Exemple #1
		public TmpTDReader(Stream s)
			var width = s.ReadUInt16();
			var height = s.ReadUInt16();
			var size = new Size(width, height);

			s.Position += 8;
			var imgStart = s.ReadUInt32();
			s.Position += 8;
			var indexEnd = s.ReadInt32();
			var indexStart = s.ReadInt32();

			s.Position = indexStart;
			var count = indexEnd - indexStart;
			var tiles = new TmpTile[count];
			Frames = tiles.AsReadOnly();
			var tilesIndex = 0;
			foreach (var b in s.ReadBytes(count))
				if (b != 255)
					s.Position = imgStart + b * width * height;
					tiles[tilesIndex++] = new TmpTile(s.ReadBytes(width * height), size);
					tiles[tilesIndex++] = new TmpTile(null, size);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the bytes from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The current stream.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The number of bytes to read.</param>
        /// <param name="bufferLength">The buffer length.</param>
        /// <returns>The bytes read.</returns>
        public static byte[] ReadBytes(this System.IO.Stream stream, int length, int bufferLength)
            using (MemoryStream res = new MemoryStream())
                var cnt = length / bufferLength;
                var rem = (int)(length % bufferLength);

                var buff = new byte[bufferLength];
                var end  = false;
                for (long i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    if (!stream.ReadBytes(buff, 0, bufferLength, res))
                        end = true;

                if (!end && rem > 0)
                    stream.ReadBytes(new byte[rem], 0, rem, res);

Exemple #3
        public TmpRAReader(Stream s)
            var width = s.ReadUInt16();
            var height = s.ReadUInt16();
            var size = new Size(width, height);

            s.Position += 12;
            var imgStart = s.ReadUInt32();
            s.Position += 8;
            var indexEnd = s.ReadInt32();
            s.Position += 4;
            var indexStart = s.ReadInt32();

            s.Position = indexStart;
            foreach (byte b in s.ReadBytes(indexEnd - indexStart))
                if (b != 255)
                    s.Position = imgStart + b * width * height;
                    tiles.Add(new TmpTile(s.ReadBytes(width * height), size));
                    tiles.Add(new TmpTile(null, size));
Exemple #4
		TmpRAFrame[] ParseFrames(Stream s)
			var start = s.Position;
			var width = s.ReadUInt16();
			var height = s.ReadUInt16();
			var size = new Size(width, height);

			s.Position += 12;
			var imgStart = s.ReadUInt32();
			s.Position += 8;
			var indexEnd = s.ReadInt32();
			s.Position += 4;
			var indexStart = s.ReadInt32();

			s.Position = indexStart;
			var count = indexEnd - indexStart;
			var tiles = new TmpRAFrame[count];

			var tilesIndex = 0;
			foreach (var b in s.ReadBytes(count))
				if (b != 255)
					s.Position = imgStart + b * width * height;
					tiles[tilesIndex++] = new TmpRAFrame(s.ReadBytes(width * height), size);
					tiles[tilesIndex++] = new TmpRAFrame(null, size);

			s.Position = start;
			return tiles;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// ID3v2タグを読む
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strm"></param>
        /// <param name="createImageObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ID3tag readID3tag(System.IO.Stream strm, bool createImageObject)
            // ヘッダ読み込み
            byte[] id3_header = strm.ReadBytes(HEADER_LEN);
            Header header     = readHeader(id3_header);

            if (header == null)
            if (header.Size >= strm.Length)
            ID3tag tag = new ID3tag();

            tag.head = header;

            // 拡張ヘッダがあるときサイズだけ読んでスキップ
            if (tag.head.Flag.HasFlag(HEADER_FLAG.EXTENSION))
                byte[] ext_header = strm.ReadBytes(EXT_HEADER_LEN);
                var    size       = tag.head.Version == ID3V2_VER.ID3V23
                    ? ReadUInt32(ext_header, 0)
                    : ReadUInt28(ext_header, 0) - EXT_HEADER_LEN; // v3とv4でEXT_HEADER_LENの扱いが違う
                strm.Seek(size, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);

            // 全Frameのデータ領域を読み出す
            byte[] frame_buf = strm.ReadBytes(header.Size);

            // .2, .3の場合は非同期化の解除
            if (header.Version != ID3V2_VER.ID3V24 && header.Flag.HasFlag(HEADER_FLAG.UNSYNC))
                decodeUnsync(ref frame_buf);

            // 各Frameのデータ読み出し
            var tagBodyStream = new MemoryStream(frame_buf, 0, frame_buf.Length);

            while (true)
                    Frame fr = readFrame(tagBodyStream, tag, createImageObject);
                    if (fr != null)
                catch (EndOfTagException)
Exemple #6
        public Terrain(Stream s)
            // Try loading as a cnc .tem
            Width = s.ReadUInt16();
            Height = s.ReadUInt16();

            /*NumTiles = */s.ReadUInt16();
            /*Zero1 = */s.ReadUInt16();
            /*uint Size = */s.ReadUInt32();
            var imgStart = s.ReadUInt32();
            /*Zero2 = */s.ReadUInt32();

            int indexEnd, indexStart;

            // ID1 = FFFFh for cnc
            if (s.ReadUInt16() == 65535)
                /*ID2 = */s.ReadUInt16();
                indexEnd = s.ReadInt32();
                indexStart = s.ReadInt32();
                // Load as a ra .tem
                s.Position = 0;
                Width = s.ReadUInt16();
                Height = s.ReadUInt16();

                /*NumTiles = */s.ReadUInt16();
                /*XDim = */s.ReadUInt16();
                /*YDim = */s.ReadUInt16();
                /*uint FileSize = */s.ReadUInt32();
                imgStart = s.ReadUInt32();
                indexEnd = s.ReadInt32();
                indexStart = s.ReadInt32();

            s.Position = indexStart;

            foreach (byte b in s.ReadBytes(indexEnd - indexStart))
                if (b != 255)
                    s.Position = imgStart + b * Width * Height;
                    TileBitmapBytes.Add(s.ReadBytes(Width * Height));
Exemple #7
			public ShpTSFrame(Stream s, Size frameSize)
				var x = s.ReadUInt16();
				var y = s.ReadUInt16();
				var width = s.ReadUInt16();
				var height = s.ReadUInt16();

				// Pad the dimensions to an even number to avoid issues with half-integer offsets
				var dataWidth = width;
				var dataHeight = height;
				if (dataWidth % 2 == 1)
					dataWidth += 1;

				if (dataHeight % 2 == 1)
					dataHeight += 1;

				Offset = new int2(x + (dataWidth - frameSize.Width) / 2, y + (dataHeight - frameSize.Height) / 2);
				Size = new Size(dataWidth, dataHeight);
				FrameSize = frameSize;

				Format = s.ReadUInt8();
				s.Position += 11;
				FileOffset = s.ReadUInt32();

				if (FileOffset == 0)

				// Parse the frame data as we go (but remember to jump back to the header before returning!)
				var start = s.Position;
				s.Position = FileOffset;

				Data = new byte[dataWidth * dataHeight];

				if (Format == 3)
					// Format 3 provides RLE-zero compressed scanlines
					for (var j = 0; j < height; j++)
						var length = s.ReadUInt16() - 2;
						Format2.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(length), Data, dataWidth * j);
					// Format 2 provides uncompressed length-prefixed scanlines
					// Formats 1 and 0 provide an uncompressed full-width row
					var length = Format == 2 ? s.ReadUInt16() - 2 : width;
					for (var j = 0; j < height; j++)
						s.ReadBytes(Data, dataWidth * j, length);

				s.Position = start;
Exemple #8
		public ShpTSReader(Stream stream)
			var width = stream.ReadUInt16();
			var height = stream.ReadUInt16();
			var size = new Size(width, height);
			var frameCount = stream.ReadUInt16();

			var frames = new FrameHeader[frameCount];
			Frames = frames.AsReadOnly();
			for (var i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
				frames[i] = new FrameHeader(stream, size);

			for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
				var f = frames[i];
				if (f.FileOffset == 0)

				stream.Position = f.FileOffset;

				var frameSize = f.Size.Width * f.Size.Height;

				// Uncompressed
				if (f.Format == 1 || f.Format == 0)
					f.Data = stream.ReadBytes(frameSize);

				// Uncompressed scanlines
				else if (f.Format == 2)
					f.Data = new byte[frameSize];
					for (var j = 0; j < f.Size.Height; j++)
						var length = stream.ReadUInt16() - 2;
						var offset = f.Size.Width * j;
						stream.ReadBytes(f.Data, offset, length);

				// RLE-zero compressed scanlines
				else if (f.Format == 3)
					f.Data = new byte[frameSize];
					for (var j = 0; j < f.Size.Height; j++)
						var length = stream.ReadUInt16() - 2;
						var offset = f.Size.Width * j;
						Format2.DecodeInto(stream.ReadBytes(length), f.Data, offset);
        public static PfsHeader ReadFromStream(System.IO.Stream s)
            var start = s.Position;
            var hdr   = new PfsHeader
                Version          = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Magic            = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Id               = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Fmode            = s.ReadUInt8(),
                Clean            = s.ReadUInt8(),
                ReadOnly         = s.ReadUInt8(),
                Rsv              = s.ReadUInt8(),
                Mode             = (PfsMode)s.ReadUInt16LE(),
                Unk1             = s.ReadUInt16LE(),
                BlockSize        = s.ReadUInt32LE(),
                NBackup          = s.ReadUInt32LE(),
                NBlock           = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                DinodeCount      = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Ndblock          = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                DinodeBlockCount = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                InodeBlockSig    = DinodeS64.ReadFromStream(s)

            s.Position = start + 0x370;
            hdr.Seed   = s.ReadBytes(16);
Exemple #10
        public static PfsHeader ReadFromStream(System.IO.Stream s)
            var start = s.Position;
            var hdr   = new PfsHeader
                Version          = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Magic            = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Id               = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Fmode            = s.ReadUInt8(),
                Clean            = s.ReadUInt8(),
                ReadOnly         = s.ReadUInt8(),
                Rsv              = s.ReadUInt8(),
                Mode             = (PfsMode)s.ReadUInt16LE(),
                Unk1             = s.ReadUInt16LE(),
                BlockSize        = s.ReadUInt32LE(),
                NBackup          = s.ReadUInt32LE(),
                NBlock           = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                DinodeCount      = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                Ndblock          = s.ReadInt64LE(),
                DinodeBlockCount = s.ReadInt64LE(),

            s.Position       += 8; // skip a 64-bit zero
            hdr.InodeBlockSig = DinodeS64.ReadFromStream(s);
            if (hdr.Version != 1 || hdr.Magic != 20130315)
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Invalid PFS superblock version ({hdr.Version}) or magic ({hdr.Magic})");
            s.Position = start + 0x370;
            hdr.Seed   = s.ReadBytes(16);
Exemple #11
			public R8Image(Stream s)
				// Scan forward until we find some data
				var type = s.ReadUInt8();
				while (type == 0)
					type = s.ReadUInt8();

				var width = s.ReadInt32();
				var height = s.ReadInt32();
				var x = s.ReadInt32();
				var y = s.ReadInt32();

				Size = new Size(width, height);
				Offset = new int2(width / 2 - x, height / 2 - y);

				/*var imageOffset = */
				var paletteOffset = s.ReadInt32();
				var bpp = s.ReadUInt8();
				if (bpp != 8)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Error: {0} bits per pixel are not supported.".F(bpp));

				var frameHeight = s.ReadUInt8();
				var frameWidth = s.ReadUInt8();
				FrameSize = new Size(frameWidth, frameHeight);

				// Skip alignment byte

				Data = s.ReadBytes(width * height);

				// Ignore palette
				if (type == 1 && paletteOffset != 0)
					s.Seek(520, SeekOrigin.Current);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the bytes from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The current stream.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer of bytes.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The number of bytes to read.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination stream.</param>
        /// <returns>The bytes read.</returns>
        public static bool ReadBytes(this System.IO.Stream stream, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, System.IO.Stream destination)
            var bytes = stream.ReadBytes(buffer, offset, length);
            var len   = bytes.Length;

            destination.Write(bytes, 0, len);

            return(len == offset + length);
        /// <summary>
        /// 値をバイト配列として読み取ります。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">値を読み取るストリーム。</param>
        /// <returns>値となるバイト配列。</returns>
        public byte[] Read( Stream src )
            var position = src.Position;
            src.Seek( this.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin );

            var value = src.ReadBytes( this.Length );
            src.Seek( position, SeekOrigin.Begin );

            return value;
        public object Deserialize(System.IO.Stream stream)
            long count = ZigZag.DeserializeInt64(stream);

            if (count == 1)
            int c = (int)(count >> 1);

Exemple #15
        public object Deserialize(System.IO.Stream stream)
            long count = ZigZag.DeserializeInt64(stream);

            if (count == 1)
            var c     = (int)(count >> 1);
            var bytes = stream.ReadBytes(c);

        /// <summary>
        /// Requests that the provided stream be authenticated 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="additionalChallenge">Additional data to include in the challenge. If using SSL certificates, 
        /// adding the thumbprint to the challenge will allow detecting man in the middle attacks.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ScramServerSession AuthenticateAsServer(Stream stream, byte[] additionalChallenge = null)
            if (additionalChallenge == null)
                additionalChallenge = new byte[] { };

            byte[] usernameBytes = stream.ReadBytes();
            byte[] clientNonce = stream.ReadBytes();

            ScramUserCredential user;
            if (!Users.TryLookup(usernameBytes, out user))
                return null;

            byte[] serverNonce = m_nonce.Next();

            byte[] authMessage = Scram.ComputeAuthMessage(serverNonce, clientNonce, user.Salt, usernameBytes, user.Iterations, additionalChallenge);
            byte[] clientSignature = user.ComputeClientSignature(authMessage);
            byte[] serverSignature = user.ComputeServerSignature(authMessage);
            byte[] clientProof = stream.ReadBytes();

            byte[] clientKeyVerify = Scram.XOR(clientProof, clientSignature);
            byte[] storedKeyVerify = user.ComputeStoredKey(clientKeyVerify);

            if (storedKeyVerify.SecureEquals(user.StoredKey))
                //Client holds the password
                //Send ServerSignature
                return new ScramServerSession(user.UserName);
            return null;
        public static Blck Read(Stream stream)
            var result = new Blck();
            var b = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
            result.unknown = (b & 0x80) == 0x80;
            if (!result.unknown) throw new UnknownNodeFlagException();

            result.nameLength = (short)(b & 0x7f);
            result.name = stream.ReadUtf8String(result.nameLength);

            result.length = stream.ReadInt32();
            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(stream.ReadBytes(result.length)))
                result.children = Aval.Read(memStream).ToList();

            return result;
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Read from a stream asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The number of bytes to read.</param>
        /// <param name="completed">The completed action.</param>
        /// <param name="error">The error action.</param>
        public static void ReadAsync(this System.IO.Stream stream, int length, Action <byte[]> completed, Action <Exception> error)
            var buff = new byte[length];

                ar =>
                    byte[] bytes = null;
                        var len = stream.EndRead(ar);
                        bytes   = len < 1
                                  ? new byte[0]
                                  : len < length
                                    ? stream.ReadBytes(buff, len, length - len)
                                    : buff;
                        bytes = new byte[0];

                    if (completed != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (error != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests that the provided stream be authenticated 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="additionalChallenge">Additional data to include in the challenge. If using SSL certificates, 
        /// adding the thumbprint to the challenge will allow detecting man in the middle attacks.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SrpServerSession AuthenticateAsServer(Stream stream, byte[] additionalChallenge = null)
            if (additionalChallenge == null)
                additionalChallenge = new byte[] { };

            // Header
            //  C => S
            //  int16   usernameLength (max 1024 characters)
            //  byte[]  usernameBytes

            int len = stream.ReadInt16();
            if (len < 0 || len > 1024)
                return null;

            var usernameBytes = stream.ReadBytes(len);
            var username = UTF8.GetString(usernameBytes);
            var user = Users.Lookup(username);
            var session = new SrpServerSession(user);
            if (session.TryAuthenticate(stream, additionalChallenge))
                return session;
            return null;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Read from a stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The number of bytes to read.</param>
        /// <param name="completed">The completed action.</param>
        /// <param name="error">The error action.</param>
        public static void Read(this System.IO.Stream stream, int length, Action <byte[]> completed, Action <Exception> error)
            var buff = new byte[length];

                byte[] bytes = null;

                    // Read the data from the stream.
                    int len = stream.Read(buff, 0, length);
                    bytes = len < 1
                                  ? new byte[0]
                                  : len < length
                                    ? stream.ReadBytes(buff, len, length - len)
                                    : buff;
                    bytes = new byte[0];

                if (completed != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (error != null)
Exemple #21
 internal void Load(Stream s)
     Name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(s.ReadBytes(8)).TrimEnd('\0');
     VirtualSize = s.ReadUIntLE();
     SectionRVA = s.ReadUIntLE();
     SizeOfRawData = s.ReadUIntLE();
     PointerToRawData = s.ReadUIntLE();
     PointerToRelocations = s.ReadUIntLE();
     PointerToLineNumbers = s.ReadUIntLE();
     NumberOfRelocations = s.ReadUShortLE();
     NumberOfLineNumbers = s.ReadUShortLE();
     SectionFlags = (SectionFlags)s.ReadUIntLE();
		private static ImageFrame ReadImageFrame(Stream stream, byte[] globalColorTable, GraphicControlExtension graphicControlExtension)
			var imageDescriptor = ImageDescriptor.Read(stream);

			var imageFrame = new ImageFrame
					ImageDescriptor = imageDescriptor,
					LocalColorTable = globalColorTable,
					GraphicControlExtension = graphicControlExtension

			if (imageDescriptor.LocalColorTableFlag)
				imageFrame.LocalColorTable = stream.ReadBytes(imageDescriptor.LocalColorTableSize * 3);

			imageFrame.ColorDepth = stream.ReadByte();

			var lzwDecoder = new LzwDecoder(stream);
			var imageData = lzwDecoder.DecodeImageData(imageDescriptor.ImageWidth, imageDescriptor.ImageHeight, imageFrame.ColorDepth);


			imageFrame.Bitmap = CreateBitmap(

			return imageFrame;
		public static Image Decode(Stream stream)
			var result = new Image
					Header = stream.ReadString(6),
					LogicalScreenDescriptor = LogicalScreenDescriptor.Read(stream)

			if (result.LogicalScreenDescriptor.GlobalColorTableFlag)
				result.GlobalColorTable = stream.ReadBytes(result.LogicalScreenDescriptor.GlobalColorTableSize * 3);

			GraphicControlExtension graphicControlExtension = null;

			var componentType = stream.ReadByte();
			while (componentType != 0)
				if (componentType == ImageDescriptor.ImageSeparator)
					var imageFrame = ReadImageFrame(stream, result.GlobalColorTable, graphicControlExtension);
				else if (componentType == Const.ExtensionIntroducer)
					var extensionType = stream.ReadByte();
					switch (extensionType)
						case GraphicControlExtension.GraphicControlLabel:
								graphicControlExtension = GraphicControlExtension.Read(stream);
						case CommentExtension.CommentLabel:
								var commentExtension = CommentExtension.Read(stream);
						case ApplicationExtension.ExtensionLabel:
								var applicationExtension = ApplicationExtension.Read(stream);
						case PlainTextExtension.PlainTextLabel:
								var plainTextExtension = PlainTextExtension.Read(stream);
				else if (componentType == Const.EndIntroducer)

				componentType = stream.ReadByte();

			return result;
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads all the remaining bytes after the current position of this stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream to read.</param>
 /// <returns>A byte array storing the read bytes.</returns>
 public static byte[] ReadAllBytes(this Stream stream)
     return(stream.ReadBytes((Int32)(stream.Length - stream.Position)));
Exemple #25
        public VxlReader(Stream s)
            if (!s.ReadASCII(16).StartsWith("Voxel Animation"))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vxl header");

            LimbCount = s.ReadUInt32();
            BodySize = s.ReadUInt32();
            s.Seek(770, SeekOrigin.Current);

            // Read Limb headers
            Limbs = new VxlLimb[LimbCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < LimbCount; i++)
                Limbs[i] = new VxlLimb();
                Limbs[i].Name = s.ReadASCII(16);
                s.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current);

            // Skip to the Limb footers
            s.Seek(802 + 28*LimbCount + BodySize, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var LimbDataOffset = new uint[LimbCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < LimbCount; i++)
                LimbDataOffset[i] = s.ReadUInt32();
                s.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current);
                Limbs[i].Scale = s.ReadFloat();
                s.Seek(48, SeekOrigin.Current);

                Limbs[i].Bounds = new float[6];
                for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    Limbs[i].Bounds[j] = s.ReadFloat();
                Limbs[i].Size = s.ReadBytes(3);
                Limbs[i].Type = (NormalType)s.ReadByte();

            for (var i = 0; i < LimbCount; i++)
                s.Seek(802 + 28*LimbCount + LimbDataOffset[i], SeekOrigin.Begin);
                ReadVoxelData(s, Limbs[i]);
Exemple #26
 public static Single ReadSingle(this Stream stream)
     return(BitConverter.ToSingle(stream.ReadBytes(sizeof(Single)), 0));
        public bool AuthenticateAsClient(Stream stream, byte[] additionalChallenge = null)
            if (additionalChallenge == null)
                additionalChallenge = new byte[] { };

            byte[] clientNonce = m_nonce.Next();

            HashMethod hashMethod = (HashMethod)stream.ReadByte();
            byte[] serverNonce = stream.ReadBytes();
            byte[] salt = stream.ReadBytes();
            int iterations = stream.ReadInt32();

            SetServerValues(hashMethod, salt, iterations);

            byte[] authMessage = Scram.ComputeAuthMessage(serverNonce, clientNonce, salt, m_usernameBytes, iterations, additionalChallenge);
            byte[] clientSignature = ComputeClientSignature(authMessage);
            byte[] clientProof = Scram.XOR(m_clientKey, clientSignature);

            byte[] serverSignature = ComputeServerSignature(authMessage);
            byte[] serverSignatureVerify = stream.ReadBytes();
            return (serverSignature.SecureEquals(serverSignatureVerify));
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Read the bytes from the stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">The current stream.</param>
 /// <param name="length">The number of bytes to read.</param>
 /// <returns>The bytes read.</returns>
 public static byte[] ReadBytes(this System.IO.Stream stream, int length)
     return(stream.ReadBytes(new byte[length], 0, length));
 public String(SectionHeader header, Stream stream)
     : base(header, stream)
     Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ReadBytes((int) header.Size)).TrimNullChars();
 public static UInt64 ReadUInt64(this Stream stream)
     return(BitConverter.ToUInt64(stream.ReadBytes(sizeof(UInt64)), 0));
Exemple #31
 public static Double ReadDouble(this Stream stream)
     return(BitConverter.ToDouble(stream.ReadBytes(sizeof(Double)), 0));
Exemple #32
        public void Read(System.IO.Stream r)
            //Read the "Magic" (this is a series of bytes that is always the same on every RW4File)
            var b = r.ReadBytes(RW4_Magic.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
                if (b[i] != RW4_Magic[i])
                    throw new ModelFormatException(r, "Not a RW4 file", b);

            _fileTypeCode = r.ReadU32();
            if (_fileTypeCode == 1)
                file_type = RW4Model.FileTypes.Model;
            else if (_fileTypeCode == 0x04000000)
                file_type = RW4Model.FileTypes.Texture;
                throw new ModelFormatException(r, "Unknown2 file type", _fileTypeCode);

            uint _fileTypeConstant = (file_type == RW4Model.FileTypes.Model ? 16U : 4U);

            uint _sectionCount = r.ReadU32();

            r.expect(_sectionCount, "H001 Section count not repeated");
            r.expect(_fileTypeConstant, "H002");
            r.expect(0, "H003");

            SectionIndexBegin = r.ReadU32();
            uint _firstHeaderSectionBegin = r.ReadU32();  // Always 0x98?

            r.expect(new UInt32[] { 0, 0, 0 }, "H010");
            uint _sectionIndexEnd = r.ReadU32();

            r.expect(_fileTypeConstant, "H011");
            //this.unknown_size_or_offset_013 = r.ReadU32();
            uint _fileSize = r.ReadU32() + _sectionIndexEnd;

            //   if (r.Length != _fileSize) throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H012", _fileSize);  //< TODO

            r.expect(new UInt32[] { 4, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, "H020");

            this.Unknown = r.ReadU32();

            r.expect(new UInt32[] { 4, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, "H040");
            r.expect(new UInt32[] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, "H041");

            if (r.Position != _firstHeaderSectionBegin)
                throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H099", r.Position);

            r.Seek(_firstHeaderSectionBegin, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            r.expect(0x10004, "H140");
            // Offsets of header sections relative to the 0x10004.  4, 12, 28, 28 + (12+4*section_type_count), ... + 36, ... + 28
            uint[] _offsets = new uint[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < _offsets.Length; i++)
                _offsets[i] = r.ReadU32() + _firstHeaderSectionBegin;

            // A list of section types in the file?  If so, redundant with section index
            if (_offsets[2] != r.Position)
                throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H145", r.Position);
            r.expect(0x10005, "H150");
            uint _sectionTypeCount = r.ReadU32();

            r.expect(12, "H151");
            //read the list if section types, contains the 'indirect' section codes
            uint[] _sectionTypes = new uint[_sectionTypeCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < _sectionTypeCount; i++)
                _sectionTypes[i] = r.ReadU32();

            if (_offsets[3] != r.Position)
                throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H146", r.Position);
            r.expect(0x10006, "H160");
            // TODO: I think this is actually a variable length structure, with 12 byte header and 3 being the length in qwords
            r.expect(new UInt32[] { 3, 0x18, _fileTypeCode, 0xffb00000, _fileTypeCode, 0, 0, 0 }, "H161");

            if (_offsets[4] != r.Position)
                throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H147", r.Position);
            r.expect(0x10007, "H170");
            uint _fixupCount = r.ReadU32();

            r.expect(0, "H171");
            r.expect(0, "H172");
            // Fixup index always immediately follows section index
            r.expect(SectionIndexBegin + _sectionCount * 24 + _fixupCount * 8, "H173");
            r.expect(SectionIndexBegin + _sectionCount * 24, "H174");
            r.expect(_fixupCount, "H176");

            if (_offsets[5] != r.Position)
                throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H148", r.Position);
            r.expect(0x10008, "H180");
            r.expect(new UInt32[] { 0, 0 }, "H181");

            HeaderEnd = (uint)r.Position;

            r.Seek(SectionIndexBegin, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            this.Sections = new List <RW4Section>();
            for (int i = 0; i < _sectionCount; i++)
                RW4Section _newSection = new RW4Section();
                _newSection.LoadHeader(r, (uint)i, _sectionIndexEnd);
            for (int i = 0; i < _fixupCount; i++)
                uint sind   = r.ReadU32();
                var  offset = r.ReadU32();
            SectionIndexPadding = _sectionIndexEnd - (uint)r.Position;

            //process the indirect section codes
            bool[] used = new bool[_sectionTypes.Length];
            foreach (var s in Sections)
                used[s.type_code_indirect] = true;
                if (_sectionTypes[s.type_code_indirect] != s.type_code)
                    throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H300", s.type_code_indirect);
            for (int i = 0; i < fixed_section_types.Length; i++)
                if (_sectionTypes[i] != fixed_section_types[i])
                    throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H301", i);
            for (int i = fixed_section_types.Length; i < _sectionTypes.Length; i++)
                if (!used[i])
                    throw new ModelFormatException(r, "H302", _sectionTypes[i]);
 public static Int16 ReadInt16(this Stream stream)
     return(BitConverter.ToInt16(stream.ReadBytes(sizeof(Int16)), 0));