SourceContainsTarget() public static méthode

Checks that the contents of the source url contains the target URL.
public static SourceContainsTarget ( Uri sourceUrl, Uri targetUrl ) : bool
sourceUrl System.Uri The source URL.
targetUrl System.Uri The target URL.
Résultat bool
        private bool IsSourceVerification(Uri sourceUrl, Uri entryUrl)
            EventHandler <SourceVerificationEventArgs> handler = SourceVerification;

            if (handler != null)
                var args = new SourceVerificationEventArgs(sourceUrl, entryUrl);
                handler(this, args);
            return(Verifier.SourceContainsTarget(sourceUrl, entryUrl));
        public string pingBack(string sourceURI, string targetURI)
            if (!Blog.TrackbacksEnabled)
                return("Pingbacks are not enabled for this site.");

            string pageTitle;

            // GetPostIDFromUrl returns the postID
            int?id = SubtextContext.RequestContext.GetIdFromRequest();

            if (id == null)
                throw new XmlRpcFaultException(33, Resources.XmlRcpFault_DidNotLinkToPermalink);

            Uri sourceUrl = sourceURI.ParseUri();
            Uri targetUrl = targetURI.ParseUri();

            // does the sourceURI actually contain the permalink ?
            if (sourceUrl == null || targetUrl == null ||
                !Verifier.SourceContainsTarget(sourceUrl, targetUrl, out pageTitle))
                throw new XmlRpcFaultException(17, Resources.XmlRcpFault_InvalidLink);

            //PTR = Pingback - TrackBack - Referral
            var trackback = new Trackback(id.Value, HtmlHelper.SafeFormat(pageTitle, SubtextContext.HttpContext.Server),
                                          new Uri(sourceURI), string.Empty,
                                          HtmlHelper.SafeFormat(pageTitle, SubtextContext.HttpContext.Server),
            ICommentSpamService feedbackService = null;

            if (Blog.FeedbackSpamServiceEnabled)
                feedbackService = new AkismetSpamService(Blog.FeedbackSpamServiceKey, Blog, null, Url);
            var commentService = new CommentService(SubtextContext, new CommentFilter(SubtextContext, feedbackService));

            commentService.Create(trackback, true /*runFilters*/);

            //TODO: Create this using IoC container
            var emailService = new EmailService(EmailProvider.Instance(), new EmbeddedTemplateEngine(), SubtextContext);


            return(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.XmlRpcMessage_ThanksForThePingback, sourceURI));