public void Configure_should_configure_active_entities_and_complex_types()
            var mockEntityType = new MockType();
            var mockComplexType = new MockType();

            var model = new EdmModel().Initialize();
            var entityType = model.AddEntityType("E");
            var complexType = model.AddComplexType("C");

            var modelConfiguration = new ModelConfiguration();
            var mockComplexTypeConfiguration = new Mock<ComplexTypeConfiguration>(mockComplexType.Object);
            var mockEntityTypeConfiguration = new Mock<EntityTypeConfiguration>(mockEntityType.Object);



            mockComplexTypeConfiguration.Verify(c => c.Configure(complexType));
            mockEntityTypeConfiguration.Verify(c => c.Configure(entityType, model));
        public void GetComplexType_should_return_correct_type()
            var model = new EdmModel().Initialize();
            var complexType = model.AddComplexType("Foo");

            var foundComplexType = model.GetComplexType("Foo");

            Assert.Same(complexType, foundComplexType);
        public void GetStructuralType_should_return_entity_or_complex_type()
            var model = new EdmModel().Initialize();
            var entityType = model.AddEntityType("E");
            var complexType = model.AddComplexType("C");

            Assert.Same(entityType, model.GetStructuralType("E"));
            Assert.Same(complexType, model.GetStructuralType("C"));
        public void AddComplexType_should_create_and_add_to_default_namespace()
            var model = new EdmModel().Initialize();

            var complexType = model.AddComplexType("Foo");

            Assert.Equal("Foo", complexType.Name);
        void IEdmConvention.Apply(EdmModel model)
            // Query the model for candidate complex types.
            //   - The rules for complex type discovery are as follows:
            //      1) The entity does not have a key or base type.
            //      2) The entity does not have explicit configuration or has only structural type configuration.
            //      3) The entity does not have any outbound navigation properties.
            //         The entity only has inbound associations where:
            //          4) The association does not have a constraint defined.
            //          5) The association does not have explicit configuration.
            //          6) The association is not self-referencing.
            //          7) The other end of the association is Optional.
            //      8) Any inbound navigation properties do not have explicit configuration.

            var candidates
                = from entityType in model.GetEntityTypes()
                  where entityType.DeclaredKeyProperties.Count == 0 // (1)
                        && entityType.BaseType == null
                  // (1)
                  let entityTypeConfiguration = entityType.GetConfiguration() as EntityTypeConfiguration
                  where ((entityTypeConfiguration == null) // (2)
                         || (!entityTypeConfiguration.IsExplicitEntity
                             && entityTypeConfiguration.IsStructuralConfigurationOnly)) // (2)
                        && !entityType.NavigationProperties.Any()
                  // (3)
                  let matchingAssociations
                      = from associationType in model.GetAssociationTypes()
                        where associationType.SourceEnd.EntityType == entityType ||
                              associationType.TargetEnd.EntityType == entityType
                        let declaringEnd
                            = associationType.SourceEnd.EntityType == entityType
                                  ? associationType.SourceEnd
                                  : associationType.TargetEnd
                        let declaringEntity
                            = associationType.GetOtherEnd(declaringEnd).EntityType
                        let navigationProperties
                            = declaringEntity.NavigationProperties
                            .Where(n => n.ResultEnd.EntityType == entityType)
                        select new
                                DeclaringEnd = declaringEnd,
                                AssociationType = associationType,
                                DeclaringEntityType = declaringEntity,
                                NavigationProperties = navigationProperties.ToList()
                  where matchingAssociations.All(
                      a => a.AssociationType.Constraint == null // (4)
                           && a.AssociationType.GetConfiguration() == null // (5)
                           && !a.AssociationType.IsSelfReferencing() // (6)
                           && a.DeclaringEnd.IsOptional() // (7)
                           && a.NavigationProperties.All(n => n.GetConfiguration() == null))
                  // (8)
                  select new
                          EntityType = entityType,
                          MatchingAssociations = matchingAssociations.ToList(),

            // Transform candidate entities into complex types
            foreach (var candidate in candidates.ToList())
                var complexType = model.AddComplexType(candidate.EntityType.Name);

                foreach (var property in candidate.EntityType.DeclaredProperties)

                foreach (var annotation in candidate.EntityType.Annotations)

                foreach (var association in candidate.MatchingAssociations)
                    foreach (var navigationProperty in association.NavigationProperties)
                        if (association.DeclaringEntityType.NavigationProperties.Contains(navigationProperty))
                            var complexProperty =
                                association.DeclaringEntityType.AddComplexProperty(navigationProperty.Name, complexType);
                            foreach (var annotation in navigationProperty.Annotations)

