/// <summary>
 /// Gets the next scheduled item to be executed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The next scheduled item.</returns>
 protected override IScheduledItem <TAbsolute> GetNext()
     while (queue.Count > 0)
         var next = queue.Peek();
         if (next.IsCanceled)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next scheduled item to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The next scheduled item.</returns>
        protected override IScheduledItem <DateTimeOffset> GetNext()
            while (_queue.Count > 0)
                var next = _queue.Peek();

                if (next.IsCanceled)

        /// <summary>
        /// Event loop scheduled on the designated event loop thread. The loop is suspended/resumed using the event
        /// which gets set by calls to Schedule, the next item timer, or calls to Dispose.
        /// </summary>
        private void Run()
            while (true)

                var ready = default(ScheduledItem <TimeSpan>[]);

                lock (_gate)
                    // Bug fix that ensures the number of calls to Release never greatly exceeds the number of calls to Wait.
                    // See work item #37: https://rx.codeplex.com/workitem/37
                    while (_evt.CurrentCount > 0)

                    // The event could have been set by a call to Dispose. This takes priority over anything else. We quit the
                    // loop immediately. Subsequent calls to Schedule won't ever create a new thread.
                    if (_disposed)

                    while (_queue.Count > 0 && _queue.Peek().DueTime <= _stopwatch.Elapsed)
                        var item = _queue.Dequeue();

                    if (_queue.Count > 0)
                        var next = _queue.Peek();
                        if (next != _nextItem)
                            _nextItem = next;

                            var due = next.DueTime - _stopwatch.Elapsed;
                            _nextTimer.Disposable = ConcurrencyAbstractionLayer.Current.StartTimer(Tick, next, due);

                    if (_readyList.Count > 0)
                        ready = _readyList.ToArray();

                if (ready != null)
                    foreach (var item in ready)
                        if (!item.IsCanceled)

                if (ExitIfEmpty)
                    lock (_gate)
                        if (_readyList.Count == 0 && _queue.Count == 0)
                            _thread = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event loop scheduled on the designated event loop thread. The loop is suspended/resumed using the event
        /// which gets set by calls to Schedule, the next item timer, or calls to Dispose.
        /// </summary>
        private void Run()
            while (true)

                var ready = default(ScheduledItem <TimeSpan>[]);

                lock (_gate)
                    // Bug fix that ensures the number of calls to Release never greatly exceeds the number of calls to Wait.
                    // See work item #37: https://rx.codeplex.com/workitem/37
                    while (_evt.CurrentCount > 0)

                    // The event could have been set by a call to Dispose. This takes priority over anything else. We quit the
                    // loop immediately. Subsequent calls to Schedule won't ever create a new thread.
                    if (_disposed)

                    while (_queue.Count > 0 && _queue.Peek().DueTime <= _stopwatch.Elapsed)
                        var item = _queue.Dequeue();

                    if (_queue.Count > 0)
                        var next = _queue.Peek();
                        if (next != _nextItem)
                            _nextItem = next;

                            var due = next.DueTime - _stopwatch.Elapsed;
                            Disposable.TrySetSerial(ref _nextTimer, ConcurrencyAbstractionLayer.Current.StartTimer(Tick, next, due));

                    if (_readyList.Count > 0)
                        ready = _readyList.ToArray();

                if (ready != null)
                    foreach (var item in ready)
                        if (!item.IsCanceled)
                            catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) when(nameof(EventLoopScheduler).Equals(ex.ObjectName))
                                // Since we are not inside the lock at this point
                                // the scheduler can be disposed before the item had a chance to run

                if (ExitIfEmpty)
                    lock (_gate)
                        if (_readyList.Count == 0 && _queue.Count == 0)
                            _thread = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event loop scheduled on the designated event loop thread. The loop is suspended/resumed using the event
        /// which gets set by calls to Schedule, the next item timer, or calls to Dispose.
        /// </summary>
        private void Run()
            while (true)
#if !NO_CDS

                var ready = default(ScheduledItem <SafeTimeSpan>[]);

                lock (_gate)
                    // The event could have been set by a call to Dispose. This takes priority over anything else. We quit the
                    // loop immediately. Subsequent calls to Schedule won't ever create a new thread.
                    if (_disposed)

                    while (_queue.Count > 0 && (TimeSpan)_queue.Peek().DueTime <= _stopwatch.Elapsed)
                        var item = _queue.Dequeue();

                    if (_queue.Count > 0)
                        var next = _queue.Peek();
                        if (next != _nextItem)
                            _nextItem = next;

                            var due = (TimeSpan)next.DueTime - _stopwatch.Elapsed;
                            _nextTimer.Disposable = ConcurrencyAbstractionLayer.Current.StartTimer(Tick, next, due);

                    if (_readyList.Count > 0)
                        ready = _readyList.ToArray();

                if (ready != null)
                    foreach (var item in ready)
                        if (!item.IsCanceled)

                if (ExitIfEmpty)
                    lock (_gate)
                        if (_readyList.Count == 0 && _queue.Count == 0)
                            _thread = null;