public static IDto ToDto(this IDictionary <string, object> unTypedDto, TypeInfo dtoType)
            if (unTypedDto == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(unTypedDto));

            if (dtoType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dtoType));

            IDto dto = (IDto)Activator.CreateInstance(dtoType);

            Dictionary <string, object> extraProps = null;

            if (dto is IOpenType openTypeDto)
                extraProps = openTypeDto.Properties = (openTypeDto.Properties ?? new Dictionary <string, object>());

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> KeyVal in unTypedDto)
                PropertyInfo prop = dtoType.GetProperty(KeyVal.Key);

                object val = KeyVal.Value;

                if (prop != null)
                    if (prop.PropertyType.IsEnum && val != null)
                        val = Enum.Parse(prop.PropertyType, KeyVal.Value.ToString());

                    if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType) && prop.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                        // This converts List<object> which contains some Guid values to List<Guid> which contains some Guid values.
                        IList propertyValue = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(prop.PropertyType);
                        foreach (object item in (IEnumerable)val)
                        val = propertyValue;

                    prop.SetValue(dto, val);
                    extraProps?.Add(KeyVal.Key, val);

        public static IDto ToDto(this IDictionary <string, object> unTypedDto, TypeInfo dtoType)
            if (unTypedDto == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(unTypedDto));

            if (dtoType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dtoType));

            IDto dto = (IDto)Activator.CreateInstance(dtoType);

            Dictionary <string, object> extraProps = null;

            if (dto is IOpenType openTypeDto)
                extraProps = openTypeDto.Properties = (openTypeDto.Properties ?? new Dictionary <string, object>());

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> KeyVal in unTypedDto)
                PropertyInfo prop = dtoType.GetProperty(KeyVal.Key);

                object val = KeyVal.Value;

                if (prop != null)
                    if (prop.PropertyType.IsEnum && val != null)
                        val = Enum.Parse(prop.PropertyType, KeyVal.Value.ToString());
                    prop.SetValue(dto, val);
                    extraProps?.Add(KeyVal.Key, val);

        private static Proababilities CalculateSeqProbabilities(IEnumerable <ISymbol> population)
            var cumulativeProbability = 0.0m;
            var correctionCoeficient  = population.Sum(p => p.Probability) != 1.0m
                                            ? 1.0m / population.Sum(p => p.Probability)
                                            : 1.0m;

            var seqProbabilities = new Proababilities();

            foreach (var entity in population)
                var adjustedProabability = entity.Probability * correctionCoeficient;
                seqProbabilities.Add(entity, (cumulativeProbability, cumulativeProbability + adjustedProabability));
                cumulativeProbability += adjustedProabability;

            if (cumulativeProbability != 1.0m)
                throw new Exception("Symbols probabilities sum must be exactly 100%.");
