Exemple #1
 internal void RegisterListChangedEvent(Index index)
     // TODO: do we realy need this lock? See considerations in the bug 55221
     lock (index) {
         this.index = index;
         index.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(IndexListChanged);
Exemple #2
        internal void ConstraintIndexInitialize()
            if (null == _constraintIndex)
                _constraintIndex = _key.GetSortIndex();

        internal void ConstraintIndexInitialize()
            //Debug.Assert(null == _constraintIndex, "non-null UniqueConstraint index");
            if (null == _constraintIndex)
                _constraintIndex = key.GetSortIndex();

 internal void RegisterListChangedEvent(Index index)
     Debug.Assert(null == _index, "DataviewListener already registered index");
     _index = index;
     if (null != index)
         lock (index) {
 internal void RegisterListChangedEvent(Index index)
     this._index = index;
     if (index != null)
         lock (index)
        internal void MergeRows(DataRow[] rows)
            DataTable dst                = null;
            DataTable src                = null;
            DataKey   srcKey             = new DataKey();
            Index     ndx                = null;
            bool      enforceConstraints = this.dataSet.EnforceConstraints;

            this.dataSet.EnforceConstraints = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
                DataRow row = rows[i];
                if (row == null)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("rows[" + i + "]");
                if (row.Table == null)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("rows[" + i + "].Table");
                if (row.Table.DataSet != this.dataSet)
                    if (src != row.Table)
                        src = row.Table;
                        dst = this.MergeSchema(row.Table);
                        if (dst == null)
                            this.dataSet.EnforceConstraints = enforceConstraints;
                        if (dst.primaryKey != null)
                            srcKey = this.GetSrcKey(src, dst);
                        if (srcKey.HasValue)
                            if (ndx != null)
                                ndx = null;
                            ndx = new Index(dst, dst.primaryKey.Key.GetIndexDesc(), DataViewRowState.OriginalRows | DataViewRowState.Added, null);
                    if ((row.newRecord != -1) || (row.oldRecord != -1))
                        DataRow targetRow = null;
                        if ((0 < dst.Rows.Count) && (ndx != null))
                            targetRow = dst.FindMergeTarget(row, srcKey, ndx);
                        targetRow = dst.MergeRow(row, targetRow, this.preserveChanges, ndx);
                        if ((targetRow.Table.dependentColumns != null) && (targetRow.Table.dependentColumns.Count > 0))
                            targetRow.Table.EvaluateExpressions(targetRow, DataRowAction.Change, null);
            if (ndx != null)
                ndx = null;
            this.dataSet.EnforceConstraints = enforceConstraints;
Exemple #7
        internal void MergeRows(DataRow[] rows)
            DataTable src       = null;
            DataTable dst       = null;
            DataKey   key       = default(DataKey);
            Index     ndxSearch = null;

            bool fEnforce = dataSet.EnforceConstraints;

            dataSet.EnforceConstraints = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
                DataRow row = rows[i];

                if (row == null)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("rows[" + i + "]");
                if (row.Table == null)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("rows[" + i + "].Table");

                //somebody is doing an 'automerge'
                if (row.Table.DataSet == dataSet)

                if (src != row.Table)                       // row.Table changed from prev. row.
                    src = row.Table;
                    dst = MergeSchema(row.Table);
                    if (dst == null)
                        Debug.Assert(MissingSchemaAction.Ignore == missingSchemaAction, "MergeSchema failed");
                        dataSet.EnforceConstraints = fEnforce;
                    if (dst.primaryKey != null)
                        key = GetSrcKey(src, dst);
                    if (key.HasValue)
                        // Getting our own copy instead. ndxSearch = dst.primaryKey.Key.GetSortIndex();
                        // IMO, Better would be to reuse index
                        // ndxSearch = dst.primaryKey.Key.GetSortIndex(DataViewRowState.OriginalRows | DataViewRowState.Added );
                        if (null != ndxSearch)
                            ndxSearch = null;
                        ndxSearch = new Index(dst, dst.primaryKey.Key.GetIndexDesc(), DataViewRowState.OriginalRows | DataViewRowState.Added, (IFilter)null);
                        ndxSearch.AddRef(); // need to addref twice, otherwise it will be collected
                        ndxSearch.AddRef(); // in past first adref was done in const

                if (row.newRecord == -1 && row.oldRecord == -1)

                DataRow targetRow = null;
                if (0 < dst.Rows.Count && ndxSearch != null)
                    targetRow = dst.FindMergeTarget(row, key, ndxSearch);

                targetRow = dst.MergeRow(row, targetRow, preserveChanges, ndxSearch);

                if (targetRow.Table.dependentColumns != null && targetRow.Table.dependentColumns.Count > 0)
                    targetRow.Table.EvaluateExpressions(targetRow, DataRowAction.Change, null);
            if (null != ndxSearch)
                ndxSearch = null;

            dataSet.EnforceConstraints = fEnforce;
Exemple #8
        // Based on the required sorting and candidate columns settings, create a new index; Should be called only when there is no existing index to be reused
        private void CreateIndex()
            if (_index == null)
                if (_nCandidates == 0)
                    _index = new Index(_table, _indexFields, _recordStates, null);
                    int  i;
                    int  lenCanColumns  = _candidateColumns.Length;
                    int  lenIndexDesc   = _indexFields.Length;
                    bool equalsOperator = true;
                    for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
                        if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
                            if (!_candidateColumns[i].equalsOperator)
                                equalsOperator = false;

                    int j = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
                        ColumnInfo candidateColumn = _candidateColumns[_indexFields[i].Column.Ordinal];
                        if (candidateColumn != null)
                            candidateColumn.flag = true;
                    int          indexNotInCandidates = lenIndexDesc - j;
                    IndexField[] ndxFields            = new IndexField[_nCandidates + indexNotInCandidates];

                    if (equalsOperator)
                        j = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
                            if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
                                ndxFields[j++]            = new IndexField(_table.Columns[i], isDescending: false);
                                _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;// this means it is processed
                        for (i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
                            ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[_indexFields[i].Column.Ordinal];
                            if (canColumn == null || canColumn.flag)
                            { // if sort column is not a filter col , or not processed
                                ndxFields[j++] = _indexFields[i];
                                if (canColumn != null)
                                    canColumn.flag = false;

                        for (i = 0; i < _candidateColumns.Length; i++)
                            if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
                                _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;// same as before, it is false when it returns

                        // Debug.Assert(j == candidatesNotInIndex, "Whole ndxDesc should be filled!");

                        _index = new Index(_table, ndxFields, _recordStates, null);
                        if (!IsOperatorIn(_expression))
                            // if the expression contains an 'IN' operator, the index will not be shared
                            // therefore we do not need to index.AddRef, also table would track index consuming more memory until first write

                        _matchedCandidates = _nCandidates;
                        for (i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
                            ndxFields[i] = _indexFields[i];
                            ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[_indexFields[i].Column.Ordinal];
                            if (canColumn != null)
                                canColumn.flag = true;
                        j = i;
                        for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
                            if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
                                if (!_candidateColumns[i].flag)
                                    ndxFields[j++] = new IndexField(_table.Columns[i], isDescending: false);
                                    _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;
                        //                        Debug.Assert(j == nCandidates+indexNotInCandidates, "Whole ndxDesc should be filled!");

                        _index             = new Index(_table, ndxFields, _recordStates, null);
                        _matchedCandidates = 0;
                        if (_linearExpression != _expression)
                            IndexField[] fields = _index._indexFields;
                            while (_matchedCandidates < j)
                                ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[fields[_matchedCandidates].Column.Ordinal];
                                if (canColumn == null || canColumn.expr == null)
                                if (!canColumn.equalsOperator)
                        for (i = 0; i < _candidateColumns.Length; i++)
                            if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
                                _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;// same as before, it is false when it returns