internal static unsafe void WriteAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            while (!buffer.IsEmpty)
                fixed(byte *bufPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                    // The Windows implementation uses WriteFile, which ignores the offset if the handle
                    // isn't seekable.  We do the same manually with PWrite vs Write, in order to enable
                    // the function to be used by FileStream for all the same situations.
                    int bytesWritten = handle.CanSeek ?
                                       Interop.Sys.PWrite(handle, bufPtr, GetNumberOfBytesToWrite(buffer.Length), fileOffset) :
                                       Interop.Sys.Write(handle, bufPtr, GetNumberOfBytesToWrite(buffer.Length));

                    FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(bytesWritten, handle.Path);
                    if (bytesWritten == buffer.Length)

                    // The write completed successfully but for fewer bytes than requested.
                    // We need to try again for the remainder.
                    buffer      = buffer.Slice(bytesWritten);
                    fileOffset += bytesWritten;
        internal static long GetFileLength(SafeFileHandle handle)
            int result = Interop.Sys.FStat(handle, out Interop.Sys.FileStatus status);

            FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(result, handle.Path);
        internal static unsafe long ReadScatterAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, IReadOnlyList <Memory <byte> > buffers, long fileOffset)
            MemoryHandle[] handles = new MemoryHandle[buffers.Count];
            Span <Interop.Sys.IOVector> vectors = buffers.Count <= IovStackThreshold ? stackalloc Interop.Sys.IOVector[IovStackThreshold] : new Interop.Sys.IOVector[buffers.Count];

            long result;

                int buffersCount = buffers.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < buffersCount; i++)
                    Memory <byte> buffer       = buffers[i];
                    MemoryHandle  memoryHandle = buffer.Pin();
                    vectors[i] = new Interop.Sys.IOVector {
                        Base = (byte *)memoryHandle.Pointer, Count = (UIntPtr)buffer.Length
                    handles[i] = memoryHandle;

                fixed(Interop.Sys.IOVector *pinnedVectors = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(vectors))
                    result = Interop.Sys.PReadV(handle, pinnedVectors, buffers.Count, fileOffset);
                foreach (MemoryHandle memoryHandle in handles)

            return(FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(result, handle.Path));
Exemple #4
        private static unsafe int ReadAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, Span <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            fixed(byte *bufPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                int result = Interop.Sys.PRead(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length, fileOffset);

                FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(result, path: null);
Exemple #5
        internal static unsafe int WriteAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            fixed(byte *bufPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                int result = Interop.Sys.PWrite(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length, fileOffset);

                FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(result, handle.Path);
        internal static unsafe int ReadAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, Span <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            fixed(byte *bufPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                // The Windows implementation uses ReadFile, which ignores the offset if the handle
                // isn't seekable.  We do the same manually with PRead vs Read, in order to enable
                // the function to be used by FileStream for all the same situations.
                int result = handle.CanSeek ?
                             Interop.Sys.PRead(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length, fileOffset) :
                             Interop.Sys.Read(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length);

                FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(result, handle.Path);
Exemple #7
        internal static unsafe void WriteAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, ReadOnlySpan <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            while (!buffer.IsEmpty)
                fixed(byte *bufPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                    // The Windows implementation uses WriteFile, which ignores the offset if the handle
                    // isn't seekable.  We do the same manually with PWrite vs Write, in order to enable
                    // the function to be used by FileStream for all the same situations.
                    int bytesToWrite = GetNumberOfBytesToWrite(buffer.Length);
                    int bytesWritten;

                    if (handle.SupportsRandomAccess)
                        bytesWritten = Interop.Sys.PWrite(handle, bufPtr, bytesToWrite, fileOffset);
                        if (bytesWritten == -1)
                            // We need to fallback to the non-offset version for certain file types
                            // e.g: character devices (such as /dev/tty), pipes, and sockets.
                            Interop.ErrorInfo errorInfo = Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo();

                            if (errorInfo.Error == Interop.Error.ENXIO ||
                                errorInfo.Error == Interop.Error.ESPIPE)
                                handle.SupportsRandomAccess = false;
                                bytesWritten = Interop.Sys.Write(handle, bufPtr, bytesToWrite);
                        bytesWritten = Interop.Sys.Write(handle, bufPtr, bytesToWrite);

                    FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(bytesWritten, handle.Path);
                    if (bytesWritten == buffer.Length)

                    // The write completed successfully but for fewer bytes than requested.
                    // We need to try again for the remainder.
                    buffer      = buffer.Slice(bytesWritten);
                    fileOffset += bytesWritten;
Exemple #8
        internal static unsafe int ReadAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, Span <byte> buffer, long fileOffset)
            fixed(byte *bufPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer))
                // The Windows implementation uses ReadFile, which ignores the offset if the handle
                // isn't seekable.  We do the same manually with PRead vs Read, in order to enable
                // the function to be used by FileStream for all the same situations.
                int result;

                if (handle.SupportsRandomAccess)
                    // Try pread for seekable files.
                    result = Interop.Sys.PRead(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length, fileOffset);
                    if (result == -1)
                        // We need to fallback to the non-offset version for certain file types
                        // e.g: character devices (such as /dev/tty), pipes, and sockets.
                        Interop.ErrorInfo errorInfo = Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo();

                        if (errorInfo.Error == Interop.Error.ENXIO ||
                            errorInfo.Error == Interop.Error.ESPIPE)
                            handle.SupportsRandomAccess = false;
                            result = Interop.Sys.Read(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length);
                    result = Interop.Sys.Read(handle, bufPtr, buffer.Length);

                FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(result, handle.Path);
        internal static unsafe void WriteGatherAtOffset(SafeFileHandle handle, IReadOnlyList <ReadOnlyMemory <byte> > buffers, long fileOffset)
            int buffersCount = buffers.Count;

            if (buffersCount == 0)

            var handles = new MemoryHandle[buffersCount];
            Span <Interop.Sys.IOVector> vectors = buffersCount <= IovStackThreshold ?
                                                  stackalloc Interop.Sys.IOVector[IovStackThreshold] :
                                                  new Interop.Sys.IOVector[buffersCount];

                int buffersOffset = 0, firstBufferOffset = 0;
                while (true)
                    long totalBytesToWrite = 0;

                    for (int i = buffersOffset; i < buffersCount; i++)
                        ReadOnlyMemory <byte> buffer = buffers[i];
                        totalBytesToWrite += buffer.Length;

                        MemoryHandle memoryHandle = buffer.Pin();
                        vectors[i] = new Interop.Sys.IOVector {
                            Base = firstBufferOffset + (byte *)memoryHandle.Pointer, Count = (UIntPtr)buffer.Length
                        handles[i] = memoryHandle;

                        firstBufferOffset = 0;

                    if (totalBytesToWrite == 0)

                    long bytesWritten;
                    fixed(Interop.Sys.IOVector *pinnedVectors = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(vectors))
                        bytesWritten = Interop.Sys.PWriteV(handle, pinnedVectors, buffersCount, fileOffset);

                    FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(bytesWritten, handle.Path);
                    if (bytesWritten == totalBytesToWrite)

                    // The write completed successfully but for fewer bytes than requested.
                    // We need to try again for the remainder.
                    for (int i = 0; i < buffersCount; i++)
                        int n = buffers[i].Length;
                        if (n <= bytesWritten)
                            bytesWritten -= n;
                            if (bytesWritten == 0)
                            firstBufferOffset = (int)(bytesWritten - n);
                foreach (MemoryHandle memoryHandle in handles)
Exemple #10
 internal static unsafe void SetFileLength(SafeFileHandle handle, long length) =>
 FileStreamHelpers.CheckFileCall(Interop.Sys.FTruncate(handle, length), handle.Path);