public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            var columnProperty = model.GetColumn(property);

            if (property.IsKey() && _identityKeyTypes.Contains(property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind))
                if (columnProperty.IsStoreGeneratedIdentity)
                    // By convention
                    return null;
            else if (columnProperty.IsTimestamp())
                // By convention
                return null;
            else if (columnProperty.StoreGeneratedPattern == StoreGeneratedPattern.None)
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            return new DatabaseGeneratedConfiguration { StoreGeneratedPattern = columnProperty.StoreGeneratedPattern };
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the Entity Data Model represented by the given <see cref="DbModel" /> to the
        /// given writer in EDMX form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"> An object representing the EDM. </param>
        /// <param name="writer"> The writer. </param>
        public static void WriteEdmx(DbModel model, XmlWriter writer)
            Check.NotNull(model, "model");
            Check.NotNull(writer, "writer");

            new EdmxSerializer().Serialize(model.DatabaseMapping, writer);
        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (!_precisionTypes.Contains(property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind))
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            var storeProperty = model.GetColumn(property);
            var defaultPrecision = (byte)storeProperty.PrimitiveType.FacetDescriptions
                .First(d => d.FacetName == DbProviderManifest.PrecisionFacetName).DefaultValue;

            // NOTE: This facet is not propagated to the conceptual side of the reverse
            //       engineered model.
            var precision = storeProperty.Precision ?? defaultPrecision;

            if (precision == defaultPrecision)
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new PrecisionDateTimeConfiguration { Precision = precision };
        public override IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (!_lengthTypes.Contains(property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind))
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            if (property.IsMaxLength
                || !property.MaxLength.HasValue
                || (property.MaxLength.Value == 128 && property.IsKey()))
                // By convention
                return null;

            var configuration = property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind == PrimitiveTypeKind.String
                ? new MaxLengthStringConfiguration()
                : new MaxLengthConfiguration();
            configuration.MaxLength = property.MaxLength.Value;

            return configuration;
 static FooContext()
     var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
     modelBuilder.Entity<Foo>().HasKey(x => x.Identifier);
     model = modelBuilder.CreateModel();
        public Database Get()
            if (_database == null)
                DbConnection connection = _providerFactory.CreateConnection();

                if (connection != null)
                    connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;

                    if (_model == null)
                        lock (_syncObject)
                            if (_model == null)
                                _model = CreateDbModel(connection);

                    _database = _model.CreateObjectContext<Database>(connection);

                return _database;

            return _database;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Writes the Entity Data Model represented by the given <see cref = "DbModel" /> to the
        ///     given writer in EDMX form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "modelaseMapping">An object representing the EDM.</param>
        /// <param name = "writer">The writer.</param>
        public static void WriteEdmx(DbModel model, XmlWriter writer)
            //Contract.Requires(model != null);
            //Contract.Requires(writer != null);

            new EdmxSerializer().Serialize(
                model.DatabaseMapping, model.DatabaseMapping.Database.GetProviderInfo(), writer);
Exemple #8
        public FunctionDiscovery(DbModel model, Type type)
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null");
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "type is null");

            _model = model;
            _type = type;
Exemple #9
        public StoreFunctionBuilder(DbModel model, string schema, string @namespace = null)
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null");

            _model = model;
            _schema = schema;

            // CodeFirstDatabaseSchema is what EF CodeFirst model builder uses for store model
            _namespace = @namespace ?? "CodeFirstDatabaseSchema";
        public virtual void GenerateModel(ModelBuilderSettings settings, IVsUtils vsUtils = null, 
            ModelBuilderEngineHostContext hostContext = null)
            if (settings.GenerationOption == ModelGenerationOption.GenerateFromDatabase
                && String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.DesignTimeConnectionString))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Resources.Engine_EmptyConnStringErrorMsg);

            var generatingModelWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            hostContext = hostContext ?? new VSModelBuilderEngineHostContext(settings);
            vsUtils = vsUtils ?? new VsUtilsWrapper();

            // Clear out the ModelGenErrorCache before ModelGen begins

            var errors = new List<EdmSchemaError>();

                var storeModelNamespace = GetStoreNamespace(settings);
                Model = GenerateModels(storeModelNamespace, settings, errors);

                ProcessModel(Model, storeModelNamespace, settings, hostContext, errors);

                            ? Resources.Engine_ModelGenErrors
                            : Resources.Engine_ModelGenSuccess,

                if (errors.Any())
                    PackageManager.Package.ModelGenErrorCache.AddErrors(settings.ModelPath, errors);
            catch (Exception e)
                hostContext.LogMessage(FormatMessage(Resources.Engine_ModelGenException, e));
                // The exception we re-throw will get swallowed in the message pump and therefore we need to show the message box here.
                // It will also prevent the form.WizardFinished from being set to true which will cause cancelling the wizard and 
                // therefore block adding new project items to the project as well as ModelObjectItemWizardFrom.RunFinished method.
                vsUtils.ShowErrorDialog(FormatMessage(Resources.Engine_ModelGenExceptionMessageBox, e.GetType().Name, e.Message));

                hostContext.LogMessage(FormatMessage(Resources.LoadingDBMetadataTimeMsg, settings.LoadingDBMetatdataTime));
                hostContext.LogMessage(FormatMessage(Resources.GeneratingModelTimeMsg, generatingModelWatch.Elapsed));
        public void Can_retrieve_entity_container_mapping()
            var model = new DbModel(new EdmModel(DataSpace.CSpace), new EdmModel(DataSpace.SSpace));
            var containerMapping = new EntityContainerMapping();



            Assert.Same(containerMapping, model.ConceptualToStoreMapping);
        public string Generate(EntitySet entitySet, DbModel model, string codeNamespace)
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            _host.Session = _host.CreateSession();
            _host.Session.Add("EntitySet", entitySet);
            _host.Session.Add("Model", model);
            _host.Session.Add("Namespace", codeNamespace);

            return ProcessTemplate();
        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (!model.GetColumn(property).IsTimestamp())
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            return new TimestampConfiguration();
 public static DbModel Model(SqlConnection con)
     if ((_builder == null) || (_model == null))
         _builder = new ModelBuilder();
         _builder.Configurations.Add(new AuthorConfiguration());
         _builder.Configurations.Add(new TitlesConfiguration());
         _builder.Configurations.Add(new PublisherConfiguration());
         var edm=_builder.Build(con);
         _model = new DbModel(edm);
     return _model; ;
        public void UpdateEdmxFromModel_updates_csdl_ssdl_msl()
            var inputXml = XDocument.Parse("<root />");
            var databaseMapping =
                new DbDatabaseMapping
                        Model = new EdmModel(DataSpace.CSpace),
                        Database = new EdmModel(DataSpace.SSpace)
            var model = new DbModel(databaseMapping, new DbModelBuilder());

            var mockEdmxHelper = new Mock<EdmxHelper>(inputXml);
                h => h.UpdateStorageModels(
                    It.Is<EdmModel>(m => m == databaseMapping.Database),
                    It.Is<string>(n => n == "storeNamespace"),
                    It.Is<DbProviderInfo>(i => i == model.ProviderInfo),
                h => h.UpdateConceptualModels(
                    It.Is<EdmModel>(m => m == databaseMapping.Model),
                    It.Is<string>(n => n == "entityModelNamespace")))
                h => h.UpdateMapping(
                    It.Is<DbModel>(m => m == model)))
                model, "storeNamespace", "entityModelNamespace", new List<EdmSchemaError>());

                    h => h.UpdateStorageModels(
                        It.Is<EdmModel>(m => m == databaseMapping.Database),
                        It.Is<string>(n => n == "storeNamespace"),
                        It.Is<DbProviderInfo>(i => i == model.ProviderInfo),
                        It.IsAny<List<EdmSchemaError>>()), Times.Once());

                    h => h.UpdateConceptualModels(
                        It.Is<EdmModel>(m => m == databaseMapping.Model),
                        It.Is<string>(n => n == "entityModelNamespace")), Times.Once());

                    h => h.UpdateMapping(
                        It.Is<DbModel>(m => m == model)), Times.Once());
        // internal virtual to allow mocking
        protected override void ProcessModel(DbModel model, string storeModelNamespace, ModelBuilderSettings settings, 
            ModelBuilderEngineHostContext hostContext, List<EdmSchemaError> errors)
            Edmx = XDocument.Parse(_initialModelContentsFactory.GetInitialModelContents(settings.TargetSchemaVersion));

            var edmxHelper = new EdmxHelper(Edmx);

            edmxHelper.UpdateEdmxFromModel(model, storeModelNamespace, settings.ModelNamespace, errors);

            // load extensions that want to update model after the wizard has run. 

            UpdateDesignerInfo(edmxHelper, settings);
        public string Generate(DbModel model, string codeNamespace, string contextClassName, string connectionStringName)
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(codeNamespace), "invalid namespace");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contextClassName), "contextClassName");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionStringName), "connectionStringName");

            _host.Session = _host.CreateSession();
            _host.Session.Add("Model", model);
            _host.Session.Add("Namespace", codeNamespace);
            _host.Session.Add("ContextClassName", contextClassName);
            _host.Session.Add("ConnectionStringName", connectionStringName);

            return ProcessTemplate();
        public string Generate(EntitySet entitySet, DbModel model, string codeNamespace)
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            Session = new Dictionary<string, object>
                        { "EntitySet", entitySet },
                        { "Model", model },
                        { "Namespace", codeNamespace }

            return TransformText();
        // virtual for testing
        public virtual IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> Generate(DbModel model, string codeNamespace, string contextClassName, string connectionStringName)
            var extension = _language == LangEnum.VisualBasic
                ? FileExtensions.VbExt
                : FileExtensions.CsExt;

            var contextFileName = contextClassName + extension;

            string contextFileContents;
                contextFileContents =
                        .GetContextGenerator(_language, isEmptyModel: model == null)
                        .Generate(model, codeNamespace, contextClassName, connectionStringName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CodeFirstModelGenerationException(
                    string.Format(Resources.ErrorGeneratingCodeFirstModel, contextFileName),

            yield return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(contextFileName, contextFileContents);

            if (model != null)
                foreach (var entitySet in model.ConceptualModel.Container.EntitySets)
                    var entityTypeGenerator = _codeGeneratorFactory.GetEntityTypeGenerator(_language);
                    var entityTypeFileName = entitySet.ElementType.Name + extension;

                    string entityTypeFileContents;
                        entityTypeFileContents = entityTypeGenerator.Generate(entitySet, model, codeNamespace);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new CodeFirstModelGenerationException(
                            string.Format(Resources.ErrorGeneratingCodeFirstModel, entityTypeFileName),

                    yield return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(entityTypeFileName, entityTypeFileContents);
        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (property.Nullable
                || property.PrimitiveType.ClrEquivalentType.IsValueType
                || property.IsKey()
                || model.GetColumn(property).IsTimestamp())
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new RequiredConfiguration();
        public IFluentConfiguration Discover(NavigationProperty navigationProperty, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(navigationProperty != null, "navigationProperty is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            var associationType = (AssociationType)navigationProperty.RelationshipType;

            if (!associationType.IsForeignKey
                || (navigationProperty.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many
                    && navigationProperty.FromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many))
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            var constraint = associationType.Constraint;
            var entityType = (EntityType)navigationProperty.DeclaringType;
            var fromProperty = constraint.FromProperties.First();
            var fromPropertyName = fromProperty.Name;
            var toEntityType = navigationProperty.ToEndMember.GetEntityType();
            // NOTE: OrderBy works around a bug in primary key column ordering (Work Item 868)
            var toProperties = constraint.ToProperties.OrderBy(
                p => entityType.KeyMembers.IndexOf(constraint.FromProperties[constraint.ToProperties.IndexOf(p)]));
            var toPropertyName = toProperties.First().Name;

            if (!toProperties.MoreThan(1)
                && (toPropertyName.EqualsIgnoreCase(navigationProperty.Name + fromPropertyName)
                    || (!entityType.NavigationProperties.Where(p => p.ToEndMember.GetEntityType() == toEntityType)
                        && (toPropertyName.EqualsIgnoreCase(fromPropertyName)
                            || toPropertyName.EqualsIgnoreCase(fromProperty.DeclaringType.Name + fromPropertyName)))))

                // By convention
                return null;

            var configuration = new ForeignKeyConfiguration();

            foreach (var property in toProperties)

            return configuration;
        public string Generate(DbModel model, string codeNamespace, string contextClassName, string connectionStringName)
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeNamespace), "codeNamespace is null or empty.");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextClassName), "contextClassName is null or empty.");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionStringName), "connectionStringName is null or empty.");

            Session = new Dictionary<string, object>
                        { "Model", model },
                        { "Namespace", codeNamespace },
                        { "ContextClassName", contextClassName },
                        { "ConnectionStringName", connectionStringName }

            return TransformText();
        public string Generate(DbModel model, string codeNamespace, string contextClassName, string connectionStringName)
            var ctorComment = 

        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind != PrimitiveTypeKind.String)
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            if (property.IsUnicode == true)
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new NonUnicodeConfiguration();
        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            var columnProperty = model.GetColumn(property);

            string name = null;
            if (_code.Property(property) != columnProperty.Name)
                name = columnProperty.Name;

            var providerManifest = model.GetProviderManifest(_dependencyResolver);

            var defaultTypeName = providerManifest.GetStoreType(property.TypeUsage)

            string typeName = null;
            if (!columnProperty.TypeName.EqualsIgnoreCase(defaultTypeName))
                typeName = columnProperty.TypeName;

            var entityType = (EntityType)property.DeclaringType;
            var keyIndex = entityType.KeyMembers.IndexOf(property);

            int? order = null;
            if (keyIndex != -1 && entityType.KeyMembers.Count > 1)
                order = keyIndex;

            if (name == null && typeName == null && order == null)
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new ColumnConfiguration { Name = name, TypeName = typeName, Order = order };
        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            var keyProperties = ((EntityType)property.DeclaringType).KeyProperties;

            if (!keyProperties.Contains(property))
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            if (keyProperties.Count == 1 && keyProperties.First().HasConventionalKeyName())
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new KeyPropertyConfiguration();
        public static DbModel CreateModel(DbProviderInfo provider)
            if (_chinookModel == null)
                var builder = new DbModelBuilder();
                _chinookModel = builder.Build(provider);

            return _chinookModel;
        public override IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (!_lengthTypes.Contains(property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind))
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            if (// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

property.IsFixedLength != true)
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new FixedLengthConfiguration();
        public IConfiguration Discover(EdmProperty property, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            if (property.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind != PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal)
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            var precision = property.Precision ?? 18;
            var scale = property.Scale ?? 2;

            if (precision == 18 && scale == 2)
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new PrecisionDecimalConfiguration { Precision = precision, Scale = scale };
        public IFluentConfiguration Discover(NavigationProperty navigationProperty, DbModel model)
            Debug.Assert(navigationProperty != null, "navigationProperty is null.");
            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model is null.");

            var fromEndMember = navigationProperty.FromEndMember;
            var toEndMember = navigationProperty.ToEndMember;

            if (fromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many
                && toEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                // Doesn't apply
                return null;

            var deleteBehavior = fromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many
                    && toEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.One
                ? fromEndMember.DeleteBehavior
                : toEndMember.DeleteBehavior;

            var defaultDeleteBehavior =
                (((fromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One
                                && toEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                            || (fromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many
                                && toEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One))
                        && fromEndMember.GetEntityType() != toEndMember.GetEntityType())
                    ? OperationAction.Cascade
                    : OperationAction.None;

            if (deleteBehavior == defaultDeleteBehavior)
                // By convention
                return null;

            return new CascadeDeleteConfiguration { DeleteBehavior = deleteBehavior };
Exemple #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves a model to the store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contextType">The type of context representing the model.</param>
 /// <param name="model">The metadata model to save.</param>
 public abstract void Save(Type contextType, DbModel model);
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the convention to the given model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"> The container to apply the convention to. </param>
        /// <param name="model"> The model. </param>
        public virtual void Apply(EntityContainer item, DbModel model)
            Check.NotNull(model, "model");

            item.Name = _containerName;
Exemple #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the Entity Data Model represented by the given <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbModel" /> to the
 /// given writer in EDMX form.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model"> An object representing the EDM. </param>
 /// <param name="writer"> The writer. </param>
 public static void WriteEdmx(DbModel model, XmlWriter writer)
     Check.NotNull <DbModel>(model, nameof(model));
     Check.NotNull <XmlWriter>(writer, nameof(writer));
     new EdmxSerializer().Serialize(model.DatabaseMapping, writer);
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>Applies the convention to the given model.</summary>
 /// <param name="item"> The container to apply the convention to. </param>
 /// <param name="model"> The model. </param>
 public virtual void Apply(EntityContainer item, DbModel model)
     Check.NotNull <DbModel>(model, nameof(model));
     item.Name = this._containerName;