/// <summary>
    /// Perform the bind operation for an individual parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The index of the parameter to bind</param>
    /// <param name="param">The parameter we're binding</param>
    private void BindParameter(int index, SQLiteParameter param)
      if (param == null)
        throw new SQLiteException("Insufficient parameters supplied to the command");

      object obj = param.Value;
      DbType objType = param.DbType;

      if ((obj != null) && (objType == DbType.Object))
          objType = SQLiteConvert.TypeToDbType(obj.GetType());

      if ((_flags & SQLiteConnectionFlags.LogPreBind) == SQLiteConnectionFlags.LogPreBind)
          IntPtr handle = _sqlite_stmt;

              "Binding statement {0} paramter #{1} with database type {2} and raw value {{{3}}}...",
              handle, index, objType, obj));

      if ((obj == null) || Convert.IsDBNull(obj))
          _sql.Bind_Null(this, _flags, index);

      CultureInfo invariantCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
      bool invariantText = ((_flags & SQLiteConnectionFlags.BindInvariantText)
          == SQLiteConnectionFlags.BindInvariantText);

      if ((_flags & SQLiteConnectionFlags.BindAllAsText) == SQLiteConnectionFlags.BindAllAsText)
          if (obj is DateTime)
              _sql.Bind_DateTime(this, _flags, index, (DateTime)obj);
              _sql.Bind_Text(this, _flags, index, invariantText ?
                  SQLiteConvert.ToStringWithProvider(obj, invariantCultureInfo) :


      CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

      if ((_flags & SQLiteConnectionFlags.ConvertInvariantText) == SQLiteConnectionFlags.ConvertInvariantText)
          cultureInfo = invariantCultureInfo;

      switch (objType)
        case DbType.Date:
        case DbType.Time:
        case DbType.DateTime:
          // NOTE: The old method (commented below) does not honor the selected date format
          //       for the connection.
          // _sql.Bind_DateTime(this, index, Convert.ToDateTime(obj, cultureInfo));
            _sql.Bind_DateTime(this, _flags, index, (obj is string) ?
              _sql.ToDateTime((string)obj) : Convert.ToDateTime(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Boolean:
          _sql.Bind_Int32(this, _flags, index, SQLiteConvert.ToBoolean(obj, cultureInfo, true) ? 1 : 0);
        case DbType.SByte:
          _sql.Bind_Int32(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToSByte(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Int16:
          _sql.Bind_Int32(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToInt16(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Int32:
          _sql.Bind_Int32(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToInt32(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Int64:
          _sql.Bind_Int64(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToInt64(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Byte:
          _sql.Bind_UInt32(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToByte(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.UInt16:
          _sql.Bind_UInt32(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToUInt16(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.UInt32:
          _sql.Bind_UInt32(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToUInt32(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.UInt64:
          _sql.Bind_UInt64(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToUInt64(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Single:
        case DbType.Double:
        case DbType.Currency:
        //case DbType.Decimal: // Dont store decimal as double ... loses precision
          _sql.Bind_Double(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToDouble(obj, cultureInfo));
        case DbType.Binary:
          _sql.Bind_Blob(this, _flags, index, (byte[])obj);
        case DbType.Guid:
          if (_command.Connection._binaryGuid == true)
            _sql.Bind_Blob(this, _flags, index, ((Guid)obj).ToByteArray());
            _sql.Bind_Text(this, _flags, index, invariantText ?
              SQLiteConvert.ToStringWithProvider(obj, invariantCultureInfo) :
        case DbType.Decimal: // Dont store decimal as double ... loses precision
          _sql.Bind_Text(this, _flags, index, Convert.ToDecimal(obj, cultureInfo).ToString(invariantCultureInfo));
          _sql.Bind_Text(this, _flags, index, invariantText ?
            SQLiteConvert.ToStringWithProvider(obj, invariantCultureInfo) :
    /// <summary>
    /// Clones a parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new, unassociated SQLiteParameter</returns>
    public object Clone()
      SQLiteParameter newparam = new SQLiteParameter(this);

      return newparam;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called by SQLiteParameterCollection, this function determines if the specified parameter name belongs to
    /// this statement, and if so, keeps a reference to the parameter so it can be bound later.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s">The parameter name to map</param>
    /// <param name="p">The parameter to assign it</param>
    internal bool MapParameter(string s, SQLiteParameter p)
      if (_paramNames == null) return false;
      int startAt = 0;
      if (s.Length > 0)
        if (":$@;".IndexOf(s[0]) == -1)
          startAt = 1;

      int x = _paramNames.Length;
      for (int n = 0; n < x; n++)
        if (String.Compare(_paramNames[n], startAt, s, 0, Math.Max(_paramNames[n].Length - startAt, s.Length), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
          _paramValues[n] = p;
          return true;
      return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an array of parameters to the collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="values">The array of parameters to add</param>
 public void AddRange(SQLiteParameter[] values)
   int x = values.Length;
   for (int n = 0; n < x; n++)
 private SQLiteParameter(SQLiteParameter source)
   : this(source.ParameterName, (DbType)source._dbType, 0, source.Direction, source.IsNullable, 0, 0, source.SourceColumn, source.SourceVersion, source.Value)
   _nullMapping = source._nullMapping;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a named/unnamed parameter and its value to the parameter collection.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameterName">Name of the parameter, or null to indicate an unnamed parameter</param>
    /// <param name="value">The initial value of the parameter</param>
    /// <returns>Returns the SQLiteParameter object created during the call.</returns>
    public SQLiteParameter AddWithValue(string parameterName, object value)
      SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, value);

      return param;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a parameter to the collection
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter">The parameter to add</param>
    /// <returns>A zero-based index of where the parameter is located in the array</returns>
    public int Add(SQLiteParameter parameter)
      int n = -1;

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.ParameterName) == false)
        n = IndexOf(parameter.ParameterName);

      if (n == -1)
        n = _parameterList.Count;

      SetParameter(n, parameter);

      return n;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a parameter to the collection
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameterName">The parameter name</param>
    /// <param name="parameterType">The data type</param>
    /// <returns>A SQLiteParameter object</returns>
    public SQLiteParameter Add(string parameterName, DbType parameterType)
      SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, parameterType);

      return param;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a parameter to the collection
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameterName">The parameter name</param>
    /// <param name="parameterType">The data type</param>
    /// <param name="parameterSize">The size of the value</param>
    /// <param name="sourceColumn">The source column</param>
    /// <returns>A SQLiteParameter object</returns>
    public SQLiteParameter Add(string parameterName, DbType parameterType, int parameterSize, string sourceColumn)
      SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, parameterType, parameterSize, sourceColumn);

      return param;
Exemple #10

        /// <summary>
        /// Minimal amount of parameter processing.  Primarily sets the DbType for the parameter equal to the provider type in the schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameter to use in applying custom behaviors to a row</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row to apply the parameter to</param>
        /// <param name="statementType">The type of statement</param>
        /// <param name="whereClause">Whether the application of the parameter is part of a WHERE clause</param>
        protected override void ApplyParameterInfo(DbParameter parameter, DataRow row, StatementType statementType, bool whereClause)
            SQLiteParameter param = (SQLiteParameter)parameter;

            param.DbType = (DbType)row[SchemaTableColumn.ProviderType];