/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NiParticlesData"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        public NiParticlesData(NiFile file, BinaryReader reader) : base(file, reader)
			if (this.File.Header.Version <= eNifVersion.VER_4_0_0_2)
				this.NumParticles = reader.ReadUInt16();
			if (this.File.Header.Version <= eNifVersion.VER_10_0_1_0)
				this.ParticleRadius = reader.ReadSingle();
			if (this.File.Header.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_10_1_0_0)
				this.HasRadii = reader.ReadBoolean(Version);
				if (this.HasRadii)
					this.Radii = reader.ReadFloatArray((int)this.NumVertices);
			this.NumActive = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.HasSizes = reader.ReadBoolean(Version);
			if (this.HasSizes)
				this.Sizes = reader.ReadFloatArray((int)this.NumVertices);
			if (this.File.Header.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_10_0_1_0)
				this.HasRotations = reader.ReadBoolean(Version);
				if (this.HasRotations)
					this.Rotations = new Vector4[this.NumVertices];
					int num = 0;
					while ((long)num < (long)((ulong)this.NumVertices))
						this.Rotations[num] = reader.ReadVector4();
Exemple #2
        // TODO:
        // 1. Figure out how the bone remap indices work
        // They seem to be tied to the used bone indices somehow
        // Maybe building up an hierarchy as the same indices appear multiple times
        // Indices that aren't in the used bone indices are set to 0xFF
        // 2. Figure out the BoneRLE
        // First byte is the hierarchy index of the affected bone
        // Second byte seems to be something like how many bones it shares weights with on the same material split?
        // 3. Figure out the inverse matrices
        // I can currently just copy and paste the one from the original file
        // But knowing how to calculate it would be a lot easier

        internal RWSkinPlugin(RWNodeFactory.RWNodeInfo header, BinaryReader reader, RWMesh rwGeometry)
            : base(header)
            int numVertices = rwGeometry.VertexCount;

            m_numBones = reader.ReadByte();
            m_numUsedBones = reader.ReadByte();
            m_numWeightPerVertex = reader.ReadByte();
            m_unused = reader.ReadByte();

            m_usedBoneIndices = reader.ReadBytes(m_numUsedBones);

            m_skinBoneIndices = new byte[numVertices][];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                m_skinBoneIndices[i] = reader.ReadBytes(4);

            m_skinBoneWeights = new float[numVertices][];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                m_skinBoneWeights[i] = reader.ReadFloatArray(4);

            m_inverseBoneMatrices = new Matrix4x4[m_numBones];
            for (int i = 0; i < BoneCount; i++)
                Matrix4x4 mtx = Matrix4x4.Identity;

                mtx.M11 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M12 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M13 = reader.ReadSingle(); reader.BaseStream.Position += 4;
                mtx.M21 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M22 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M23 = reader.ReadSingle(); reader.BaseStream.Position += 4;
                mtx.M31 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M32 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M33 = reader.ReadSingle(); reader.BaseStream.Position += 4;
                mtx.M41 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M42 = reader.ReadSingle(); mtx.M43 = reader.ReadSingle(); reader.BaseStream.Position += 4;

                m_inverseBoneMatrices[i] = mtx;

            m_boneLimit = reader.ReadInt32();
            m_numMaterialSplit = reader.ReadInt32();
            m_materialSplitNumUsedBones = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (m_numMaterialSplit < 1)

            m_boneRemapIndices = reader.ReadBytes(m_numBones);

            m_materialSplitSkinInfo = new MaterialSplitSkinInfo[m_numMaterialSplit];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_numMaterialSplit; i++)
                m_materialSplitSkinInfo[i] = new MaterialSplitSkinInfo { UsedBonesStartIndex = reader.ReadByte(), NumUsedBones = reader.ReadByte() };

            m_materialSplitUsedBoneInfo = new MaterialSplitUsedBoneInfo[m_materialSplitNumUsedBones];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_materialSplitNumUsedBones; i++)
                m_materialSplitUsedBoneInfo[i] = new MaterialSplitUsedBoneInfo { UsedBoneHierarchyIndex = reader.ReadByte(), Unknown = reader.ReadByte() };

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SkinPartition"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        public SkinPartition(NiFile file, BinaryReader reader)
			this.NumVertices = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.NumTriangles = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.NumBones = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.NumStrips = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.NumWeightsPerVertex = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.Bones = reader.ReadUInt16Array((int)this.NumBones);
			this.HasVertexMap = true;
			this.HasVertexWeights = true;
			this.HasFaces = true;
			if (file.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_10_1_0_0)
				this.HasVertexMap = reader.ReadBoolean(file.Version);
			if (this.HasVertexMap)
				this.VertexMap = reader.ReadUInt16Array((int)this.NumVertices);
			if (file.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_10_1_0_0)
				this.HasVertexWeights = reader.ReadBoolean(file.Version);
			if (this.HasVertexWeights)
				this.VertexWeights = new float[(int)this.NumVertices][];
				for (int i = 0; i < (int)this.NumVertices; i++)
					this.VertexWeights[i] = reader.ReadFloatArray((int)this.NumWeightsPerVertex);
			this.StripLengths = reader.ReadUInt16Array((int)this.NumStrips);
			if (file.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_10_1_0_0)
				this.HasFaces = reader.ReadBoolean(file.Version);
			if (this.HasFaces && this.NumStrips != 0)
				this.Strips = new ushort[(int)this.NumStrips][];
				for (int j = 0; j < (int)this.NumStrips; j++)
					this.Strips[j] = reader.ReadUInt16Array((int)this.StripLengths[j]);
			else if (this.HasFaces && this.NumStrips == 0)
				this.Triangles = new Triangle[(int)this.NumTriangles];
				for (int k = 0; k < this.Triangles.Length; k++)
					this.Triangles[k] = new Triangle(reader);
			this.HasBoneIndicies = reader.ReadBoolean(file.Version);
			if (this.HasBoneIndicies)
				this.BoneIndicies = new byte[(int)this.NumVertices][];
				for (int l = 0; l < this.BoneIndicies.Length; l++)
					this.BoneIndicies[l] = new byte[(int)this.NumWeightsPerVertex];
					for (int m = 0; m < (int)this.NumWeightsPerVertex; m++)
						this.BoneIndicies[l][m] = reader.ReadByte();
			if (file.Header.UserVersion >= 12u)
				this.UnkownShort = reader.ReadUInt16();
			if (file.Version == eNifVersion.VER_10_2_0_0 && file.Header.UserVersion == 1u)
				this.UnkownShort2 = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.UnkownShort3 = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.NumVertices2 = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.UnkownShort4 = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.UnkownShort5 = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.UnkownShort6 = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.UnkownArr = new SkinPartitionUnkownItem1[(int)this.NumVertices2];
				for (int n = 0; n < (int)this.NumVertices2; n++)
					this.UnkownArr[n] = new SkinPartitionUnkownItem1(file, reader);
Exemple #4
 // Private Methods
 private void Read(BinaryReader reader)
     _id = reader.ReadUInt32();
     _flags = reader.ReadUInt32();
     for (int i = 16; i < 31; i++)
         if (BitHelper.IsBitSet(_flags, i))
             switch (i)
                 case 16:
                     _color1 = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
                 case 17:
                     _color2 = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
                 case 18:
                     _textureID = reader.ReadUInt32();
                 case 19:
                     _floatArray1 = reader.ReadFloatArray(5);
                 case 20:
                     _color3 = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
                 case 21:
                     _shortArray1 = reader.ReadUInt16Array(2);
                 case 22:
                     _floatArray2 = reader.ReadFloatArray(5);
                 case 23:
                     _color4 = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
                 case 25:
                     _float1 = reader.ReadSingle();
                 case 26:
                     _floatArray3 = reader.ReadFloatArray(2);
                     throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown material flag bit set");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NiParticleSystemController" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        public NiParticleSystemController(NiFile file, BinaryReader reader) : base(file, reader)
			if (base.Version <= eNifVersion.VER_3_1)
				this.OldSpeed = reader.ReadUInt32();
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_3_3_0_13)
				this.Speed = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.RandomSpeed = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.VerticalDirection = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.VerticalAngle = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.HorizontalDirection = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.HorizontalAngle = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.UnkownNormal = reader.ReadVector3();
			this.UnkownColor = reader.ReadColor4();
			this.Size = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.EmitStartTime = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.EmitStopTime = reader.ReadSingle();
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_4_0_0_2)
				this.UnkownByte = reader.ReadByte();
			if (base.Version <= eNifVersion.VER_3_1)
				this.OldEmitRate = reader.ReadUInt32();
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_3_3_0_13)
				this.EmitRate = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.Lifetime = reader.ReadSingle();
			this.LifetimeRandom = reader.ReadSingle();
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_4_0_0_2)
				this.EmitFlags = reader.ReadUInt16();
			this.StartRandom = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
			this.Emitter = new NiRef<NiObject>(reader);
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_4_0_0_2)
			if (base.Version <= eNifVersion.VER_3_1)
				this.ParticleVelocity = reader.ReadVector3();
				this.ParticleUnkownVector = reader.ReadVector3();
				this.ParticleLifeTime = reader.ReadSingle();
				this.ParticleLink = new NiRef<NiObject>(reader);
				this.ParticleTimestamp = reader.ReadUInt32();
				this.ParticleUnkownShort = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.ParticleVertexId = reader.ReadUInt16();
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_4_0_0_2)
				this.NumParticles = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.NumValid = reader.ReadUInt16();
				this.Particles = new Particle[(int)this.NumParticles];
				for (int i = 0; i < (int)this.NumParticles; i++)
					this.Particles[i] = new Particle(file, reader);
				this.UnkownRef = new NiRef<NiObject>(reader);
			this.ParticleExtra = new NiRef<NiParticleModifier>(reader);
			this.UnkownRef2 = new NiRef<NiObject>(reader);
			if (base.Version >= eNifVersion.VER_4_0_0_2)
				this.Trailer = reader.ReadByte();
			if (base.Version <= eNifVersion.VER_3_1)
				this.ColorData = new NiRef<NiColorData>(reader);
				this.UnkownFloat1 = reader.ReadSingle();
				this.UnkownFloats2 = reader.ReadFloatArray((int)this.ParticleUnkownShort);