public async Task UnBlackListUsers([Summary("Mentioned users that need to be unblacklisted")][Remainder] string content)
            if (!await IsOwner(Context.Message.Author).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyAsync("You are not permitted to use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var users   = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.Select(z => z.Id);
            var blusers = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.DiscordBlackList);
            var iter    = blusers.ToList(); // Deepclone

            foreach (var ch in iter)
                if (!ulong.TryParse(ch, out var uid) || !users.Contains(uid))

            SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.DiscordBlackList = string.Join(", ", blusers);
            await ReplyAsync("Un-Blacklisted mentioned users from using the bot!").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #2
        public async Task GiveawayItemAsync([Summary("ID/Name of Item to Recieve")] string Item)
            var code   = Info.GetRandomTradeCode();
            var poolDB = Info.Hub.GiveawayPoolDatabase;

            var content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(Item);

            bool reqIsIndex = int.TryParse(content, out var poolId); // Check if the user provided an index rather than name

            if (!reqIsIndex)                                         // Not an integer so treat it as a name
                await ReplyAsync($"\"{content}\" is not a valid Pool ID, use \"{Info.Hub.Config.Discord.CommandPrefix}itempool\" for a full list of available Items and provide the entries ID.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                entry = poolDB.GetEntry(SysCord.ITEM_POOL, poolId);
                if (entry == null)
                    await ReplyAsync($"\"{content}\" is not a valid Pool ID, use \"{Info.Hub.Config.Discord.CommandPrefix}itempool\" for a full list of available Items and provide the entries ID.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sig = Context.User.GetFavor();
            await Context.AddToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, sig, entry.PK8, PokeRoutineType.LinkTrade, PokeTradeType.Giveaway, Context.User, entry).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set = new ShowdownSet(content);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(gen);

            var pkm     = sav.GetLegal(set, out _);
            var la      = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec    = GameInfo.Strings.Species[set.Species];
            var invalid = !(pkm is PK8) || (!la.Valid && SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.Legality.VerifyLegality);

            if (invalid)
                var imsg = $"Oops! I wasn't able to create something from that. Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";
                await Context.Channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sudo = Context.User.GetIsSudo();

            await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, (PK8)pkm, sudo).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #4
        public static async Task ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, ITrainerInfo sav, ShowdownSet set)
            if (set.Species <= 0)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync("Oops! I wasn't able to interpret your message! If you intended to convert something, please double check what you're pasting!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);
            var pkm      = sav.GetLegal(template, out var result);

            if (SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.Trade.EggTrade && pkm.Nickname == "Egg")

            if (SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.Trade.DittoTrade && set.Species == 132)

            var la     = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec   = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];
            var reason = result == "Timeout" ? "That set took too long to generate." : "I wasn't able to create something from that.";

            var msg = la.Valid
                ? $"Here's your ({result}) legalized PKM for {spec} ({la.EncounterOriginal.Name})!"
                : $"Oops! {reason} Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";
            await channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, msg + $"\n{ReusableActions.GetFormattedShowdownText(pkm)}").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #5
 public static async Task ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, string content)
     content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
     var set = new ShowdownSet(content);
     var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(set.Format);
     await channel.ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(sav, set).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #6
        public async Task AddLogAsync()
            if (!Context.GetIsSudo())
                await ReplyAsync("You are not permitted to use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var c = Context.Channel;

            var cid = c.Id;

            if (Channels.TryGetValue(cid, out _))
                await ReplyAsync("Already logging here.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            AddLogChannel(c, cid);

            // Add to discord global loggers (saves on program close)
            var loggers = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.GlobalDiscordLoggers);

            SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.GlobalDiscordLoggers = string.Join(", ", new HashSet <string>(loggers));
            await ReplyAsync("Added logging output to this channel!").ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task RemoveSudoUsers([Summary("Mentioned users will be removed from the global sudo list")][Remainder] string content)
            if (!await IsOwner(Context.Message.Author).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyAsync("You are not permitted to use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var users   = Context.Message.MentionedUsers;
            var userids = users.Select(z => z.Id.ToString());
            var sudos   = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.GlobalSudoList);
            var iter    = sudos.ToList(); // Deepclone

            foreach (var ch in iter)
                if (!ulong.TryParse(ch, out var uid) || !userids.Contains(uid.ToString()))

            SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.GlobalSudoList = string.Join(", ", new HashSet <string>(sudos)); // unique values
            await ReplyAsync("Mentioned users are no longer sudo users for the bot!").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #8
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var sav = AutoLegalityExtensions.GetTrainerInfo(gen);

            var pkm  = sav.GetLegal(set, out var result);
            var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[set.Species];
            var msg  = la.Valid
                ? $"Here's your ({result}) legalized PKM for {spec} ({la.EncounterOriginal.Name})!"
                : $"Oops! I wasn't able to create something from that. Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";

            if (!la.Valid || !(pkm is PK8 pk8))
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);



            var code = Info.GetRandomTradeCode();
            var sudo = Context.User.GetIsSudo();

            await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, pk8, sudo).ConfigureAwait(false);
 public static async Task ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, string content, int gen)
     content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
     var set = new ShowdownSet(content);
     var sav = TrainerSettings.GetSavedTrainerData(gen);
     await channel.ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(sav, set).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task UnBlackListIDs([Summary("Comma Separated Discord IDs")][Remainder] string content)
            if (!await IsOwner(Context.Message.Author).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyAsync("You are not permitted to use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var users   = content.Split(new[] { ",", ", ", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var userids = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.DiscordBlackList);
            var iter    = userids.ToList(); // Deepcopy

            foreach (var user in iter)
                if (!ulong.TryParse(user, out var uid) || !users.Contains(uid.ToString()))

            SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.DiscordBlackList = string.Join(", ", new HashSet <string>(userids)); // empty string joins
            await ReplyAsync("Un-Blacklisted listed IDs from using the bot!").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #11
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            SpecifyOT(content, out string specifyOT);
            if (specifyOT != string.Empty)
                content = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(content, @"OT:(\S*\s?\S*\s?\S*)?$\W?", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);

            var set      = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(gen);
            var pkm = sav.GetLegal(template, out _);

            if (specifyOT != string.Empty)
                pkm.OT_Name = specifyOT;

            var la      = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec    = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];
            var invalid = !(pkm is PK8) || (!la.Valid && SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.Legality.VerifyLegality);

            if (invalid && !Info.Hub.Config.Trade.Memes)
                var imsg = $"Oops! I wasn't able to create something from that. Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";
                await Context.Channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            else if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.Memes)
                if (await TrollAsync(invalid, template).ConfigureAwait(false))

            var sudo = Context.User.GetIsSudo();

            await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, (PK8)pkm, sudo).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #12
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set      = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(gen);
            var pkm = sav.GetLegal(template, out _);

            if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.DittoTrade && pkm.Species == 132)

            if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.EggTrade && pkm.Nickname == "Egg")

            var la      = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec    = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];
            var invalid = !(pkm is PK8) || (!la.Valid && SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.Legality.VerifyLegality);

            if (invalid && !Info.Hub.Config.Trade.Memes)
                var imsg = $"Oops! I wasn't able to create something from that. Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";
                await Context.Channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            else if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.Memes)
                if (await TrollAsync(invalid, template).ConfigureAwait(false))

            var sig = Context.User.GetFavor();

            await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, (PK8)pkm, sig, Context.User).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #13
        public static async Task ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, ITrainerInfo sav, ShowdownSet set)
            if (set.Species <= 0)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync("Oops! I wasn't able to interpret your message! If you intended to convert something, please double check what you're pasting!").ConfigureAwait(false);

            var pkm  = sav.GetLegal(set, out var result);
            var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[set.Species];
            var msg  = la.Valid
                ? $"Here's your ({result}) legalized PKM for {spec} ({la.EncounterOriginal.Name})!"
                : $"Oops! I wasn't able to create something from that. Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";
            await channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, msg + $"\n{ReusableActions.GetFormattedShowdownText(pkm)}").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #14
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set      = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


                var sav  = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo <T>();
                var pkm  = sav.GetLegal(template, out var result);
                var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
                var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];
                pkm = PKMConverter.ConvertToType(pkm, typeof(T), out _) ?? pkm;
                if (pkm is not T pk || !la.Valid)
                    var reason = result == "Timeout" ? $"That {spec} set took too long to generate." : $"I wasn't able to create a {spec} from that set.";
                    var imsg   = $"Oops! {reason}";
                    if (result == "Failed")
                        imsg += $"\n{AutoLegalityWrapper.GetLegalizationHint(template, sav, pkm)}";
                    await ReplyAsync(imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


                var sig = Context.User.GetFavor();
                await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, pk, sig, Context.User).ConfigureAwait(false);
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
            catch (Exception ex)
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                LogUtil.LogSafe(ex, nameof(TradeModule <T>));
                var msg = $"Oops! An unexpected problem happened with this Showdown Set:\n```{string.Join("\n", set.GetSetLines())}```";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public static async Task ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, ITrainerInfo sav, ShowdownSet set)
            if (set.Species <= 0)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync("Oops! I wasn't able to interpret your message! If you intended to convert something, please double check what you're pasting!").ConfigureAwait(false);


                var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);
                var pkm      = sav.GetLegal(template, out var result);
                if (pkm is PK8 && pkm.Nickname.ToLower() == "egg" && Breeding.CanHatchAsEgg(pkm.Species))
                    TradeExtensions <PK8> .EggTrade(pkm);
                else if (pkm is PB8 && pkm.Nickname.ToLower() == "egg" && Breeding.CanHatchAsEgg(pkm.Species))
                    TradeExtensions <PB8> .EggTrade(pkm);

                var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
                var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];
                if (!la.Valid)
                    var reason = result == "Timeout" ? $"That {spec} set took too long to generate." : $"I wasn't able to create a {spec} from that set.";
                    var imsg   = $"Oops! {reason}";
                    if (result == "Failed")
                        imsg += $"\n{AutoLegalityWrapper.GetLegalizationHint(template, sav, pkm)}";
                    await channel.SendMessageAsync(imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


                var msg = $"Here's your ({result}) legalized PKM for {spec} ({la.EncounterOriginal.Name})!";
                await channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, msg + $"\n{ReusableActions.GetFormattedShowdownText(pkm)}").ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogUtil.LogSafe(ex, nameof(AutoLegalityExtensionsDiscord));
                var msg = $"Oops! An unexpected problem happened with this Showdown Set:\n```{string.Join("\n", set.GetSetLines())}```";
                await channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #16
        public static void RestoreChannels(DiscordSocketClient discord)
            var cfg      = SysCordInstance.Settings;
            var channels = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(cfg.EchoChannels);

            foreach (var ch in channels)
                if (!ulong.TryParse(ch, out var cid))
                var c = (ISocketMessageChannel)discord.GetChannel(cid);
                AddEchoChannel(c, cid);

            EchoUtil.Echo("Added echo notification to Discord channel(s) on Bot startup.");
        public async Task BlackListUsers([Summary("Mentioned users that need to be blacklisted")][Remainder] string content)
            if (!await IsOwner(Context.Message.Author).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyAsync("You are not permitted to use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var users     = Context.Message.MentionedUsers;
            var userids   = users.Select(z => z.Id.ToString());
            var blacklist = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.DiscordBlackList);

            SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.DiscordBlackList = string.Join(", ", new HashSet <string>(blacklist)); // unique values
            await ReplyAsync("Blacklisted mentioned users from using the bot!").ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task SudoUsers([Summary("Mentioned users will be added to the global sudo list")][Remainder] string content)
            if (!await IsOwner(Context.Message.Author).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyAsync("You are not permitted to use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var users   = Context.Message.MentionedUsers;
            var userids = users.Select(z => z.Id.ToString());
            var sudos   = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.GlobalSudoList);

            SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Config.GlobalSudoList = string.Join(", ", new HashSet <string>(sudos)); // unique values
            await ReplyAsync("Mentioned users are now sudo users for the bot!").ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            var cfg     = Info.Hub.Config;
            var sudo    = Context.GetIsSudo(cfg);
            var allowed = sudo || (Context.GetHasRole(cfg.DiscordRoleCanTrade) && Info.CanQueue);

            if (!sudo && !Info.CanQueue)
                await ReplyAsync("Sorry, I am not currently accepting queue requests!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            if (!allowed)
                await ReplyAsync("Sorry, you are not permitted to use this command!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var sav = AutoLegalityExtensions.GetTrainerInfo(gen);

            var pkm  = sav.GetLegal(set, out var result);
            var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[set.Species];
            var msg  = la.Valid
                ? $"Here's your ({result}) legalized PKM for {spec} ({la.EncounterOriginal.Name})!"
                : $"Oops! I wasn't able to create something from that. Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";

            if (!la.Valid || !(pkm is PK8 pk8))
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);



            var code = Info.GetRandomTradeCode();

            await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, pk8, sudo).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #20
        public static void RestoreLogging(DiscordSocketClient discord)
            var cfg      = SysCordInstance.Settings;
            var channels = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(cfg.LoggingChannels);

            foreach (var ch in channels)
                if (!ulong.TryParse(ch, out var cid))
                var c = (ISocketMessageChannel)discord.GetChannel(cid);
                AddLogChannel(c, cid);

            LogUtil.LogInfo("Added logging to Discord channel(s) on Bot startup.", "Discord");
Exemple #21
        public async Task AddEchoAsync()
            var c   = Context.Channel;
            var cid = c.Id;

            if (Channels.TryGetValue(cid, out _))
                await ReplyAsync("Already start notifying here.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            AddEchoChannel(c, cid);

            // Add to discord global loggers (saves on program close)
            var loggers = ReusableActions.GetListFromString(SysCordInstance.Settings.EchoChannels);

            SysCordInstance.Settings.EchoChannels = string.Join(", ", new HashSet <string>(loggers));
            await ReplyAsync("Added Echo output to this channel!").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #22
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);

            var set      = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(gen);
            var pkm = sav.GetLegal(template, out var result);

            if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.DittoTrade && pkm.Species == 132)

            if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.EggTrade && pkm.Nickname == "Egg")

            var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];

            pkm = PKMConverter.ConvertToType(pkm, typeof(PK8), out _) ?? pkm;
            if (Info.Hub.Config.Trade.Memes && await TrollAsync(pkm is not PK8 || !la.Valid, template).ConfigureAwait(false))
Exemple #23
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            const int gen = 8;

            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set      = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo(gen);

            var pkm  = sav.GetLegal(template, out var result);
            var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
            var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];

            pkm = PKMConverter.ConvertToType(pkm, typeof(PK8), out _) ?? pkm;
            if (pkm is not PK8 || !la.Valid)
                var reason = result == "Timeout" ? "That set took too long to generate." : "I wasn't able to create something from that.";
                var imsg   = $"Oops! {reason} Here's my best attempt for that {spec}!";
                await Context.Channel.SendPKMAsync(pkm, imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var sig = Context.User.GetFavor();

            await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, (PK8)pkm, sig, Context.User).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #24
        public async Task TradeAsync([Summary("Trade Code")] int code, [Summary("Showdown Set")][Remainder] string content)
            content = ReusableActions.StripCodeBlock(content);
            var set      = new ShowdownSet(content);
            var template = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTemplate(set);

            if (set.InvalidLines.Count != 0)
                var msg = $"Unable to parse Showdown Set:\n{string.Join("\n", set.InvalidLines)}";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);


                var sav = AutoLegalityWrapper.GetTrainerInfo <T>();
                var pkm = sav.GetLegal(template, out var result);
                if (pkm.Species == 132)
                    TradeExtensions <T> .DittoTrade(pkm);

                if (pkm.Nickname.ToLower() == "egg" && Breeding.CanHatchAsEgg(pkm.Species))
                    TradeExtensions <T> .EggTrade(pkm);

                var la   = new LegalityAnalysis(pkm);
                var spec = GameInfo.Strings.Species[template.Species];
                pkm = EntityConverter.ConvertToType(pkm, typeof(T), out _) ?? pkm;
                bool memes = Info.Hub.Config.Trade.Memes && await TradeAdditionsModule <T> .TrollAsync(Context, pkm is not T || !la.Valid, pkm).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (memes)

                if (pkm is not T pk || !la.Valid)
                    var reason = result == "Timeout" ? $"That {spec} set took too long to generate." : $"I wasn't able to create a {spec} from that set.";
                    var imsg   = $"Oops! {reason}";
                    if (result == "Failed")
                        imsg += $"\n{AutoLegalityWrapper.GetLegalizationHint(template, sav, pkm)}";
                    await ReplyAsync(imsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


                var sig = Context.User.GetFavor();
                await AddTradeToQueueAsync(code, Context.User.Username, pk, sig, Context.User).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogUtil.LogSafe(ex, nameof(TradeModule <T>));
                var msg = $"Oops! An unexpected problem happened with this Showdown Set:\n```{string.Join("\n", set.GetSetLines())}```";
                await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #25
        public static async Task ReplyWithLegalizedSetAsync(this ISocketMessageChannel channel, IAttachment att)
            var download = await NetUtil.DownloadPKMAsync(att).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!download.Success)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync(download.ErrorMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var pkm = download.Data !;

            if (new LegalityAnalysis(pkm).Valid)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{download.SanitizedFileName}: Already legal.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            var legal = pkm.LegalizePokemon();

            if (!new LegalityAnalysis(legal).Valid)
                await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{download.SanitizedFileName}: Unable to legalize.").ConfigureAwait(false);



            var msg = $"Here's your legalized PKM for {download.SanitizedFileName}!\n{ReusableActions.GetFormattedShowdownText(legal)}";
            await channel.SendPKMAsync(legal, msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #26
        public void TradeFinished(PokeRoutineExecutor routine, PokeTradeDetail <T> info, T result)
            var    tradedToUser = Data.Species;
            string message;

            var hub   = new PokeTradeHub <PK8>(new PokeTradeHubConfig());
            var qInfo = new TradeQueueInfo <PK8>(hub);

            if (qInfo.Count != 0)
                string gameText = $"{SysCordInstance.Settings.BotGameStatus.Replace("{0}", $"Completed Trade #{info.ID}")}";
                string gameText = $"{SysCordInstance.Settings.BotGameStatus.Replace("{0}", $"Queue is Empty")}";

            if (Data.IsEgg && info.Type == PokeTradeType.EggRoll)
                message = tradedToUser != 0 ? $"Trade finished. Enjoy your Mysterious egg!" : "Trade finished!";
            if (Data.IsEgg && info.Type == PokeTradeType.LanRoll)
                message = tradedToUser != 0 ? $"Trade finished. Enjoy your Really Illegal Egg!" : "Trade finished!";
                message = tradedToUser != 0 ? $"Trade finished. Enjoy your {(Species)tradedToUser}!" : "Trade finished!";

            if (result.Species != 0 && Hub.Config.Discord.ReturnPK8s)
                Trader.SendPKMAsync(result, $"Here is what you traded me!{(info.Type != PokeTradeType.LanTrade && info.Type != PokeTradeType.LanRoll /* Don't want people thinking Showdown works on LAN */? $"\n{ReusableActions.GetFormattedShowdownText(result)}" : "")}").ConfigureAwait(false);