Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// see if there is an occurrence of a single value in a block, row, or column this is unique
        /// in other words, if there is only one two in a column,
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="puzzle"></param>
        private void iterativeSolverSingleAreaValues(ref List <item> puzzle)
            IterationFactory factory = new IterationFactory();

            factory.iteration = IterationFactory.iterationType.standardRowColBlk;
            List <item> ItoratedList = factory.getNext(puzzle);

            while (ItoratedList != null)
                List <itemCount> matchedValues = new List <itemCount>();
                string           posString     = ItoratedList.getPossiblesString();
                for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                    string          reg     = string.Format("{0}", i);
                    Regex           regex   = new Regex(reg);
                    MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(posString);
                    matchedValues.Add(new itemCount()
                        value = i, count = matches.Count

                //are there any numbers that have only 1 possible in a row/col/blk.
                List <itemCount> hits = matchedValues.Where(x => x.count == 1).ToList();

                //if not, continue to the next one
                if (hits.Count > 0)
                    //we have a winner.
                    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(">> Level Two - Found ({0}) single possible by region", hits.Count()));
                    foreach (var item in hits)
                        item winner;
                        if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Row)
                            this.progressMade = true;
                            winner            = puzzle.Where(x => x.Row == ItoratedList[0].Row).Where(z => z.possibles != null).Where(y => y.possibles.Contains(item.value)).Single();
                        else if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Column)
                            this.progressMade = true;
                            winner            = puzzle.Where(x => x.Column == ItoratedList[0].Column).Where(z => z.possibles != null).Where(y => y.possibles.Contains(item.value)).Single();
                            this.progressMade = true;
                            winner            = puzzle.Where(x => x.Block == ItoratedList[0].Block).Where(z => z.possibles != null).Where(y => y.possibles.Contains(item.value)).Single();
                        winner.SetValue(item.value, puzzle);

                ItoratedList = factory.getNext(puzzle);
Exemple #2
        private void iterativeSolverTriples(ref List <item> puzzle)
            IterationFactory factory = new IterationFactory();

            factory.iteration = IterationFactory.iterationType.standardRowColBlk;
            List <item> CurrentItems = factory.getNext(puzzle).ToList();

            Trace.WriteLine("Level 5: Starting Triples search");

            //loop through all the rows, then the columns
            while (CurrentItems != null)
                List <item> onlyActive = CurrentItems.Where(x => x.possibles != null).ToList();

                //for debugging only
                if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Row)
                    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Level 5: Triples .. processing row {0} ", factory.rowIndex));
                else if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Column)
                    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Level 5: Triples.. processing column {0} ", factory.colIndex));
                    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Level 5: Triples.. processing block {0} ", factory.BlockIndex));

                if (onlyActive.Count > 0)
                    //Type "3" triples.. where one item has 3 of the possibles of the triple
                    List <item> step1 = onlyActive.Where(x => x.possibles.Count == 3).ToList();
                    foreach (var pos in step1)
                        List <MatrixItem> step2  = step1.generatePossiblityMatrix(pos).ToList();
                        List <MatrixItem> step25 = new List <MatrixItem>();
                        foreach (var item in step2)

                CurrentItems = factory.getNext(puzzle) ?? null;
            progressMade = false;
Exemple #3
        private void iterativeSolverNakedPairs(ref List <item> puzzle)
            IterationFactory factory = new IterationFactory();

            factory.iteration = IterationFactory.iterationType.standardRowColBlk;
            List <item> CurrentItems = factory.getNext(puzzle).ToList();

            Trace.WriteLine("Starting Naked Pairs search");

            //loop through all the rows, then the columns
            while (CurrentItems != null)
                List <item> onlyActive = CurrentItems.Where(x => x.possibles != null).ToList();
                //for debugging only
                //if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Row)
                //    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Level 4: Naked Pair.. processing row {0} ", factory.rowIndex));
                //else if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Column)
                //    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Level 4: Naked Pair.. processing column {0} ", factory.colIndex));
                //    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Level 4: Naked Pair.. processing block {0} ", factory.BlockIndex));

                if (onlyActive.Count > 0)
                    List <int>        completeUniquePossibles = onlyActive.getPossibleUnique();
                    List <MatrixItem> possibilityMatrix       = new List <MatrixItem>();
                    possibilityMatrix = onlyActive.generatePossiblityMatrix();

                    // NAKED PAIR
                    List <MatrixItem> Candidates = possibilityMatrix.Where(x => x.items.Count == 2).Where(z => z.UnquePossibles.Count == 2).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in Candidates)
                        if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Row)
                            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Pair ({0},{1}) in row {2} ", item.ControlPossibles[0].ToString(), item.ControlPossibles[1].ToString(), factory.rowIndex.ToString()));
                        else if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Column)
                            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Pair ({0},{1}) in column {2}", item.ControlPossibles[0].ToString(), item.ControlPossibles[1].ToString(), factory.colIndex.ToString()));
                            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Pair ({0},{1}) in block {2} ", item.ControlPossibles[0].ToString(), item.ControlPossibles[1].ToString(), factory.BlockIndex.ToString()));

                        //remove the candidates unique keys from the items to clean list
                        List <int>  candidateKeys = Candidates.getUnqiues();
                        List <item> remove        = onlyActive.Where(x => candidateKeys.Contains(x.unique) == false).ToList();
                        //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Pair items to clean {0} ", remove.Count.ToString()));
                        int count;

                        foreach (int controlRemove in item.ControlPossibles)
                            remove.RemovePossibilities(controlRemove, out count);
                            if (count > 0)
                                progressMade = true;

                    ////NAKED TRIPLE
                    //if (progressMade == false)
                    //    List<MatrixItem> simpleMatrix = new List<MatrixItem>();
                    //    simpleMatrix = onlyActive.generateSimpleMatrix();

                    //    // remove the control and see what we have left in possibles
                    //    foreach (var item in simpleMatrix) {
                    //        item.UnquePossibles.Remove(item.ControlPossibles[0]);
                    //    }

                    //    //give me a list of all simple matrix items, when filtered by the control, return 2 unique possibles
                    //    List<MatrixItem> TripleCandidates = simpleMatrix.Where(x => x.UnquePossibles.Count == 2).ToList();
                    //    List<MatrixItem> FilteredTriples = new List<MatrixItem>();

                    //    MatrixItem mi = new MatrixItem();
                    //    mi.ControlPossibles =

                    //    FilteredTriples.Add()
                    //    //List<item> combined = new List<item>();
                    //    //foreach (MatrixItem item in TripleCandidates) {
                    //    //    combined.Union(item.items).Distinct();
                    //    //}

                    //    if (TripleCandidates.Count > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        foreach (MatrixItem fil in TripleCandidates)
                    //        {
                    //            if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Row)
                    //                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Triple ({0},{1},{2}) in row {3} ", fil.ControlPossibles[0].ToString(), fil.UnquePossibles[0].ToString(), fil.UnquePossibles[1].ToString(), factory.rowIndex.ToString()));
                    //            else if (factory.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Column)
                    //                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Triple ({0},{1},{2}) in column {3}", fil.ControlPossibles[0].ToString(), fil.UnquePossibles[0].ToString(), fil.UnquePossibles[1].ToString(), factory.colIndex.ToString()));
                    //            else
                    //                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Possible Naked Triple ({0},{1},{2}) in block {3} ", fil.ControlPossibles[0].ToString(), fil.UnquePossibles[0].ToString(), fil.UnquePossibles[1].ToString(), factory.BlockIndex.ToString()));

                    //        }
                    //    }


                CurrentItems = factory.getNext(puzzle) ?? null;
            progressMade = false;
Exemple #4
        private void iterativeSolverCandidateLines(ref List <item> puzzle)
            IterationFactory factory = new IterationFactory();

            factory.iteration = IterationFactory.iterationType.PuzzleBlocks;
            List <item> BlockOfItems = factory.getNext(puzzle);

            //Iterate over each of the 9 blocks
            while (BlockOfItems != null)
                //iterate over the rows and columns.
                IterationFactory factoryInBlock = new IterationFactory();
                factoryInBlock.iteration = IterationFactory.iterationType.ColumnsAndRowsInBlock;
                List <item> RowOrColOfBlock = factoryInBlock.getNext(BlockOfItems);
                while (RowOrColOfBlock != null)
                    int activeBlock = RowOrColOfBlock[0].Block;
                    //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(">> Level 3 - Candidate Line Check ({0})", activeBlock));

                    List <item> Unsolved = RowOrColOfBlock.Where(x => x.Value == null).ToList();
                    //if there is only one, or less unknown, skip
                    if (Unsolved.Count <= 1)
                        RowOrColOfBlock = factoryInBlock.getNext(BlockOfItems);
                    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                        //see if the current row/col has i in it's possibles.
                        List <item> hasNumber = RowOrColOfBlock.Where(y => y.possibles != null).Where(x => x.possibles.Contains(i)).ToList();

                        if (hasNumber.Count == 0)

                        // have found items with a possible that matches i
                        if (hasNumber != null)
                            //does it exist elsewhere in the block (count column/row == count for entire block
                            // if the two counts are not the same, this doesn't exist elsewhere in the block.
                            List <item> totalBlockItems = BlockOfItems.Where(y => y.possibles != null).Where(x => x.possibles.Contains(i)).ToList();
                            if (hasNumber.Count != totalBlockItems.Count)

                            if (factoryInBlock.Currently == IterationFactory.currentIteration.Column)
                                int activeColumn = hasNumber[0].Column;

                                //search the rest of the column for that value.
                                List <item> column        = puzzle.GetCol(activeColumn);
                                List <item> itemsInColumn = column.Where(y => y.possibles != null).Where(x => x.possibles.Contains(i)).ToList();
                                //if the total number of items with the i possible match the total number of
                                // items in the block row.  Then skip, there is nothing to get rid of.
                                if (itemsInColumn.Count == hasNumber.Count)
                                    //if the counts are different (total items in row/col vs total items in block row/col) then remove the other possibles
                                    List <item> toRemove = column.Where(x => x.Block != activeBlock).Where(y => y.possibles != null).Where(z => z.possibles.Contains(i)).ToList();
                                    if (toRemove.Count > 0)
                                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(">> Level 3 - Found candidate lines in column {0}", activeColumn));
                                        this.progressMade = true;
                                int activeRow = hasNumber[0].Row;

                                //search the rest of the row for that value
                                List <item> row        = puzzle.GetRow(activeRow);
                                List <item> itemsInRow = row.Where(y => y.possibles != null).Where(x => x.possibles.Contains(i)).ToList();
                                //if the item counts are the same, skip.. nothing to get ride of
                                if (itemsInRow.Count == hasNumber.Count)
                                    //the item counts are different, we need to remove some.
                                    List <item> toRemove = row.Where(x => x.Block != activeBlock).Where(y => y.possibles != null).Where(z => z.possibles.Contains(i)).ToList();
                                    if (toRemove.Count > 0)
                                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(">> Level 3 - Found candidate lines in row {0}", activeRow));
                                        this.progressMade = true;
                                } //else
                            }     //else
                        }         //if hasNumber != null
                    RowOrColOfBlock = factoryInBlock.getNext(BlockOfItems);
                BlockOfItems = factory.getNext(puzzle);
            }   //while