public static bool registerNewSupplyLink(SupplyLink link) { SupplyChainController.instance.links.Add(link); Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Added new supply link from " + + " -> " +; return(true); // TODO: maybe check for redundant points? }
public static bool deregisterNewSupplyLink(SupplyLink link) { Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Removed supply link from " + + " -> " +; if (SupplyChainController.instance.links.Contains(link)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { if (points == null) { points = new List <SupplyPoint>(); } if (links == null) { links = new List <SupplyLink>(); } if (trackedVessels == null) { trackedVessels = new List <VesselData>(); } /* Load all SupplyPoints. */ Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Loading SupplyPoints..."); ConfigNode[] pointNodes = node.GetNodes("SupplyPoint"); foreach (ConfigNode pointNode in pointNodes) { if (!points.Exists((SupplyPoint p) => { return( Guid(pointNode.GetValue("id")))); })) { String type = pointNode.GetValue("type"); switch (type) { case "orbit": OrbitalSupplyPoint point = new OrbitalSupplyPoint(); point.Load(pointNode); points.Add(point); Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Loaded SupplyPoint: " +; break; default: Debug.LogError("[SupplyChain] unrecognized supply point type: " + type); break; } } } Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Loading tracked vessels..."); ConfigNode[] vessNodes = node.GetNodes("TrackedVessel"); foreach (ConfigNode vessNode in vessNodes) { VesselData v = new VesselData(); v.Load(vessNode); trackedVessels.Add(v); } /* Load all SupplyLinks. */ Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Loading SupplyLinks..."); ConfigNode[] linkNodes = node.GetNodes("SupplyLink"); foreach (ConfigNode linkNode in linkNodes) { if (!links.Exists((SupplyLink l) => { return( Guid(linkNode.GetValue("id")))); })) { SupplyLink link = new SupplyLink(); link.Load(linkNode); links.Add(link); if ( { activeActions.Add(link); } Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Loaded Supply Link: " + + " -> " +; } } ConfigNode[] actNodes = node.GetNodes("ActiveAction"); if (actNodes.Count() > 0) { Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Loading active actions..."); foreach (ConfigNode actNode in actNodes) { string type = actNode.GetValue("type"); if (type == "ResourceTransfer") { ResourceTransferAction act = new ResourceTransferAction(); act.Load(actNode); this.activeActions.Add(act); } } } }
public void endFlightTracking() { if (!currentlyTrackingFlight) { Debug.LogError("[SupplyChain] Attempted to end flight tracking without starting!"); return; } updateResourceAmounts(); // are we in a stable non-escape orbit? if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.ORBITING && vessel.orbit.eccentricity > 0 && vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1) { SupplyPoint to = null; foreach (SupplyPoint point in SupplyChainController.instance.points) { if (point.isVesselAtPoint(vessel)) { Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Found existing supply point."); to = point; break; } } if (to == null) { Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Creating new supply point."); to = new OrbitalSupplyPoint(vessel); SupplyChainController.registerNewSupplyPoint(to); } if (!SupplyChainController.isVesselTracked(vessel)) { VesselData nv = new VesselData(vessel); SupplyChainController.registerNewTrackedVessel(nv); } VesselData vd = SupplyChainController.getVesselTrackingInfo(vessel); SupplyLink result = new SupplyLink(vd, flightStartPoint, to); result.timeRequired = (vessel.missionTime - flightStartingMET); result.maxMass = flightStartingMass; Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Creating new supply link."); Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] From: " +; Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] To: " +; Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Total Elapsed MET: " + Convert.ToString(result.timeRequired)); Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Maximum mass: " + Convert.ToString(result.maxMass)); foreach (int rsc in flightStartingResources.Keys) { if (vesselResourceAmounts[rsc] < flightStartingResources[rsc]) { result.resourcesRequired.Add(rsc, flightStartingResources[rsc] - vesselResourceAmounts[rsc]); Debug.Log("[SupplyChain] Detected resource deficit: " + Convert.ToString(flightStartingResources[rsc] - vesselResourceAmounts[rsc]) + " of " + PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(rsc).name); } } SupplyChainController.registerNewSupplyLink(result); } else { Debug.Log("Canceled flight tracking: not in stable orbit."); } currentlyTrackingFlight = false; Events["endFlightTracking"].guiActive = false; Events["endFlightTracking"].active = false; Events["beginFlightTracking"].guiActive = true; Events["beginFlightTracking"].active = true; }