public void TestSchoolAddingCourseWithSameNameToThrow() { School school = new School("OMG"); Course js = new Course("JS-OOP"); school.AddCourse(js); school.AddCourse(js); }
public void TestCourseAddingNewStudentToShouldProperlyUpdateList() { Course course = new Course("financial"); course.AddStudent(new Student("ivan1", 10001)); course.AddStudent(new Student("ivan2", 10002)); Assert.AreEqual(2, course.Students.Count, "List of students is icorrect"); }
public void TestCourseAddingStudentWithSameNameToThrow() { Course course = new Course("JS"); Student asen = new Student("asen", 10000); course.AddStudent(asen); course.AddStudent(asen); }
private static IDictionary<Course, List<Student>> ReadInputFile(string inputFile) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("../../" + inputFile); IDictionary<Course, List<Student>> courses = new SortedDictionary<Course, List<Student>>(); using (reader) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { string[] lineElements = line.Split('|').Select(str => str.Trim()).ToArray(); Course course = new Course(lineElements[2]); Student st = new Student(lineElements[0], lineElements[1]); if (courses.ContainsKey(course)) { courses[course].Add(st); } else { courses.Add(course, new List<Student> { st }); } line = reader.ReadLine(); } return courses; } }
public void AddCourseToSchool(Course course) { if (! {; } }
public void CourseShouldThrowExceptionWhenExistingStudentIsAdded() { var course = new Course("High Quality Code"); var student = new Student("Daniel Popov", 10000); course.AddStudent(student); course.AddStudent(student); }
public void CourseShoudRemoveStudentCorrectly() { var course = new Course("High Quality Code"); var student = new Student("Daniel Popov", 10000); course.AddStudent(student); course.RemoveStudent(student); Assert.AreEqual(0, course.Students.Count); }
public void TestCourseAddingMoreThan30StudentToThrow() { Course course = new Course("HQC"); for (int i = 0; i <= 30; i++) { course.AddStudent(new Student("asen", 10000 + i)); } }
public void SchoolShouldRemoveCourseCorrectly() { var school = new School("Telerik Academy"); var course = new Course("High Quality Code"); school.AddCourse(course); school.RemoveCourse(course); Assert.AreEqual(0, school.Courses.Count); }
public void CourseShouldThrowExceptionWhenMoreThanPossibleStudentsAdded() { var course = new Course("High Quality Code"); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { course.AddStudent(new Student(i.ToString(), 10000 + i)); } }
public void CourseShouldAddStudentCorrectly() { var course = new Course("High Quality Code"); var student = new Student("Daniel Popov", 10000); course.AddStudent(student); Assert.AreSame(student, course.Students.First()); }
public void AttendCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("course", "Course cannot be null."); } course.AddStudent(this); }
public void AddCourseShouldAddTheCourse() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); School IodaSchool = new School(courses); string name = "Math"; Course newCourse = new Course(students, name); IodaSchool.AddCourse(newCourse); }
public void JoinCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course cannot be null"); } course.AddStudent(this); }
public void LeaveCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("course", "Course cannot be null."); } course.RemoveStudent(this); }
public void AddStudentsShouldAddTheStudent() { string name = "Petur Petrov"; int uniqueNumber = 10002; Student student = new Student(name, uniqueNumber); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); Course newCourse = new Course(students,"Math"); newCourse.AddStudent(student); }
public void RemoveCourseShouldRemoveCourseThatAlreadyExist() { string name = "English"; List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); Course newCourse = new Course(students,name); List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); School IodaSchool = new School(courses); IodaSchool.AddCourse(newCourse); IodaSchool.RemoveCourse(newCourse); }
public void TestOvreloadCourse() { Course normalCourse = new Course("C# OOP"); string[] letters = new string[] { "s", "a", "e", "ela", "ina", "ka", "ona", }; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { normalCourse.AddStudent(new Student("Ivan" + letters[i % letters.Length], 10101 + i)); } }
public void RemoveCourseShouldThrowErrorIfCourseDoesNotExist() { string name = "English"; List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); Course newCourse = new Course(students, name); Course newCourse2 = new Course(students, name + 2); List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); School IodaSchool = new School(courses); IodaSchool.AddCourse(newCourse); IodaSchool.RemoveCourse(newCourse2); }
public void AddCourse(Course course) { if (this.Courses.Count + 1 <= MaxCoursesCount) { this.Courses.Add(course); } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The school is full with courses! Must have maximum 29 courses!"); } }
public void RemoveStudentsShouldThrowErrorIfStudentDoesNotExist() { string name = "Petur Petrov"; int uniqueNumber = 10002; Student student2 = new Student("Goshko", uniqueNumber + 1); Student student = new Student(name, uniqueNumber); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); Course newCourse = new Course(students, "Math"); newCourse.AddStudent(student); newCourse.RemoveStudents(student2); }
public void AddStudentsShouldThrowErrorIfStudentsAreMoreThanMaxStudents() { List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); Course newCourse = new Course(students,"English"); for (int i = 0; i <35 ; i++) { Student student = new Student("Petur Iordanov", (10001+i)); newCourse.AddStudent(student); } }
private static void AddInfo(string courseName, string firstName, string lastName) { var course = new Course(courseName); var student = new Student(firstName, lastName); if (!Result.ContainsKey(course)) { Result[course] = new OrderedBag<Student>(); } Result[course].Add(student); }
public void TestAddingStudents() { Course normalCourse = new Course("C# OOP"); string[] letters = new string[] { "s", "a", "e", "ela", "ina", "ka", "ona", }; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { normalCourse.AddStudent(new Student("Ivan" + letters[i % letters.Length], 10101 + i)); } Assert.AreEqual(30, normalCourse.Participants.Count); }
public void AddCoursesShouldThrowErrorIfCoursesAreMoreThanMaxCourses() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); School IodaSchool = new School(courses); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { Course newCourse = new Course(students, ("English"+i)); IodaSchool.AddCourse(newCourse); } }
public void TestAddOneCourseManyTimes() { Student nerd = new Student("Pavel Kolev", 11113); Course javaScript = new Course("JavaScript"); nerd.JointInCourse(javaScript); nerd.JointInCourse(javaScript); nerd.JointInCourse(javaScript); nerd.JointInCourse(javaScript); nerd.JointInCourse(javaScript); Assert.AreEqual(1, nerd.Courses.Count); }
public void AddCourse(Course course) { if ( { throw new ArgumentException("Course already exist"); } if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course cannot be null"); }; }
public void AddCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course cannot be null"); } if ( { throw new InvalidOperationException("The course has already been added"); }; }
public void TestCheckCourses() { Student nerd = new Student("Pavel Kolev", 11111); Student nobbie = new Student("Goran Bognanov", 15151); Course cSharp = new Course("C#"); Course cPlusPlus = new Course("C++"); Course java = new Course("Java"); nerd.JointInCourse(cSharp); nerd.JointInCourse(cPlusPlus); nerd.JointInCourse(java); Assert.AreEqual(3, nerd.Courses.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, nobbie.Courses.Count); }
public void RemoveCourse(Course course) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Courses.Count; i++) { if (this.Courses[i].Name == course.Name) { this.Courses.RemoveAt(i); this.courseIsNotFound = false; break; } } if (this.courseIsNotFound) { throw new ArgumentException("The course is not found!"); } }