// Parse a single MailAddress from the given string.
        // Throws a FormatException or returns false if any part of the MailAddress is invalid.
        internal static bool TryParseAddress(string data, out ParseAddressInfo parsedAddress, bool throwExceptionIfFail)
            int  index        = data.Length - 1;
            bool parseSuccess = TryParseAddress(data, false, ref index, out parsedAddress, throwExceptionIfFail);

            Debug.Assert(!parseSuccess || index == -1, "The index indicates that part of the address was not parsed: " + index);
        // Parse a single MailAddress, potentially from a list.
        // Preconditions:
        //  - Index must be within the bounds of the data string.
        //  - The data string must not be null or empty
        // Postconditions:
        // - Returns a valid MailAddress object parsed from the string
        // - For a single MailAddress index is set to -1
        // - For a list data[index] is the comma separator or -1 if the end of the data string was reached.
        // Throws a FormatException or false is returned if any part of the MailAddress is invalid.
        private static bool TryParseAddress(string data, bool expectMultipleAddresses, ref int index, out ParseAddressInfo parseAddressInfo, bool throwExceptionIfFail)
            Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < data.Length, "Index out of range: " + index + ", " + data.Length);

            // Parsed components to be assembled as a MailAddress later

            // Skip comments and whitespace
            if (!TryReadCfwsAndThrowIfIncomplete(data, index, out index, throwExceptionIfFail))
                parseAddressInfo = default;

            // Do we expect angle brackets around the address?
            // e.g. ("display name" <user@domain>)
            bool expectAngleBracket = false;

            if (data[index] == MailBnfHelper.EndAngleBracket)
                expectAngleBracket = true;

            if (!TryParseDomain(data, ref index, out string?domain, throwExceptionIfFail))
                parseAddressInfo = default;

            // The next character after the domain must be the '@' symbol
            if (data[index] != MailBnfHelper.At)
                if (throwExceptionIfFail)
                    throw new FormatException(SR.MailAddressInvalidFormat);
                    parseAddressInfo = default;

            // Skip the '@' symbol

            if (!TryParseLocalPart(data, ref index, expectAngleBracket, expectMultipleAddresses, out string?localPart, throwExceptionIfFail))
                parseAddressInfo = default;

            // Check for a matching angle bracket around the address
            if (expectAngleBracket)
                if (index >= 0 && data[index] == MailBnfHelper.StartAngleBracket)
                    index--; // Skip the angle bracket
                    // Skip whitespace, but leave comments, as they may be part of the display name.
                    if (!WhitespaceReader.TryReadFwsReverse(data, index, out index, throwExceptionIfFail))
                        parseAddressInfo = default;
                    // Mismatched angle brackets
                    if (throwExceptionIfFail)
                        throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.MailHeaderFieldInvalidCharacter,
                                                            (index >= 0 ? data[index] : MailBnfHelper.EndAngleBracket)));
                        parseAddressInfo = default;

            // Is there anything left to parse?
            // There could still be a display name or another address
            if (index >= 0 && !(expectMultipleAddresses && data[index] == MailBnfHelper.Comma))
                if (!TryParseDisplayName(data, ref index, expectMultipleAddresses, out displayName, throwExceptionIfFail))
                    parseAddressInfo = default;
                displayName = string.Empty;

            parseAddressInfo = new ParseAddressInfo(displayName, localPart, domain);