private SegmentAsValueType(BufferSegment value) => _value = value;
Exemple #2
        // Reading

        void IPipeReader.Advance(ReadCursor consumed, ReadCursor examined)
            BufferSegment returnStart = null;
            BufferSegment returnEnd   = null;

            // Reading commit head shared with writer
            Action continuation = null;

            lock (_sync)
                var examinedEverything = examined.Segment == _commitHead && examined.Index == _commitHeadIndex;

                if (!consumed.IsDefault)
                    if (_readHead == null)

                    var consumedSegment = consumed.GetSegment();

                    returnStart = _readHead;
                    returnEnd   = consumedSegment;

                    // Check if we crossed _maximumSizeLow and complete backpressure
                    var consumedBytes = ReadCursor.GetLength(returnStart, returnStart.Start, consumedSegment, consumed.Index);
                    var oldLength     = _length;
                    _length -= consumedBytes;

                    if (oldLength >= _maximumSizeLow &&
                        _length < _maximumSizeLow)
                        continuation = _writerAwaitable.Complete();

                    // Check if we consumed entire last segment
                    // if we are going to return commit head
                    // we need to check that there is no writing operation that
                    // might be using tailspace
                    if (consumed.Index == returnEnd.End &&
                        !(_commitHead == returnEnd && _writingState.IsActive))
                        var nextBlock = returnEnd.Next;
                        if (_commitHead == returnEnd)
                            _commitHead      = nextBlock;
                            _commitHeadIndex = nextBlock?.Start ?? 0;

                        _readHead = nextBlock;
                        returnEnd = nextBlock;
                        _readHead       = consumedSegment;
                        _readHead.Start = consumed.Index;

                // We reset the awaitable to not completed if we've examined everything the producer produced so far
                // but only if writer is not completed yet
                if (examinedEverything && !_writerCompletion.IsCompleted)
                    // Prevent deadlock where reader awaits new data and writer await backpressure
                    if (!_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted)


                while (returnStart != null && returnStart != returnEnd)
                    returnStart = returnStart.Next;

            TrySchedule(_writerScheduler, continuation);
 private void PushWithResize(BufferSegment item)
     Array.Resize(ref _array, 2 * _array.Length);
     _array[_size] = item;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a new buffer into the pipeline. The task returned by this operation only completes when the next
        /// Read has been queued, or the Reader has completed, since the buffer provided here needs to be kept alive
        /// until the matching Read finishes (because we don't have ownership tracking when working with unowned buffers)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // Called by the WRITER
        public async Task WriteAsync(OwnedMemory<byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // If Writing has stopped, why is the caller writing??
            if (Writing.Status != TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Writing has ceased on this pipeline");

            // If Reading has stopped, we cancel. We don't write unless there's a reader ready in this pipeline.
            if (Reading.Status != TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Reading has ceased on this pipeline");

            // Register for cancellation on this token for the duration of the write
            using (cancellationToken.Register(state => ((UnownedBufferReader)state).CancelWriter(), this))
                // Wait for reading to start
                await ReadingStarted;

                // Cancel this task if this write is cancelled

                // Allocate a new segment to hold the buffer being written.
                using (var segment = new BufferSegment(buffer))
                    segment.End = buffer.Memory.Length;

                    if (_head == null || _head.ReadableBytes == 0)
                        // Update the head to point to the head of the buffer.
                        _head = segment;
                    else if (_tail != null)
                        // Add this segment to the end of the chain
                        _tail.Next = segment;

                    // Always update tail to the buffer's tail
                    _tail = segment;

                    // Trigger the continuation

                    // Wait for another read to come (or for the end of Reading, which will also trigger this gate to open) in before returning
                    await _readWaiting;

                    if (_head.ReadableBytes > 0)
                        // We need to preserve any buffers that haven't been consumed
                        _head = BufferSegment.Clone(new ReadCursor(_head), new ReadCursor(_tail, _tail?.End ?? 0), out _tail);

                // Cancel this task if this write is cancelled
Exemple #5
        // Reading

        void IPipeReader.Advance(ReadCursor consumed, ReadCursor examined)
            BufferSegment returnStart = null;
            BufferSegment returnEnd   = null;

            int consumedBytes = 0;

            if (!consumed.IsDefault)
                consumedBytes = ReadCursor.GetLength(_readHead, _readHead.Start, consumed.Segment, consumed.Index);

                returnStart     = _readHead;
                returnEnd       = consumed.Segment;
                _readHead       = consumed.Segment;
                _readHead.Start = consumed.Index;

            bool resumeWriter;

            // Reading commit head shared with writer
            lock (_sync)
                _length     -= consumedBytes;
                resumeWriter = _length < _maximumSizeLow;

                // Change the state from observed -> not cancelled. We only want to reset the cancelled state if it was observed
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _cancelledState, CancelledState.NotCancelled, CancelledState.CancellationObserved);

                var consumedEverything = examined.Segment == _commitHead &&
                                         examined.Index == _commitHeadIndex &&
                                         Reading.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation;

                // We reset the awaitable to not completed if
                // 1. We've consumed everything the producer produced so far
                // 2. Cancellation wasn't requested
                if (consumedEverything && _cancelledState != CancelledState.CancellationRequested)
                    Reset(ref _readerCallback);

            while (returnStart != null && returnStart != returnEnd)
                var returnSegment = returnStart;
                returnStart = returnStart.Next;

            _consumingLocation = null;
            // CompareExchange not required as its setting to current value if test fails
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _consumingState, State.NotActive) != State.Active)

            if (resumeWriter)
                Resume(_writerScheduler, ref _writerCallback);
Exemple #6
 internal ReadCursor(BufferSegment segment)
     Segment = segment;
     Index   = segment?.Start ?? 0;
        // Called by the READER
        void IPipelineReader.Advance(ReadCursor consumed, ReadCursor examined)
            BufferSegment returnStart = null;
            BufferSegment returnEnd = null;

            if (!consumed.IsDefault)
                returnStart = _head;
                returnEnd = consumed.Segment;
                _head = consumed.Segment;
                _head.Start = consumed.Index;

            // Again, we don't need an interlock here because Read and Write proceed serially.
            // REVIEW: examined.IsEnd (PipelineReaderWriter has changed this logic)
            var consumedEverything = examined.IsEnd &&
                                     Reading.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation &&
                                     _awaitableState == _awaitableIsCompleted;

            CompareExchange(ref _cancelledState, CancelledState.NotCancelled, CancelledState.CancellationObserved);

            if (consumedEverything && _cancelledState != CancelledState.CancellationRequested)
                _awaitableState = _awaitableIsNotCompleted;

            while (returnStart != returnEnd)
                var returnSegment = returnStart;
                returnStart = returnStart.Next;

            if (!_consuming)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No ongoing consuming operation to complete.");
            _consuming = false;
        internal void Append(ReadableBuffer buffer)
            if (buffer.IsEmpty)
                return; // nothing to do


            BufferSegment clonedEnd;
            var clonedBegin = BufferSegment.Clone(buffer.Start, buffer.End, out clonedEnd);

            if (_writingHead == null)
                // No active write

                if (_commitHead == null)
                    // No allocated buffers yet, not locking as _readHead will be null
                    _commitHead = clonedBegin;
                    Debug.Assert(_commitHead.Next == null);
                    // Allocated buffer, append as next segment
                    _commitHead.Next = clonedBegin;
                Debug.Assert(_writingHead.Next == null);
                // Active write, append as next segment
                _writingHead.Next = clonedBegin;

            // Move write head to end of buffer
            _writingHead = clonedEnd;
        internal void Commit()
            // CompareExchange not required as its setting to current value if test fails
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _producingState, State.NotActive) != State.Active)

            if (_writingHead == null)
                // Nothing written to commit

            // Changing commit head shared with Reader
            lock (_sync)
                if (_readHead == null)
                    // Update the head to point to the head of the buffer. 
                    // This happens if we called alloc(0) then write
                    _readHead = _commitHead;

                // Always move the commit head to the write head
                _commitHead = _writingHead;
                _commitHeadIndex = _writingHead.End;

            // Clear the writing state
            _writingHead = null;
        internal void Ensure(int count = 1)

            var segment = _writingHead;
            if (segment == null)
                segment = AllocateWriteHead(count);

            var bytesLeftInBuffer = segment.WritableBytes;

            // If inadequate bytes left or if the segment is readonly
            if (bytesLeftInBuffer == 0 || bytesLeftInBuffer < count || segment.ReadOnly)
                var nextBuffer = _pool.Lease(count);
                var nextSegment = new BufferSegment(nextBuffer);

                segment.Next = nextSegment;

                _writingHead = nextSegment;
        private BufferSegment AllocateWriteHead(int count)
            BufferSegment segment = null;

            if (_commitHead != null && !_commitHead.ReadOnly)
                // Try to return the tail so the calling code can append to it
                int remaining = _commitHead.WritableBytes;

                if (count <= remaining)
                    // Free tail space of the right amount, use that
                    segment = _commitHead;

            if (segment == null)
                // No free tail space, allocate a new segment
                segment = new BufferSegment(_pool.Lease(count));

            // Changing commit head shared with Reader
            lock (_sync)
                if (_commitHead == null)
                    // No previous writes have occurred
                    _commitHead = segment;
                else if (segment != _commitHead && _commitHead.Next == null)
                    // Append the segment to the commit head if writes have been committed
                    // and it isn't the same segment (unused tail space)
                    _commitHead.Next = segment;

            // Set write head to assigned segment
            _writingHead = segment;

            return segment;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a new buffer into the pipeline. The task returned by this operation only completes when the next
        /// Read has been queued, or the Reader has completed, since the buffer provided here needs to be kept alive
        /// until the matching Read finishes (because we don't have ownership tracking when working with unowned buffers)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // Called by the WRITER
        public async Task WriteAsync(OwnedBuffer <byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // If Writing has stopped, why is the caller writing??
            if (Writing.Status != TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Writing has ceased on this pipeline");

            // If Reading has stopped, we cancel. We don't write unless there's a reader ready in this pipeline.
            if (Reading.Status != TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Reading has ceased on this pipeline");

            // Register for cancellation on this token for the duration of the write
            using (cancellationToken.Register(state => ((UnownedBufferReader)state).CancelWriter(), this))
                // Wait for reading to start
                await ReadingStarted;

                // Cancel this task if this write is cancelled

                // Allocate a new segment to hold the buffer being written.
                using (var segment = new BufferSegment(buffer))
                    segment.End = buffer.Buffer.Length;

                    if (_head == null || _head.ReadableBytes == 0)
                        // Update the head to point to the head of the buffer.
                        _head = segment;
                    else if (_tail != null)
                        // Add this segment to the end of the chain

                    // Always update tail to the buffer's tail
                    _tail = segment;

                    // Trigger the continuation

                    // Wait for another read to come (or for the end of Reading, which will also trigger this gate to open) in before returning
                    await _readWaiting;

                    if (_head.ReadableBytes > 0)
                        // We need to preserve any buffers that haven't been consumed
                        _head = BufferSegment.Clone(new ReadCursor(_head), new ReadCursor(_tail, _tail?.End ?? 0), out _tail);
                        // Drop segement references before Dispose gets called on the segment
                        _head = _tail = null;

                // Cancel this task if this write is cancelled
        public static BufferSegment Clone(ReadCursor beginBuffer, ReadCursor endBuffer, out BufferSegment lastSegment)
            var beginOrig = beginBuffer.Segment;
            var endOrig   = endBuffer.Segment;

            if (beginOrig == endOrig)
                lastSegment = new BufferSegment();
                lastSegment.SetMemory(beginOrig._owned, beginBuffer.Index, endBuffer.Index);

            var beginClone = new BufferSegment();

            beginClone.SetMemory(beginOrig._owned, beginBuffer.Index, beginOrig.End);
            var endClone = beginClone;

            beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            while (beginOrig != endOrig)
                var next = new BufferSegment();
                next.SetMemory(beginOrig._owned, beginOrig.Start, beginOrig.End);

                endClone  = endClone.Next;
                beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            lastSegment = new BufferSegment();
            lastSegment.SetMemory(endOrig._owned, endOrig.Start, endBuffer.Index);

Exemple #14
 internal ReadableBuffer(BufferSegment startSegment, int startIndex, BufferSegment endSegment, int endIndex)
     BufferStart = new ReadCursor(startSegment, startIndex);
     BufferEnd   = new ReadCursor(endSegment, endIndex);
Exemple #15
        public static BufferSegment Clone(ReadCursor beginBuffer, ReadCursor endBuffer, out BufferSegment lastSegment)
            var beginOrig = beginBuffer.Segment;
            var endOrig   = endBuffer.Segment;

            if (beginOrig == endOrig)
                lastSegment = new BufferSegment(beginOrig._buffer, beginBuffer.Index, endBuffer.Index);

            var beginClone = new BufferSegment(beginOrig._buffer, beginBuffer.Index, beginOrig.End);
            var endClone   = beginClone;

            beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            while (beginOrig != endOrig)
                endClone.Next = new BufferSegment(beginOrig._buffer, beginOrig.Start, beginOrig.End);

                endClone  = endClone.Next;
                beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            lastSegment   = new BufferSegment(endOrig._buffer, endOrig.Start, endBuffer.Index);
            endClone.Next = lastSegment;

        public void AdvanceReader(ReadCursor consumed, ReadCursor examined)
            BufferSegment returnStart = null;
            BufferSegment returnEnd = null;

            if (!consumed.IsDefault)
                returnStart = _readHead;
                returnEnd = consumed.Segment;
                _readHead = consumed.Segment;
                _readHead.Start = consumed.Index;

            // Reading commit head shared with writer
            lock (_sync)
                // Change the state from observed -> not cancelled. We only want to reset the cancelled state if it was observed
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _cancelledState, CancelledState.NotCancelled, CancelledState.CancellationObserved);

                var consumedEverything = examined.Segment == _commitHead &&
                                         examined.Index == _commitHeadIndex &&
                                         Reading.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation;

                // We reset the awaitable to not completed if
                // 1. We've consumed everything the producer produced so far
                // 2. Cancellation wasn't requested
                if (consumedEverything && _cancelledState != CancelledState.CancellationRequested)
                        ref _awaitableState,

            while (returnStart != null && returnStart != returnEnd)
                var returnSegment = returnStart;
                returnStart = returnStart.Next;

            _consumingLocation = null;
            // CompareExchange not required as its setting to current value if test fails
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _consumingState, State.NotActive) != State.Active)
Exemple #17
        private async ValueTask <FlushResult> FlushAsyncInternal(bool writeToStream, ReadOnlyMemory <byte> data, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            // Write all completed segments and whatever remains in the current segment
            // and flush the result.
            CancellationTokenRegistration reg = default;

            if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
                reg = cancellationToken.UnsafeRegister(state => ((StreamPipeWriter)state !).Cancel(), this);

            if (_tailBytesBuffered > 0)
                Debug.Assert(_tail != null);

                // Update any buffered data
                _tail.End         += _tailBytesBuffered;
                _tailBytesBuffered = 0;

            using (reg)
                CancellationToken localToken = InternalTokenSource.Token;
                    BufferSegment?segment = _head;
                    while (segment != null)
                        BufferSegment returnSegment = segment;
                        segment = segment.NextSegment;

                        if (returnSegment.Length > 0 && writeToStream)
                            await InnerStream.WriteAsync(returnSegment.Memory, localToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


                        // Update the head segment after we return the current segment
                        _head = segment;

                    if (writeToStream)
                        // Write data after the buffered data
                        if (data.Length > 0)
                            await InnerStream.WriteAsync(data, localToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (_bytesBuffered > 0 || data.Length > 0)
                            await InnerStream.FlushAsync(localToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // Mark bytes as written *after* flushing
                    _head          = null;
                    _tail          = null;
                    _tailMemory    = default;
                    _bytesBuffered = 0;

                    return(new FlushResult(isCanceled: false, isCompleted: false));
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    // Remove the cancellation token such that the next time Flush is called
                    // A new CTS is created.
                    lock (_lockObject)
                        _internalTokenSource = null;

                    if (localToken.IsCancellationRequested && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        // Catch cancellation and translate it into setting isCanceled = true
                        return(new FlushResult(isCanceled: true, isCompleted: false));

        private void Dispose()
            Debug.Assert(Writing.IsCompleted, "Not completed writing");
            Debug.Assert(Reading.IsCompleted, "Not completed reading");

            // TODO: Review throw if not completed?

            lock (_sync)
                // Return all segments
                var segment = _readHead;
                while (segment != null)
                    var returnSegment = segment;
                    segment = segment.Next;


                _readHead = null;
                _commitHead = null;
Exemple #19
 internal ReadCursor(BufferSegment segment, int index)
     Segment = segment;
     Index   = index;
Exemple #20
        internal void AdvanceReader(SequencePosition consumed, SequencePosition examined)
            BufferSegment returnStart = null;
            BufferSegment returnEnd   = null;

            Action continuation = null;

            lock (_sync)
                var examinedEverything = false;
                if (examined.Segment == _commitHead)
                    examinedEverything = _commitHead != null ? examined.Index == _commitHeadIndex - _commitHead.Start : examined.Index == 0;

                if (consumed.Segment != null)
                    if (_readHead == null)

                    var consumedSegment = (BufferSegment)consumed.Segment;

                    returnStart = _readHead;
                    returnEnd   = consumedSegment;

                    // Check if we crossed _maximumSizeLow and complete backpressure
                    long consumedBytes = new ReadOnlySequence <byte>(returnStart, _readHeadIndex, consumedSegment, consumed.Index).Length;
                    long oldLength     = _length;
                    _length -= consumedBytes;

                    if (oldLength >= _maximumSizeLow &&
                        _length < _maximumSizeLow)
                        continuation = _writerAwaitable.Complete();

                    // Check if we consumed entire last segment
                    // if we are going to return commit head we need to check that there is no writing operation that
                    // might be using tailspace
                    if (consumed.Index == returnEnd.Length && _writingHead != returnEnd)
                        var nextBlock = returnEnd.NextSegment;
                        if (_commitHead == returnEnd)
                            _commitHead      = nextBlock;
                            _commitHeadIndex = 0;

                        _readHead      = nextBlock;
                        _readHeadIndex = 0;
                        returnEnd      = nextBlock;
                        _readHead      = consumedSegment;
                        _readHeadIndex = consumed.Index;

                // We reset the awaitable to not completed if we've examined everything the producer produced so far
                // but only if writer is not completed yet
                if (examinedEverything && !_writerCompletion.IsCompleted)
                    // Prevent deadlock where reader awaits new data and writer await backpressure
                    if (!_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted)


                while (returnStart != null && returnStart != returnEnd)
                    returnStart = returnStart.NextSegment;

            TrySchedule(_writerScheduler, continuation);
        private void Dispose()
            Debug.Assert(Writing.IsCompleted, "Not completed writing");
            Debug.Assert(Reading.IsCompleted, "Not completed reading");

            // Return all segments
            var segment = _head;
            while (segment != null)
                var returnSegment = segment;
                segment = segment.Next;


            _head = null;
            _tail = null;
Exemple #22
        private void AdvanceTo(BufferSegment consumedSegment, int consumedIndex, BufferSegment examinedSegment, int examinedIndex)
            if (consumedSegment == null || examinedSegment == null)

            if (_readHead == null)

            BufferSegment returnStart = _readHead;
            BufferSegment returnEnd   = consumedSegment;

            long consumedBytes = BufferSegment.GetLength(returnStart, _readIndex, consumedSegment, consumedIndex);

            _bufferedBytes -= consumedBytes;

            Debug.Assert(_bufferedBytes >= 0);

            _examinedEverything = false;

            if (examinedSegment == _readTail)
                // If we examined everything, we force ReadAsync to actually read from the underlying stream
                // instead of returning a ReadResult from TryRead.
                _examinedEverything = examinedIndex == _readTail.End;

            // Two cases here:
            // 1. All data is consumed. If so, we empty clear everything so we don't hold onto any
            // excess memory.
            // 2. A segment is entirely consumed but there is still more data in nextSegments
            //  We are allowed to remove an extra segment. by setting returnEnd to be the next block.
            // 3. We are in the middle of a segment.
            //  Move _readHead and _readIndex to consumedSegment and index
            if (_bufferedBytes == 0)
                returnEnd  = null;
                _readHead  = null;
                _readTail  = null;
                _readIndex = 0;
            else if (consumedIndex == returnEnd.Length)
                BufferSegment nextBlock = returnEnd.NextSegment;
                _readHead  = nextBlock;
                _readIndex = 0;
                returnEnd  = nextBlock;
                _readHead  = consumedSegment;
                _readIndex = consumedIndex;

            // Remove all blocks that are freed (except the last one)
            while (returnStart != returnEnd)
                BufferSegment next = returnStart.NextSegment;
                returnStart = next;
        public static BufferSegment Clone(ReadCursor beginBuffer, ReadCursor endBuffer, out BufferSegment lastSegment)
            var beginOrig = beginBuffer.Segment;
            var endOrig = endBuffer.Segment;

            if (beginOrig == endOrig)
                lastSegment = new BufferSegment(beginOrig._buffer, beginBuffer.Index, endBuffer.Index);
                return lastSegment;

            var beginClone = new BufferSegment(beginOrig._buffer, beginBuffer.Index, beginOrig.End);
            var endClone = beginClone;

            beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            while (beginOrig != endOrig)
                endClone.Next = new BufferSegment(beginOrig._buffer, beginOrig.Start, beginOrig.End);

                endClone = endClone.Next;
                beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            lastSegment = new BufferSegment(endOrig._buffer, endOrig.Start, endBuffer.Index);
            endClone.Next = lastSegment;

            return beginClone;
Exemple #24
        public static BufferSegment Clone(BufferSegment start, int startIndex, BufferSegment end, int endIndex, out BufferSegment lastSegment)
            var beginOrig = start;
            var endOrig   = end;

            if (beginOrig == endOrig)
                lastSegment = new BufferSegment();
                lastSegment.SetMemory(beginOrig._ownedMemory, startIndex, endIndex);

            var beginClone = new BufferSegment();

            beginClone.SetMemory(beginOrig._ownedMemory, startIndex, beginOrig.End);
            var endClone = beginClone;

            beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            while (beginOrig != endOrig)
                var next = new BufferSegment();
                next.SetMemory(beginOrig._ownedMemory, beginOrig.Start, beginOrig.End);

                endClone  = endClone.Next;
                beginOrig = beginOrig.Next;

            lastSegment = new BufferSegment();
            lastSegment.SetMemory(endOrig._ownedMemory, endOrig.Start, endIndex);
