Inheritance: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase
        private static ISharedApplicationSettingsProvider GetSharedSettingsProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
            if (provider is LocalFileSettingsProvider)
                return new ExtendedLocalFileSettingsProvider((LocalFileSettingsProvider)provider);

            return provider as ISharedApplicationSettingsProvider;
Exemple #2
        static void RedirectSettings(ApplicationSettingsBase settings, SettingsProvider provider)
            foreach (SettingsProperty property in settings.Properties)
                property.Provider = provider;

 public SettingsProperty(SettingsProperty propertyToCopy)
     this._Name = propertyToCopy.Name;
     this._IsReadOnly = propertyToCopy.IsReadOnly;
     this._DefaultValue = propertyToCopy.DefaultValue;
     this._SerializeAs = propertyToCopy.SerializeAs;
     this._Provider = propertyToCopy.Provider;
     this._PropertyType = propertyToCopy.PropertyType;
     this._ThrowOnErrorDeserializing = propertyToCopy.ThrowOnErrorDeserializing;
     this._ThrowOnErrorSerializing = propertyToCopy.ThrowOnErrorSerializing;
     this._Attributes = new SettingsAttributeDictionary(propertyToCopy.Attributes);
		private static SettingsPropertyCollection GetPropertiesForProvider(ApplicationSettingsBase settings, SettingsProvider provider)
            SettingsPropertyCollection properties = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            foreach (SettingsProperty property in settings.Properties)
                if (property.Provider == provider)
            return properties;
 public SettingsProperty(string name, Type propertyType, SettingsProvider provider, bool isReadOnly, object defaultValue, SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs, SettingsAttributeDictionary attributes, bool throwOnErrorDeserializing, bool throwOnErrorSerializing)
     this._Name = name;
     this._PropertyType = propertyType;
     this._Provider = provider;
     this._IsReadOnly = isReadOnly;
     this._DefaultValue = defaultValue;
     this._SerializeAs = serializeAs;
     this._Attributes = attributes;
     this._ThrowOnErrorDeserializing = throwOnErrorDeserializing;
     this._ThrowOnErrorSerializing = throwOnErrorSerializing;
        void CacheValuesByProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
            SettingsPropertyCollection col = new SettingsPropertyCollection();

            foreach (SettingsProperty p in Properties)
                if (p.Provider == provider)

            if (col.Count > 0)
                SettingsPropertyValueCollection vals = provider.GetPropertyValues(Context, col);

            OnSettingsLoaded(this, new SettingsLoadedEventArgs(provider));
Exemple #7
 public SettingsProperty(string name,
                         Type propertyType,
                         SettingsProvider provider,
                         bool isReadOnly,
                         object defaultValue,
                         SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs,
                         SettingsAttributeDictionary attributes,
                         bool throwOnErrorDeserializing,
                         bool throwOnErrorSerializing)
 {         = name;
     this.propertyType = propertyType;
     this.provider     = provider;
     this.isReadOnly   = isReadOnly;
     this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
     this.serializeAs  = serializeAs;
     this.attributes   = attributes;
     this.throwOnErrorDeserializing = throwOnErrorDeserializing;
     this.throwOnErrorSerializing   = throwOnErrorSerializing;
 private object GetPropertyValue(string propertyName)
     if (this.PropertyValues[propertyName] == null)
         if (this._firstLoad)
             this._firstLoad = false;
             if (this.IsFirstRunOfClickOnceApp())
         object                  obj1     = base[propertyName];
         SettingsProperty        property = this.Properties[propertyName];
         SettingsProvider        provider = (property != null) ? property.Provider : null;
         SettingsLoadedEventArgs e        = new SettingsLoadedEventArgs(provider);
         this.OnSettingsLoaded(this, e);
 private void GetPropertiesFromProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
     SettingsPropertyCollection collection = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
     foreach (SettingsProperty property in this.Properties)
         if (property.Provider == provider)
     if (collection.Count > 0)
         foreach (SettingsPropertyValue value2 in provider.GetPropertyValues(this.Context, collection))
             if (this._PropertyValues[value2.Name] == null)
        private void GetPropertiesFromProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
            SettingsPropertyCollection collection = new SettingsPropertyCollection();

            foreach (SettingsProperty property in this.Properties)
                if (property.Provider == provider)
            if (collection.Count > 0)
                foreach (SettingsPropertyValue value2 in provider.GetPropertyValues(this.Context, collection))
                    if (this._PropertyValues[value2.Name] == null)
        private void GetPropertiesFromProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
            SettingsPropertyCollection ppc = new SettingsPropertyCollection();

            foreach (SettingsProperty pp in Properties)
                if (pp.Provider == provider)

            if (ppc.Count > 0)
                SettingsPropertyValueCollection ppcv = provider.GetPropertyValues(Context, ppc);
                foreach (SettingsPropertyValue p in ppcv)
                    if (_PropertyValues[p.Name] == null)
		///Initializes the provider.
		///<param name="config">A collection of the name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider.</param>
		///<param name="name">The friendly name of the provider.</param>
		public override void Initialize(string name, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection config)
			lock (_syncLock)
				// obtain a source provider
					ISettingsStore store = SettingsStore.Create();
					_sourceProvider = new SettingsStoreSettingsProvider(store);
				catch (NotSupportedException)
					Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, SR.LogConfigurationStoreNotFound);

					// default to LocalFileSettingsProvider as a last resort
					_sourceProvider = new ExtendedLocalFileSettingsProvider(new LocalFileSettingsProvider());

				// init source provider
				// according to sample implementations, use the application name here
				_sourceProvider.Initialize(this.ApplicationName, config);
				base.Initialize(this.ApplicationName, config);
 protected ApplicationSettingsBase(IComponent owner, string settingsKey) : this(settingsKey)
     if (owner == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");
     this._owner = owner;
     if (owner.Site != null)
         ISettingsProviderService service = owner.Site.GetService(typeof(ISettingsProviderService)) as ISettingsProviderService;
         if (service != null)
             foreach (SettingsProperty property in this.Properties)
                 SettingsProvider settingsProvider = service.GetSettingsProvider(property);
                 if (settingsProvider != null)
                     property.Provider = settingsProvider;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the value of a setting. We need this method so we can fire the SettingsLoaded event
        /// when settings are loaded from the providers.Ideally, this should be fired from SettingsBase,
        /// but unfortunately that will not happen in Whidbey. Instead, we check to see if the value has already
        /// been retrieved. If not, we fire the load event, since we expect SettingsBase to load all the settings
        /// from this setting's provider.
        /// </summary>
        private object GetPropertyValue(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyValues[propertyName] == null)
                // we query the value first so that we initialize all values from value providers and so that we don't end up
                // on an infinite recursion when calling Properties[propertyName] as that calls this.
                _ = base[propertyName];
                SettingsProperty setting  = Properties[propertyName];
                SettingsProvider provider = setting?.Provider;

                Debug.Assert(provider != null, "Could not determine provider from which settings were loaded");

                SettingsLoadedEventArgs e = new SettingsLoadedEventArgs(provider);
                OnSettingsLoaded(this, e);

                // Note: we need to requery the value here in case someone changed it while
                // handling SettingsLoaded.
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SettingsProperty object using the metadata on the given property
        /// and returns it.
        /// </summary>
        private SettingsProperty CreateSetting(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            // Initialization method -
            // be careful not to access properties here to prevent stack overflow.

            object[]         attributes        = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            SettingsProperty settingsProperty  = new SettingsProperty(Initializer);
            bool             explicitSerialize = _explicitSerializeOnClass;

            settingsProperty.Name         = propertyInfo.Name;
            settingsProperty.PropertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;

            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                Attribute attribute = attributes[i] as Attribute;
                if (attribute == null)

                if (attribute is DefaultSettingValueAttribute)
                    settingsProperty.DefaultValue = ((DefaultSettingValueAttribute)attribute).Value;
                else if (attribute is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                    settingsProperty.IsReadOnly = true;
                else if (attribute is SettingsProviderAttribute)
                    string providerTypeName = ((SettingsProviderAttribute)attribute).ProviderTypeName;
                    Type   providerType     = Type.GetType(providerTypeName);
                    if (providerType == null)
                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.Format(SR.ProviderTypeLoadFailed, providerTypeName));

                    SettingsProvider settingsProvider = TypeUtil.CreateInstance(providerType) as SettingsProvider;

                    if (settingsProvider == null)
                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.Format(SR.ProviderInstantiationFailed, providerTypeName));

                    settingsProvider.Initialize(null, null);
                    settingsProvider.ApplicationName = ConfigurationManagerInternalFactory.Instance.ExeProductName;

                    // See if we already have a provider of the same name in our collection. If so,
                    // re-use the existing instance, since we cannot have multiple providers of the same name.
                    SettingsProvider existing = _providers[settingsProvider.Name];
                    if (existing != null)
                        settingsProvider = existing;

                    settingsProperty.Provider = settingsProvider;
                else if (attribute is SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)
                    settingsProperty.SerializeAs = ((SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)attribute).SerializeAs;
                    explicitSerialize            = true;
                    // This isn't an attribute we care about, so simply pass it on
                    // to the SettingsProvider.
                    // NOTE: The key is the type. So if an attribute was found at class
                    //       level and also property level, the latter overrides the former
                    //       for a given setting. This is exactly the behavior we want.

                    settingsProperty.Attributes.Add(attribute.GetType(), attribute);

            if (!explicitSerialize)
                // Serialization method was not explicitly attributed.

                TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propertyInfo.PropertyType);
                if (tc.CanConvertTo(typeof(string)) && tc.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))
                    // We can use string
                    settingsProperty.SerializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.String;
                    // Fallback is Xml
                    settingsProperty.SerializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.Xml;

Exemple #16
 public SettingsLoadedEventArgs(SettingsProvider provider)
     this.provider = provider;
 private static void InsertApplcationSetting(SettingsProvider.Section section, Action action) {
     var setting = new ApplicationSetting() {
         Name = action.Name,
         Value = action.Value
     setting.Section = section;
		void CreateSettingsProperty (PropertyInfo prop, SettingsPropertyCollection properties, ref SettingsProvider local_provider)
			SettingsAttributeDictionary dict = new SettingsAttributeDictionary ();
			SettingsProvider provider = null;
			object defaultValue = null;
			SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.String;
			bool explicitSerializeAs = false;

			foreach (Attribute a in prop.GetCustomAttributes (false)) {
				/* the attributes we handle natively here */
				if (a is SettingsProviderAttribute) {
					Type provider_type = Type.GetType (((SettingsProviderAttribute)a).ProviderTypeName);
					provider = (SettingsProvider) Activator.CreateInstance (provider_type);
					provider.Initialize (null, null);
				else if (a is DefaultSettingValueAttribute) {
					defaultValue = ((DefaultSettingValueAttribute)a).Value;
				else if (a is SettingsSerializeAsAttribute) {
					serializeAs = ((SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)a).SerializeAs;
					explicitSerializeAs = true;
				else if (a is ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute ||
					 a is UserScopedSettingAttribute) {
					dict.Add (a.GetType(), a);
				else {
					dict.Add (a.GetType(), a);

			if (!explicitSerializeAs) {
				// DefaultValue is a string and if we can't convert from string to the 
				// property type then the only other option left is for the string to 
				// be XML.
				TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (prop.PropertyType);
				if (converter != null && 
				    (!converter.CanConvertFrom (typeof (string)) || 
				     !converter.CanConvertTo (typeof (string))))
					serializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.Xml;

			SettingsProperty setting =
				new SettingsProperty (prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, provider, false /* XXX */,
						      defaultValue /* XXX always a string? */, serializeAs, dict,
						      false, false);

			if (providerService != null)
				setting.Provider = providerService.GetSettingsProvider (setting);

			if (provider == null) {
				if (local_provider == null) {
					local_provider = new LocalFileSettingsProvider () as SettingsProvider;
					local_provider.Initialize (null, null);
				setting.Provider = local_provider;
				// .NET ends up to set this to providers.
				provider = local_provider;

			if (provider != null) {
				/* make sure we're using the same instance of a
				   given provider across multiple properties */
				SettingsProvider p = Providers[provider.Name];
				if (p != null)
					setting.Provider = p;

			properties.Add (setting);

			if (setting.Provider != null && Providers [setting.Provider.Name] == null)
				Providers.Add (setting.Provider);
Exemple #19
 public SettingsProperty(string name, Type propertyType, SettingsProvider provider, bool isReadOnly, Object defaultValue, SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs, SettingsAttributeDictionary attributes, bool throwOnErrorDeserializing, bool throwOnErrorSerializing)
Exemple #20
 public SettingsProperty(string name, Type propertyType, SettingsProvider provider, bool isReadOnly, object defaultValue, SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs, SettingsAttributeDictionary attributes, bool throwOnErrorDeserializing, bool throwOnErrorSerializing)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public SettingsLoadedEventArgs(SettingsProvider provider)
Exemple #22
 public SettingsLoadedEventArgs(SettingsProvider provider)
		void CacheValuesByProvider (SettingsProvider provider)
			SettingsPropertyCollection col = new SettingsPropertyCollection ();

			foreach (SettingsProperty p in Properties) {
				if (p.Provider == provider)
					col.Add (p);

			if (col.Count > 0) {
				SettingsPropertyValueCollection vals = provider.GetPropertyValues (Context, col);
				PropertyValues.Add (vals);

			OnSettingsLoaded (this, new SettingsLoadedEventArgs (provider));
       private void GetPropertiesFromProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
           SettingsPropertyCollection ppc = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
           foreach (SettingsProperty pp in Properties)
               if (pp.Provider == provider)

           if (ppc.Count > 0)
               SettingsPropertyValueCollection ppcv = provider.GetPropertyValues(Context, ppc);
               foreach (SettingsPropertyValue p in ppcv)
                   if (_PropertyValues[p.Name] == null)
 private SettingsPropertyCollection GetPropertiesForProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
     SettingsPropertyCollection propertys = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
     foreach (SettingsProperty property in this.Properties)
         if (property.Provider == provider)
     return propertys;
Exemple #26
        void CreateSettingsProperty(PropertyInfo prop, SettingsPropertyCollection properties, ref LocalFileSettingsProvider local_provider)
            SettingsAttributeDictionary dict     = new SettingsAttributeDictionary();
            SettingsProvider            provider = null;
            object defaultValue             = null;
            SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.String;

            foreach (Attribute a in prop.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                /* the attributes we handle natively here */
                if (a is SettingsProviderAttribute)
                    Type provider_type = Type.GetType(((SettingsProviderAttribute)a).ProviderTypeName);
                    provider = (SettingsProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(provider_type);
                    provider.Initialize(null, null);
                else if (a is DefaultSettingValueAttribute)
                    defaultValue = ((DefaultSettingValueAttribute)a).Value;                     /* XXX this is a string.. do we convert? */
                    // note: for StringCollection, TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType) returns
                    // CollectionConverter, however this class cannot handle the XML serialized strings
                    if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(StringCollection))
                        XmlSerializer    xs     = new XmlSerializer(typeof(string[]));
                        string[]         values = (string[])xs.Deserialize(new StringReader((string)defaultValue));
                        StringCollection sc     = new StringCollection();
                        defaultValue = sc;
                    else if (prop.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                        defaultValue = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType).ConvertFromString((string)defaultValue);
                else if (a is SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)
                    serializeAs = ((SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)a).SerializeAs;
                else if (a is ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute ||
                         a is UserScopedSettingAttribute)
                    dict.Add(a.GetType(), a);
                    dict.Add(a.GetType(), a);

            SettingsProperty setting =
                new SettingsProperty(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, provider, false /* XXX */,
                                     defaultValue /* XXX always a string? */, serializeAs, dict,
                                     false, false);

            if (providerService != null)
                setting.Provider = providerService.GetSettingsProvider(setting);

            if (provider == null)
                if (local_provider == null)
                    local_provider = new LocalFileSettingsProvider();
                    local_provider.Initialize(null, null);
                setting.Provider = local_provider;
                // .NET ends up to set this to providers.
                provider = local_provider;

            if (provider != null)
                /* make sure we're using the same instance of a
                 * given provider across multiple properties */
                SettingsProvider p = Providers[provider.Name];
                if (p != null)
                    setting.Provider = p;


            if (setting.Provider != null && Providers [setting.Provider.Name] == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SettingsProperty object using the metadata on the given property
        /// and returns it.
        /// Implementation note: Initialization method - be careful not to access properties here
        ///                      to prevent stack overflow.
        /// </summary>
        private SettingsProperty CreateSetting(PropertyInfo propInfo)
            object[]         attributes        = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            SettingsProperty sp                = new SettingsProperty(Initializer);
            bool             explicitSerialize = _explicitSerializeOnClass;

            sp.Name         = propInfo.Name;
            sp.PropertyType = propInfo.PropertyType;

            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                Attribute attr = attributes[i] as Attribute;
                if (attr != null)
                    if (attr is DefaultSettingValueAttribute)
                        sp.DefaultValue = ((DefaultSettingValueAttribute)attr).Value;
                    else if (attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        sp.IsReadOnly = true;
                    else if (attr is SettingsProviderAttribute)
                        string providerTypeName = ((SettingsProviderAttribute)attr).ProviderTypeName;
                        Type   providerType     = Type.GetType(providerTypeName);
                        if (providerType != null)
                            SettingsProvider spdr = TypeUtil.CreateInstance(providerType) as SettingsProvider;

                            if (spdr != null)
                                spdr.Initialize(null, null);
                                spdr.ApplicationName = ConfigurationManagerInternalFactory.Instance.ExeProductName;

                                // See if we already have a provider of the same name in our collection. If so,
                                // re-use the existing instance, since we cannot have multiple providers of the same name.
                                SettingsProvider existing = _providers[spdr.Name];
                                if (existing != null)
                                    spdr = existing;

                                sp.Provider = spdr;
                                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(string.Format(SR.ProviderInstantiationFailed, providerTypeName));
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(string.Format(SR.ProviderTypeLoadFailed, providerTypeName));
                    else if (attr is SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)
                        sp.SerializeAs    = ((SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)attr).SerializeAs;
                        explicitSerialize = true;
                        // This isn't an attribute we care about, so simply pass it on
                        // to the SettingsProvider.
                        // NOTE: The key is the type. So if an attribute was found at class
                        //       level and also property level, the latter overrides the former
                        //       for a given setting. This is exactly the behavior we want.

                        sp.Attributes.Add(attr.GetType(), attr);

            if (!explicitSerialize)
                sp.SerializeAs = GetSerializeAs(propInfo.PropertyType);

		///Initializes the provider.
		///<param name="config">A collection of the name/value pairs representing the provider-specific attributes specified in the configuration for this provider.</param>
		///<param name="name">The friendly name of the provider.</param>
		public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
			lock (_syncLock)
				// obtain a source provider
				if (SettingsStore.IsSupported)
						ISettingsStore store = SettingsStore.Create();
						_sourceProvider = new SettingsStoreSettingsProvider(store);
					catch (NotSupportedException ex)
						// TODO: determine if we can safely treat other exceptions the same way here
						Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, ex, "Configuration store failed to initialize - defaulting to LocalFileSettingsProvider");

						// default to LocalFileSettingsProvider as a last resort
						_sourceProvider = new ExtendedLocalFileSettingsProvider(new LocalFileSettingsProvider());
					_sourceProvider = new ExtendedLocalFileSettingsProvider(new LocalFileSettingsProvider());

				// init source provider
				// according to sample implementations, use the application name here
				_sourceProvider.Initialize(this.ApplicationName, config);
				base.Initialize(this.ApplicationName, config);
        private static void InsertConnectionString(ApplyOptions options, SettingsProviderDatabase database, SettingsProvider.Section section, Action action) {
            var name = new SqlConnectionName() {
                Name = action.Name

            SqlConnectionString connection = null;
            if (!options.UseExistingConnectionStrings) {
                connection = database.SqlConnectionStrings.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ConnectionString == action.Value);
            if (connection == null) {
                connection = new SqlConnectionString() {
                    ConnectionString = action.Value


            name.Section = section;
            name.SqlConnectionString = connection;
 public SettingsProperty ToSettingsProperty(SettingsProvider Provider)
     return new SettingsProperty
 public SettingsProperty(string name, Type propertyType, SettingsProvider provider, bool isReadOnly, Object defaultValue, SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs, SettingsAttributeDictionary attributes, bool throwOnErrorDeserializing, bool throwOnErrorSerializing)
        public SettingsPropertyValue ToSettingsPropertyValue(SettingsProvider Provider)
            SettingsPropertyValue value = new SettingsPropertyValue(Property.ToSettingsProperty(Provider));

            value.Deserialized = Deserialized;
            value.IsDirty = IsDirty;
            value.PropertyValue = PropertyValue;
            value.SerializedValue = SerializedValue;

            return value;
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Gets all the settings properties for this provider.
        /// </devdoc>
        private SettingsPropertyCollection GetPropertiesForProvider(SettingsProvider provider) {
           SettingsPropertyCollection properties = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
           foreach (SettingsProperty sp in Properties) {
               if (sp.Provider == provider) {

           return properties;
        void CreateSettingsProperty(PropertyInfo prop, SettingsPropertyCollection properties, ref SettingsProvider local_provider)
            SettingsAttributeDictionary dict     = new SettingsAttributeDictionary();
            SettingsProvider            provider = null;
            object defaultValue             = null;
            SettingsSerializeAs serializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.String;
            bool explicitSerializeAs        = false;

            foreach (Attribute a in prop.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                /* the attributes we handle natively here */
                if (a is SettingsProviderAttribute)
                    var  providerTypeName = ((SettingsProviderAttribute)a).ProviderTypeName;
                    Type provider_type    = Type.GetType(providerTypeName);
                    if (provider_type == null)                      // Type failed to find the type by name
                        var typeNameParts = providerTypeName.Split('.');
                        if (typeNameParts.Length > 1)                          //Load the assembly that providerTypeName claims
                            var assy = Assembly.Load(typeNameParts[0]);
                            if (assy != null)
                                provider_type = assy.GetType(providerTypeName);                                 //try to get the type from that Assembly
                    provider = (SettingsProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(provider_type);
                    provider.Initialize(null, null);
                else if (a is DefaultSettingValueAttribute)
                    defaultValue = ((DefaultSettingValueAttribute)a).Value;
                else if (a is SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)
                    serializeAs         = ((SettingsSerializeAsAttribute)a).SerializeAs;
                    explicitSerializeAs = true;
                else if (a is ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute ||
                         a is UserScopedSettingAttribute)
                    dict.Add(a.GetType(), a);
                    dict.Add(a.GetType(), a);

            if (!explicitSerializeAs)
                // DefaultValue is a string and if we can't convert from string to the
                // property type then the only other option left is for the string to
                // be XML.
                TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType);
                if (converter != null &&
                    (!converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)) ||
                    serializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.Xml;

            SettingsProperty setting =
                new SettingsProperty(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, provider, false /* XXX */,
                                     defaultValue /* XXX always a string? */, serializeAs, dict,
                                     false, false);

            if (providerService != null)
                setting.Provider = providerService.GetSettingsProvider(setting);

            if (provider == null)
                if (local_provider == null)
                    local_provider = new LocalFileSettingsProvider() as SettingsProvider;
                    local_provider.Initialize(null, null);
                setting.Provider = local_provider;
                // .NET ends up to set this to providers.
                provider = local_provider;

            if (provider != null)
                /* make sure we're using the same instance of a
                 * given provider across multiple properties */
                SettingsProvider p = Providers[provider.Name];
                if (p != null)
                    setting.Provider = p;


            if (setting.Provider != null && Providers [setting.Provider.Name] == null)
 public SettingsLoadedEventArgs(SettingsProvider provider)
     this._provider = provider;
 public SettingsLoadedEventArgs(SettingsProvider provider)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 private void Write13_SettingsProvider(string n, string ns, SettingsProvider o, bool isNullable, bool needType)
     if (o == null)
         if (isNullable)
             base.WriteNullTagLiteral(n, ns);
     else if (!needType)
         System.Type type = o.GetType();
         if (type != typeof(SettingsProvider))
             if (type != typeof(ConfigurableSettingsProvider))
                 throw base.CreateUnknownTypeException(o);
             this.Write14_ConfigurableSettingsProvider(n, ns, (ConfigurableSettingsProvider) o, isNullable, true);