// inline lambda expressions w/o invocation are parameterized queries
		private SqlNode VisitLambda(LambdaExpression lambda)

			// turn lambda parameters into client parameters
			for(int i = 0, n = lambda.Parameters.Count; i < n; i++)
				ParameterExpression p = lambda.Parameters[i];

				if(p.Type == typeof(Type))
					throw Error.BadParameterType(p.Type);

				// construct accessor for parameter
				ParameterExpression pa = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "args");
				LambdaExpression accessor =
						typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(object[]), p.Type),
#pragma warning disable 618 // Disable the 'obsolete' warning
Expression.ArrayIndex(pa, Expression.Constant(i)),
#pragma warning restore 618

				SqlClientParameter cp = new SqlClientParameter(p.Type, _typeProvider.From(p.Type), accessor, _dominatingExpression);

				// map references to lambda's parameter to client parameter node
				_parameterExpressionToSqlNode[p] = cp;

			// call this so we don't erase 'outerNode' setting
			return this.VisitInner(lambda.Body);
Exemple #2
 internal virtual SqlExpression VisitClientParameter(SqlClientParameter cp) {
     return cp;
		private Type GenerateClientParameter(SqlClientParameter cp)
			Delegate d = cp.Accessor.Compile();
			int iGlobal = this.AddGlobal(d.GetType(), d);
			this.GenerateGlobalAccess(iGlobal, d.GetType());
			MethodInfo miInvoke = d.GetType().GetMethod(
				BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
				new Type[] { typeof(object[]) },
			Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(miInvoke != null);
			gen.Emit(GetMethodCallOpCode(miInvoke), miInvoke);
			return d.Method.ReturnType;
		internal override SqlExpression VisitClientParameter(SqlClientParameter cp)
				throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("ClientParameter");
				object value;
					value = cp.Accessor.Compile().DynamicInvoke(new object[] { null });
				catch(Reflection.TargetInvocationException e)
					throw e.InnerException;

			return cp;
		internal override SqlExpression VisitClientParameter(SqlClientParameter cp)
				SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter(cp.ClrType, cp.SqlType, this.parameterizer.CreateParameterName(), cp.SourceExpression);
				this.currentParams.Add(new SqlParameterInfo(p, cp.Accessor.Compile()));
				return p;
			return cp;
			private SqlExpression TranslateVbLikeString(SqlMethodCall mc)
				// these should be true per the method signature
				Debug.Assert(mc.Arguments.Count == 3);
				Debug.Assert(mc.Arguments[0].ClrType == typeof(string));
				Debug.Assert(mc.Arguments[1].ClrType == typeof(string));
				bool needsEscape = true;

				Expression source = mc.SourceExpression;
				SqlExpression pattern = mc.Arguments[1];
				if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Value)
					string unescapedText = (string)((SqlValue)pattern).Value;
					string patternText = SqlHelpers.TranslateVBLikePattern(unescapedText, '~');
					pattern = sql.ValueFromObject(patternText, typeof(string), true, source);
					needsEscape = unescapedText != patternText;
				else if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.ClientParameter)
					SqlClientParameter cp = (SqlClientParameter)pattern;
					pattern = new SqlClientParameter(
						cp.ClrType, cp.SqlType,
							Expression.Call(typeof(SqlHelpers), "TranslateVBLikePattern", Type.EmptyTypes, cp.Accessor.Body, Expression.Constant('~')),
					throw Error.NonConstantExpressionsNotSupportedFor("LIKE");
				SqlExpression escape = needsEscape ? sql.ValueFromObject("~", false, mc.SourceExpression) : null;
				return sql.Like(mc.Arguments[0], pattern, escape, source);
			private SqlExpression TranslateStringMethod(SqlMethodCall mc)
				Expression source = mc.SourceExpression;

					case "Contains":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							SqlExpression pattern = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression escape = null;
							bool needsEscape = true;

							if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Value)
								string unescapedText = (string)((SqlValue)pattern).Value;
								string patternText = SqlHelpers.GetStringContainsPattern(unescapedText, '~', out needsEscape);
								pattern = sql.ValueFromObject(patternText, true, pattern.SourceExpression);
							else if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.ClientParameter)
								SqlClientParameter cp = (SqlClientParameter)pattern;
								Func<string, char, string> getStringContainsPatternForced = SqlHelpers.GetStringContainsPatternForced;
								pattern = new SqlClientParameter(
									cp.ClrType, cp.SqlType,
										Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(getStringContainsPatternForced), cp.Accessor.Body, Expression.Constant('~')),
								throw Error.NonConstantExpressionsNotSupportedFor("String.Contains");

								escape = sql.ValueFromObject("~", false, source);

							return sql.Like(mc.Object, pattern, escape, source);
					case "StartsWith":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							SqlExpression pattern = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression escape = null;
							bool needsEscape = true;

							if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Value)
								string unescapedText = (string)((SqlValue)pattern).Value;
								string patternText = SqlHelpers.GetStringStartsWithPattern(unescapedText, '~', out needsEscape);
								pattern = sql.ValueFromObject(patternText, true, pattern.SourceExpression);
							else if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.ClientParameter)
								SqlClientParameter cp = (SqlClientParameter)pattern;
								Func<string, char, string> getStringStartsWithPatternForced = SqlHelpers.GetStringStartsWithPatternForced;
								pattern = new SqlClientParameter(
									cp.ClrType, cp.SqlType,
										Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(getStringStartsWithPatternForced), cp.Accessor.Body, Expression.Constant('~')),
								throw Error.NonConstantExpressionsNotSupportedFor("String.StartsWith");

								escape = sql.ValueFromObject("~", false, source);

							return sql.Like(mc.Object, pattern, escape, source);
					case "EndsWith":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							SqlExpression pattern = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression escape = null;
							bool needsEscape = true;

							if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Value)
								string unescapedText = (string)((SqlValue)pattern).Value;
								string patternText = SqlHelpers.GetStringEndsWithPattern(unescapedText, '~', out needsEscape);
								pattern = sql.ValueFromObject(patternText, true, pattern.SourceExpression);
							else if(pattern.NodeType == SqlNodeType.ClientParameter)
								SqlClientParameter cp = (SqlClientParameter)pattern;
								Func<string, char, string> getStringEndsWithPatternForced = SqlHelpers.GetStringEndsWithPatternForced;
								pattern = new SqlClientParameter(
									cp.ClrType, cp.SqlType,
										Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(getStringEndsWithPatternForced), cp.Accessor.Body, Expression.Constant('~')),
								throw Error.NonConstantExpressionsNotSupportedFor("String.EndsWith");

								escape = sql.ValueFromObject("~", false, source);

							return sql.Like(mc.Object, pattern, escape, source);
					case "IndexOf":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							if(mc.Arguments[0] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[0]).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							// if the search string is empty, return zero
							SqlExpression lenZeroExpr = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Arguments[0]), sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							SqlWhen when = new SqlWhen(lenZeroExpr, sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							SqlExpression @else = sql.Subtract(sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX",
										new SqlExpression[] { 
                                        mc.Object },
									source), 1);
							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { when }, @else, source);

						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							if(mc.Arguments[0] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[0]).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							if(mc.Arguments[1].ClrType == typeof(StringComparison))
								throw Error.IndexOfWithStringComparisonArgNotSupported();
							// if the search string is empty and the start index is in bounds,
							// return the start index
							SqlExpression lenZeroExpr = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Arguments[0]), sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							lenZeroExpr = sql.AndAccumulate(lenZeroExpr, sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.LE, sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], 1), sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Object)));
							SqlWhen when = new SqlWhen(lenZeroExpr, mc.Arguments[1]);
							SqlExpression @else = sql.Subtract(sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX",
										new SqlExpression[] { 
                                        sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], 1)
									source), 1);
							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { when }, @else, source);
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 3)
							if(mc.Arguments[0] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[0]).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							if(mc.Arguments[2].ClrType == typeof(StringComparison))
								throw Error.IndexOfWithStringComparisonArgNotSupported();

							// s1.IndexOf(s2, start, count) -> CHARINDEX(@s2, SUBSTRING(@s1, 1, @start + @count), @start + 1)
							// if the search string is empty and the start index is in bounds,
							// return the start index
							SqlExpression lenZeroExpr = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Arguments[0]), sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							lenZeroExpr = sql.AndAccumulate(lenZeroExpr, sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.LE, sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], 1), sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Object)));
							SqlWhen when = new SqlWhen(lenZeroExpr, mc.Arguments[1]);
							SqlExpression substring = sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "SUBSTRING",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.ValueFromObject(1, false, source),
                                    sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], mc.Arguments[2])
							SqlExpression @else = sql.Subtract(sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX",
									new SqlExpression[] { 
                                        sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], 1)
									source), 1);
							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { when }, @else, source);
					case "LastIndexOf":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							// s.LastIndexOf(part) -->
							// CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(@part, @s) = 0  THEN  -1
							//      ELSE 1 + CLRLENGTH(@s) - CLRLENGTH(@part) - CHARINDEX(REVERSE(@part),REVERSE(@s))
							// END
							SqlExpression exprPart = mc.Arguments[0];
							if(exprPart is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)exprPart).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							SqlExpression exprS = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression reverseS = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REVERSE", new SqlExpression[] { exprS }, source);
							SqlExpression reversePart = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REVERSE", new SqlExpression[] { exprPart }, source);
							SqlExpression charIndex = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX", new SqlExpression[] { exprPart, exprS }, source);
							SqlExpression charIndexOfReverse = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX", new SqlExpression[] { reversePart, reverseS }, source);
							SqlExpression notContained = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, charIndex, sql.ValueFromObject(0, false, source));
							SqlExpression len1 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS);
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprPart);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Add(sql.ValueFromObject(1, false, source), sql.Subtract(len1, sql.Add(len2, charIndexOfReverse)));

							SqlWhen whenNotContained = new SqlWhen(notContained, sql.ValueFromObject(-1, false, source));

							// if the search string is empty, return zero
							SqlExpression lenZeroExpr = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Arguments[0]), sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							SqlWhen whenLenZero = new SqlWhen(lenZeroExpr, sql.Subtract(sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS), 1));

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { whenLenZero, whenNotContained },
								elseCase, source);
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							// s.LastIndexOf(part,i) -->
							// set @first = LEFT(@s, @i+1)
							// CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(@part, @first) = 0  THEN  -1
							//      ELSE 1 + CLRLENGTH(@first) - CLRLENGTH(@part) - CHARINDEX(REVERSE(@part),REVERSE(@first))
							// END
							if(mc.Arguments[1].ClrType == typeof(StringComparison))
								throw Error.LastIndexOfWithStringComparisonArgNotSupported();
							SqlExpression s = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression part = mc.Arguments[0];
							if(part is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)part).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							SqlExpression i = mc.Arguments[1];
							SqlExpression first = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "LEFT", new SqlExpression[] { s, sql.Add(i, 1) }, source);
							SqlExpression reverseFirst = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REVERSE", new SqlExpression[] { first }, source);
							SqlExpression reversePart = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REVERSE", new SqlExpression[] { part }, source);
							SqlExpression charIndex = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX", new SqlExpression[] { part, first }, source);
							SqlExpression charIndexOfReverse = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX", new SqlExpression[] { reversePart, reverseFirst }, source);
							SqlExpression notContained = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, charIndex, sql.ValueFromObject(0, false, source));
							SqlExpression len1 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(first);
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(part);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Add(sql.ValueFromObject(1, false, source), sql.Subtract(len1, sql.Add(len2, charIndexOfReverse)));

							SqlWhen whenNotContained = new SqlWhen(notContained, sql.ValueFromObject(-1, false, source));

							// if the search string is empty and the start index is in bounds,
							// return the start index
							SqlExpression lenZeroExpr = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Arguments[0]), sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							lenZeroExpr = sql.AndAccumulate(lenZeroExpr, sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.LE, sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], 1), sql.FunctionCallChrLength(s)));
							SqlWhen whenLenZero = new SqlWhen(lenZeroExpr, mc.Arguments[1]);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { whenLenZero, whenNotContained },
								elseCase, source);
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 3)
							// s.LastIndexOf(part, i, count) -->
							// set @first = LEFT(@s, @i+1)
							// CASE WHEN (CHARINDEX(@part, @first) = 0)  OR (1 + CLRLENGTH(@first) - CLRLENGTH(@part) - CHARINDEX(REVERSE(@part),REVERSE(@first))) < (@i - @count) THEN  -1
							//      ELSE 1 + CLRLENGTH(@first) - CLRLENGTH(@part) - CHARINDEX(REVERSE(@part),REVERSE(@first))
							// END
							if(mc.Arguments[2].ClrType == typeof(StringComparison))
								throw Error.LastIndexOfWithStringComparisonArgNotSupported();
							SqlExpression s = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression part = mc.Arguments[0];
							if(part is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)part).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							SqlExpression i = mc.Arguments[1];
							SqlExpression count = mc.Arguments[2];
							SqlExpression first = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "LEFT", new SqlExpression[] { s, sql.Add(i, 1) }, source);
							SqlExpression reverseFirst = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REVERSE", new SqlExpression[] { first }, source);
							SqlExpression reversePart = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REVERSE", new SqlExpression[] { part }, source);
							SqlExpression charIndex = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX", new SqlExpression[] { part, first }, source);
							SqlExpression charIndexOfReverse = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(int), "CHARINDEX", new SqlExpression[] { reversePart, reverseFirst }, source);
							SqlExpression len1 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(first);
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(part);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Add(sql.ValueFromObject(1, false, source), sql.Subtract(len1, sql.Add(len2, charIndexOfReverse)));
							SqlExpression notContained = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, charIndex, sql.ValueFromObject(0, false, source));
							notContained = sql.OrAccumulate(notContained, sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.LE, elseCase, sql.Subtract(i, count)));

							SqlWhen whenNotContained = new SqlWhen(notContained, sql.ValueFromObject(-1, false, source));

							// if the search string is empty and the start index is in bounds,
							// return the start index
							SqlExpression lenZeroExpr = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Arguments[0]), sql.ValueFromObject(0, source));
							lenZeroExpr = sql.AndAccumulate(lenZeroExpr, sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.LE, sql.Add(mc.Arguments[1], 1), sql.FunctionCallChrLength(s)));
							SqlWhen whenLenZero = new SqlWhen(lenZeroExpr, mc.Arguments[1]);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { whenLenZero, whenNotContained },
								elseCase, source);
					case "Insert":
						// Create STUFF(str, insertPos + 1, 0, strToInsert)
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							if(mc.Arguments[1] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[1]).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							SqlFunctionCall stuffCall = sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "STUFF",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.Add(mc.Arguments[0], 1),
                                    sql.ValueFromObject(0, false, source),
							// We construct SQL to handle the special case of when the length of the string
							// to modify is equal to the insert position.  This occurs if the string is empty and
							// the insert pos is 0, or when the string is not empty, and the insert pos indicates
							// the end of the string.
							// CASE WHEN (CLRLENGTH(str) = insertPos) THEN str + strToInsert ELSE STUFF(...)                       
							SqlExpression insertingAtEnd = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(mc.Object), mc.Arguments[0]);
							SqlExpression stringConcat = sql.Concat(mc.Object, mc.Arguments[1]);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { new SqlWhen(insertingAtEnd, stringConcat) }, stuffCall, source);
					case "PadLeft":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							// s.PadLeft(i) -->
							// CASE WHEN CLRLENGTH(@s)>= @i THEN @s
							//      ELSE SPACE(@i-CLRLENGTH(@s)) + @s 
							// END
							SqlExpression exprS = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression exprI = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS);
							SqlExpression dontChange = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.GE, len2, exprI);
							SqlExpression numSpaces = sql.Subtract(exprI, len2);
							SqlExpression padding = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "SPACE", new SqlExpression[] { numSpaces }, source);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Concat(padding, exprS);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { new SqlWhen(dontChange, exprS) }, elseCase, source);
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							// s.PadLeft(i,c) -->
							// CASE WHEN CLRLENGTH(@s) >= @i THEN @s
							//      ELSE REPLICATE(@c, @i - CLRLENGTH(@s)) + @s 
							// END
							SqlExpression exprS = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression exprI = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression exprC = mc.Arguments[1];
							SqlExpression dontChange = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.GE, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS), exprI);
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS);
							SqlExpression numSpaces = sql.Subtract(exprI, len2);
							SqlExpression padding = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REPLICATE", new SqlExpression[] { exprC, numSpaces }, source);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Concat(padding, exprS);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { new SqlWhen(dontChange, exprS) }, elseCase, source);
					case "PadRight":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							// s.PadRight(i) -->
							// CASE WHEN CLRLENGTH(@s) >= @i THEN @s
							//      ELSE @s + SPACE(@i - CLRLENGTH(@s)) 
							// END
							SqlExpression exprS = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression exprI = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression dontChange = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.GE, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS), exprI);
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS);
							SqlExpression numSpaces = sql.Subtract(exprI, len2);
							SqlExpression padding = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "SPACE", new SqlExpression[] { numSpaces }, source);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Concat(exprS, padding);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { new SqlWhen(dontChange, exprS) }, elseCase, source);
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							// s.PadRight(i,c) -->
							// CASE WHEN CLRLENGTH(@s) >= @i THEN @s
							//      ELSE @s + REPLICATE(@c, @i - CLRLENGTH(@s))
							// END
							SqlExpression exprS = mc.Object;
							SqlExpression exprI = mc.Arguments[0];
							SqlExpression exprC = mc.Arguments[1];
							SqlExpression dontChange = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.GE, sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS), exprI);
							SqlExpression len2 = sql.FunctionCallChrLength(exprS);
							SqlExpression numSpaces = sql.Subtract(exprI, len2);
							SqlExpression padding = sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "REPLICATE", new SqlExpression[] { exprC, numSpaces }, source);
							SqlExpression elseCase = sql.Concat(exprS, padding);

							return sql.SearchedCase(new SqlWhen[] { new SqlWhen(dontChange, exprS) }, elseCase, source);

					case "Remove":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							return sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "STUFF",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.Add(mc.Arguments[0], 1),
                                    sql.ValueFromObject("", false, source)
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							return sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "STUFF",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.Add(mc.Arguments[0], 1),
                                    sql.ValueFromObject("", false, source)
					case "Replace":
						if(mc.Arguments[0] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[0]).Value == null)
							throw Error.ArgumentNull("old");
						if(mc.Arguments[1] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[1]).Value == null)
							throw Error.ArgumentNull("new");
						return sql.FunctionCall(
							typeof(string), "REPLACE",
							new SqlExpression[] {
					case "Substring":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							return sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "SUBSTRING",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.Add(mc.Arguments[0], 1),
						else if(mc.Arguments.Count == 2)
							return sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "SUBSTRING",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.Add(mc.Arguments[0], 1),
					case "Trim":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 0)
							return sql.FunctionCall(
								typeof(string), "LTRIM",
								new SqlExpression[] {
                                    sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "RTRIM", new SqlExpression[] { mc.Object }, source)
					case "ToLower":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 0)
							return sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "LOWER", new SqlExpression[] { mc.Object }, source);
					case "ToUpper":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 0)
							return sql.FunctionCall(typeof(string), "UPPER", new SqlExpression[] { mc.Object }, source);
					case "get_Chars":
						// s[i] --> SUBSTRING(@s, @i+1, 1)
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							return sql.FunctionCall(typeof(char), "SUBSTRING", new SqlExpression[]
                                 sql.Add( mc.Arguments[0], 1),
                                 sql.ValueFromObject(1, false, source)
                                }, source);
					case "CompareTo":
						if(mc.Arguments.Count == 1)
							if(mc.Arguments[0] is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)mc.Arguments[0]).Value == null)
								throw Error.ArgumentNull("value");
							return CreateComparison(mc.Object, mc.Arguments[0], source);
				throw GetMethodSupportException(mc);