Exemple #1
		static void DescribeCompilationError (string format, CompilationException ex, params object[] parms)
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			string newline = Environment.NewLine;
			if (parms != null)
				sb.AppendFormat (format + newline, parms);
				sb.Append (format + newline);

			CompilerResults results = ex != null ? ex.Results : null;
			if (results == null)
				sb.Append ("No compiler error information present." + newline);
			else {
				sb.Append ("Compiler errors:" + newline);
				foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
					sb.Append ("  " + error.ToString () + newline);

			if (ex != null) {
				sb.Append (newline + "Exception thrown:" + newline);
				sb.Append (ex.ToString ());

			ShowDebugModeMessage (sb.ToString ());
Exemple #2
		static void RemoveFailedAssemblies (string requestedVirtualPath, CompilationException ex, AssemblyBuilder abuilder,
						    BuildProviderGroup group, CompilerResults results, bool debug)
			StringBuilder sb;
			string newline;
			if (debug) {
				newline = Environment.NewLine;
				sb = new StringBuilder ("Compilation of certain files in a batch failed. Another attempt to compile the batch will be made." + newline);
				sb.Append ("Since you're running in debug mode, here's some more information about the error:" + newline);
			} else {
				newline = null;
				sb = null;
			var failedBuildProviders = new List <BuildProvider> ();
			BuildProvider bp;
			HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
			HttpRequest req = ctx != null ? ctx.Request : null;
			bool rethrow = false;
			foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors) {
				if (error.IsWarning)
				bp = abuilder.GetBuildProviderForPhysicalFilePath (error.FileName);
				if (bp == null) {
					bp = FindBuildProviderForPhysicalPath (error.FileName, group, req);
					if (bp == null)

				if (String.Compare (bp.VirtualPath, requestedVirtualPath, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
					rethrow = true;

				if (!failedBuildProviders.Contains (bp)) {
					failedBuildProviders.Add (bp);
					if (sb != null)
						sb.AppendFormat ("\t{0}{1}", bp.VirtualPath, newline);

				if (sb != null)
					sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t{0}{1}", error, newline);

			foreach (BuildProvider fbp in failedBuildProviders)
				group.Remove (fbp);
			if (sb != null) {
				sb.AppendFormat ("{0}The following exception has been thrown for the file(s) listed above:{0}{1}",
						 newline, ex.ToString ());
				ShowDebugModeMessage (sb.ToString ());
				sb = null;

			if (rethrow)
				throw new HttpException ("Compilation failed.", ex);