Exemple #1
        // Token: 0x060048D3 RID: 18643 RVA: 0x0014A864 File Offset: 0x00148A64
        public static void OnColumnWidthChanged(IProvideDataGridColumn cell, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            UIElement      uielement = (UIElement)cell;
            DataGridColumn column    = cell.Column;
            bool           flag      = cell is DataGridColumnHeader;

            if (column != null)
                DataGridLength width = column.Width;
                if (width.IsAuto || (!flag && width.IsSizeToCells) || (flag && width.IsSizeToHeader))
                    DataGridLength dataGridLength = (DataGridLength)e.OldValue;
                    double         num;
                    if (dataGridLength.UnitType != width.UnitType)
                        double constraintWidth = column.GetConstraintWidth(flag);
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(uielement.DesiredSize.Width, constraintWidth))
                            uielement.Measure(new Size(constraintWidth, double.PositiveInfinity));
                        num = uielement.DesiredSize.Width;
                        num = dataGridLength.DesiredValue;
                    if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(width.DesiredValue) || DoubleUtil.LessThan(width.DesiredValue, num))
                        column.SetWidthInternal(new DataGridLength(width.Value, width.UnitType, num, width.DisplayValue));
Exemple #2
 // Token: 0x06005494 RID: 21652 RVA: 0x00176A14 File Offset: 0x00174C14
 private void UpdateAnimation()
     if (this._glow != null)
         if (base.IsVisible && this._glow.Width > 0.0 && this._indicator.Width > 0.0)
             double   num      = this._indicator.Width + this._glow.Width;
             double   num2     = -1.0 * this._glow.Width;
             TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)((int)(num - num2)) / 200.0);
             TimeSpan t        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);
             TimeSpan value;
             if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(this._glow.Margin.Left, num2) && DoubleUtil.LessThan(this._glow.Margin.Left, num - 1.0))
                 value = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1.0 * (this._glow.Margin.Left - num2) / 200.0);
                 value = TimeSpan.Zero;
             ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames = new ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
             thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames.BeginTime      = new TimeSpan?(value);
             thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames.Duration       = new Duration(timeSpan + t);
             thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
             thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames.KeyFrames.Add(new LinearThicknessKeyFrame(new Thickness(num2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0)));
             thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames.KeyFrames.Add(new LinearThicknessKeyFrame(new Thickness(num, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), timeSpan));
             this._glow.BeginAnimation(FrameworkElement.MarginProperty, thicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames);
         this._glow.BeginAnimation(FrameworkElement.MarginProperty, null);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Called to remeasure a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.ToolBarTray" />. </summary>
        /// <param name="constraint">The measurement constraints; a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.ToolBarTray" /> cannot return a size larger than the constraint.</param>
        /// <returns>The size of the control.</returns>
        // Token: 0x06005854 RID: 22612 RVA: 0x00187148 File Offset: 0x00185348
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            Size result        = default(Size);
            bool flag          = this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
            Size availableSize = new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);

            for (int i = 0; i < this._bands.Count; i++)
                double         num  = flag ? constraint.Width : constraint.Height;
                List <ToolBar> band = this._bands[i].Band;
                double         num2 = 0.0;
                double         num3 = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < band.Count; j++)
                    ToolBar toolBar = band[j];
                    num -= toolBar.MinLength;
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(num, 0.0))
                        num = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < band.Count; j++)
                    ToolBar toolBar2 = band[j];
                    num += toolBar2.MinLength;
                    if (flag)
                        availableSize.Width = num;
                        availableSize.Height = num;
                    num2  = Math.Max(num2, flag ? toolBar2.DesiredSize.Height : toolBar2.DesiredSize.Width);
                    num3 += (flag ? toolBar2.DesiredSize.Width : toolBar2.DesiredSize.Height);
                    num  -= (flag ? toolBar2.DesiredSize.Width : toolBar2.DesiredSize.Height);
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(num, 0.0))
                        num = 0.0;
                this._bands[i].Thickness = num2;
                if (flag)
                    result.Height += num2;
                    result.Width   = Math.Max(result.Width, num3);
                    result.Width += num2;
                    result.Height = Math.Max(result.Height, num3);
Exemple #4
        // Token: 0x060056A2 RID: 22178 RVA: 0x0017F884 File Offset: 0x0017DA84
        private void MakeVisibleLogicalHelper(int childIndex, ref Vector newOffset, ref Rect newRect)
            bool   flag = this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
            double num  = 0.0;
            int    num2;
            int    num3;

            if (flag)
                num2 = (int)this._scrollData._computedOffset.X;
                num3 = (int)this._scrollData._viewport.Width;
                num2 = (int)this._scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
                num3 = (int)this._scrollData._viewport.Height;
            int num4 = num2;

            if (childIndex < num2)
                num4 = childIndex;
            else if (childIndex > num2 + num3 - 1)
                Size   desiredSize = base.InternalChildren[childIndex].DesiredSize;
                double num5        = flag ? desiredSize.Width : desiredSize.Height;
                double num6        = this._scrollData._physicalViewport - num5;
                int    num7        = childIndex;
                while (num7 > 0 && DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(num6, 0.0))
                    desiredSize = base.InternalChildren[num7].DesiredSize;
                    num5        = (flag ? desiredSize.Width : desiredSize.Height);
                    num        += num5;
                    num6       -= num5;
                if (num7 != childIndex && DoubleUtil.LessThan(num6, 0.0))
                    num -= num5;
                num4 = num7;
            if (flag)
                newOffset.X   = (double)num4;
                newRect.X     = num;
                newRect.Width = base.InternalChildren[childIndex].DesiredSize.Width;
            newOffset.Y    = (double)num4;
            newRect.Y      = num;
            newRect.Height = base.InternalChildren[childIndex].DesiredSize.Height;
        // Token: 0x06004D3A RID: 19770 RVA: 0x0015BC60 File Offset: 0x00159E60
        internal void CheckWidthForPreviousHeaderGripper()
            bool hide = false;

            if (this._headerGripper != null)
                hide = DoubleUtil.LessThan(base.ActualWidth, this._headerGripper.Width);
            if (this._previousHeader != null)
Exemple #6
        //This creates the repeating animation
        private void UpdateAnimation()
            if (_glow != null)
                if (IsVisible && (_glow.Width > 0) && (_indicator.Width > 0))
                    //Set up the animation
                    double endPos   = _indicator.Width + _glow.Width;
                    double startPos = -1 * _glow.Width;

                    TimeSpan translateTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((int)(endPos - startPos) / 200.0)); // travel at 200px /second
                    TimeSpan pauseTime     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);                                // pause 1 second between animations
                    TimeSpan startTime;

                    //Is the animation currenly running (with one pixel fudge factor)
                    if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(_glow.Margin.Left, startPos) && (DoubleUtil.LessThan(_glow.Margin.Left, endPos - 1)))
                        // make it appear that the timer already started.
                        // To do this find out how many pixels the glow has moved and divide by the speed to get time.
                        startTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1 * (_glow.Margin.Left - startPos) / 200.0);
                        startTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

                    ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames animation = new ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames();

                    animation.BeginTime      = startTime;
                    animation.Duration       = new Duration(translateTime + pauseTime);
                    animation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;

                    //Start with the glow hidden on the left.
                    animation.KeyFrames.Add(new LinearThicknessKeyFrame(new Thickness(startPos, 0, 0, 0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)));
                    //Move to the glow hidden on the right.
                    animation.KeyFrames.Add(new LinearThicknessKeyFrame(new Thickness(endPos, 0, 0, 0), translateTime));
                    //There is a pause after the glow is off screen

                    _glow.BeginAnimation(FrameworkElement.MarginProperty, animation);
                    _glow.BeginAnimation(FrameworkElement.MarginProperty, null);
Exemple #7
        // Check to see if hide previous header's right half gripper
        internal void CheckWidthForPreviousHeaderGripper()
            bool hideGripperRightHalf = false;

            if (_headerGripper != null)
                // when header's width is less than gripper's width,
                // hide the right half of the left header's gripper
                hideGripperRightHalf = DoubleUtil.LessThan(ActualWidth, _headerGripper.Width);

            if (_previousHeader != null)

Exemple #8
        // Token: 0x0600545C RID: 21596 RVA: 0x00175A78 File Offset: 0x00173C78
        internal static double ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll(double topView, double bottomView, double topChild, double bottomChild, ref bool alignTop, ref bool alignBottom)
            bool flag  = DoubleUtil.LessThan(topChild, topView) && DoubleUtil.LessThan(bottomChild, bottomView);
            bool flag2 = DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(bottomChild, bottomView) && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(topChild, topView);
            bool flag3 = bottomChild - topChild > bottomView - topView;

            if (((flag && !flag3) || (flag2 && flag3)) | alignTop)
                alignTop = true;
            if ((flag || flag2) | alignBottom)
                alignBottom = true;
                return(bottomChild - (bottomView - topView));
Exemple #9
        // Token: 0x06005860 RID: 22624 RVA: 0x00187CB4 File Offset: 0x00185EB4
        private int GetBandFromOffset(double toolBarOffset)
            if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(toolBarOffset, 0.0))
            double num = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < this._bands.Count; i++)
                num += this._bands[i].Thickness;
                if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(num, toolBarOffset))
Exemple #10
        internal static double ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll(
            double topView,
            double bottomView,
            double topChild,
            double bottomChild,
            ref bool alignTop,
            ref bool alignBottom)
            // # CHILD POSITION       CHILD SIZE      SCROLL      REMEDY
            // 1 Above viewport       <= viewport     Down        Align top edge of child & viewport
            // 2 Above viewport       > viewport      Down        Align bottom edge of child & viewport
            // 3 Below viewport       <= viewport     Up          Align bottom edge of child & viewport
            // 4 Below viewport       > viewport      Up          Align top edge of child & viewport
            // 5 Entirely within viewport             NA          No scroll.
            // 6 Spanning viewport                    NA          No scroll.
            // Note: "Above viewport" = childTop above viewportTop, childBottom above viewportBottom
            //       "Below viewport" = childTop below viewportTop, childBottom below viewportBottom
            // These child thus may overlap with the viewport, but will scroll the same direction/

            bool fAbove  = DoubleUtil.LessThan(topChild, topView) && DoubleUtil.LessThan(bottomChild, bottomView);
            bool fBelow  = DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(bottomChild, bottomView) && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(topChild, topView);
            bool fLarger = (bottomChild - topChild) > (bottomView - topView);

            // Handle Cases:  1 & 4 above
            if ((fAbove && !fLarger) ||
                (fBelow && fLarger) ||
                alignTop = true;

            // Handle Cases: 2 & 3 above
            else if (fAbove || fBelow || alignBottom)
                alignBottom = true;
                return(bottomChild - (bottomView - topView));

            // Handle cases: 5 & 6 above.
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Invalidates a cell's panel if its column's width changes sufficiently.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">The cell or header.</param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public static void OnColumnWidthChanged(IProvideDataGridColumn cell, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert((cell is DataGridCell) || (cell is DataGridColumnHeader), "provideColumn should be one of the cell or header containers.");

            UIElement      element        = (UIElement)cell;
            DataGridColumn column         = cell.Column;
            bool           isColumnHeader = (cell is DataGridColumnHeader);

            if (column != null)
                // determine the desired value of width for auto kind columns
                DataGridLength width = column.Width;
                if (width.IsAuto ||
                    (!isColumnHeader && width.IsSizeToCells) ||
                    (isColumnHeader && width.IsSizeToHeader))
                    DataGridLength oldWidth     = (DataGridLength)e.OldValue;
                    double         desiredWidth = 0.0;
                    if (oldWidth.UnitType != width.UnitType)
                        double constraintWidth = column.GetConstraintWidth(isColumnHeader);
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(element.DesiredSize.Width, constraintWidth))
                            element.Measure(new Size(constraintWidth, double.PositiveInfinity));

                        desiredWidth = element.DesiredSize.Width;
                        desiredWidth = oldWidth.DesiredValue;

                    if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(width.DesiredValue) ||
                        DoubleUtil.LessThan(width.DesiredValue, desiredWidth))
                        column.SetWidthInternal(new DataGridLength(width.Value, width.UnitType, desiredWidth, width.DisplayValue));
Exemple #12
        private int GetBandFromOffset(double toolBarOffset)
            if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(toolBarOffset, 0))

            double bandOffset = 0d;

            for (int i = 0; i < _bands.Count; i++)
                bandOffset += _bands[i].Thickness;
                if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(bandOffset, toolBarOffset))

Exemple #13
        private void ProcessThumbDragDelta(DragDeltaEventArgs e)
            // Process thumb event only if Thumb styled parent is a ToolBar under the TollBarTray
            Thumb thumb = e.OriginalSource as Thumb;

            if (thumb != null)
                ToolBar toolBar = thumb.TemplatedParent as ToolBar;
                if (toolBar != null && toolBar.Parent == this)
                    // _bandsDirty would be true at this time only when a Measure gets
                    // skipped between two mouse moves. Ideally that should not happen
                    // but VS has proved that it can. Hence making the code more robust.
                    // Uncomment the line below if the measure skip issue ever gets fixed.
                    // Debug.Assert(!_bandsDirty, "Bands should not be dirty at this point");
                    if (_bandsDirty)

                    bool   fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
                    int    currentBand = toolBar.Band;
                    Point  pointRelativeToToolBarTray = Mouse.PrimaryDevice.GetPosition((IInputElement)this);
                    Point  pointRelativeToToolBar     = TransformPointToToolBar(toolBar, pointRelativeToToolBarTray);
                    int    hittestBand = GetBandFromOffset(fHorizontal ? pointRelativeToToolBarTray.Y : pointRelativeToToolBarTray.X);
                    double newPosition;
                    double thumbChange = fHorizontal ? e.HorizontalChange : e.VerticalChange;
                    double toolBarPosition;
                    if (fHorizontal)
                        toolBarPosition = pointRelativeToToolBarTray.X - pointRelativeToToolBar.X;
                        toolBarPosition = pointRelativeToToolBarTray.Y - pointRelativeToToolBar.Y;
                    newPosition = toolBarPosition + thumbChange; // New toolBar position

                    // Move within the band
                    if (hittestBand == currentBand)
                        List <ToolBar> band         = _bands[currentBand].Band;
                        int            toolBarIndex = toolBar.BandIndex;

                        // Move ToolBar within the band
                        if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(thumbChange, 0)) // Move left/up
                            double toolBarsTotalMinimum = ToolBarsTotalMinimum(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1);
                            // Check if minimized toolbars will fit in the range
                            if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(toolBarsTotalMinimum, newPosition))
                                ShrinkToolBars(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1, -thumbChange);
                            else if (toolBarIndex > 0) // Swap toolbars
                                ToolBar prevToolBar = band[toolBarIndex - 1];
                                Point   pointRelativeToPreviousToolBar = TransformPointToToolBar(prevToolBar, pointRelativeToToolBarTray);
                                // if pointer in on the left side of previous toolbar
                                if (DoubleUtil.LessThan((fHorizontal ? pointRelativeToPreviousToolBar.X : pointRelativeToPreviousToolBar.Y), 0))
                                    prevToolBar.BandIndex = toolBarIndex;
                                    band[toolBarIndex]    = prevToolBar;

                                    toolBar.BandIndex      = toolBarIndex - 1;
                                    band[toolBarIndex - 1] = toolBar;

                                    if (toolBarIndex + 1 == band.Count) // If toolBar was the last item in the band
                                        prevToolBar.ClearValue(fHorizontal ? WidthProperty : HeightProperty);
                                { // Move to the left/up and shring the other toolbars
                                    if (fHorizontal)
                                        if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(toolBarsTotalMinimum, pointRelativeToToolBarTray.X - pointRelativeToToolBar.X))
                                            ShrinkToolBars(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1, pointRelativeToToolBarTray.X - pointRelativeToToolBar.X - toolBarsTotalMinimum);
                                        if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(toolBarsTotalMinimum, pointRelativeToToolBarTray.Y - pointRelativeToToolBar.Y))
                                            ShrinkToolBars(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1, pointRelativeToToolBarTray.Y - pointRelativeToToolBar.Y - toolBarsTotalMinimum);
                        else // Move right/down
                            double toolBarsTotalMaximum = ToolBarsTotalMaximum(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1);

                            if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(toolBarsTotalMaximum, newPosition))
                                ExpandToolBars(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1, thumbChange);
                                if (toolBarIndex < band.Count - 1) // Swap toolbars
                                    ToolBar nextToolBar = band[toolBarIndex + 1];
                                    Point   pointRelativeToNextToolBar = TransformPointToToolBar(nextToolBar, pointRelativeToToolBarTray);
                                    // if pointer in on the right side of next toolbar
                                    if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose((fHorizontal ? pointRelativeToNextToolBar.X : pointRelativeToNextToolBar.Y), 0))
                                        nextToolBar.BandIndex = toolBarIndex;
                                        band[toolBarIndex]    = nextToolBar;

                                        toolBar.BandIndex      = toolBarIndex + 1;
                                        band[toolBarIndex + 1] = toolBar;
                                        if (toolBarIndex + 2 == band.Count) // If toolBar becomes the last item in the band
                                            toolBar.ClearValue(fHorizontal ? WidthProperty : HeightProperty);
                                        ExpandToolBars(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1, thumbChange);
                                    ExpandToolBars(band, 0, toolBarIndex - 1, thumbChange);
                    else // Move ToolBar to another band
                        _bandsDirty  = true;
                        toolBar.Band = hittestBand;
                        toolBar.ClearValue(fHorizontal ? WidthProperty : HeightProperty);

                        // move to another existing band
                        if (hittestBand >= 0 && hittestBand < _bands.Count)
                            MoveToolBar(toolBar, hittestBand, newPosition);

                        List <ToolBar> oldBand = _bands[currentBand].Band;
                        // currentBand should restore sizes to Auto
                        for (int i = 0; i < oldBand.Count; i++)
                            ToolBar currentToolBar = oldBand[i];
                            currentToolBar.ClearValue(fHorizontal ? WidthProperty : HeightProperty);

                    e.Handled = true;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates DesiredSize of the ToolBarTray. Called by parent UIElement.
        /// This is the first pass of layout.
        /// MeasureOverride distributes all ToolBars in bands depend on Band and BandIndex properties.
        /// All ToolBars with the same Band are places in one band. After that they are sorted by BandIndex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="constraint">Constraint size is an "upper limit" that ToolBarTray should not exceed.</param>
        /// <returns>ToolBarTray' desired size.</returns>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)

            Size toolBarTrayDesiredSize = new Size();
            int  bandIndex;
            int  toolBarIndex;
            bool fHorizontal     = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            Size childConstraint = new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);

            for (bandIndex = 0; bandIndex < _bands.Count; bandIndex++)
                // Calculate the available size before we measure the children.
                // remainingLength is the constraint minus sum of all minimum sizes
                double         remainingLength = fHorizontal ? constraint.Width : constraint.Height;
                List <ToolBar> band            = _bands[bandIndex].Band;
                double         bandThickness   = 0d;
                double         bandLength      = 0d;
                for (toolBarIndex = 0; toolBarIndex < band.Count; toolBarIndex++)
                    ToolBar toolBar = band[toolBarIndex];
                    remainingLength -= toolBar.MinLength;
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(remainingLength, 0))
                        remainingLength = 0;

                // Measure all children passing the remainingLength as a constraint
                for (toolBarIndex = 0; toolBarIndex < band.Count; toolBarIndex++)
                    ToolBar toolBar = band[toolBarIndex];
                    remainingLength += toolBar.MinLength;
                    if (fHorizontal)
                        childConstraint.Width = remainingLength;
                        childConstraint.Height = remainingLength;
                    bandThickness    = Math.Max(bandThickness, fHorizontal ? toolBar.DesiredSize.Height : toolBar.DesiredSize.Width);
                    bandLength      += fHorizontal ? toolBar.DesiredSize.Width : toolBar.DesiredSize.Height;
                    remainingLength -= fHorizontal ? toolBar.DesiredSize.Width : toolBar.DesiredSize.Height;
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(remainingLength, 0))
                        remainingLength = 0;

                // Store band thickness in the BandInfo property
                _bands[bandIndex].Thickness = bandThickness;

                if (fHorizontal)
                    toolBarTrayDesiredSize.Height += bandThickness;
                    toolBarTrayDesiredSize.Width   = Math.Max(toolBarTrayDesiredSize.Width, bandLength);
                    toolBarTrayDesiredSize.Width += bandThickness;
                    toolBarTrayDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(toolBarTrayDesiredSize.Height, bandLength);

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Helper method which implements the stack like measure.
        /// </summary>
        internal static Size StackMeasureHelper(IStackMeasure measureElement, IStackMeasureScrollData scrollData, Size constraint)
            Size stackDesiredSize        = new Size();
            UIElementCollection children = measureElement.InternalChildren;
            Size layoutSlotSize          = constraint;
            bool fHorizontal             = (measureElement.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            int  firstViewport;         // First child index in the viewport.
            int  lastViewport = -1;     // Last child index in the viewport.  -1 indicates we have not yet iterated through the last child.

            double logicalVisibleSpace, childLogicalSize;

            // Initialize child sizing and iterator data
            // Allow children as much size as they want along the stack.
            if (fHorizontal)
                layoutSlotSize.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                if (measureElement.IsScrolling && measureElement.CanVerticallyScroll)
                    layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                firstViewport       = (measureElement.IsScrolling) ? CoerceOffsetToInteger(scrollData.Offset.X, children.Count) : 0;
                logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Width;
                layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                if (measureElement.IsScrolling && measureElement.CanHorizontallyScroll)
                    layoutSlotSize.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                firstViewport       = (measureElement.IsScrolling) ? CoerceOffsetToInteger(scrollData.Offset.Y, children.Count) : 0;
                logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Height;

            //  Iterate through children.
            //  While we still supported virtualization, this was hidden in a child iterator (see source history).
            for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; ++i)
                // Get next child.
                UIElement child = children[i];

                if (child == null)

                // Measure the child.
                Size childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize;

                // Accumulate child size.
                if (fHorizontal)
                    stackDesiredSize.Width += childDesiredSize.Width;
                    stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, childDesiredSize.Height);
                    childLogicalSize        = childDesiredSize.Width;
                    stackDesiredSize.Width   = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Width);
                    stackDesiredSize.Height += childDesiredSize.Height;
                    childLogicalSize         = childDesiredSize.Height;

                // Adjust remaining viewport space if we are scrolling and within the viewport region.
                // While scrolling (not virtualizing), we always measure children before and after the viewport.
                if (measureElement.IsScrolling && lastViewport == -1 && i >= firstViewport)
                    logicalVisibleSpace -= childLogicalSize;
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0))
                        lastViewport = i;

            // Compute Scrolling stuff.
            if (measureElement.IsScrolling)
                // Compute viewport and extent.
                Size   viewport = constraint;
                Size   extent   = stackDesiredSize;
                Vector offset   = scrollData.Offset;

                // If we have not yet set the last child in the viewport, set it to the last child.
                if (lastViewport == -1)
                    lastViewport = children.Count - 1;

                // If we or children have resized, it's possible that we can now display more content.
                // This is true if we started at a nonzero offeset and still have space remaining.
                // In this case, we loop back through previous children until we run out of space.
                while (firstViewport > 0)
                    double projectedLogicalVisibleSpace = logicalVisibleSpace;
                    if (fHorizontal)
                        projectedLogicalVisibleSpace -= children[firstViewport - 1].DesiredSize.Width;
                        projectedLogicalVisibleSpace -= children[firstViewport - 1].DesiredSize.Height;

                    // If we have run out of room, break.
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(projectedLogicalVisibleSpace, 0.0))

                    // Adjust viewport
                    logicalVisibleSpace = projectedLogicalVisibleSpace;

                int logicalExtent   = children.Count;
                int logicalViewport = lastViewport - firstViewport;

                // We are conservative when estimating a viewport, not including the last element in case it is only partially visible.
                // We want to count it if it is fully visible (>= 0 space remaining) or the only element in the viewport.
                if (logicalViewport == 0 || DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0))

                if (fHorizontal)
                    viewport.Width = logicalViewport;
                    extent.Width   = logicalExtent;
                    offset.X       = firstViewport;
                    offset.Y       = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.Y, extent.Height - viewport.Height));
                    viewport.Height = logicalViewport;
                    extent.Height   = logicalExtent;
                    offset.Y        = firstViewport;
                    offset.X        = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.X, extent.Width - viewport.Width));

                // Since we can offset and clip our content, we never need to be larger than the parent suggestion.
                // If we returned the full size of the content, we would always be so big we didn't need to scroll.  :)
                stackDesiredSize.Width  = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Width, constraint.Width);
                stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Height, constraint.Height);

                // Verify Scroll Info, invalidate ScrollOwner if necessary.
                VerifyScrollingData(measureElement, scrollData, viewport, extent, offset);

Exemple #16
        private void MakeVisibleLogicalHelper(int childIndex, ref Vector newOffset, ref Rect newRect)
            bool   fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            int    firstChildInView;
            int    newFirstChild;
            int    viewportSize;
            double childOffsetWithinViewport = 0;

            if (fHorizontal)
                firstChildInView = (int)_scrollData._computedOffset.X;
                viewportSize     = (int)_scrollData._viewport.Width;
                firstChildInView = (int)_scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
                viewportSize     = (int)_scrollData._viewport.Height;

            newFirstChild = firstChildInView;

            // If the target child is before the current viewport, move the viewport to put the child at the top.
            if (childIndex < firstChildInView)
                newFirstChild = childIndex;
            // If the target child is after the current viewport, move the viewport to put the child at the bottom.
            else if (childIndex > firstChildInView + viewportSize - 1)
                Size   childDesiredSize = InternalChildren[childIndex].DesiredSize;
                double nextChildSize    = ((fHorizontal) ? childDesiredSize.Width : childDesiredSize.Height);
                double viewportSpace    = _scrollData._physicalViewport - nextChildSize;
                int    i = childIndex;
                while (i > 0 && DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(viewportSpace, 0.0))
                    childDesiredSize           = InternalChildren[i].DesiredSize;
                    nextChildSize              = ((fHorizontal) ? childDesiredSize.Width : childDesiredSize.Height);
                    childOffsetWithinViewport += nextChildSize;
                    viewportSpace             -= nextChildSize;

                if (i != childIndex && DoubleUtil.LessThan(viewportSpace, 0.0))
                    childOffsetWithinViewport -= nextChildSize;

                newFirstChild = i;

            if (fHorizontal)
                newOffset.X   = newFirstChild;
                newRect.X     = childOffsetWithinViewport;
                newRect.Width = InternalChildren[childIndex].DesiredSize.Width;
                newOffset.Y    = newFirstChild;
                newRect.Y      = childOffsetWithinViewport;
                newRect.Height = InternalChildren[childIndex].DesiredSize.Height;
Exemple #17
        // Token: 0x06005859 RID: 22617 RVA: 0x00187528 File Offset: 0x00185728
        private void ProcessThumbDragDelta(DragDeltaEventArgs e)
            Thumb thumb = e.OriginalSource as Thumb;

            if (thumb != null)
                ToolBar toolBar = thumb.TemplatedParent as ToolBar;
                if (toolBar != null && toolBar.Parent == this)
                    if (this._bandsDirty)
                    bool   flag           = this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
                    int    band           = toolBar.Band;
                    Point  position       = Mouse.PrimaryDevice.GetPosition(this);
                    Point  point          = this.TransformPointToToolBar(toolBar, position);
                    int    bandFromOffset = this.GetBandFromOffset(flag ? position.Y : position.X);
                    double num            = flag ? e.HorizontalChange : e.VerticalChange;
                    double num2;
                    if (flag)
                        num2 = position.X - point.X;
                        num2 = position.Y - point.Y;
                    double num3 = num2 + num;
                    if (bandFromOffset == band)
                        List <ToolBar> band2     = this._bands[band].Band;
                        int            bandIndex = toolBar.BandIndex;
                        if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(num, 0.0))
                            double num4 = this.ToolBarsTotalMinimum(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1);
                            if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(num4, num3))
                                this.ShrinkToolBars(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1, -num);
                            else if (bandIndex > 0)
                                ToolBar toolBar2 = band2[bandIndex - 1];
                                Point   point2   = this.TransformPointToToolBar(toolBar2, position);
                                if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(flag ? point2.X : point2.Y, 0.0))
                                    toolBar2.BandIndex   = bandIndex;
                                    band2[bandIndex]     = toolBar2;
                                    toolBar.BandIndex    = bandIndex - 1;
                                    band2[bandIndex - 1] = toolBar;
                                    if (bandIndex + 1 == band2.Count)
                                        toolBar2.ClearValue(flag ? FrameworkElement.WidthProperty : FrameworkElement.HeightProperty);
                                else if (flag)
                                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(num4, position.X - point.X))
                                        this.ShrinkToolBars(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1, position.X - point.X - num4);
                                else if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(num4, position.Y - point.Y))
                                    this.ShrinkToolBars(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1, position.Y - point.Y - num4);
                            double value = this.ToolBarsTotalMaximum(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1);
                            if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(value, num3))
                                this.ExpandToolBars(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1, num);
                            else if (bandIndex < band2.Count - 1)
                                ToolBar toolBar3 = band2[bandIndex + 1];
                                Point   point3   = this.TransformPointToToolBar(toolBar3, position);
                                if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(flag ? point3.X : point3.Y, 0.0))
                                    toolBar3.BandIndex   = bandIndex;
                                    band2[bandIndex]     = toolBar3;
                                    toolBar.BandIndex    = bandIndex + 1;
                                    band2[bandIndex + 1] = toolBar;
                                    if (bandIndex + 2 == band2.Count)
                                        toolBar.ClearValue(flag ? FrameworkElement.WidthProperty : FrameworkElement.HeightProperty);
                                    this.ExpandToolBars(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1, num);
                                this.ExpandToolBars(band2, 0, bandIndex - 1, num);
                        this._bandsDirty = true;
                        toolBar.Band     = bandFromOffset;
                        toolBar.ClearValue(flag ? FrameworkElement.WidthProperty : FrameworkElement.HeightProperty);
                        if (bandFromOffset >= 0 && bandFromOffset < this._bands.Count)
                            this.MoveToolBar(toolBar, bandFromOffset, num3);
                        List <ToolBar> band3 = this._bands[band].Band;
                        for (int i = 0; i < band3.Count; i++)
                            ToolBar toolBar4 = band3[i];
                            toolBar4.ClearValue(flag ? FrameworkElement.WidthProperty : FrameworkElement.HeightProperty);
                    e.Handled = true;
Exemple #18
        // Token: 0x06005698 RID: 22168 RVA: 0x0017F0C4 File Offset: 0x0017D2C4
        internal static Size StackMeasureHelper(IStackMeasure measureElement, IStackMeasureScrollData scrollData, Size constraint)
            Size size = default(Size);
            UIElementCollection internalChildren = measureElement.InternalChildren;
            Size   availableSize = constraint;
            bool   flag          = measureElement.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal;
            int    num           = -1;
            int    i;
            double num2;

            if (flag)
                availableSize.Width = double.PositiveInfinity;
                if (measureElement.IsScrolling && measureElement.CanVerticallyScroll)
                    availableSize.Height = double.PositiveInfinity;
                i    = (measureElement.IsScrolling ? StackPanel.CoerceOffsetToInteger(scrollData.Offset.X, internalChildren.Count) : 0);
                num2 = constraint.Width;
                availableSize.Height = double.PositiveInfinity;
                if (measureElement.IsScrolling && measureElement.CanHorizontallyScroll)
                    availableSize.Width = double.PositiveInfinity;
                i    = (measureElement.IsScrolling ? StackPanel.CoerceOffsetToInteger(scrollData.Offset.Y, internalChildren.Count) : 0);
                num2 = constraint.Height;
            int j     = 0;
            int count = internalChildren.Count;

            while (j < count)
                UIElement uielement = internalChildren[j];
                if (uielement != null)
                    Size   desiredSize = uielement.DesiredSize;
                    double num3;
                    if (flag)
                        size.Width += desiredSize.Width;
                        size.Height = Math.Max(size.Height, desiredSize.Height);
                        num3        = desiredSize.Width;
                        size.Width   = Math.Max(size.Width, desiredSize.Width);
                        size.Height += desiredSize.Height;
                        num3         = desiredSize.Height;
                    if (measureElement.IsScrolling && num == -1 && j >= i)
                        num2 -= num3;
                        if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(num2, 0.0))
                            num = j;
            if (measureElement.IsScrolling)
                Size   viewport = constraint;
                Size   extent   = size;
                Vector offset   = scrollData.Offset;
                if (num == -1)
                    num = internalChildren.Count - 1;
                while (i > 0)
                    double num4 = num2;
                    if (flag)
                        num4 -= internalChildren[i - 1].DesiredSize.Width;
                        num4 -= internalChildren[i - 1].DesiredSize.Height;
                    if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(num4, 0.0))
                    num2 = num4;
                int count2 = internalChildren.Count;
                int num5   = num - i;
                if (num5 == 0 || DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(num2, 0.0))
                if (flag)
                    viewport.Width = (double)num5;
                    extent.Width   = (double)count2;
                    offset.X       = (double)i;
                    offset.Y       = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(offset.Y, extent.Height - viewport.Height));
                    viewport.Height = (double)num5;
                    extent.Height   = (double)count2;
                    offset.Y        = (double)i;
                    offset.X        = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(offset.X, extent.Width - viewport.Width));
                size.Width  = Math.Min(size.Width, constraint.Width);
                size.Height = Math.Min(size.Height, constraint.Height);
                StackPanel.VerifyScrollingData(measureElement, scrollData, viewport, extent, offset);