Exemple #1
        public static void ProcessConstruction(HLAobjectRoot obj, Type type)
            object[] classAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HLAObjectClassAttribute), false);
            if (classAttributes.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception(type.FullName + " is class derived from HLAobjectRoot, but it hasn't the attribute HLAObjectClass");

            ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            bool defaultConstructorExists = false;

            foreach (ConstructorInfo constrInfo in constructors)
                if (constrInfo.IsPublic)
                    // TODO: según la guía de estilo debería lanzarse MyException en vez de Exception
                    throw new Exception(type.FullName + " has the attribute HLAObjectClass but its constructor: " + constrInfo + " is public. Must change it to protected and call NewInstance(typeof(" + type.FullName + ")) instead");

                if (constrInfo.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                    defaultConstructorExists = true;

            // TODO: según la guía de estilo debería lanzarse MyException en vez de Exception
            if (!defaultConstructorExists)
                throw new Exception(type.FullName + " must have a constructor by default without parameters");

            /* This code has moved to PreProcessConstruction in HLAobjectRoot
             * PropertyInfo[] infos = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
             * foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
             * {
             *  object[] arrayOfCustomAttributes = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
             *  foreach (Attribute attr in arrayOfCustomAttributes)
             *  {
             *      if (attr.GetType() == typeof(HLAAttributeAttribute))
             *      {
             *          MethodInfo mi = propInfo.GetSetMethod();
             *          //Every HLAAttribute must be on a property declared as virtual and have a set method
             *          if (mi != null && mi.IsVirtual)
             *          {
             *              Console.WriteLine(">>> Method info : " + mi + ", " + propInfo.DeclaringType.FullName);
             *              ((HLAAttributeAttribute)attr).propInfo = propInfo;
             *              obj.tableMethodInfo2Attr.Add(mi.Name, (HLAAttributeAttribute)attr);
             *              obj.AttrTable.Add(((HLAAttributeAttribute)attr).Name, (HLAAttributeAttribute)attr);
             *              ((HLAAttributeAttribute)attr).realobject = obj;
             *          }
             *          else
             *              throw new Exception(propInfo.DeclaringType + "." + propInfo.Name + " property has the attribute HLAAttribute but it must be virtual and have a set method");
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
Exemple #2
        public static void ProcessConstruction(HLAobjectRoot obj, Type type)
            object[] classAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HLAObjectClassAttribute), false);
            if (classAttributes.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception(type.FullName + " is class derived from HLAobjectRoot, but it hasn't the attribute HLAObjectClass");

            ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            bool defaultConstructorExists = false;
            foreach (ConstructorInfo constrInfo in constructors)
                if (constrInfo.IsPublic)
                    // TODO: según la guía de estilo debería lanzarse MyException en vez de Exception
                    throw new Exception(type.FullName + " has the attribute HLAObjectClass but its constructor: " + constrInfo + " is public. Must change it to protected and call NewInstance(typeof(" + type.FullName + ")) instead");

                if (constrInfo.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                    defaultConstructorExists = true;


            // TODO: según la guía de estilo debería lanzarse MyException en vez de Exception
            if (!defaultConstructorExists)
                throw new Exception(type.FullName + " must have a constructor by default without parameters");

            /* This code has moved to PreProcessConstruction in HLAobjectRoot
            PropertyInfo[] infos = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
                object[] arrayOfCustomAttributes = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (Attribute attr in arrayOfCustomAttributes)
                    if (attr.GetType() == typeof(HLAAttributeAttribute))
                        MethodInfo mi = propInfo.GetSetMethod();
                        //Every HLAAttribute must be on a property declared as virtual and have a set method
                        if (mi != null && mi.IsVirtual)
                            Console.WriteLine(">>> Method info : " + mi + ", " + propInfo.DeclaringType.FullName);
                            ((HLAAttributeAttribute)attr).propInfo = propInfo;
                            obj.tableMethodInfo2Attr.Add(mi.Name, (HLAAttributeAttribute)attr);
                            obj.AttrTable.Add(((HLAAttributeAttribute)attr).Name, (HLAAttributeAttribute)attr);
                            ((HLAAttributeAttribute)attr).realobject = obj;
                            throw new Exception(propInfo.DeclaringType + "." + propInfo.Name + " property has the attribute HLAAttribute but it must be virtual and have a set method");
Exemple #3
 protected override void PostProceed(IInvocation invocation, ref object returnValue, params object[] arguments)
     //Console.WriteLine("In PostProceed " + method);
     if (isSetMethodForHLAobjectRoot(invocation))
         HLAobjectRoot                obj = invocation.InvocationTarget as HLAobjectRoot;
         HLAAttributeAttribute        hlaAttr;
         System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = invocation.Method;
         if (obj.tableMethodInfo2Attr.TryGetValue(methodInfo.Name, out hlaAttr))
             hlaAttr.FlushAttributeValues(hlaAttr.AttributeInfo.Name, arguments);
Exemple #4
        public override object Intercept(IInvocation invocation, params object[] args)
            object retValue = null;

            if (isSetMethodForHLAobjectRoot(invocation) && !isCallbackInvocation())
                PreProceed(invocation, args);
                HLAobjectRoot obj = invocation.InvocationTarget as HLAobjectRoot;

                Sxtafederate federate = (Sxtafederate)obj.OwnFederate;
                if (federate == null || !(federate.HLAisJoined && federate.HLAtimeRegulating))
                    retValue = invocation.Proceed(args);

                PostProceed(invocation, ref retValue, args);
                retValue = invocation.Proceed(args);

Exemple #5
        private static object NewInstance(Type type, HLAProxyAttribute proxyInfo, params object[] args)
            // type == typeof(HLAobjectRoot) ||
            if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(HLAobjectRoot)))
                object obj;

                /* 1. Creates a new object */
                if (args != null)
                    obj = _generator.CreateClassProxy(type, new HLAProxySink2(), args);
                    obj = _generator.CreateClassProxy(type, new HLAProxySink2());

                /* 2. Sets-up properties for the new object */
                HLAobjectRoot objRoot = obj as HLAobjectRoot;

                //if (objRoot.OwnFederateAmbassador == null)
                //    return obj;

                // It is a true proxy for a remote object
                if (proxyInfo != null)
                    objRoot.HLAprivilegeToDeleteObject_ = false;

                    objRoot.instanceHandle = new XRTIObjectInstanceHandle(proxyInfo.ObjectInstanceHandle);
                    objRoot.objectName     = proxyInfo.ObjectName;
                    objRoot.classHandle    = new XRTIObjectClassHandle(proxyInfo.ObjectClassHandle);
                // It is a local object
                    objRoot.HLAprivilegeToDeleteObject_ = true;

                    objRoot.OwnFederate                  = HLAobjectRoot.DefaultFederate;
                    objRoot.OwnFederateAmbassador        = HLAobjectRoot.DefaultFederateAmbassador;
                    objRoot.OwnFederationExecutionHandle = HLAobjectRoot.DefaultFederationExecutionHandle;

                    objRoot.instanceHandle = new XRTIObjectInstanceHandle(((BaseAmbassador)objRoot.OwnFederateAmbassador).HandleCounter);
                    string className = obj.GetType().BaseType.Name;
                    objRoot.objectName = className + objRoot.InstanceHandle.ToString();

                /* 3. Executes reflection process for aop engine */
                HLAProxySink2.ProcessConstruction(objRoot, type);

                /* 4. Warns to the creation listeners */
                foreach (IHLACreateObjectRootListener l in creationListeners)

                // It is a local object
                if (proxyInfo == null)
                    // COMMENT ANGEL: Permite enviar la modificación de propiedades que se produce en el constructor
                    objRoot.AutoFlushDisabled = false;

                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Created an instance of " + obj.GetType().BaseType.Name + " [" + objRoot.InstanceHandle + "]");

                throw new Exception("Must be a subclass of HLAobjectRoot");