public ApplicationCanvas()
            Width = DefaultWidth;
            Height = DefaultHeight;

            this.Background = Brushes.Blue;

            var left = new PartialView(Colors.Blue, true).AttachTo(this);
            var right = new PartialView(Colors.Green).AttachTo(this).MoveTo(DefaultWidth / 2, 0);

            this.InfoOverlay = new Canvas().AttachTo(this);

            this.About = new TextBox
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(0),
                Background = Brushes.Transparent,
                Foreground = Brushes.Black,
                AcceptsReturn = true,

                Text =

@"Windows Presentation Foundation Touch demo
- Debuggable under .NET (fullscreen when maximized and touch events)
- Adobe Flash 10.1 version via jsc
     No touch events in fullscreen
     Browser fullscreen feature shall be used instead
     Tested for IE, Firefox, Chrome

- Javascript version for Firefox4 via jsc
- Tested with 4 touch points on Dell Latitude XT
- Galaxy S/ Galaxy Tab within browser have only 1 touchpoint
- 2012.09 flash no longer available on android
- multitouch seems to work in firefox/ flash (11.0)
- multitouch seems to work in ie/flash (10.0)
- p2p LAN no longer works?
- Works on AIR for Android! :) 2013-03-05
- Works on AIR for iPad! :) 2014-03-01

            }.AttachTo(InfoOverlay).MoveTo(128, 32);

            var c1 = new cloud_mid().AttachTo(InfoOverlay);
            var c2 = new cloud_mid().AttachTo(InfoOverlay);

            this.TouchOverlay = new Canvas

            }.AttachTo(this); //.SizeTo(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight);

            var TouchArea = new Rectangle
                Width = DefaultWidth,
                Height = DefaultHeight,
                Fill = Brushes.White,
                Opacity = 0

            var t = TouchOverlay.ToTouchEvents(
                m =>
                    // a new reusable finger introduced by the system!
                    var Content = new Canvas();

                    new Avalon.Images.white_jsc().AttachTo(Content).MoveTo(
                        Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / -2,
                        Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / -2

                    var CurrentTouchPoint = default(Tuple<double, double>);

                    Func<Tuple<double, double>> GetTouchPoint = () => CurrentTouchPoint;

                    m.TouchDown += e =>
                        var p = e.GetTouchPoint(TouchOverlay).Position;

                        CurrentTouchPoint = Tuple.Create(p.X, p.Y);

                    m.TouchUp += e =>
                        CurrentTouchPoint = null;

                    m.TouchMove += e =>
                        var p = e.GetTouchPoint(TouchOverlay).Position;

                        CurrentTouchPoint = Tuple.Create(p.X, p.Y);

                        Content.MoveTo(e, TouchOverlay);

                    // this is what will be visible for the rest.
                    return new

            var touches = from k in t.Touches
                          let p = k.GetTouchPoint()
                          where p != null
                          let x = p.Item1
                          let y = p.Item2
                          select new { x, y, touch = k };

            var left_touch = from k in touches
                             let x = k.x
                             let y = k.y
                             where x < 64
                             where y > Height - 64
                             select k;

            var RocketsPending = new Dictionary<object, Canvas>();

            var buildmode_touches =
                from c in left_touch.Take(1)
                from k in touches
                where k.y < Height - 64

                // um, this finger already seems to have a pending rocket...
                where !RocketsPending.ContainsKey(k.touch)

                select k;

            var RocketsPendingToUpdate =
                from c in touches
                where RocketsPending.ContainsKey(c.touch)
                let rocket = RocketsPending[c.touch]
                let Update = new Action(() => rocket.MoveTo(c.x, c.y))
                select new { rocket, c, Update };

            var __left_buildmode = false;

            #region NotifyBuildRocket
            this.NotifyBuildRocket =
                (x, y) =>
                    #region create a pending rocket
                    var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) };


                    var i = new Avalon.Images.rocket

                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4,
                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4
                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2,
                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2

                    // hold/build!
                    //i.Opacity = 0.5;
                    n.Content.MoveTo(x, y);

            #region VisualizeTouch
            Action<double, double> VisualizeTouch = (x, y) =>
                var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) };


                new Avalon.Images.white_jsc

                   Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / -4,
                   Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / -4
                   Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / 2,
                   Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / 2


                n.Content.MoveTo(x, y);

            this.NotifyVisualizeTouch = VisualizeTouch;

            #region MouseLeftButtonUp
            TouchOverlay.MouseLeftButtonUp +=
                (sender, args) =>
                    // um this device has no finger support?
                    // 2014! less tech?

                    var p = args.GetPosition(TouchOverlay);
                    var item = new { x = p.X, y = p.Y };

                    #region create a pending rocket
                    var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) };


                    var rocket = new Avalon.Images.rocket

                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4,
                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4
                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2,
                       Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2

                    // hold/build!
                    //i.Opacity = 0.5;
                    n.Content.Opacity = 0.5;
                    n.Content.MoveTo(item.x, item.y);


                    rocket.Opacity = 1;


                    if (AtNotifyBuildRocket != null)
                        AtNotifyBuildRocket(item.x, item.y);


            (1000 / 15).AtInterval(

                    #region visualize all touches
                    foreach (var item in touches)
                        VisualizeTouch(item.x, item.y);

                        if (this.AtNotifyVisualizeTouch != null)
                            this.AtNotifyVisualizeTouch(item.x, item.y);

                    foreach (var item in
                        from k in t.Touches
                        where k.GetTouchPoint() == null
                        where RocketsPending.ContainsKey(k)
                        select new { rocket = RocketsPending[k], touch = k }
                        // finger was lifted and rocked should be launched
                        // no sound in .net
                        // and NO fingers in this laptop!!!! 2014 

                        item.rocket.Opacity = 1;


                        if (AtNotifyBuildRocket != null)
                            AtNotifyBuildRocket(Canvas.GetLeft(item.rocket), Canvas.GetTop(item.rocket));

                    var left_buildmode = left_touch.Any();
                    if (left_buildmode)
                        if (!__left_buildmode)
                            // sound: build mode engaged!

                        // all other touches in range are now build orders!

                        foreach (var item in RocketsPendingToUpdate)

                        #region build
                        foreach (var item in buildmode_touches)
                            #region create a pending rocket
                            var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) };


                            var i = new Avalon.Images.rocket

                               Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4,
                               Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4
                               Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2,
                               Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2

                            // hold/build!
                            //i.Opacity = 0.5;
                            n.Content.Opacity = 0.5;
                            n.Content.MoveTo(item.x, item.y);

                            RocketsPending[item.touch] = n.Content;


                    __left_buildmode = left_buildmode;

            #region SizeChanged

            Action SizeChanged =
    (Width - c1.Width) / 2, 0);

                        (Width - c1.Width) / 2, Height / 2);


                        Width / 2,

                        Width / 2, 0).SizeTo(

                        Width / 2,

                    TouchArea.SizeTo(Width, Height);

            this.SizeChanged +=
                (s, e) =>

