Exemple #1
        public Object Create(String appId, String appPath)
            try {
                //  Fill app a Dictionary with 'binding rules' -- name value string pairs
                //  for app domain creation


                if (appPath[0] == '.')
                    System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(appPath);
                    appPath = file.FullName;

                if (!StringUtil.StringEndsWith(appPath, '\\'))
                    appPath = appPath + "\\";

                // Create new app domain via App Manager
#if FEATURE_PAL // FEATURE_PAL does not enable IIS-based hosting features
                throw new NotImplementedException("ROTORTODO");
#else // FEATURE_PAL
                ISAPIApplicationHost appHost = new ISAPIApplicationHost(appId, appPath, false /*validatePhysicalPath*/);

                ISAPIRuntime isapiRuntime = (ISAPIRuntime)_appManager.CreateObjectInternal(appId, typeof(ISAPIRuntime), appHost,
                                                                                           false /*failIfExists*/, null /*hostingParameters*/);


                return(new ObjectHandle(isapiRuntime));
#endif // FEATURE_PAL
            catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Trace("internal", "AppDomainFactory::Create failed with " + e.GetType().FullName + ": " + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace);