AcceptWebSocketAsync() public méthode

public AcceptWebSocketAsync ( string subProtocol ) : Task
subProtocol string
Résultat Task
		private async void HandleRequest(HttpListenerContext context)
			Console.WriteLine("New Session.");
			var ws = (await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol: null)).WebSocket;

			while (ws.State == WebSocketState.Open)
					var buf = new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[1024]);
					var ret = await ws.ReceiveAsync(buf, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);

					if (ret.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
						Console.WriteLine("Session Close.");
					Console.WriteLine("Got Message.");

Exemple #2
        public async Task<bool> HandleAsync(HttpListenerContext context)
            if (context.Request.IsWebSocketRequest)
                var webSocketContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);
                var protocolStream = new DebugStream(new WebSocketStream(webSocketContext.WebSocket));
                var protocol = _protocolProvider.GetProtocol(protocolStream);
                var delayPerFrame = 1000 / _maximumFramesPerSecond;

                using (var screen = _screenProvider.GetScreen())
                    await protocol.StartAsync(screen.GetFrame(Timeout.Infinite));

                    while (true)
                        var beginTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                        var screenFrame = screen.GetFrame(0);

                        if (screenFrame != null && (screenFrame.ModifiedRegions.Length > 0 || screenFrame.MovedRegions.Length > 0))
                            await protocol.UpdateAsync(screenFrame);

                        var elapsedTime = (int) ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - beginTime) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                        if (elapsedTime < delayPerFrame) await Task.Delay(delayPerFrame - elapsedTime);

            return false;
		private async void ContextHandler(HttpListenerContext context)
			var request = context.Request;
			Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", request.RemoteEndPoint.Address, request.HttpMethod, request.Url);

			if (request.IsWebSocketRequest)
				webSocketServer.HandleContext(await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(webSocketServer.Protocol));
        public async Task GetResponseAsync(HttpListenerContext context, string localBaseUrl, string remoteBaseUrl, CancellationToken ct) {
            string postUri = null;

            if (context.Request.IsWebSocketRequest) {
                UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(PostUri) { Scheme = "wss" };
                postUri = ub.Uri.ToString();
            } else {
                postUri = PostUri.ToString();

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(postUri);
            request.Method = context.Request.HttpMethod;
            request.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ValidateCertificate;

            if (!context.Request.IsWebSocketRequest) {
                SetRequestHeaders(request, context.Request.Headers, localBaseUrl, remoteBaseUrl);

            // Add RTVS headers
            request.Headers.Add(CustomHttpHeaders.RTVSRequestedURL, GetRemoteUrl(context.Request.Url, remoteBaseUrl));

            if (context.Request.InputStream.CanSeek && context.Request.InputStream.Length > 0) {
                using (Stream reqStream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync()) {
                    await context.Request.InputStream.CopyAndFlushAsync(reqStream, null, ct);

            HttpWebResponse response = null;
            try {
                response = (HttpWebResponse)await request.GetResponseAsync();
                if (response != null) {
                    if (context.Request.IsWebSocketRequest && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols) {
                        Stream respStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                        string subProtocol = response.Headers[Constants.Headers.SecWebSocketProtocol];
                        var remoteWebSocket = CommonWebSocket.CreateClientWebSocket(respStream, subProtocol, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), receiveBufferSize: 65335, useZeroMask: true);
                        var websocketContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol, receiveBufferSize: 65335, keepAliveInterval: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
                        await WebSocketHelper.SendReceiveAsync(websocketContext.WebSocket, remoteWebSocket, ct);
                    } else {
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
                        SetResponseHeaders(response, context.Response, localBaseUrl, remoteBaseUrl);
                        using (Stream respStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (Stream outStream = context.Response.OutputStream) {
                            await respStream.CopyAndFlushAsync(outStream, null, ct);
            } catch (WebException wex) when (wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) {
                response = wex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
            } finally {
Exemple #5
        public async Task <IWebSocketContext> AcceptWebSocketAsync(
            IEnumerable <string> requestedProtocols,
            string acceptedProtocol,
            int receiveBufferSize,
            TimeSpan keepAliveInterval,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var context = await _context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(

            return(new WebSocketContext(this, context.SecWebSocketVersion, requestedProtocols, acceptedProtocol, new SystemWebSocket(context.WebSocket), cancellationToken));
        private async void ProcessRequest(HttpListenerContext listenerContext)
            WebSocketContext webSocketContext = await listenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol: null);

            using (WebSocket webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket)
                Random rand = new Random(1);
                while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                    string randomValue = rand.Next(1, 5000).ToString();
                    ArraySegment<byte> outputBuffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(randomValue));
                    await webSocket.SendAsync(outputBuffer, WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None);

                    await Task.Delay(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1));
Exemple #7
		public async void Execute(HttpListenerContext context, EventSocketExecuteResult callback){
				WebSocketContext webSocketContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);
			_ws = webSocketContext.WebSocket;
				for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
					// await Task.Delay(20);
					var time = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
					var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(time);
					var segment = new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer);
				await _ws.SendAsync(segment, System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType.Text,
						true, CancellationToken.None);
			if (callback!=null) {
				callback (true);
	//	await ws.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Done", CancellationToken.None);
		private async void StartAccepting(HttpListenerContext context)
			do // TODO: add the appropriate try/catch here, utilize User
					var socketContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);
					if (socketContext != null && !_disposed)
						var child = new WebSocketTransportSource(socketContext.WebSocket);
						child.Received += OnChildReceived;
						_cache[socketContext.WebSocket] = child;
				catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
					// no idea what is causing this

			} while (_listener.IsListening && !_disposed);
            async Task<int> CreateTransportAsync(HttpListenerContext context)
                X509Certificate2 clientCertificate = null;

                if (this.listener.sslSettings != null && this.listener.sslSettings.ClientCertificateRequired)
                    clientCertificate = await context.Request.GetClientCertificateAsync(); ;
                    if (clientCertificate == null)
                        return 403;

                    if (this.listener.sslSettings.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback != null)
                        SslPolicyErrors sslError = SslPolicyErrors.None;
                        X509Chain chain = new X509Chain();
                        chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = this.listener.sslSettings.CheckCertificateRevocation ?
                            X509RevocationMode.Online : X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
                        if (chain.ChainStatus.Length > 0)
                            sslError = SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors;

                        bool success = this.listener.sslSettings.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(
                            this, clientCertificate, chain, sslError);
                        if (!success)
                            return 403;
                    else if (context.Request.ClientCertificateError != 0)
                        return 403;

                IPrincipal principal = context.User;
                if (principal == null && clientCertificate != null)
                    principal = new GenericPrincipal(new X509Identity(clientCertificate), new string[0]);

                var wsContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(WebSocketTransport.WebSocketSubProtocol);
                var wsTransport = new ListenerWebSocketTransport(wsContext.WebSocket, principal);
                await this.listener.HandleTransportAsync(wsTransport);

                return 0;
        private async Task<bool> ProcessConnectionAsync(
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            HttpListenerContext httpContext)

            WebSocketContext webSocketContext = null;
                webSocketContext = await httpContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error(ex, "AcceptWebSocketAsync");

                // The upgrade process failed somehow. For simplicity lets assume it was a failure on the part of the server and indicate this using 500.
                httpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                return false;

            WebSocket webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket;
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                IWebSocketConnectionHandler handler = this.createConnectionHandler();

                byte[] receiveBuffer = null;

                // While the WebSocket connection remains open run a simple loop that receives data and sends it back.
                while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                        if (receiveBuffer == null)
                            receiveBuffer = new byte[MaxBufferSize];

                        WebSocketReceiveResult receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(receiveBuffer), cancellationToken);
                        if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                            Logger.Debug("ProcessConnectionAsync: closing websocket");
                            await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", cancellationToken);

                        if (receiveResult.EndOfMessage)
                            await ms.WriteAsync(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveResult.Count, cancellationToken);
                            receiveBuffer = ms.ToArray();
                            ms = new MemoryStream();
                            await ms.WriteAsync(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveResult.Count, cancellationToken);

                        byte[] wsresponse = null;
                            // dispatch to App provided function with requested payload
                            wsresponse = await handler.ProcessWsMessageAsync(receiveBuffer, cancellationToken);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // catch any error in the appAction and notify the client
                            wsresponse = await new ProtobufWsSerializer().SerializeAsync(
                                new WsResponseMessage
                                    Result = WsResult.Error,
                                    Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ex.Message)

                        // Send Result back to client
                        await webSocket.SendAsync(
                            new ArraySegment<byte>(wsresponse),
                    catch (WebSocketException ex)
                        Logger.Error(ex, "ProcessConnectionAsync: WebSocketException={0}", webSocket.State);

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error(ex, "ProcessConnectionAsync");
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the web socket request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The CTX.</param>
        /// <returns>Task.</returns>
        private async Task ProcessWebSocketRequest(HttpListenerContext ctx)
#if !__MonoCS__
                var webSocketContext = await ctx.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (WebSocketHandler != null)
                    WebSocketHandler(new WebSocketConnectEventArgs
                        WebSocket = new NativeWebSocket(webSocketContext.WebSocket, _logger),
                        Endpoint = ctx.Request.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("AcceptWebSocketAsync error", ex);
                ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500;
Exemple #12
		private static async void HandleWebSocketRequest(HttpListenerContext hc)
			HttpListenerWebSocketContext connectionCtx;
				connectionCtx = await hc.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);

				var webSocketInfo = new WebSocketInfo(connectionCtx.WebSocket);
				_sockets[webSocketInfo.Socket] = webSocketInfo;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Trace.WriteLine(nameof(MaintFace) + " Error: " + nameof(HandleWebSocketRequest) + ": " + ex.Message);

 async Task HandleListenerContextAsync(HttpListenerContext context)
     WebSocket webSocket = null;
         var wsContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(WebSocketTransport.WebSocketSubProtocol);
         var wsTransport = new WebSocketTransport(wsContext.WebSocket);
         await this.listener.HandleTransportAsync(wsTransport);
     catch(Exception exception)
         Trace.WriteLine(TraceLevel.Error, exception.ToString());
         if (webSocket != null)
        private async void ProcessRequest(HttpListenerContext httpListenerContext)
            WebSocketContext webSocketContext = null;
                webSocketContext = await httpListenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol: null);
                string ipAddress = httpListenerContext.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Connected: IPAddress {0}", ipAddress));

                if (onConnect != null && httpListenerContext.Request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Sec-WebSocket-Key"))
            catch (Exception ex)
                httpListenerContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;

                if (onError != null)
                    onError(String.Empty, ex);

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception: {0}", ex));

            WebSocket webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket;
            String requestKey = httpListenerContext.Request.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"];
            webSocketDictionary.Add(requestKey, webSocket);

                byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
                while(webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                    WebSocketReceiveResult receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(receiveBuffer), System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);
                    if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                        await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);
                        string message = Util.GetString(receiveBuffer, receiveResult.Count);
                        if (onMessage != null)
                            onMessage(requestKey, message);

                        await webSocketDictionary.SendBroadcastMessage(message);
                        receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (onError != null)
                    onError(requestKey, ex);

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception: {0}", ex));
                if (webSocket != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to establish a web socket context from the specified HTTP request context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listenerContext">
        /// HTTP listener context.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A web socket context if communications channel was successfully established.
        /// Null if web socket channel could not be established.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If <paramref name="listenerContext"/> does not represent a web socket request, or if
        /// web socket channel could not be established, an appropriate status code will be
        /// returned via <paramref name="listenerContext"/>'s Response property, and the return
        /// value will be null.
        /// </remarks>
        protected static async Task<WebSocketContext> HandleWebSocketRequestAsync(HttpListenerContext listenerContext)
            if (!listenerContext.Request.IsWebSocketRequest)
                listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                return null;

                return await listenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);
            catch (WebSocketException)
                listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                return null;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// WebSocket接続毎の処理
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        async void ProcessRequest(HttpListenerContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}:New Session:{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), context.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString());

            /// WebSocketの接続完了を待機してWebSocketオブジェクトを取得する
            var ws = (await (context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null))).WebSocket;

            /// 新規クライアントを追加

            /// WebSocketの送受信ループ
            while (ws.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                    var buff = new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[1024]);

                    /// 受信待機
                    var ret = await ws.ReceiveAsync(buff, CancellationToken.None);

                    /// テキスト
                    if (ret.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}:String Received:{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), context.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString());
                        string msgjson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff.Take(ret.Count).ToArray());
                        Console.WriteLine("Message={0}", msgjson);

                        Message msg = MessageParser.Parse(msgjson);
                        if (msg.GetType() == typeof(JoinRoom))
                            HashSet<WebSocket> room = _rooms[ws.GetHashCode().ToString()];
                            _rooms[ws.GetHashCode().ToString()] = room;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<WebSocket>> val in _rooms)
                                if (val.Key == ws.GetHashCode().ToString()) continue;
                        /// 各クライアントへ配信
                        Parallel.ForEach(_clients, p => p.SendAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buff.Take(ret.Count).ToArray()), WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None));
                    else if (ret.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}:Session Close:{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), context.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString());
                    /// 例外 クライアントが異常終了しやがった
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}:Session Abort:{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), context.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString());

            /// クライアントを除外する
Exemple #17
        //### Accepting WebSocket connections
        // Calling `AcceptWebSocketAsync` on the `HttpListenerContext` will accept the WebSocket connection, sending the required 101 response to the client
        // and return an instance of `WebSocketContext`. This class captures relevant information available at the time of the request and is a read-only 
        // type - you cannot perform any actual IO operations such as sending or receiving using the `WebSocketContext`. These operations can be 
        // performed by accessing the `System.Net.WebSocket` instance via the `WebSocketContext.WebSocket` property.        
        private async void ProcessRequest(HttpListenerContext listenerContext)
            WebSocketContext webSocketContext = null;
                // When calling `AcceptWebSocketAsync` the negotiated subprotocol must be specified. This sample assumes that no subprotocol 
                // was requested. 
                webSocketContext = await listenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol: null);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
                Console.WriteLine("Processed: {0}", count);
            catch(Exception e)
                // The upgrade process failed somehow. For simplicity lets assume it was a failure on the part of the server and indicate this using 500.
                listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e);
            WebSocket webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket;                                           

                //### Receiving
                // Define a receive buffer to hold data received on the WebSocket connection. The buffer will be reused as we only need to hold on to the data
                // long enough to send it back to the sender.
                byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];

                // While the WebSocket connection remains open run a simple loop that receives data and sends it back.
                while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                    // The first step is to begin a receive operation on the WebSocket. `ReceiveAsync` takes two parameters:
                    // * An `ArraySegment` to write the received data to. 
                    // * A cancellation token. In this example we are not using any timeouts so we use `CancellationToken.None`.
                    // `ReceiveAsync` returns a `Task<WebSocketReceiveResult>`. The `WebSocketReceiveResult` provides information on the receive operation that was just 
                    // completed, such as:                
                    // * `WebSocketReceiveResult.MessageType` - What type of data was received and written to the provided buffer. Was it binary, utf8, or a close message?                
                    // * `WebSocketReceiveResult.Count` - How many bytes were read?                
                    // * `WebSocketReceiveResult.EndOfMessage` - Have we finished reading the data for this message or is there more coming?
                    WebSocketReceiveResult receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(receiveBuffer), CancellationToken.None);

                    // The WebSocket protocol defines a close handshake that allows a party to send a close frame when they wish to gracefully shut down the connection.
                    // The party on the other end can complete the close handshake by sending back a close frame.
                    // If we received a close frame then lets participate in the handshake by sending a close frame back. This is achieved by calling `CloseAsync`. 
                    // `CloseAsync` will also terminate the underlying TCP connection once the close handshake is complete.
                    // The WebSocket protocol defines different status codes that can be sent as part of a close frame and also allows a close message to be sent. 
                    // If we are just responding to the client's request to close we can just use `WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure` and omit the close message.
                    if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                        await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", CancellationToken.None);
                    // This echo server can't handle text frames so if we receive any we close the connection with an appropriate status code and message.
                    else if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text)
                        await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.InvalidMessageType, "Cannot accept text frame", CancellationToken.None);
                    // Otherwise we must have received binary data. Send it back by calling `SendAsync`. Note the use of the `EndOfMessage` flag on the receive result. This
                    // means that if this echo server is sent one continuous stream of binary data (with EndOfMessage always false) it will just stream back the same thing.
                    // If binary messages are received then the same binary messages are sent back.
                        await webSocket.SendAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveResult.Count), WebSocketMessageType.Binary, receiveResult.EndOfMessage, CancellationToken.None);

                    // The echo operation is complete. The loop will resume and `ReceiveAsync` is called again to wait for the next data frame.
            catch(Exception e)
                // Just log any exceptions to the console. Pretty much any exception that occurs when calling `SendAsync`/`ReceiveAsync`/`CloseAsync` is unrecoverable in that it will abort the connection and leave the `WebSocket` instance in an unusable state.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e);
                // Clean up by disposing the WebSocket once it is closed/aborted.
                if (webSocket != null)
 private async Task<WebSocket> Handshake(HttpListenerContext ctx) {
     WebSocketContext webSocketContext = null;
     try {
         // When calling `AcceptWebSocketAsync` the negotiated subprotocol must be specified. This sample assumes that no subprotocol 
         // was requested. 
         webSocketContext = await ctx.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol: null);
         LogFacade.Instance.LogInfo("Accepted web socket connection");
     catch (Exception e) {
         // The upgrade process failed somehow. For simplicity lets assume it was a failure on the part of the server and indicate this using 500.
         ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500;
     return webSocketContext.IsNull() ? null : webSocketContext.WebSocket;