internal string ToBlob() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("realm", this.Realm, true)); if (this.Algorithm != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("algorithm", this.Algorithm, true)); } if (this.Charset != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("charset", this.Charset, false)); } if (this.Nonce != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("nonce", this.Nonce, true)); } if (this.Uri != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("uri", this.Uri, true)); } if (this.ClientNonce != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("cnonce", this.ClientNonce, true)); } if (this.NonceCount > 0) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("nc", this.NonceCount.ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), true)); } if (this.QualityOfProtection != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("qop", this.QualityOfProtection, true)); } if (this.Opaque != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("opaque", this.Opaque, true)); } if (this.Domain != null) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("domain", this.Domain, true)); } if (this.Stale) { builder.Append(","); builder.Append(HttpDigest.pair("stale", "true", true)); } return(builder.ToString()); }
private static string RefineDigestChallenge(string challenge, int index) { string str = null; int num4; if ((challenge == null) || (index >= challenge.Length)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("challenge", challenge); } int startIndex = index + SignatureSize; if ((challenge.Length > startIndex) && (challenge[startIndex] != ',')) { startIndex++; } else { index = -1; } if ((index < 0) || (challenge.Length <= startIndex)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("challenge", challenge); } str = challenge.Substring(startIndex); int num3 = 0; bool flag = true; HttpDigestChallenge challenge2 = new HttpDigestChallenge(); Label_0070: num4 = num3; index = AuthenticationManager.SplitNoQuotes(str, ref num4); if (num4 >= 0) { string str3; string name = str.Substring(num3, num4 - num3); if (index < 0) { str3 = HttpDigest.unquote(str.Substring(num4 + 1)); } else { str3 = HttpDigest.unquote(str.Substring(num4 + 1, (index - num4) - 1)); } flag = challenge2.defineAttribute(name, str3); if ((index >= 0) && flag) { num3 = ++index; goto Label_0070; } } if ((!flag || (num4 < 0)) && (num3 < str.Length)) { str = (num3 > 0) ? str.Substring(0, num3 - 1) : ""; } return(str); }
public Authorization PreAuthenticate(WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) { GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::PreAuthenticate()"); #if XP_WDIGEST if (ComNetOS.IsPostWin2K) { return(XPDigestClient.PreAuthenticate(webRequest, credentials)); } #endif // #if XP_WDIGEST GlobalLog.Assert(credentials != null, "DigestClient::PreAuthenticate() credentials==null", ""); if (credentials == null || credentials is SystemNetworkCredential) { return(null); } HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; GlobalLog.Assert(httpWebRequest != null, "DigestClient::PreAuthenticate() httpWebRequest==null", ""); if (httpWebRequest == null) { return(null); } HttpDigestChallenge storedHDC = (HttpDigestChallenge)challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri); if (storedHDC == null) { return(null); } HttpDigestChallenge modifiedHDC = storedHDC.CopyAndIncrementNonce(); modifiedHDC.HostName = httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.Host; modifiedHDC.Method = httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod; // Consider: // I have also tried PathAndQuery against both IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0 servers. // it didn't make a difference. PathAndQuery is a more complete piece of information // investigate with Kevin Damour if WDigest.dll wants the quesry string or not. modifiedHDC.Uri = httpWebRequest.Address.AbsolutePath; modifiedHDC.ChallengedUri = httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri; Authorization digestResponse = HttpDigest.Authenticate(modifiedHDC, credentials); return(digestResponse); }
public bool Update(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest) { HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetSecurityContext(this) != null) { return(this.XPUpdate(challenge, httpWebRequest)); } if (httpWebRequest.ResponseStatusCode != httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.StatusCodeMatch) { ChannelBinding channelBinding = null; if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null) { channelBinding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint); } httpWebRequest.ServicePoint.SetCachedChannelBinding(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, channelBinding); return(true); } int startingPoint = (challenge == null) ? -1 : AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature); if (startingPoint < 0) { return(true); } int startIndex = startingPoint + SignatureSize; if ((challenge.Length > startIndex) && (challenge[startIndex] != ',')) { startIndex++; } else { startingPoint = -1; } if ((startingPoint >= 0) && (challenge.Length > startIndex)) { challenge.Substring(startIndex); } HttpDigestChallenge challenge2 = HttpDigest.Interpret(challenge, startingPoint, httpWebRequest); return((challenge2 == null) || !challenge2.Stale); }
// // CONSIDER V.NEXT // creating a static hashtable for server nonces and keep track of nonce count // public static Authorization Authenticate(HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge, ICredentials credentials) { NetworkCredential NC = credentials.GetCredential(digestChallenge.ChallengedUri, DigestClient.Signature); GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() GetCredential() returns:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(NC)); if (NC == null) { return(null); } string username = NC.UserName; if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(username)) { return(null); } string password = NC.Password; if (digestChallenge.QopPresent) { if (digestChallenge.ClientNonce == null || digestChallenge.Stale) { GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() QopPresent:True, need new nonce. digestChallenge.ClientNonce:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(digestChallenge.ClientNonce) + " digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString()); digestChallenge.ClientNonce = createNonce(32); digestChallenge.NonceCount = 1; } else { GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() QopPresent:True, reusing nonce. digestChallenge.NonceCount:" + digestChallenge.NonceCount.ToString()); digestChallenge.NonceCount++; } } StringBuilder authorization = new StringBuilder(); // // look at username & password, if it's not ASCII we need to attempt some // kind of encoding because we need to calculate the hash on byte[] // Charset usernameCharset = DetectCharset(username); if (!digestChallenge.UTF8Charset && usernameCharset == Charset.UTF8) { GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() can't authenticate with UNICODE username. failing auth."); return(null); } Charset passwordCharset = DetectCharset(password); if (!digestChallenge.UTF8Charset && passwordCharset == Charset.UTF8) { GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() can't authenticate with UNICODE password. failing auth."); return(null); } if (digestChallenge.UTF8Charset) { // on the wire always use UTF8 when the server supports it authorization.Append(pair(DA_charset, "utf-8", false)); authorization.Append(","); if (usernameCharset == Charset.UTF8) { username = CharsetEncode(username, Charset.UTF8); authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, username, true)); authorization.Append(","); } else { authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, CharsetEncode(username, Charset.UTF8), true)); authorization.Append(","); username = CharsetEncode(username, usernameCharset); } } else { // otherwise UTF8 is not required username = CharsetEncode(username, usernameCharset); authorization.Append(pair(DA_username, username, true)); authorization.Append(","); } password = CharsetEncode(password, passwordCharset); // no special encoding for the realm since we're just going to echo it back (encoding must have happened on the server). authorization.Append(pair(DA_realm, digestChallenge.Realm, true)); authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_nonce, digestChallenge.Nonce, true)); authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_uri, digestChallenge.Uri, true)); if (digestChallenge.QopPresent) { // // RAID#47397 // send only the QualityOfProtection we're using // since we support only "auth" that's what we will send out // if (digestChallenge.Algorithm != null) { // // consider: should we default to "MD5" here? IE does // authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_algorithm, digestChallenge.Algorithm, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them } authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_cnonce, digestChallenge.ClientNonce, true)); authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_nc, digestChallenge.NonceCount.ToString("x8"), false)); authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_qop, SupportedQuality, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them } // warning: this must be computed here string responseValue = HttpDigest.responseValue(digestChallenge, username, password); if (responseValue == null) { return(null); } authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_response, responseValue, true)); // IE sends quotes - IIS needs them if (digestChallenge.Opaque != null) { authorization.Append(","); authorization.Append(pair(DA_opaque, digestChallenge.Opaque, true)); } GlobalLog.Print("HttpDigest::Authenticate() digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString()); // completion is decided in Update() Authorization finalAuthorization = new Authorization(DigestClient.AuthType + " " + authorization.ToString(), false); return(finalAuthorization); }
public Authorization Authenticate(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) { GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Authenticate(): " + challenge); #if XP_WDIGEST if (ComNetOS.IsPostWin2K) { return(XPDigestClient.Authenticate(challenge, webRequest, credentials)); } #endif // #if XP_WDIGEST GlobalLog.Assert(credentials != null, "DigestClient::Authenticate() credentials==null", ""); if (credentials == null || credentials is SystemNetworkCredential) { return(null); } HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; GlobalLog.Assert(httpWebRequest != null, "DigestClient::Authenticate() httpWebRequest==null", ""); if (httpWebRequest == null || httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri == null) { // // there has been no challenge: // 1) the request never went on the wire // 2) somebody other than us is calling into AuthenticationManager // return(null); } int index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Signature); if (index < 0) { return(null); } string[] prefixes = null; string rootPath = httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.Scheme + "://" + httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.Host; HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge = HttpDigest.Interpret(challenge, index, httpWebRequest); if (digestChallenge == null) { return(null); } if (digestChallenge.Domain == null) { challengeCache.Add(rootPath, digestChallenge); } else { prefixes = digestChallenge.Domain.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.Length; i++) { challengeCache.Add(prefixes[i], digestChallenge); } } Authorization digestResponse = HttpDigest.Authenticate(digestChallenge, credentials); if (digestResponse != null) { if (prefixes == null) { digestResponse.ProtectionRealm = new string[1]; digestResponse.ProtectionRealm[0] = rootPath; } else { digestResponse.ProtectionRealm = prefixes; } } return(digestResponse); }
public bool Update(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest) { GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Update(): [" + challenge + "]"); #if XP_WDIGEST if (ComNetOS.IsPostWin2K) { return(XPDigestClient.Update(challenge, webRequest)); } #endif // #if XP_WDIGEST HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; GlobalLog.Assert(httpWebRequest != null, "DigestClient::Update() httpWebRequest==null", ""); GlobalLog.Assert(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri != null, "DigestClient::Update() httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri==null", ""); // here's how we know if the handshake is complete when we get the response back, // (keeping in mind that we need to support stale credentials): // !40X - complete & success // 40X & stale=false - complete & failure // 40X & stale=true - !complete if (httpWebRequest.ResponseStatusCode != httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.StatusCodeMatch) { GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Update(): no status code match. returning true"); return(true); } int index = challenge == null ? -1 : AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Signature); if (index < 0) { GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Update(): no challenge. returning true"); return(true); } int blobBegin = index + SignatureSize; string incoming = null; // // there may be multiple challenges. If the next character after the // package name is not a comma then it is challenge data // if (challenge.Length > blobBegin && challenge[blobBegin] != ',') { ++blobBegin; } else { index = -1; } if (index >= 0 && challenge.Length > blobBegin) { incoming = challenge.Substring(blobBegin); } HttpDigestChallenge digestChallenge = HttpDigest.Interpret(challenge, index, httpWebRequest); if (digestChallenge == null) { GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Update(): not a valid digest challenge. returning true"); return(true); } GlobalLog.Print("DigestClient::Update(): returning digestChallenge.Stale:" + digestChallenge.Stale.ToString()); return(!digestChallenge.Stale); }
private Authorization DoAuthenticate(string challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, bool preAuthenticate) { HttpDigestChallenge challenge2; if (credentials == null) { return(null); } HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = webRequest as HttpWebRequest; NetworkCredential credential = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, Signature); if (credential is SystemNetworkCredential) { if (WDigestAvailable) { return(this.XPDoAuthenticate(challenge, httpWebRequest, credentials, preAuthenticate)); } return(null); } if (!preAuthenticate) { int startingPoint = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature); if (startingPoint < 0) { return(null); } challenge2 = HttpDigest.Interpret(challenge, startingPoint, httpWebRequest); } else { challenge2 = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpDigestChallenge; } if (challenge2 == null) { return(null); } if (!CheckQOP(challenge2)) { if (Logging.On) { Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_digest_qop_not_supported", new object[] { challenge2.QualityOfProtection })); } return(null); } if (preAuthenticate) { challenge2 = challenge2.CopyAndIncrementNonce(); challenge2.SetFromRequest(httpWebRequest); } if (credential == null) { return(null); } ICredentialPolicy credentialPolicy = AuthenticationManager.CredentialPolicy; if ((credentialPolicy != null) && !credentialPolicy.ShouldSendCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, httpWebRequest, credential, this)) { return(null); } string computeSpn = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetComputeSpn(httpWebRequest); ChannelBinding channelBinding = null; if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null) { channelBinding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint); } Authorization authorization = HttpDigest.Authenticate(challenge2, credential, computeSpn, channelBinding); if ((!preAuthenticate && webRequest.PreAuthenticate) && (authorization != null)) { string[] strArray = (challenge2.Domain == null) ? new string[] { httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.GetParts(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped) } : challenge2.Domain.Split(singleSpaceArray); authorization.ProtectionRealm = (challenge2.Domain == null) ? null : strArray; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { challengeCache.Add(strArray[i], challenge2); } } return(authorization); }
private Authorization XPDoAuthenticate(string challenge, HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials credentials, bool preAuthenticate) { NTAuthentication securityContext = null; string incomingBlob = null; SecurityStatus status; if (!preAuthenticate) { int index = AuthenticationManager.FindSubstringNotInQuotes(challenge, Signature); if (index < 0) { return(null); } securityContext = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetSecurityContext(this); incomingBlob = RefineDigestChallenge(challenge, index); } else { HttpDigestChallenge challenge2 = challengeCache.Lookup(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpDigestChallenge; if (challenge2 == null) { return(null); } challenge2 = challenge2.CopyAndIncrementNonce(); challenge2.SetFromRequest(httpWebRequest); incomingBlob = challenge2.ToBlob(); } UriComponents uriParts = 0; if (httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.ConnectRequest) { uriParts = UriComponents.HostAndPort; } else if (httpWebRequest.UsesProxySemantics) { uriParts = UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl; } else { uriParts = UriComponents.PathAndQuery; } string parts = httpWebRequest.GetRemoteResourceUri().GetParts(uriParts, UriFormat.UriEscaped); if (securityContext == null) { NetworkCredential credential = credentials.GetCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, Signature); if ((credential == null) || (!(credential is SystemNetworkCredential) && (credential.InternalGetUserName().Length == 0))) { return(null); } ICredentialPolicy credentialPolicy = AuthenticationManager.CredentialPolicy; if ((credentialPolicy != null) && !credentialPolicy.ShouldSendCredential(httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri, httpWebRequest, credential, this)) { return(null); } string computeSpn = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.GetComputeSpn(httpWebRequest); ChannelBinding channelBinding = null; if (httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext != null) { channelBinding = httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint); } securityContext = new NTAuthentication("WDigest", credential, computeSpn, httpWebRequest, channelBinding); httpWebRequest.CurrentAuthenticationState.SetSecurityContext(securityContext, this); } string str4 = securityContext.GetOutgoingDigestBlob(incomingBlob, httpWebRequest.CurrentMethod.Name, parts, null, false, false, out status); if (str4 == null) { return(null); } Authorization authorization = new Authorization("Digest " + str4, securityContext.IsCompleted, string.Empty, securityContext.IsMutualAuthFlag); if (!preAuthenticate && httpWebRequest.PreAuthenticate) { HttpDigestChallenge challenge3 = HttpDigest.Interpret(incomingBlob, -1, httpWebRequest); string[] strArray = (challenge3.Domain == null) ? new string[] { httpWebRequest.ChallengedUri.GetParts(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped) } : challenge3.Domain.Split(singleSpaceArray); authorization.ProtectionRealm = (challenge3.Domain == null) ? null : strArray; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { challengeCache.Add(strArray[i], challenge3); } } return(authorization); }