public static (string, string) Ask() { var f = new ThemeInputInfo(); f.ShowDialog(); return(f.result); }
public static Tuple <string, string, bool> Ask() { var f = new ThemeInputInfo(); f.ShowDialog(); return(f.result); }
private void materialRaisedButton8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CommonSzs == null || targetPatch == null) { MessageBox.Show("Open a valid SZS first"); return; } if (tbImageFile.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Select an image first"); return; } if (!BgImageCheck(false)) { return; } var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); if (info == null) { return; } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (LayoutPatchList.SelectedIndex != 0) { layout = LayoutPatchList.SelectedItem as LayoutPatch; } try { var builder = new NXThemeBuilder(targetPatch.NXThemeName, info.Item1, info.Item2); if (layout != null) { builder.AddMainLayout(layout); } builder.AddMainBg(File.ReadAllBytes(tbImageFile.Text)); SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Theme pack (*.nxtheme)|*.nxtheme" }; if (sav.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } File.WriteAllBytes(sav.FileName, builder.GetNxtheme()); MessageBox.Show("Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.Message); } }
private void NnBuilderBuild_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbBntxFile.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Select an image first"); return; } if (!tbBntxFile.Text.EndsWith(".dds") && !ImageToDDS()) { return; } var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); if (info == null) { return; } byte[] preview = null; if (info.Item3) { preview = GenerateDDSPreview(tbBntxFile.Text); } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (AllLayoutsBox.SelectedIndex != 0) { layout = AllLayoutsBox.SelectedItem as LayoutPatch; } var res = SwitchThemesCommon.GenerateNXTheme( new ThemeFileManifest() { Version = 3, ThemeName = info.Item1, Author = info.Item2, Target = HomeMenuParts[HomeMenuPartBox.Text], LayoutInfo = layout == null ? "" : layout.PatchName + " by " + layout.AuthorName, }, File.ReadAllBytes(tbBntxFile.Text), layout?.AsByteArray(), new Tuple <string, byte[]> ("preview.png", preview), HomeMenuParts[HomeMenuPartBox.Text] == "home" ? new Tuple <string, byte[]>("common.json", ExtraCommonLyt?.AsByteArray()) : null); SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "theme pack (*.nxtheme)|*.nxtheme" }; if (sav.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } File.WriteAllBytes(sav.FileName, res); MessageBox.Show("Done"); }
static bool NXThemeFromArgs(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 4) { return(false); } string Target = args[1]; if (!Form1.HomeMenuParts.Values.Contains(Target)) { return(false); } string Image = args.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".dds") || x.EndsWith(".jpg") || x.EndsWith(".png") || x.EndsWith("jpeg")).FirstOrDefault(); if (Image != null && !File.Exists(Image)) { Console.WriteLine("No image file !"); return(false); } string Layout = args.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".json")).FirstOrDefault(); if (Image == null && Layout == null) { Console.WriteLine("You need at least an image or a layout to make a theme"); return(false); } string GetArg(string start) { var a = args.Where(x => x.StartsWith(start + "=")).FirstOrDefault(); if (a == null) { return(null); } else { return(a.Split('=')[1]); } } bool?GetArgBool(string start) { var a = GetArg(start); if (a == null) { return(null); } else { return(bool.Parse(a)); } } string Name = GetArg("name"); string Author = GetArg("author"); string Output = GetArg("out"); string ExtraCommon = GetArg("commonlyt"); string album = GetArg("album"); if (Output == null || Output == "") { Console.WriteLine("Missing out= arg"); return(false); } bool preview = GetArgBool("preview") ?? true; if (Name == null || Name.Trim() == "") { var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); Name = info.Item1; Author = info.Item2; preview = info.Item3; } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (Layout != null && File.Exists(Layout)) { layout = LayoutPatch.LoadTemplate(File.ReadAllText(Layout)); } Dictionary <string, string> AppletIcons = new Dictionary <string, string>(); void PopulateAppletIcons(List <TextureReplacement> l) { foreach (var a in l) { string path = GetArg(a.NxThemeName); AppletIcons.Add(a.NxThemeName, path); } } if (TextureReplacement.NxNameToList.ContainsKey(Target)) { PopulateAppletIcons(TextureReplacement.NxNameToList[Target]); } try { var builder = new NXThemeBuilder(Target, Name, Author); if (layout != null) { builder.AddMainLayout(layout); } if (Image != null) { builder.AddMainBg(File.ReadAllBytes(Image)); } if (ExtraCommon != null) { builder.AddFile("common.json", File.ReadAllBytes(ExtraCommon)); } foreach (var i in AppletIcons) { if (i.Value != null) { builder.AddAppletIcon(i.Key, File.ReadAllBytes(i.Value)); } } File.WriteAllBytes(Output, builder.GetNxtheme()); Console.WriteLine("Done !"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
private void NnBuilderBuild_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbBntxFile.Text.Trim() == "") { if (AllLayoutsBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You need at least a custom image or layout to make a theme."); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("This will create a theme without any background image, the console default one will be used. Do you want to continue ?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } if (!BgImageCheck(false)) { return; } var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); if (info == null) { return; } byte[] preview = null; if (info.Item3 && tbBntxFile.Text.Trim() != "") { preview = GenerateDDSPreview(tbBntxFile.Text); } if (AlbumIcon != null && !AlbumIcon.EndsWith(".dds") && !AlbumIcontoDDS()) { return; } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (AllLayoutsBox.SelectedIndex != 0) { layout = AllLayoutsBox.SelectedItem as LayoutPatch; } try { var res = SwitchThemesCommon.GenerateNXTheme( new ThemeFileManifest() { Version = 6, ThemeName = info.Item1, Author = info.Item2, Target = HomeMenuParts[HomeMenuPartBox.Text], LayoutInfo = layout == null ? "" : layout.PatchName + " by " + layout.AuthorName, }, tbBntxFile.Text != "" ? File.ReadAllBytes(tbBntxFile.Text) : null, layout?.AsByteArray(), new Tuple <string, byte[]>("preview.png", preview), new Tuple <string, byte[]>("common.json", ExtraCommonLyt?.AsByteArray()), new Tuple <string, byte[]>("", AlbumIcon != null ? File.ReadAllBytes(AlbumIcon) : null)); SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "theme pack (*.nxtheme)|*.nxtheme" }; if (sav.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } File.WriteAllBytes(sav.FileName, res); MessageBox.Show("Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.Message); } }
private void materialRaisedButton8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CommonSzs == null || targetPatch == null) { MessageBox.Show("Open a valid theme first !"); return; } if (tbBntxFile.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Select an image first"); return; } if (!BgImageCheck(false)) { return; } var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); if (info == null) { return; } byte[] preview = null; if (info.Item3) { preview = GenerateDDSPreview(tbBntxFile.Text); } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (LayoutPatchList.SelectedIndex != 0) { layout = LayoutPatchList.SelectedItem as LayoutPatch; } try { var res = SwitchThemesCommon.GenerateNXTheme( new ThemeFileManifest() { Version = 6, ThemeName = info.Item1, Author = info.Item2, Target = targetPatch.NXThemeName, LayoutInfo = layout == null ? "" : layout.PatchName + " by " + layout.AuthorName, }, File.ReadAllBytes(tbBntxFile.Text), layout?.AsByteArray(), new Tuple <string, byte[]>("preview.png", preview)); SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "theme pack (*.nxtheme)|*.nxtheme" }; if (sav.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } File.WriteAllBytes(sav.FileName, res); MessageBox.Show("Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.Message); } }
static bool NXThemeFromArgs(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 4) { return(false); } string Target = args[1]; if (!Form1.HomeMenuParts.Values.Contains(Target)) { return(false); } string Image = args.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".dds") || x.EndsWith(".jpg") || x.EndsWith(".png") || x.EndsWith("jpeg")).FirstOrDefault(); if (Image == null || !File.Exists(Image)) { Console.WriteLine("No image file !"); return(false); } string Layout = args.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".json")).FirstOrDefault(); string GetArg(string start) { var a = args.Where(x => x.StartsWith(start + "=")).FirstOrDefault(); if (a == null) { return(null); } else { return(a.Split('=')[1]); } } bool?GetArgBool(string start) { var a = GetArg(start); if (a == null) { return(null); } else { return(bool.Parse(a)); } } string Name = GetArg("name"); string Author = GetArg("author"); string Output = GetArg("out"); string ExtraCommon = GetArg("commonlyt"); if (Output == null || Output == "") { return(false); } bool preview = GetArgBool("preview") ?? true; if (Name == null || Name.Trim() == "") { var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); Name = info.Item1; Author = info.Item2; preview = info.Item3; } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (Layout != null && File.Exists(Layout)) { layout = LayoutPatch.LoadTemplate(File.ReadAllText(Layout)); } if (!Image.EndsWith(".dds")) { if (Form1.ImageToDDS(Image, Path.GetTempPath())) { Image = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Image) + ".dds"); } else { return(false); } } var res = SwitchThemesCommon.GenerateNXTheme( new ThemeFileManifest() { Version = 3, ThemeName = Name, Author = Author, Target = Target, LayoutInfo = layout == null ? "" : layout.PatchName + " by " + layout.AuthorName, }, File.ReadAllBytes(Image), layout?.AsByteArray(), new Tuple <string, byte[]>("preview.png", preview ? Form1.GenerateDDSPreview(Image) : null)); File.WriteAllBytes(Output, res); return(true); }
private void NnBuilderBuild_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbImageFile.Text.Trim() == "") { if (AllLayoutsBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You need at least a custom image or layout to make a theme."); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("This will create a theme without any background image, the console default one will be used. Do you want to continue?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } if (!BgImageCheck(false)) { return; } var info = ThemeInputInfo.Ask(); if (info == null) { return; } string target = HomeMenuParts[HomeMenuPartBox.Text]; if (target == "home") { foreach (var k in HomeAppletIcons.Keys.ToArray()) { string path = HomeAppletIcons[k]; if (path != null && !path.EndsWith(".dds") && !IcontoDDS(ref path)) { return; } HomeAppletIcons[k] = path; } } else if (target == "lock") { if (LockCustomIcon != null && !LockCustomIcon.EndsWith(".dds") && !IcontoDDS(ref LockCustomIcon)) { return; } } LayoutPatch layout = null; if (AllLayoutsBox.SelectedIndex != 0) { layout = AllLayoutsBox.SelectedItem as LayoutPatch; } try { var builder = new NXThemeBuilder(target, info.Item1, info.Item2); if (layout != null) { builder.AddMainLayout(layout); } if (tbImageFile.Text != "") { builder.AddMainBg(File.ReadAllBytes(tbImageFile.Text)); } if (ExtraCommonLyt != null) { builder.AddFile("common.json", ExtraCommonLyt.AsByteArray()); } if (target == "home") { foreach (var ico in HomeAppletIcons) { if (ico.Value != null) { builder.AddAppletIcon(ico.Key, File.ReadAllBytes(ico.Value)); } } } else if (target == "lock" && LockCustomIcon != null) { builder.AddAppletIcon("lock", File.ReadAllBytes(LockCustomIcon)); } SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Theme pack (*.nxtheme)|*.nxtheme" }; if (sav.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } File.WriteAllBytes(sav.FileName, builder.GetNxtheme()); MessageBox.Show("Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.Message); } }