private static void FetchMetadata(Logging.IInternalLogger logger, IdentityProviders identityProviders, string metadataLocation)
            // Get new metadata files
            foreach (var identityProvider in identityProviders) {
                logger.DebugFormat("Attempting to fetch SAML metadata file for identity provider {0}", identityProvider.Id);
                var metadataEndpoint = identityProvider.Endpoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == EndpointType.Metadata);
                if (metadataEndpoint == null) {

                var metadataEndpointUrl = metadataEndpoint.Url;
                var metadataFile = Path.Combine(metadataLocation, identityProvider.Id + ".xml");

                // Fetch new file
                try {
                    var client = new WebClient();
                    client.DownloadFile(metadataEndpointUrl, metadataFile + ".new");

                    // Wipe old file
                    if (File.Exists(metadataFile)) {

                    // Move new file into place
                    File.Move(metadataFile + ".new", metadataFile);
                    logger.DebugFormat("Successfully updated SAML metadata file for identity provider {0}", identityProvider.Id);
                catch (WebException ex) {
                    logger.Warn(string.Format("Unable to fetch SAML metadata file for identity provider {0}", identityProvider.Id), ex);
        // GET: /SchoolTeacher/
        public ActionResult Index()
                // TODO: DG: This controller is not used for March release.
                //           Need to select the correct school id.
                SiteUser siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]);
                List<UserSchool> userSchool = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]).Schools.Take(1).ToList();
                int schoolId = userSchool[0].Id;

                List<int> teacherIds = modelServices.GetSchoolTeacherIds(schoolId);
                //var tblschooluserroles = (from s in db.tblSchoolUserRoles.Include(t => t.tblRole).Include(t => t.tblSchool).Include(t => t.tblUser)
                //                          where (teacherIds.Contains(s.UserId))
                //                          select s);

                //return View(tblschooluserroles.ToList());
                return View();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging log = new Logging();
 private AjaxError(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string details, Logging logging, Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> errors)
     StatusCode = statusCode;
     Message = HttpWorkerRequest.GetStatusDescription((int)statusCode);
     Details = details;
     ShouldLog = logging == Logging.Log;
     Errors = errors;
Exemple #4
		public void SetUp ()
			Console.WriteLine ("Setting up");
			if (app==null) {
				app = new KZApplication(Constants.marketplace, Constants.application,Constants.applicationKey);
				app.Authenticate(Constants.user, Constants.pass, Constants.provider).Wait();
			if (logging == null) {
				logging = app.Logger;

			logging.Write("foo", LogLevel.LogLevelVerbose).Wait();
 // GET: /SchoolTeacher/Create
 public ActionResult Create()
         ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(db.tblRoles, "RoleId", "RoleDesc");
         ViewBag.SchoolId = new SelectList(db.tblSchools, "SchoolId", "SchoolDesc");
         ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(db.tblUsers, "UserId", "FirstName");
         return View();
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logging log = new Logging();
        private void AllocServices(JObject config)
#if !NET45
			Notification = new Notification(this, config.ValueUri("notification"));
			PubSubChannel = new PubSubChannel(this, config.ValueUri("pubsub"), config.ValueUri("ws"));
			Marketplace = new Marketplace(this, marketPlaceUri);
            Queue = new Queue(this, config.ValueUri("queue"));
            Configuration = new Configuration(this, config.ValueUri("config"));
            SmsSender = new SmsSender(this, config.ValueUri("sms"));
            MailSender = new MailSender(this, config.ValueUri("email"));
            Logger = new Logging(this, config.ValueUri("logging"));
            Storage = new Storage(this, config.ValueUri("storage"));
            Files = new Files(this, config.ValueUri("files"));
            Authentication = new Authentication(marketPlaceUri.Host, config.Value<JObject>("authConfig"), this.Name);
            Service = new Service(this, config.ValueUri("service"));
			DataSource = new DataSource(this, config.ValueUri("datasource"));
Exemple #7
 void Logging.IMessageLogger.LogMessageCreate(Logging.LogMessage message)
     LogMessageCreated(this, new Logging.LogMessageEventArgs(message));
 private void LogMessageCreate(Logging.LogMessage message)
     if (LogMessageCreated != null)
     LogMessageCreated(this, new DnsClient.Logging.LogMessageEventArgs(message));
Exemple #9
        public bool isInNetEx(string ipAddress, string ipPrefix)
            IPAddress address;
            IPAddress address2;

            if (ipAddress == null)
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_proxy_called_with_null_parameter", new object[] { "WebProxyScriptHelper.isResolvable()", "ipAddress" }));
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress");
            if (ipPrefix == null)
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_proxy_called_with_null_parameter", new object[] { "WebProxyScriptHelper.isResolvable()", "ipPrefix" }));
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ipPrefix");
            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ipAddress, out address))
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("dns_bad_ip_address"));
            if (ipPrefix.IndexOf("/") < 0)
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
            string[] strArray = ipPrefix.Split(new char[] { '/' });
            if ((((strArray.Length != 2) || (strArray[0] == null)) || ((strArray[0].Length == 0) || (strArray[1] == null))) || ((strArray[1].Length == 0) || (strArray[1].Length > 2)))
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(strArray[0], out address2))
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("dns_bad_ip_address"));
            int result = 0;

            if (!int.TryParse(strArray[1], out result))
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
            if (address.AddressFamily != address2.AddressFamily)
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
            if (((address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) && ((result < 1) || (result > 0x40))) || ((address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) && ((result < 1) || (result > 0x20))))
                throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
            byte[] addressBytes = address2.GetAddressBytes();
            byte   index        = (byte)(result / 8);
            byte   num4         = (byte)(result % 8);
            byte   num5         = index;

            if (num4 != 0)
                if ((0xff & (addressBytes[index] << num4)) != 0)
                    throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
                num5 = (byte)(num5 + 1);
            int num6 = (address2.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) ? 0x10 : 4;

            while (num5 < num6)
                num5 = (byte)(num5 + 1);
                if (addressBytes[num5] != 0)
                    throw new FormatException(SR.GetString("net_bad_ip_address_prefix"));
            byte[] buffer2 = address.GetAddressBytes();
            for (num5 = 0; num5 < index; num5 = (byte)(num5 + 1))
                if (buffer2[num5] != addressBytes[num5])
            if (num4 > 0)
                byte num7 = buffer2[index];
                byte num8 = addressBytes[index];
                num7 = (byte)(num7 >> (8 - num4));
                num7 = (byte)(num7 << (8 - num4));
                if (num7 != num8)
Exemple #10
        private BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState DownloadAndCompile(Uri location)
            BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState downloadFailure = BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.DownloadFailure;
            WebResponse response = null;

            TimerThread.Timer         timer          = null;
            AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper scriptInstance = null;

                lock (this.lockObject)
                    if (this.aborted)
                        throw new WebException(NetRes.GetWebStatusString("net_requestaborted", WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled), WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled);
                    this.request = WebRequest.Create(location);
                this.request.Timeout             = -1;
                this.request.CachePolicy         = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.Default);
                this.request.ConnectionGroupName = "__WebProxyScript";
                if (this.request.CacheProtocol != null)
                    this.request.CacheProtocol = new RequestCacheProtocol(this.backupCache, this.request.CacheProtocol.Validator);
                HttpWebRequest request = this.request as HttpWebRequest;
                if (request != null)
                    request.Accept    = "*/*";
                    request.UserAgent = base.GetType().FullName + "/" + Environment.Version;
                    request.KeepAlive = false;
                    request.Pipelined = false;
                    request.InternalConnectionGroup = true;
                    FtpWebRequest request2 = this.request as FtpWebRequest;
                    if (request2 != null)
                        request2.KeepAlive = false;
                this.request.Proxy       = null;
                this.request.Credentials = base.Engine.Credentials;
                if (timerQueue == null)
                    timerQueue = TimerThread.GetOrCreateQueue(SettingsSectionInternal.Section.DownloadTimeout);
                timer    = timerQueue.CreateTimer(timerCallback, this.request);
                response = this.request.GetResponse();
                DateTime        minValue  = DateTime.MinValue;
                HttpWebResponse response2 = response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (response2 != null)
                    minValue = response2.LastModified;
                    FtpWebResponse response3 = response as FtpWebResponse;
                    if (response3 != null)
                        minValue = response3.LastModified;
                if (((this.scriptInstance != null) && (minValue != DateTime.MinValue)) && (this.scriptInstance.LastModified == minValue))
                    scriptInstance  = this.scriptInstance;
                    downloadFailure = BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.Completed;
                    string scriptBody = null;
                    byte[] buffer     = null;
                    using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        SingleItemRequestCache.ReadOnlyStream stream2 = stream as SingleItemRequestCache.ReadOnlyStream;
                        if (stream2 != null)
                            buffer = stream2.Buffer;
                        if (((this.scriptInstance != null) && (buffer != null)) && (buffer == this.scriptInstance.Buffer))
                            this.scriptInstance.LastModified = minValue;
                            scriptInstance  = this.scriptInstance;
                            downloadFailure = BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.Completed;
                            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                                scriptBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    WebResponse response4 = response;
                    response = null;
                    timer = null;
                    if (downloadFailure != BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.Completed)
                        if ((this.scriptInstance != null) && (scriptBody == this.scriptInstance.ScriptBody))
                            this.scriptInstance.LastModified = minValue;
                            if (buffer != null)
                                this.scriptInstance.Buffer = buffer;
                            scriptInstance  = this.scriptInstance;
                            downloadFailure = BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.Completed;
                            scriptInstance = new AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper {
                                LastModified = minValue
                            if (scriptInstance.Compile(location, scriptBody, buffer))
                                downloadFailure = BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.Completed;
                                downloadFailure = BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.CompilationFailure;
            catch (Exception exception)
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_proxy_script_download_compile_error", new object[] { exception }));
                if (timer != null)
                    if (response != null)
                    this.request = null;
            if ((downloadFailure == BaseWebProxyFinder.AutoWebProxyState.Completed) && (this.scriptInstance != scriptInstance))
                if (this.scriptInstance != null)
                this.scriptInstance = scriptInstance;
Exemple #11
        internal static void Dump(TraceSource traceSource, object obj, string method, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
            if (!ValidateSettings(traceSource, TraceEventType.Verbose))
            if (buffer == null)
                PrintLine(traceSource, TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "(null)");
            if (offset > buffer.Length)
                PrintLine(traceSource, TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "(offset out of range)");
            PrintLine(traceSource, TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Data from " + GetObjectName(obj) + "#" + Logging.HashString(obj) + "::" + method);
            int maxDumpSize = GetMaxDumpSizeSetting(traceSource);

            if (length > maxDumpSize)
                PrintLine(traceSource, TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "(printing " + maxDumpSize.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " out of " + length.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ")");
                length = maxDumpSize;
            if ((length < 0) || (length > buffer.Length - offset))
                length = buffer.Length - offset;
                int    n    = Math.Min(length, 16);
                string disp = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:X8} : ", offset);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    disp += string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:X2}", buffer[offset + i]) + ((i == 7) ? '-' : ' ');
                for (int i = n; i < 16; ++i)
                    disp += "   ";
                disp += ": ";
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    disp += ((buffer[offset + i] < 0x20) || (buffer[offset + i] > 0x7e))
                                ? '.'
                                : (char)(buffer[offset + i]);
                PrintLine(traceSource, TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, disp);
                offset += n;
                length -= n;
            } while (length > 0);
Exemple #12
 internal static string GetObjectLogHash(object obj)
     return(GetObjectName(obj) + "#" + Logging.HashString(obj));
Exemple #13
         *  Create - Create a WebRequest.
         *  This is the main creation routine. We take a Uri object, look
         *  up the Uri in the prefix match table, and invoke the appropriate
         *  handler to create the object. We also have a parameter that
         *  tells us whether or not to use the whole Uri or just the
         *  scheme portion of it.
         *  Input:
         *      RequestUri          - Uri object for request.
         *      UseUriBase          - True if we're only to look at the scheme
         *                              portion of the Uri.
         *  Returns:
         *      Newly created WebRequest.
         * --*/

        private static WebRequest Create(Uri requestUri, bool useUriBase)
            if (Logging.On)
                Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, "WebRequest", "Create", requestUri.ToString());

            string LookupUri;
            WebRequestPrefixElement Current = null;
            bool Found = false;

            if (!useUriBase)
                LookupUri = requestUri.AbsoluteUri;
                // schemes are registered as <schemeName>":", so add the separator
                // to the string returned from the Uri object

                LookupUri = requestUri.Scheme + ':';

            int LookupLength = LookupUri.Length;

            // Copy the prefix list so that if it is updated it will
            // not affect us on this thread.

            ArrayList prefixList = PrefixList;

            // Look for the longest matching prefix.

            // Walk down the list of prefixes. The prefixes are kept longest
            // first. When we find a prefix that is shorter or the same size
            // as this Uri, we'll do a compare to see if they match. If they
            // do we'll break out of the loop and call the creator.

            for (int i = 0; i < prefixList.Count; i++)
                Current = (WebRequestPrefixElement)prefixList[i];

                // See if this prefix is short enough.

                if (LookupLength >= Current.Prefix.Length)
                    // It is. See if these match.

                    if (String.Compare(Current.Prefix,
                                       StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        // These match. Remember that we found it and break
                        // out.

                        Found = true;

            WebRequest webRequest = null;

            if (Found)
                // We found a match, so just call the creator and return what it
                // does.

                webRequest = Current.Creator.Create(requestUri);
                if (Logging.On)
                    Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, "WebRequest", "Create", webRequest);

            if (Logging.On)
                Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, "WebRequest", "Create", null);

            // Otherwise no match, throw an exception.

            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.net_unknown_prefix));