public JsonWriterDelegator(XmlWriter writer, DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormat)
     : this(writer)
     _dateTimeFormat = dateTimeFormat;
        /// <summary>Format the TimeSpan instance using the specified format.</summary>
        private static StringBuilder FormatCustomized(TimeSpan value, ReadOnlySpan <char> format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, StringBuilder result)
            Debug.Assert(dtfi != null);

            bool resultBuilderIsPooled = false;

            if (result == null)
                result = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(InternalGlobalizationHelper.StringBuilderDefaultCapacity);
                resultBuilderIsPooled = true;

            int  day  = (int)(value.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
            long time = value.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerDay;

            if (value.Ticks < 0)
                day  = -day;
                time = -time;
            int hours    = (int)(time / TimeSpan.TicksPerHour % 24);
            int minutes  = (int)(time / TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute % 60);
            int seconds  = (int)(time / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond % 60);
            int fraction = (int)(time % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);

            long tmp = 0;
            int  i   = 0;
            int  tokenLen;

            while (i < format.Length)
                char ch = format[i];
                int  nextChar;
                switch (ch)
                case 'h':
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                    if (tokenLen > 2)
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw
                    DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, hours, tokenLen);

                case 'm':
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                    if (tokenLen > 2)
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw
                    DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, minutes, tokenLen);

                case 's':
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                    if (tokenLen > 2)
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw
                    DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, seconds, tokenLen);

                case 'f':
                    // The fraction of a second in single-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated.
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                    if (tokenLen > DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits)
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw

                    tmp  = fraction;
                    tmp /= TimeSpanParse.Pow10(DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits - tokenLen);
                    result.Append((tmp).ToString(DateTimeFormat.fixedNumberFormats[tokenLen - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                case 'F':
                    // Displays the most significant digit of the seconds fraction. Nothing is displayed if the digit is zero.
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                    if (tokenLen > DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits)
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw

                    tmp  = fraction;
                    tmp /= TimeSpanParse.Pow10(DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits - tokenLen);
                    int effectiveDigits = tokenLen;
                    while (effectiveDigits > 0)
                        if (tmp % 10 == 0)
                            tmp = tmp / 10;
                    if (effectiveDigits > 0)
                        result.Append((tmp).ToString(DateTimeFormat.fixedNumberFormats[effectiveDigits - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                case 'd':
                    // tokenLen == 1 : Day as digits with no leading zero.
                    // tokenLen == 2+: Day as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                    if (tokenLen > 8)
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw

                    DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, day, tokenLen, true);

                case '\'':
                case '\"':
                    tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseQuoteString(format, i, result);

                case '%':
                    // Optional format character.
                    // For example, format string "%d" will print day
                    // Most of the cases, "%" can be ignored.
                    nextChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, i);
                    // nextChar will be -1 if we already reach the end of the format string.
                    // Besides, we will not allow "%%" appear in the pattern.
                    if (nextChar >= 0 && nextChar != (int)'%')
                        char nextCharChar = (char)nextChar;
                        ReadOnlySpan <char> nextCharSpan;
#if MONO
                        // Remove once Mono switches to Fast Spans
                            nextCharSpan = new ReadOnlySpan <char>(&nextCharChar, 1);
                        nextCharSpan = MemoryMarshal.CreateReadOnlySpan <char>(ref nextCharChar, 1);
                        StringBuilder origStringBuilder = FormatCustomized(value, nextCharSpan, dtfi, result);
                        Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(origStringBuilder, result));
                        tokenLen = 2;
                        // This means that '%' is at the end of the format string or
                        // "%%" appears in the format string.
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw

                case '\\':
                    // Escaped character.  Can be used to insert character into the format string.
                    // For example, "\d" will insert the character 'd' into the string.
                    nextChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, i);
                    if (nextChar >= 0)
                        tokenLen = 2;
                        // This means that '\' is at the end of the formatting string.
                        goto default;     // to release the builder and throw

                    // Invalid format string
                    if (resultBuilderIsPooled)
                    throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);
                i += tokenLen;
Exemple #3
 public static String FormatDateTime(DateTime value, String format, IFormatProvider provider, TimeSpan offSet)
     return(DateTimeFormat.Format(value, format, DateTimeFormatInfo.GetInstance(provider), offSet));
            //  FormatCustomized
            //  Actions: Format the TimeSpan instance using the specified format.
            internal static String FormatCustomized(TimeSpan value, String format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
                int  day  = (int)(value.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
                long time = value.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerDay;

                if (value.Ticks < 0)
                    day  = -day;
                    time = -time;
                int hours    = (int)(time / TimeSpan.TicksPerHour % 24);
                int minutes  = (int)(time / TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute % 60);
                int seconds  = (int)(time / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond % 60);
                int fraction = (int)(time % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);

                long          tmp = 0;
                int           i   = 0;
                int           tokenLen;
                StringBuilder result = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(InternalGloablizationHelper.StringBuilderDefaultCapacity);

                while (i < format.Length)
                    char ch = format[i];
                    int  nextChar;
                    switch (ch)
                    case 'h':
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                        if (tokenLen > 2)
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, hours, tokenLen);

                    case 'm':
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                        if (tokenLen > 2)
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, minutes, tokenLen);

                    case 's':
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                        if (tokenLen > 2)
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, seconds, tokenLen);

                    case 'f':
                        // The fraction of a second in single-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated.
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                        if (tokenLen > DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits)
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);

                        tmp  = (long)fraction;
                        tmp /= (long)Math.Pow(10, DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits - tokenLen);
                        result.Append((tmp).ToString(DateTimeFormat.fixedNumberFormats[tokenLen - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    case 'F':
                        // Displays the most significant digit of the seconds fraction. Nothing is displayed if the digit is zero.
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                        if (tokenLen > DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits)
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);

                        tmp  = (long)fraction;
                        tmp /= (long)Math.Pow(10, DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits - tokenLen);
                        int effectiveDigits = tokenLen;
                        while (effectiveDigits > 0)
                            if (tmp % 10 == 0)
                                tmp = tmp / 10;
                        if (effectiveDigits > 0)
                            result.Append((tmp).ToString(DateTimeFormat.fixedNumberFormats[effectiveDigits - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    case 'd':
                        // tokenLen == 1 : Day as digits with no leading zero.
                        // tokenLen == 2+: Day as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, i, ch);
                        if (tokenLen > 8)
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(result, day, tokenLen, true);

                    case '\'':
                    case '\"':
                        tokenLen = DateTimeFormat.ParseQuoteString(format, i);
                        result.Append(format, i + 1, tokenLen - 2);

                    case '%':
                        // Optional format character.
                        // For example, format string "%d" will print day
                        // Most of the cases, "%" can be ignored.
                        nextChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, i);
                        // nextChar will be -1 if we already reach the end of the format string.
                        // Besides, we will not allow "%%" appear in the pattern.
                        if (nextChar >= 0 && nextChar != (int)'%')
                            result.Append(TimeSpanFormat.FormatCustomized(value, ((char)nextChar).ToString(), dtfi));
                            tokenLen = 2;
                            // This means that '%' is at the end of the format string or
                            // "%%" appears in the format string.
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);

                    case '\\':
                        // Escaped character.  Can be used to insert character into the format string.
                        // For example, "\d" will insert the character 'd' into the string.
                        nextChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, i);
                        if (nextChar >= 0)
                            tokenLen = 2;
                            // This means that '\' is at the end of the formatting string.
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);

                        throw new FormatException(SR.Format_InvalidString);
                    i += tokenLen;
        internal static string FormatCustomized(TimeSpan value, string format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            int  num1 = (int)(value._ticks / 864000000000L);
            long num2 = value._ticks % 864000000000L;

            if (value._ticks < 0L)
                num1 = -num1;
                num2 = -num2;
            int           num3          = (int)(num2 / 36000000000L % 24L);
            int           num4          = (int)(num2 / 600000000L % 60L);
            int           num5          = (int)(num2 / 10000000L % 60L);
            int           num6          = (int)(num2 % 10000000L);
            int           pos           = 0;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(16);

            while (pos < format.Length)
                char patternChar = format[pos];
                int  len;
                if ((uint)patternChar <= 70U)
                    if ((uint)patternChar <= 37U)
                        if ((int)patternChar != 34)
                            if ((int)patternChar == 37)
                                int nextChar = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, pos);
                                if (nextChar < 0 || nextChar == 37)
                                    throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                                stringBuilder.Append(TimeSpanFormat.FormatCustomized(value, ((char)nextChar).ToString(), dtfi));
                                len = 2;
                                goto label_43;
                                goto label_42;
                    else if ((int)patternChar != 39)
                        if ((int)patternChar == 70)
                            len = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, pos, patternChar);
                            if (len > 7)
                                throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                            long num7 = (long)num6 / (long)Math.Pow(10.0, (double)(7 - len));
                            int  num8;
                            for (num8 = len; num8 > 0 && num7 % 10L == 0L; --num8)
                                num7 /= 10L;
                            if (num8 > 0)
                                stringBuilder.Append(num7.ToString(DateTimeFormat.fixedNumberFormats[num8 - 1], (IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                goto label_43;
                                goto label_43;
                            goto label_42;
                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                    len = DateTimeFormat.ParseQuoteString(format, pos, result);
                    goto label_43;
                else if ((uint)patternChar <= 104U)
                    switch (patternChar)
                    case '\\':
                        int nextChar1 = DateTimeFormat.ParseNextChar(format, pos);
                        if (nextChar1 < 0)
                            throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                        len = 2;
                        goto label_43;

                    case 'd':
                        len = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, pos, patternChar);
                        if (len > 8)
                            throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(stringBuilder, num1, len, true);
                        goto label_43;

                    case 'f':
                        len = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, pos, patternChar);
                        if (len > 7)
                            throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                        long num9 = (long)num6 / (long)Math.Pow(10.0, (double)(7 - len));
                        stringBuilder.Append(num9.ToString(DateTimeFormat.fixedNumberFormats[len - 1], (IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        goto label_43;

                    case 'h':
                        len = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, pos, patternChar);
                        if (len > 2)
                            throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(stringBuilder, num3, len);
                        goto label_43;
                else if ((int)patternChar != 109)
                    if ((int)patternChar == 115)
                        len = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, pos, patternChar);
                        if (len > 2)
                            throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                        DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(stringBuilder, num5, len);
                        goto label_43;
                    len = DateTimeFormat.ParseRepeatPattern(format, pos, patternChar);
                    if (len > 2)
                        throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                    DateTimeFormat.FormatDigits(stringBuilder, num4, len);
                    goto label_43;
                throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
                pos += len;