this.Chart.paintBufferBitmap != null &&
                        this.Chart.paintBufferBitmap.Size.Width >= chartPosition.Size.Width &&
                        this.Chart.paintBufferBitmap.Size.Height >= chartPosition.Size.Height)
                        chartPicture.nonTopLevelChartBuffer = this.Chart.paintBufferBitmap.Clone(
                            chartPosition, this.Chart.paintBufferBitmap.PixelFormat);
                else if (drawAnnotationOnly && chartPicture.nonTopLevelChartBuffer != null)
                    // Restore previous background

            // Draw all annotation objects
            foreach (Annotation annotation in this)
                // Reset calculated relative position

                if (annotation.IsVisible())
                    bool resetClip = false;

                    // Check if anchor point assosiated with plot area is inside the scaleView
                    if (annotation.IsAnchorVisible())
                        // Set annotation object clipping
                        if (annotation.ClipToChartArea.Length > 0 &&
                            annotation.ClipToChartArea != Constants.NotSetValue &&
                            Chart != null)
                            int areaIndex = Chart.ChartAreas.IndexOf(annotation.ClipToChartArea);
                            if (areaIndex >= 0)
                                // Get chart area object
                                ChartArea chartArea = Chart.ChartAreas[areaIndex];
                                resetClip = true;

                        // Start Svg Selection mode
                        string url = String.Empty;

                        // Draw annotation object
                        annotation.Paint(Chart, chartGraph);

                        // End Svg Selection mode
                        chartGraph.EndHotRegion( );

                        // Reset clipping region
                        if (resetClip)
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the axis break line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Chart graphics to use.</param>
        /// <param name="nextSegment">Axis scale segment next to current.</param>
        internal void PaintBreakLine(ChartGraphics graph, AxisScaleSegment nextSegment)
            // Get break line position
            RectangleF breakPosition = this.GetBreakLinePosition(graph, nextSegment);

            // Get top line graphics path
            GraphicsPath breakLinePathTop    = this.GetBreakLinePath(breakPosition, true);
            GraphicsPath breakLinePathBottom = null;

            // Clear break line space using chart color behind the area
            if (breakPosition.Width > 0f && breakPosition.Height > 0f)
                // Get bottom line graphics path
                breakLinePathBottom = this.GetBreakLinePath(breakPosition, false);

                // Clear plotting area background
                using (GraphicsPath fillPath = new GraphicsPath())
                    // Create fill path out of top and bottom break lines
                    fillPath.AddPath(breakLinePathTop, true);
                    fillPath.AddPath(breakLinePathBottom, true);

                    // Use chart back color to fill the area
                    using (Brush fillBrush = this.GetChartFillBrush(graph))
                        graph.FillPath(fillBrush, fillPath);

                        // Check if shadow exsits in chart area
                        if (this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset != 0 && !this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowColor.IsEmpty)
                            // Clear shadow
                            RectangleF shadowPartRect = breakPosition;
                            if (this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left)
                                shadowPartRect.Y      += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                shadowPartRect.Height -= this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                shadowPartRect.X       = shadowPartRect.Right - 1;
                                shadowPartRect.Width   = this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset + 2;
                                shadowPartRect.X     += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                shadowPartRect.Width -= this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                shadowPartRect.Y      = shadowPartRect.Bottom - 1;
                                shadowPartRect.Height = this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset + 2;
                            graph.FillRectangle(fillBrush, shadowPartRect);

                            // Draw new shadow
                            using (GraphicsPath shadowPath = new GraphicsPath())
                                shadowPath.AddPath(breakLinePathTop, false);

                                // Define maximum size
                                float size = this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                if (this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left)
                                    size = Math.Min(size, breakPosition.Height);
                                    size = Math.Min(size, breakPosition.Width);

                                // Define step to increase transperancy
                                int transparencyStep = (int)(this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowColor.A / size);

                                // Set clip region to achieve spacing of the shadow
                                // Start with the plotting rectangle position
                                RectangleF clipRegion = graph.GetAbsoluteRectangle(this.axis.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF());
                                if (this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left)
                                    clipRegion.X     += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                    clipRegion.Width += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                    clipRegion.Y      += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
                                    clipRegion.Height += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;

                                // Draw several lines to form shadow
                                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
                                    using (Matrix newMatrix = new Matrix())
                                        // Shift top break line by 1 pixel
                                        if (this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left)
                                            newMatrix.Translate(0f, 1f);
                                            newMatrix.Translate(1f, 0f);

                                    // Get line color
                                    Color color = Color.FromArgb(
                                        this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowColor.A - transparencyStep * index,

                                    using (Pen shadowPen = new Pen(color, 1))
                                        // Draw shadow
                                        graph.DrawPath(shadowPen, shadowPath);


            // Draw Separator Line(s)
            if (this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.BreakLineStyle != BreakLineStyle.None)
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.LineColor, this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.LineWidth))
                    // Set line style
                    pen.DashStyle = graph.GetPenStyle(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.LineDashStyle);

                    // Draw break lines
                    graph.DrawPath(pen, breakLinePathTop);
                    if (breakPosition.Width > 0f && breakPosition.Height > 0f)
                        graph.DrawPath(pen, breakLinePathBottom);

            // Dispose break line paths
            breakLinePathTop = null;
            if (breakLinePathBottom != null)
                breakLinePathBottom = null;