public override void OnAdditionToSpace(Space newSpace)
            //Add any supplements to the space too.
            //This character controller requires the standard implementation of Space.
            newSpace.BoundingBoxUpdater.Finishing += ExpandBoundingBox;

            Body.AngularVelocity = new Vector3();
            Body.LinearVelocity  = new Vector3();
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up the vehicle's information when being added to the space.
 /// Called automatically when the space adds the vehicle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newSpace">New owning space.</param>
 public override void OnAdditionToSpace(Space newSpace)
     foreach (Wheel wheel in Wheels)
Exemple #3
 internal void OnAdditionToSpace(Space space)
     detector.CollisionInformation.collisionRules.Specific.Add(wheel.vehicle.Body.CollisionInformation.collisionRules, CollisionRule.NoBroadPhase);
     detector.CollisionInformation.collisionRules.Personal = CollisionRule.NoNarrowPhaseUpdate;    = CollisionRules.DefaultDynamicCollisionGroup;
     //Need to put the detectors in appropriate locations before adding, or else the broad phase would see objects at (0,0,0) and make things gross.
        public StandardDemo(DemosGame game)
            : base(game)
            freeCameraControlScheme = new FreeCameraControlScheme(10, game.Camera, game);

            //Creates the player character (C).
            character = new CharacterControllerInput(Space, game.Camera, game);

            //Creates the drivable vehicle (V).
            var wheelModel   = game.Content.Load <Model>("carWheel");
            var wheelTexture = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("wheel");

            whitePixel = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("whitePixel");
            vehicle    = new VehicleInput(new Vector3(10000, 0, 0), Space, game.Camera, game, game.ModelDrawer, wheelModel, wheelTexture);
            Space.ForceUpdater.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -9.81f, 0f); //If left unset, the default value is (0,0,0).

            //Create the tossable ball.
            kapow      = new Sphere(new Vector3(11000, 0, 0), .6f, 20);
            kapowMaker = new Explosion(Vector3.Zero, 400, 15, Space);
            //Create the right-click grab spring.
            grabber                  = new MotorizedGrabSpring();
            grabberGraphic           = game.ConstraintDrawer.Add(grabber);
            grabberGraphic.IsDrawing = false;

            //  BEPUphysics uses an iterative system to solve constraints.  You can tell it to do more or less iterations.
            //  Less iterations is faster; more iterations makes the result more accurate.
            //  The amount of iterations needed for a simulation varies.  The "Wall" and "Pyramid" simulations are each fairly
            //  solver intensive, but as few as 4 iterations can be used with acceptable results.
            //  The "Jenga" simulation usually needs a few more iterations for stability; 7-9 is a good minimum.
            //  The Dogbot demo shows how accuracy can smoothly increase with more iterations.
            //  With very few iterations (1-3), it has slightly jaggier movement, as if the parts used to construct it were a little cheap.
            //  As you give it a few more iterations, the motors and constraints get more and more robust.
            //  Many simulations can work perfectly fine with very few iterations,
            //  and using a low number of iterations can substantially improve performance.
            //  To change the number of iterations used, uncomment and change the following line (10 iterations is the default):

            //Space.Solver.IterationLimit = 10;

            rayCastFilter = RayCastFilter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the motors to the solver.  Called automatically.
 /// </summary>
 public override void OnAdditionToSpace(Space newSpace)
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the front end and the internal physics representation of the Vehicle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position of the Vehicle.</param>
        /// <param name="space">Space to add the Vehicle to.</param>
        /// <param name="camera">Camera to attach to the Vehicle.</param>
        /// <param name="game">The running game.</param>
        /// <param name="drawer">Drawer used to draw the Vehicle.</param>
        /// <param name="wheelModel">Model of the wheels.</param>
        /// <param name="wheelTexture">Texture to use for the wheels.</param>
        public VehicleInput(Vector3 position, Space space, Camera camera, DemosGame game, ModelDrawer drawer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Model wheelModel, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D wheelTexture)
            var bodies = new List <CompoundShapeEntry>
                new CompoundShapeEntry(new BoxShape(2.5f, .75f, 4.5f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 60),
                new CompoundShapeEntry(new BoxShape(2.5f, .3f, 2f), new Vector3(0, .75f / 2 + .3f / 2, .5f), 1)
            var body = new CompoundBody(bodies, 61);

            body.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition = new Vector3(0, .5f, 0);
            body.Position = position; //At first, just keep it out of the way.
            Vehicle       = new Vehicle(body);

            var localWheelRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), MathHelper.PiOver2);

            //The wheel model used is not aligned initially with how a wheel would normally look, so rotate them.
            Matrix wheelGraphicRotation = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            Vehicle.AddWheel(new Wheel(
                                 new CylinderCastWheelShape(.375f, 0.2f, localWheelRotation, wheelGraphicRotation, false),
                                 new WheelSuspension(2000, 100f, Vector3.Down, 0.325f, new Vector3(-1.1f, -0.1f, 1.8f)),
                                 new WheelDrivingMotor(2.5f, 30000, 10000),
                                 new WheelBrake(1.5f, 2, .02f),
                                 new WheelSlidingFriction(4, 5)));
            Vehicle.AddWheel(new Wheel(
                                 new CylinderCastWheelShape(.375f, 0.2f, localWheelRotation, wheelGraphicRotation, false),
                                 new WheelSuspension(2000, 100f, Vector3.Down, 0.325f, new Vector3(-1.1f, -0.1f, -1.8f)),
                                 new WheelDrivingMotor(2.5f, 30000, 10000),
                                 new WheelBrake(1.5f, 2, .02f),
                                 new WheelSlidingFriction(4, 5)));
            Vehicle.AddWheel(new Wheel(
                                 new CylinderCastWheelShape(.375f, 0.2f, localWheelRotation, wheelGraphicRotation, false),
                                 new WheelSuspension(2000, 100f, Vector3.Down, 0.325f, new Vector3(1.1f, -0.1f, 1.8f)),
                                 new WheelDrivingMotor(2.5f, 30000, 10000),
                                 new WheelBrake(1.5f, 2, .02f),
                                 new WheelSlidingFriction(4, 5)));
            Vehicle.AddWheel(new Wheel(
                                 new CylinderCastWheelShape(.375f, 0.2f, localWheelRotation, wheelGraphicRotation, false),
                                 new WheelSuspension(2000, 100f, Vector3.Down, 0.325f, new Vector3(1.1f, -0.1f, -1.8f)),
                                 new WheelDrivingMotor(2.5f, 30000, 10000),
                                 new WheelBrake(1.5f, 2, .02f),
                                 new WheelSlidingFriction(4, 5)));

            foreach (Wheel wheel in Vehicle.Wheels)
                //This is a cosmetic setting that makes it looks like the car doesn't have antilock brakes.
                wheel.Shape.FreezeWheelsWhileBraking = true;

                //By default, wheels use as many iterations as the space.  By lowering it,
                //performance can be improved at the cost of a little accuracy.
                //However, because the suspension and friction are not really rigid,
                //the lowered accuracy is not so much of a problem.
                wheel.Suspension.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount      = 1;
                wheel.Brake.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount           = 1;
                wheel.SlidingFriction.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount = 1;
                wheel.DrivingMotor.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount    = 1;

            Space = space;

            ModelDrawer = drawer;
            DisplayModel model;

            WheelModels = new List <DisplayModel>();
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                Vehicle.Wheels[k].Shape.Detector.Tag = "noDisplayObject";
                model = new DisplayModel(wheelModel, ModelDrawer);
                model.Texture = wheelTexture;

            CameraControlScheme = new ChaseCameraControlScheme(Vehicle.Body, new Vector3(0, 0.6f, 0), true, 10, camera, game);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the front end and the internal physics representation of the vehicle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position of the tank.</param>
        /// <param name="owningSpace">Space to add the vehicle to.</param>
        /// <param name="camera">Camera to attach to the vehicle.</param>
        /// <param name="game">Running game.</param>
        /// <param name="drawer">Drawer used to draw the tank.</param>
        /// <param name="wheelModel">Model to use for the 'wheels' of the tank.</param>
        /// <param name="wheelTexture">Texture of the wheels on the tank.</param>
        public TankInput(Vector3 position, Space owningSpace, Camera camera, DemosGame game, ModelDrawer drawer, Model wheelModel, Texture2D wheelTexture)
            var bodies = new List <CompoundShapeEntry>()
                new CompoundShapeEntry(new BoxShape(4f, 1, 8), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 500),
                new CompoundShapeEntry(new BoxShape(3, .7f, 4f), new Vector3(0, .5f + .35f, .5f), 1)
            var body = new CompoundBody(bodies, 501);

            body.CollisionInformation.LocalPosition = new Vector3(0, .5f, 0);
            body.Position = (position); //At first, just keep it out of the way.
            Vehicle       = new Vehicle(body);

            #region RaycastWheelShapes

            //The wheel model used is not aligned initially with how a wheel would normally look, so rotate them.
            MaximumDriveForce   = 1800;
            BaseSlidingFriction = 3;

            Matrix wheelGraphicRotation = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Forward, MathHelper.PiOver2);
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                var toAdd = new Wheel(
                    new RaycastWheelShape(.375f, wheelGraphicRotation),
                    new WheelSuspension(2000, 300f, Vector3.Down, 1.3f, new Vector3(-1.9f, 0, -2.9f + i * 1.15f)),
                    new WheelDrivingMotor(10, MaximumDriveForce, MaximumDriveForce),
                    new WheelBrake(7, 7, 1.0f),
                    new WheelSlidingFriction(BaseSlidingFriction, BaseSlidingFriction));
                toAdd.DrivingMotor.GripFrictionBlender = FrictionBlender;
                toAdd.Brake.FrictionBlender            = FrictionBlender;
                toAdd.SlidingFriction.FrictionBlender  = FrictionBlender;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                var toAdd = new Wheel(
                    new RaycastWheelShape(.375f, wheelGraphicRotation),
                    new WheelSuspension(2000, 300f, Vector3.Down, 1.3f, new Vector3(1.9f, 0, -2.9f + i * 1.15f)),
                    new WheelDrivingMotor(10, 2000, 1000),
                    new WheelBrake(7, 7, 1.0f),
                    new WheelSlidingFriction(BaseSlidingFriction, BaseSlidingFriction));
                toAdd.DrivingMotor.GripFrictionBlender = FrictionBlender;
                toAdd.Brake.FrictionBlender            = FrictionBlender;
                toAdd.SlidingFriction.FrictionBlender  = FrictionBlender;


            foreach (Wheel wheel in Vehicle.Wheels)
                //This is a cosmetic setting that makes it looks like the car doesn't have antilock brakes.
                wheel.Shape.FreezeWheelsWhileBraking = true;

                //By default, wheels use as many iterations as the space.  By lowering it,
                //performance can be improved at the cost of a little accuracy.
                wheel.Suspension.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount      = 1;
                wheel.Brake.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount           = 1;
                wheel.SlidingFriction.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount = 1;
                wheel.DrivingMotor.SolverSettings.MaximumIterationCount    = 1;

            Space = owningSpace;

            ModelDrawer = drawer;
            DisplayModel model;
            WheelModels = new List <DisplayModel>();
            for (int k = 0; k < Vehicle.Wheels.Count; k++)
                Vehicle.Wheels[k].Shape.Detector.Tag = "noDisplayObject";
                model = new DisplayModel(wheelModel, ModelDrawer);
                model.Texture = wheelTexture;

            CameraControlScheme = new ChaseCameraControlScheme(Vehicle.Body, new Vector3(0, 0.6f, 0), true, 10, camera, game);