public static void AddEllipse(XElement svgElement, Group avGroup, List <string> warnings)
            if (ConvertEllipseElementToPathData(svgElement, warnings) is string pathData)
                var clipGroup        = ClipConverter.ConvertClipPathAttribute(svgElement, avGroup, warnings);
                var avPath           = new Path();
                var ignoreAttributes = new List <string> {
                    "cx", "cy", "rx", "ry"
                CommonAttributes.ProcessAttributes(svgElement, avPath, ignoreAttributes, warnings);
                avPath.SetAndroidAttributeValue("pathData", pathData);

                if (clipGroup != avGroup)
                    CommonAttributes.SetTransforms(svgElement, clipGroup, warnings);
                    CommonAttributes.SetTransforms(svgElement, avPath, warnings);
        public static AndroidVector.Group AddClipPathElement(this XElement svgElement, AndroidVector.Group avGroup, List <string> warnings)
            string typeName = svgElement.Name.LocalName;

            avGroup = ClipConverter.ConvertClipPathAttribute(svgElement, avGroup, warnings);
            CommonAttributes.ProcessAttributes(svgElement, avGroup, null, warnings);
            var avClip = new AndroidVector.ClipPath();

            foreach (var child in svgElement.Elements())
                if (child.Name == Namespace.Svg + "use")
                    float tx = 0, ty = 0;
                    if (child.Attribute("x") is XAttribute xAttribute)
                        AttributeExtensions.TryGetValueInPx(xAttribute, out tx);
                    if (child.Attribute("y") is XAttribute yAttribute)
                        AttributeExtensions.TryGetValueInPx(yAttribute, out ty);
                    if (tx != 0 || ty != 0)
                        avGroup.SvgTransforms.Add(Matrix.CreateTranslate(tx, ty));

                    if (child.Attribute(Namespace.xlinkNs + "href") is XAttribute hrefAttribute)
                        if (hrefAttribute.Value.StartsWith("#"))
                            var href = hrefAttribute.Value.Trim(new char[] { '#', ' ' });
                            var root = child.GetRoot();
                            if (root.Descendants().Where(e => e.Attribute("id")?.Value == href).FirstOrDefault() is XElement useElement)
                                if (useElement.Name == Namespace.Svg + "clipPath")
                                    avGroup = ClipConverter.ConvertClipPathAttribute(useElement, avGroup, warnings);
                                    CommonAttributes.ProcessAttributes(useElement, avGroup, new List <string> {
                                        "x", "y"
                                    }, warnings);
                                    AddClipPathElement(useElement, avGroup, warnings);
                                else if (GeometryConverter.ConvertElementToPathData(useElement, warnings) is string pathData)
                                    avClip.PathData += pathData;
                                    warnings.AddWarning("A union of two (or more) clippaths has been found.  If these clippaths overlap, you're likely not going to like the result.  Suggestion:  Use a vector image editor (like InkScape) to alter your union of clippaths to be one path, without crossing segments.");
                                    warnings.AddWarning("Ignoring <" + useElement.Name.LocalName + " id='" + useElement.Attribute("id")?.Value + "'> inside of <" + child.Name.LocalName + " id='" + child.Attribute("id")?.Value + "' xlink:href='" + hrefAttribute.Value + "' because could not find element referenced by xlink:href attribute.");
                                warnings.AddWarning("Ignoring <use id='" + svgElement.Attribute("id")?.Value + "' xlink:href='" + hrefAttribute.Value + "' because could not find element referenced by xlink:href attribute.");
                            warnings.AddWarning("Ignoring <use id='" + svgElement.Attribute("id")?.Value + "' xlink:href='" + hrefAttribute.Value + "' because xlink:href attribute is not a local anchor.");
                        warnings.AddWarning("Ignoring <use id='" + svgElement.Attribute("id")?.Value + "'> because cannot find xlink:href attribute.");
                    //    var tmpGroup = new AndroidVector.Group();
                else if (GeometryConverter.ConvertElementToPathData(child, warnings) is string pathData)
                    avClip.PathData += pathData;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(avClip.PathData))
                CommonAttributes.SetTransforms(svgElement, avClip, warnings);

        static void SetCommonGradientAttributes(XElement svgGradient, XElement hrefElement, BaseGradient avGradient, List <string> warnings)
            var typeName = svgGradient.Name;

            if (GetAttribute("gradientUnits", svgGradient, hrefElement) is XAttribute unitsAttribute)
                avGradient.UserSpaceUnits = unitsAttribute.Value == "userSpaceOnUse";

            if (GetAttribute("gradientTransform", svgGradient, hrefElement) is XAttribute transformAttribute)
                CommonAttributes.SetTransforms(svgGradient, avGradient, warnings);

            if (GetAttribute("spreadMethod", svgGradient, hrefElement) is XAttribute spreadMethodAttribute)
                switch (spreadMethodAttribute.Value)
                case "pad":
                    avGradient.SetAndroidAttributeValue("tileMode", "clamp");

                case "reflect":
                    avGradient.SetAndroidAttributeValue("tileMode", "mirror");

                case "repeat":
                    avGradient.SetAndroidAttributeValue("tileMode", "repeat");

                    warnings.AddWarning("Ignoring 'spreadMethod' attribute in SVG " + typeName + " because value '" + spreadMethodAttribute.Value + "' is not supported.");

            var stops = hrefElement?.Elements(Namespace.Svg + "stop").ToList() ?? new List <XElement>();

            stops.AddRange(svgGradient.Elements(Namespace.Svg + "stop"));

            foreach (var stop in stops)
                var color  = Color.Black;
                var styles = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                if (stop.Attribute("style") is XAttribute styleAttribute)
                    var parts = styleAttribute.Value.Split(';');
                    foreach (var style in parts)
                        var styleParts = style.Split(':');
                        if (styleParts.Length > 1)
                            styles.Add(styleParts[0], styleParts[1]);

                if (stop.Attribute("stop-color") is XAttribute colorAttribute)
                    color = colorAttribute.Value.ToColor();
                else if (styles.TryGetValue("stop-color", out string colorText))
                    color = colorText.ToColor();

                string opacityText = null;
                if (stop.Attribute("stop-opacity") is XAttribute opacityAttribute)
                    opacityText = opacityAttribute.Value;
                else if (styles.ContainsKey("stop-opacity"))
                    //styles.TryGetValue("stop-opacity", out opacityText);
                    opacityText = styles["stop-opacity"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opacityText))
                    bool percent = false;
                    if (opacityText.EndsWith("%"))
                        percent = true;
                    if (float.TryParse(opacityText, out float value))
                        if (percent)
                            value /= 100f;
                        int alpha = (int)Math.Round(255 * value);
                        color = Color.FromArgb(alpha, color.R, color.G, color.B);
                        warnings.AddWarning("Ignoring opacity because could not parse stop-opaticy in " + stop + ".");

                string offsetText = "0";
                if (stop.Attribute("offset") is XAttribute offsetAttribute)
                    offsetText = offsetAttribute.Value;
                else if (styles.ContainsKey("offset"))
                    offsetText = styles["offset"];
                avGradient.Add(new GradientItem(offsetText, color.ToHexString()));