/// <summary>
        ///	Method that will actually resolve the instances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TInstance">The type of the instances we want.</typeparam>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a list with <see cref="TInstance"/> instances.
        /// The list could be empty when no implementations were found.
        /// </returns>
        public List <TInstance> ResolveInstances <TInstance>(bool onlyLookInPlugins = true)
            // get the type once, instead of once every type.
            IsOfType typeCheckMethod = IsSubclassOf;
            var      typeOfTInstance = typeof(TInstance);

            if (typeOfTInstance.IsInterface)
                typeCheckMethod = ImplementsInterface;
            var returnList = new List <TInstance>();

            var assemblies = getAssemblyCollection(onlyLookInPlugins);

            if (assemblies.Count == 0)
                LogUtility.Out("[SK] InstanceResolver: No assemblies found.");

            foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
                LogUtility.Out("[SK] InstanceResolver: Scanning assembly " + assembly.Location);
                // loop all assemblies, see if it contains types we are looking for.
                Type[] typesInAssembly = new Type[0];
                    typesInAssembly = assembly.GetTypes();
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Not yet able to cover this piece of code with a unit test.
                    var survivalKitException = new SurvivalKit.Exceptions.SurvivalKitPluginException("SK.ResolveInstances", "SurvivalKit.Utility.InstanceResolver", "Unable to extract types from assembly: " + assembly.FullName, exception);

                foreach (var typeInAssembly in typesInAssembly)
                    if (typeInAssembly.IsInterface || typeInAssembly.IsAbstract)

                    // loop all types in the assembly. only act when it matches our needs.
                    if (typeCheckMethod(typeInAssembly, typeOfTInstance))
                        var constructors          = typeInAssembly.GetConstructors();
                        var foundValidConstructor = false;
                        foreach (var item in constructors)
                            if (item.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                                foundValidConstructor = true;

                        if (!foundValidConstructor)
                            // there is no constructor without arguments, we can't instantiate those (yet?)

                            var instance = (TInstance)Activator.CreateInstance(typeInAssembly);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            var wrappedException = new SurvivalKitPluginException("ResolvePlugin", "SurvivalKit.InstanceResolver.ResolveInstances", "Error while invoking constructor", exception);
