Exemple #1
        private DBPropSet CommandPropertySets()
            DBPropSet propSet = null;

            bool keyInfo = (0 != (CommandBehavior.KeyInfo & this.commandBehavior));

            // always set the CommandTimeout value?
            int count = (_executeQuery ? (keyInfo ? 4 : 2) : 1);

            if (0 < count)
                propSet = new DBPropSet(1);

                tagDBPROP[] dbprops = new tagDBPROP[count];

                dbprops[0] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT, false, CommandTimeout);

                if (_executeQuery)
                    // 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' default is DBPROPVAL_AO_SEQUENTIAL
                    dbprops[1] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_ACCESSORDER, false, ODB.DBPROPVAL_AO_RANDOM);

                    if (keyInfo)
                        // 'Unique Rows' property required for SQLOLEDB to retrieve things like 'BaseTableName'
                        dbprops[2] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_UNIQUEROWS, false, keyInfo);

                        // otherwise 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' doesn't support IColumnsRowset
                        dbprops[3] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_IColumnsRowset, false, true);
                propSet.SetPropertySet(0, OleDbPropertySetGuid.Rowset, dbprops);
Exemple #2
        internal static DBPropSet CreateProperty(Guid propertySet, int propertyId, bool required, object value)
            tagDBPROP gdbprop = new tagDBPROP(propertyId, required, value);
            DBPropSet set     = new DBPropSet(1);

            set.SetPropertySet(0, propertySet, new tagDBPROP[] { gdbprop });
Exemple #3
        static internal DBPropSet CreateProperty(Guid propertySet, int propertyId, bool required, object value)
            tagDBPROP dbprop      = new tagDBPROP(propertyId, required, value);
            DBPropSet propertyset = new DBPropSet(1);

            propertyset.SetPropertySet(0, propertySet, new tagDBPROP[1] {
Exemple #4
        internal static DBPropSet CreateProperty(Guid propertySet, int propertyId, bool required, object value)
            ItagDBPROP dbprop      = OleDbStructHelpers.CreateTagDbProp(propertyId, required, value);
            DBPropSet  propertyset = new DBPropSet(1);

            propertyset.SetPropertySet(0, propertySet, new ItagDBPROP[1] {
        private DBPropSet CommandPropertySets()
            DBPropSet set  = null;
            bool      flag = CommandBehavior.Default != (CommandBehavior.KeyInfo & this.commandBehavior);
            int       num  = this._executeQuery ? (flag ? 4 : 2) : 1;

            if (0 < num)
                set = new DBPropSet(1);
                tagDBPROP[] properties = new tagDBPROP[num];
                properties[0] = new tagDBPROP(0x22, false, this.CommandTimeout);
                if (this._executeQuery)
                    properties[1] = new tagDBPROP(0xe7, false, 2);
                    if (flag)
                        properties[2] = new tagDBPROP(0xee, false, flag);
                        properties[3] = new tagDBPROP(0x7b, false, true);
                set.SetPropertySet(0, OleDbPropertySetGuid.Rowset, properties);
Exemple #6
 static internal DBPropSet CreateProperty(Guid propertySet, int propertyId, bool required, object value) {
     tagDBPROP dbprop = new tagDBPROP(propertyId, required, value);
     DBPropSet propertyset = new DBPropSet(1);
     propertyset.SetPropertySet(0, propertySet, new tagDBPROP[1] { dbprop });
     return propertyset;
        private DBPropSet CommandPropertySets() {
            DBPropSet propSet = null;

            bool keyInfo = (0 != (CommandBehavior.KeyInfo & this.commandBehavior));

            // always set the CommandTimeout value?
            int count = (_executeQuery ? (keyInfo ? 4 : 2) : 1);

            if (0 < count) {
                propSet = new DBPropSet(1);

                tagDBPROP[] dbprops = new tagDBPROP[count];

                dbprops[0] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT, false, CommandTimeout);

                if (_executeQuery) {
                    // 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' default is DBPROPVAL_AO_SEQUENTIAL
                    dbprops[1] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_ACCESSORDER, false, ODB.DBPROPVAL_AO_RANDOM); // MDAC 73030

                    if (keyInfo) {
                        // 'Unique Rows' property required for SQLOLEDB to retrieve things like 'BaseTableName'
                        dbprops[2] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_UNIQUEROWS, false, keyInfo);

                        // otherwise 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' doesn't support IColumnsRowset
                        dbprops[3] = new tagDBPROP(ODB.DBPROP_IColumnsRowset, false, true);
                propSet.SetPropertySet(0, OleDbPropertySetGuid.Rowset, dbprops);
            return propSet;
 private DBPropSet CommandPropertySets()
     DBPropSet set = null;
     bool flag = CommandBehavior.Default != (CommandBehavior.KeyInfo & this.commandBehavior);
     int num = this._executeQuery ? (flag ? 4 : 2) : 1;
     if (0 < num)
         set = new DBPropSet(1);
         tagDBPROP[] properties = new tagDBPROP[num];
         properties[0] = new tagDBPROP(0x22, false, this.CommandTimeout);
         if (this._executeQuery)
             properties[1] = new tagDBPROP(0xe7, false, 2);
             if (flag)
                 properties[2] = new tagDBPROP(0xee, false, flag);
                 properties[3] = new tagDBPROP(0x7b, false, true);
         set.SetPropertySet(0, OleDbPropertySetGuid.Rowset, properties);
     return set;
 internal static DBPropSet CreateProperty(Guid propertySet, int propertyId, bool required, object value)
     tagDBPROP gdbprop = new tagDBPROP(propertyId, required, value);
     DBPropSet set = new DBPropSet(1);
     set.SetPropertySet(0, propertySet, new tagDBPROP[] { gdbprop });
     return set;