public static int Execute( List<string> args )
            if ( args.Count == 0 ) {
                Console.WriteLine( "This is intended to help extracting skit audio from the Xbox 360 game files." );
                Console.WriteLine( "Do the following in order:" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- unpack chat.svo (FPS4 archive, with HyoutaTools -> ToVfps4e)" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- decompress individual skit with xbdecompress" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- unpack skit (FPS4 archive, with HyoutaTools -> ToVfps4e)" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- cut SE3 header from audio file to get a nub archive" );
                Console.WriteLine( "   (file 0004, seems to be 0x800 bytes for skits but can be bigger, first four bytes of new file should be 0x00020100)" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- extract nub archive with NUBExt r12beta" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- this gives you an \"xma\" file that isn't actually an xma, run this tool on it" );
                Console.WriteLine( "-- resulting file is a valid enough xma file that can be converted to WAV with \"toWav\"" );
                return -1;

            string filename = args[0];
            using ( var source = new FileStream( filename, FileMode.Open ) ) {
                using ( var dest = new FileStream( filename + "-real.xma", FileMode.Create ) ) {
                    source.Position = 0x100;
                    int dataLength = (int)( source.Length - source.Position );

                    dest.WriteAscii( "RIFF" );
                    dest.WriteUInt32( (uint)dataLength + 0x34 );
                    dest.WriteAscii( "WAVE" );
                    dest.WriteAscii( "fmt " );

                    dest.WriteUInt32( 0x20 );

                    source.Position = 0xBC;
                    dest.WriteUInt16( source.ReadUInt16().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt16( source.ReadUInt16().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt16( source.ReadUInt16().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt16( source.ReadUInt16().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt16( source.ReadUInt16().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteByte( (byte)source.ReadByte() );
                    dest.WriteByte( (byte)source.ReadByte() );
                    dest.WriteUInt32( source.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt32( source.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt32( source.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteUInt32( source.ReadUInt32().SwapEndian() );
                    dest.WriteByte( (byte)source.ReadByte() );
                    dest.WriteByte( (byte)source.ReadByte() );
                    dest.WriteUInt16( source.ReadUInt16().SwapEndian() );

                    dest.WriteAscii( "data" );
                    dest.WriteUInt32( (uint)dataLength );

                    source.Position = 0x100;
                    Util.CopyStream( source, dest, dataLength );

            return 0;
Exemple #2
        public void Pack( string[] files, string outFilename, string headerName = null, string metadata = null )
            FileCount = (uint)files.Length + 1;
            HeaderSize = 0x1C;

            EntrySize = 0;
            if ( ContainsStartPointers ) { EntrySize += 4; }
            if ( ContainsSectorSizes ) { EntrySize += 4; }
            if ( ContainsFileSizes ) { EntrySize += 4; }
            if ( ContainsFilenames ) { EntrySize += 0x20; }
            if ( ContainsFiletypes ) { EntrySize += 4; }
            if ( ContainsFileMetadata ) { EntrySize += 4; }

            bool headerToSeparateFile = false;
            if ( headerName != null ) { headerToSeparateFile = true; }

            using ( FileStream f = new FileStream( headerToSeparateFile ? headerName : outFilename, FileMode.Create ) ) {
                // header
                f.Write( Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( "FPS4" ), 0, 4 );
                f.WriteUInt32( FileCount.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                f.WriteUInt32( HeaderSize.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                f.WriteUInt32( 0 ); // start of first file goes here, will be filled in later
                f.WriteUInt16( EntrySize.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                f.WriteUInt16( ContentBitmask.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                f.WriteUInt32( Unknown2.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                f.WriteUInt32( 0 ); // ArchiveNameLocation, will be filled in later

                // file list
                for ( int i = 0; i < files.Length; ++i ) {
                    var fi = new System.IO.FileInfo( files[i] );
                    if ( ContainsStartPointers ) { f.WriteUInt32( 0 ); } // properly written later
                    if ( ContainsSectorSizes ) { f.WriteUInt32( 0 ); } // properly written later
                    if ( ContainsFileSizes ) { f.WriteUInt32( ( (uint)( fi.Length ) ).ToEndian( Endian ) ); }
                    if ( ContainsFilenames ) {
                        string filename = fi.Name.Truncate( 0x1F );
                        byte[] fnbytes = Util.ShiftJISEncoding.GetBytes( filename );
                        f.Write( fnbytes, 0, fnbytes.Length );
                        for ( int j = fnbytes.Length; j < 0x20; ++j ) {
                            f.WriteByte( 0 );
                    if ( ContainsFiletypes ) {
                        string extension = fi.Extension.TrimStart( '.' ).Truncate( 4 );
                        byte[] extbytes = Util.ShiftJISEncoding.GetBytes( extension );
                        f.Write( extbytes, 0, extbytes.Length );
                        for ( int j = extbytes.Length; j < 4; ++j ) {
                            f.WriteByte( 0 );
                    if ( ContainsFileMetadata ) {
                        if ( infile != null ) {
                            // copy this from original file, very hacky when filenames/filecount/metadata changes
                            infile.Position = f.Position;
                            f.WriteUInt32( infile.ReadUInt32() );
                        } else {
                            // place a null for now and go back to fix later
                            f.WriteUInt32( 0 );

                // at the end of the file list, reserve space for a final entry pointing to the end of the container
                for ( int j = 0; j < EntrySize; ++j ) {
                    f.WriteByte( 0 );

                // the idea is to write a pointer here
                // and at the target of the pointer you have a nullterminated string
                // with all the metadata in a param=data format separated by spaces
                // maybe including a filepath at the start without a param=
                // strings should be after the filelist block but before the actual files
                if ( ContainsFileMetadata && metadata != null ) {
                    for ( int i = 0; i < files.Length; ++i ) {
                        var fi = new System.IO.FileInfo( files[i] );
                        long ptrPos = 0x1C + ( ( i + 1 ) * EntrySize ) - 4;

                        // remember pos
                        uint oldPos = (uint)f.Position;
                        // jump to metaptr
                        f.Position = ptrPos;
                        // write remembered pos
                        f.WriteUInt32( oldPos.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                        // jump to remembered pos
                        f.Position = oldPos;
                        // write meta + nullterm
                        if ( metadata.Contains( 'p' ) ) {
                            string relativePath = GetRelativePath( f.Name, fi.FullName );
                            f.Write( Util.ShiftJISEncoding.GetBytes( relativePath ) );
                        if ( metadata.Contains( 'n' ) ) {
                            f.Write( Util.ShiftJISEncoding.GetBytes( "name=" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( fi.FullName ) ) );
                        f.WriteByte( 0 );

                // write original archive filepath
                if ( ArchiveName != null ) {
                    // put the location into the header
                    ArchiveNameLocation = Convert.ToUInt32( f.Position );
                    f.Position = 0x18;
                    f.WriteUInt32( ArchiveNameLocation.ToEndian( Endian ) );
                    f.Position = ArchiveNameLocation;

                    // and actually write it
                    byte[] archiveNameBytes = Util.ShiftJISEncoding.GetBytes( ArchiveName );
                    f.Write( archiveNameBytes, 0, archiveNameBytes.Length );
                    f.WriteByte( 0 );

                // fix up file pointers
                    long pos = f.Position;

                    // location of first file
                    if ( headerToSeparateFile ) {
                        FirstFileStart = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ( infile != null ) {
                            // keep FirstFileStart from loaded file, this is a hack
                            // will break if file metadata (names, count, etc.) changes!
                        } else {
                            FirstFileStart = ( (uint)( f.Position ) ).Align( Alignment );
                    f.Position = 0xC;
                    f.WriteUInt32( FirstFileStart.ToEndian( Endian ) );

                    // file entries
                    uint ptr = FirstFileStart;
                    for ( int i = 0; i < files.Length; ++i ) {
                        f.Position = 0x1C + ( i * EntrySize );
                        var fi = new System.IO.FileInfo( files[i] );
                        if ( ContainsStartPointers ) { f.WriteUInt32( ptr.ToEndian( Endian ) ); }
                        if ( ContainsSectorSizes ) { f.WriteUInt32( ( (uint)( fi.Length.Align( (int)Alignment ) ) ).ToEndian( Endian ) ); }
                        ptr += (uint)fi.Length.Align( (int)Alignment );
                    f.Position = 0x1C + ( files.Length * EntrySize );
                    f.WriteUInt32( ptr.ToEndian( Endian ) );

                    f.Position = pos;

                if ( !headerToSeparateFile ) {
                    // pad until files
                    if ( infile != null ) {
                        infile.Position = f.Position;
                        for ( long i = f.Length; i < FirstFileStart; ++i ) {
                            f.WriteByte( (byte)infile.ReadByte() );
                    } else {
                        for ( long i = f.Length; i < FirstFileStart; ++i ) {
                            f.WriteByte( 0 );

                // actually write files
                if ( headerToSeparateFile ) {
                    using ( FileStream dataStream = new FileStream( outFilename, FileMode.Create ) ) {
                        WriteFilesToFileStream( files, dataStream );
                } else {
                    WriteFilesToFileStream( files, f );